《Nevertheless, A Fantasy World》Nevertheless, A First Weekend Chapter 6


“Ah, I’ve meaning to go to this kind of store ever since we set foot in the city earlier!” Sigrun exclaimed as he started going around inside the store.

Currently, the trio is in a store favored for gaming. It was one thing the caught Sigrun’s eyes as they took their time looking for things for Sigrun to buy. Of course, he already has daily necessities, but what Sigrun is looking for right now is things he may like.

As such, Sigrun’s recently added addiction is, of course, video games.

“There is a lot to choose from. But do know that they are quite expensive.” Reed said with a worried voice.

“Well, I think looking around would be enough for me today! I haven’t beaten the game yesterday and I think I’ll have a hard time with it.” Sigrun replied as his eyes started darting around again with great expectancy.

“Reed…if Sigrun turns into a gaming junkie, I’ll strangle you!” Alisa said with directed hostility to Reed.

“That, I’ll prevent to happen…” Reed said while pulling back a little.

“Hmph, might as well try to gather some writing materials here since this is my first time here. How about you, Reed? You uploaded several walkthroughs for the past three months now.” Alisa said as she takes her phone out.

“Ah, amateur walkthroughs. It’s not like I am trying to be famous but it’s fun when I stream. Can you feature me in your next blog?” Reed asked gleefully as he started looking at the consoles lined-up in the glass case.

SirTempest04, Reed’s channel where he does walkthroughs and live streams from time to time. Why such name is made? No one knows.

On top of being the winner of the state competition last year of Tier 4 Degree 1-5, with Alisa as his final opponent, Reed is also an avid gamer and has been addicted to it since young. Although now, he focuses on his studies, training to become strong, and more other than gaming, he still finds time to do so.

Alisa’s blog is named BlazeBlog with her strong element as the namesake. Alisa is a blogger where she uploads videos about basic inscriptions with a lot of variety of enhancements and elements, however, lately, people are also giving positive feedbacks to her daily posts about some of her life.

“Then, what are you going to write about?” Reed, returned to Alisa after several minutes.


“Hmm, this is quite an interesting place, to be honest…however…there’s a room where…adult can only enter. That place, is it what I think of it? The one with a large R-18 sign?” Alisa tried to glance again where the said room is located.

“Please go away! This place is not for a child like you! On top of that, you are a girl!” A loud voice echoed through the room.

“Eh?! Just a peek! A peek won’t kill!” An adorable high pitch voice answered back.

Reed and Alisa glance at each other with dilated eyes and sweat foreboding to drop from their forehead and lips frozen in a funny smile.

“”SIGRUN!”” The two exclaimed as they started walking-like running to the direction of the voices.

As soon as they got there within a few seconds, what beholds their sights is Sigrun with both of his hand on his waists while glaring at the astoundingly large man with horns jutting out from his head. Possibly, it’s an Alpsis. He is wearing clothes for employees for the store.

“Ah, you two! You are with this girl, right? She was trying to enter this room!” The man said with a complicated face.

“I’m a potential customer and I will pay for what I fancy! Please let me enter!” Sigrun yelled as he tried to sneak a peek behind the man.

The three of them…started gathering attention again. Reed and Alisa have a tired countenance but nevertheless, they grabbed Sigrun’s shoulder and started dragging him away.

“Ah…what’s wrong, you two?” Sigrun asked with a nonchalant tone.

“I’m sorry for her behavior. She is a curious girl so please let her off.” Alisa said so in which she purposely addressed Sigrun as a girl to the man.

“Sig, there are better games at this corner…” Reed said as he and Alisa continued dragging him away.

The man who faced Sigrun’s indomitable desire to see something lewd just to see him get dragged away has a blank and clueless expression.

As such, Alisa and Reed promised inside their hearts to keep an eye on Sigrun, especially when something pervy will be involved.

“I’m getting blue-balled here.” Sigrun said.

Alisa only tilted her head in confusion. As for Reed, he only laughs weakly because he knows what Sigrun just said.

“One way or another, Sigrun came down from the mountain because he wants to learn this Era’s way of living. One thing that I remembered him saying was he is craving for…s-sex. We have to do something about it sooner or later…” Reed thought with a perplexed face.


As the two continues to drag Sigrun away, possibly from the shop itself, something caught his eyes.

“Oh, what’s that game?!” Sigrun said as he breaks away from Alisa and Reed’s grasps and heads towards a corner where a game is being played for trial.

“The Hero’s Phantasm: Third Remake?” Sigrun reads the title of the game where the poster portrays a man with a strong lean built body with a blue sword and dons heroic armor.

“Ah, that game! Now that I remember, it was released a week ago, the remake that is. To accommodate today’s astounding consoles spec, they made a better graphics and more story content. Incidentally, I have the latest console for it.” Reed said as he watches the game unfurl before him.

“Eeeh…? What is it about?” Sigrun asked another question.

“Hahaha! Apparently, it’s about…about…the…hero of…Aldieas…it’s a game about you…” Reed’s joyful words tone down to a weak mutter as he realized what kind of a game it is.

“Eh…? EH?! Really?! Hey, I want this!” Sigrun’s eyes beamed with sparkles.

“Sig…you do realize that it is going to be a game full of overdramatization and fictitious content flying all over, right?” Alisa reminded Sigrun who dearly hates the storybook about him.

“Eh? But it’s only a game. I’m kind of excited to see what it’s like!” Sigrun replied as he turns towards the game. However, for that very instant, his eyes grew wider and he becomes even paler than he is now.

“T-that much?!” He shouted as he saw the price.

“Ah, I bet it’s over your budget.” Reed said with eyes emptied of life. “You have to save up in advance and buy the game at its peak to enjoy the content before spoilers start popping out…” he added with visible scars in his heart reveals itself.

“Fufufu! Don’t worry, Sig! I can buy it for you! Behold, in your eyes, the power of the Hertuclaire, a master card!” Alisa laughs in evil as she brought out a golden card with a black line on the bottom.

“Oh?! That card! That’s Alisa for you!” Reed exclaimed in joy as he stares at the golden card.

“I don’t know what that is but I bet it’s amazing!” Sigrun followed as he also stares at the card.

“Fufufu! If Sig wishes for it, I will really buy it, a piece of cake.” She boasted with a huge grin.

“Yes! A-Although I feel like I am taking advantage of you so I pay it one way or another!” Sigrun nervously said as he stares at Alisa’s cool back as she walks toward the counter.

“Alisa, so cool!” Sigrun complemented.

“Yeah! The power of money!” Reed added.

A few moments later, the three of them are sitting on a bench with crestfallen faces.

“They don’t process card…” Alisa said with shaky eyes like her world is falling apart.

Beside her is Sigrun, on the verge of tears as his hope were all blown to smithereens like a glass mercilessly shattered. Beside Sigrun is Reed with a face the lost all hope and faith to humanity, staring blankly at his hands that are clenched atop of his knees.

“I’m sorry…Sigrun…” Alisa muttered lifelessly.

“It’s not your fault Alisa…it’s not your fault that I felt this deep bitterness in my chest…it’s not your fault that I am feeling really broken right now…” Sigrun said as he strained his eyes to stop his tears.

“I want to roll over and fall in a hole right now…” Alisa muttered as she took her phone out and typed those exact words to post on her blog. Though she really didn’t post it.

The strong atmosphere of depravity reeks from the three and of course, people are looking at them worriedly. In fact, these three celebrities are currently the topic on a particular site where they have an abomination amount of fans.

“Oh, my eyes aren’t really playing tricks on me. It’s Papa Reed, Mama Alisa, and little Sigrun. What are you guys doing all down like that?” Suddenly a voice snaps them back to reality.

“Papa Reed?!” Reed shouted in shock.

“M-Mama Alisa?!” Alisa also shouted in confusion.

“Little Sigrun…?” Sigrun only muttered in confusion.

In their front stands Amaryl with a smile on her face while holding a phone in one hand and a burger at the other.

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