《Nevertheless, A Fantasy World》Nevertheless, A First Weekend Chapter 5


The City of Brent is known worldwide for its vastness. Simply put, not only the Estelle Harmonia Magic Academy that stands as one of its famous establishment. This city is also the mixing pot of a variety of races with little to no discrimination with help from the law.

A community built on mutual trust, a place where economic sure is to boom, and a place of opportunity for a lot of hopeful people.

As such, stores of variety has come flocking, tall buildings and companies started rising, thus, giving birth to an era where economic growth and prosperity comes first instead of racial discrimination. Though there are minor instances where it becomes a topic, it never hindered how the city prosper.

The City of Brent is divided into fifteen districts. There are seven districts solely immersed in houses, small infrastructure, and communities wherein normal schools and kindergarten is built. Moreover, small marketplaces and such also takes places.

Four districts are dedicated to the large companies, businesses, magical firms, and even societies that focus on research whether they are magical or not is established. This district is where people find jobs or venture that risks of a business. Incidentally, cars, trains, and other transportation method are almost concentrated on this area for the reason these districts are in the middle of the whole city while the residential districts span outward from the center.

One district goes for Estelle Harmonia Magic Academy itself to accommodate its growing structure over the course of years and more years to come. Needless to say, such large area is needed for the construction of the Exturbos to keep the peace in the city.

The rest of the districts goes to the sub-urban places where fields such as rice are grown. These districts are stationed close to the mountains where it is said that birthed the magical leylines that outgrows throughout the world. The effect of the dense magical energy produces healthy and rich yieldings from anything that was grown there.

As such, the City of Brent is treated as the powerhouse of the economy. They continuously import and export resources internationally giving a rise in prosperity too for other cities across the globe.

And of course, a rich yield in agriculture leads to healthy and delicious food which leads to our trio now who took refuge from the city’s pedestrian and watchful eyes in a family restaurant called Lemon Cat.

“Aaaah!~ Delicious! This cream thing is delicious!” Sigrun squeals in utter pleasure as he took a spoonful of a vanilla ice cream topped with fruits such as strawberry and mango.

“Jumping straight to a dessert after eating carbonara…Well, I can’t blame you. Here, look here Sig.” Alisa said as she took out her phone and aimed the camera at Sigrun.


“Hmm?” Sigrun absentmindedly looks at Alisa’s phone.


“Eh? What was that?!” Sigrun immediately asked as a light momentarily blinks.

“Oh, it’s only the camera on my phone, aaaand…uploaded. Hey, hey, Reed, I’ve uploaded something in my blog!” Alisa said as she called out to Reed who is sipping a lemon juice from a staw.

“Hmm? Let’s see…” Reed said as he took out his phone. He traces his hand across the screen for some minutes and exclaimed something. “Ah, there it is. Let me give a good feedback on the Eating Face of Sigrun.” Reed said as he clicks something on his phone.

“What are you guys talking about?” Sigrun asked with a quizzical eye as he continued lopping of ice cream from his spoon.

“Ah, this? I just showed the world your eating face, Sig. You are quite getting popular nowadays so I’ll take the opportunity to announce that you and I are friends.” Alisa said as she handed her phone to Sig and showed his eating face.

“Ah, it’s me! Wait…BlazeBlog? Witter?” Sigrun said as he reads the words highlighted.

“BlazeBlog is the name of my blog, something where I write things and show some pictures. I also upload videos from time to time too. Witter is the website. When you get your phone, I’ll teach!” Alisa said.

“Ah…of course…you have already two hundred thousand subscriber…ther are already comments piling up.” Reed said as he started reading the comments.

“Eh? What does it say?!” Sigrun jumps out from his seat and started looking at Reed’s phone.

“Cute, heart heart heart. I want to take Sigrun home and tie him up…” Sweat started slipping from Reed’s forehead.

“I heard he is a boy, now my gender doesn’t matter anymore…” Another streak of sweat started dripping.

“This comment might get flagged down but I’ll say it anyway, for Blazeblog’s sake, take this cutie’s face down. We goin’ huntin’ for today.” Reed knitted his brows.

“Ahh…there are many more…Don’t you think it’s rather unwise that you did that?” Reed directed a question to Alisa.

“Hmm? Nah, one way or another, Sig’s face will soon be the talk of the whole city and appearing on social media and in the news will become inevitable. Even now, you saw people taking his pictures, right? This is just a great way to establish that Sig is connected to the Hertuclaire household. Well, not to mention that the Headmaster officially adopted him.” Alisa gave a sound argument.

“This is the social media we are talking about. Well, whatever…by the way, Sig, I just noticed that you can read perfectly. Did you studied beforehand before going down from the mountains?” Reed asked as he looks at the chomping Sigrun.


“No, luckily, today’s letters and vocabulary doesn’t differ from the past, except there are a lot of terms and verbal tic that makes no sense to me.” Sigrun answered.

“Oh, then adjusting won’t be that hard from the start. Anyway, Sig, are not done yet?” Reed asked with impatient countenance.

“Hmm? I want to savor this taste for a while…” Sigrun said as he licks the spoon.

Alisa and Reed imagined that gesture with their minds falling to the gutter. They unconsciously gulped simultaneously as Sigrun playfully licks at the ice cream.

“Sigrun…hurry up…we are…actually gathering a lot of audiences.” Alisa said as she stares at the pedestrian gathering outside. Some of them are even taking unprohibited pictures.

“Welp, no can do. Let’s go.” Sigrun said as he stands up from his seat and beckons the two.

With that, the trio once again began their venture in the bustling city. They first headed to a department store.

“OooooowahHH! The air is freezing!” Sigrun happily said.

“I’m surprised that you can still tell something about the temperature when you are an almighty existence.” Reed said nonchalantly.

“Ah! I’m not some monster! If I put my mind into it, then that’s the time where even the sun can’t bother me, however, if I relax, I can get a good grasp of pretty much anything basic for normal people.” Sigrun explained poutily.

“Eh? Isn’t that pretty much controlling yourself already?” Alisa beamed a question.

“Of course I’ve practiced it several hundred years ago! If not, how can I even feel pleasure from having se--!” Before Sigrun could say something further, Reed covered his mouth.

“Okay, I have to stop you there! We’re in public place! Let’s buy that wallet and a bag for you.” Reed said as he started pulling on Sig’s hand.

“Ah, your pulling on my hand? What are you, my lover or something? Maybe I should start pulling on Alisa’s hand too.” Sigrun said in a teasing tone.

Noticing this, Reed immediately let go of his hand with a flustered face. He snaps a look at Alisa and glances a little on her hand.

“Wha—I…let’s go…” Unable to hide his embarrassment, Reed only turns his head away and started walking.

“What’s his problem?” Alisa muttered with disappointment.

After that, the three of them arrived at the place where bags and wallets are sold altogether in the clothes aisle. The store has cabinets which store a lot of variety to choose from. It’s well lit with fluorescent lights all over the ceiling and the atmosphere is calm with the white paint of the walls blending with the serenity.

The sheer amount of products has already astounded Sigrun several times already and as soon as they arrived at the place, he was livid.

“A-amazing! These are all wallets, right? This where you put your money, right? Back then we only have a leather pouch where you put gold coins and such!” Sigrun said as he started running around, looking for a wallet to his liking.

“L-Leather pouch?” Alisa said with a frigid smile.

“Gold coins…” Reed followed with curiosity.

Seeing that Sigrun is joyful, Reed and Alisa watch him with warm eyes. However, when their eyes met, something like a spark flew.

“Reed…what do you say? Let’s choose something for Sig ourselves. If he like what either you and I pick, we can take custody of bringing him home later!” Alisa suggested with an evil smile.

“Alisa…tsk, tsk, tsk. Were you thinking that Sig will like something girly? Naïve. I’ll be the one who will bring Sig home today as well.” Reed said with eyes brimming with determination.

And so, the spark of rivalry started.

Alisa and Reed started looking frantically at the store. The onlooking clerks then watch the three frolics around the store and eventually, they smiled warmly.

After ten minutes, Alisa and Reed bring to Sigrun their item of choices.

“Here, Sig, I think this one is good!” Alisa said as she showed a white leather wallet with a strap. Its design is simple as it folds into two and at the two panel, there are a lot of compartment. The most distinguishable feature that the wallet has is the cute bunny design.

“Oh, cute!” Sigrun exclaimed as he looks intently at the wallet.

“Sig, rather than that, look at this one!” Reed said as he handed the wallet to Sigrun. It was an elongated black leather wallet with rough feels on its cover. Inside is several compartments where cards can be inserted and it guarantees that the banknote won’t fold as it closes. It has some ominous design like crosses and such.

“That’s cool too!” Sigrun happily exclaimed as he takes the wallet from Reed’s hand.

Sigrun happily looks at the two wallets. His smile perks Alisa and Reed to curiosity as they wait for Sigrun to choose.

“Hmm, you two are buying this right? It’s a good choice! It perfectly fits your personality!” Sigrun, with a beaming smile, returns it to them and walks off with a wallet between his flank and elbow.

“I want to buy this!” Sigrun said to the store clerk and proceeded with the payment. The wallet that Sigrun chose is a simple brown leather wallet with a smooth design. Most likely, he chose the most simple as the best.

Meanwhile, Reed and Alisa have whitened faces and blank eyes all the while watching Sigrun finish his payment.

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