《Nevertheless, A Fantasy World》Nevertheless, A First Weekend Chapter 4


The whole place becomes still and calm but overloaded with dense magical energy. God who knows how powerful it is, as it exudes brilliance and pressure that none could ever imagine. The absurd existence is deeply etched in Reed and Alisa’s eyes.

A blue azure sword manifested in Sigrun’s hand. The beautiful sword shows no sign of any intricate design and craftsmanship, however, the clear azure colored sword befuddled them despite the pressure it gives off feels like squeezing them.

Reed’s house is filled with a bluish radiance that spills out from every window of the house. The two onlookers felt like the whole world is dyed with its brilliance.

“Oh, I need to cut my hair immediately.” Sigrun exclaimed as he hurriedly scooped his hair, measured it, and aimed the sword.

As the sword swings, the air shook as if the whole world was moved. Sigrun’s hair that was trimmed up to his knees was cut without even a slight resistance. While he was at it, Sigrun also trimmed some of his bangs into a blunt cut.

As soon as Sigrun finished the task, he dematerializes the sword into thin air which also came with the pressure that it gives, even the dazzling light.

“Phew, I didn’t know that I’ll use that sword once again to cut my hair.” Sigrun said as he sighed. The hair that once a part of his lays one the ground.

“Sig…that’s…what was that…?” Alisa blankly asked as the dazed hasn’t worn off yet from her face. Her countenance is pale and her eyes could only stare at Sigrun.

“Ah, well, I asked you if it’s alright but…” Sigrun timidly said.

“Sig, that was amazing! That sword…! As expected of the Hero!” Reed got back on his wits and started showing excitement like a child. He ran towards Sigrun and started pressuring him for answers.

“The alarm was blaring all along…” Alisa muttered as she peers outside of the house.

Alisa was able to come to her wits too and immediately noticed that while Sigrun brought out that sword, the alarm sounded off.

“That sword is called Cosmic Blade. Hmm, rather than calling it a blade, it is the power of cosmos taking in a form of a blade to become usable.” Sigrun explained.

“Sig, in your legend, it is said that you planted your sword at the edge of the world. Is that the truth?” Reed asked.

“That book full of lies?! Please stop using that as the reference! The sword that I planted is not on the edge of the world! That was overdramatized in the first place! Where do you even find the edge of the world?!” Sigrun said poutily in an irritated tone

“Sorry, Sig…but, that sword.” Reed, though apologizing, pesters with the same subject.

“I planted a sword in a really far away continent. Ah, but knowing that people of this era have developed much, I guess you have already seen where it is. That sword is not mine. The one who owned it was Order, the Vajra of Cosmos.” Sigrun replied in a carefree tone.


“You mean to say that the two of you hold a similar sword? If that’s the case, you are saying that you and that Order are equally powerful?!” Alisa asked in an anxious voice.

“Ah, no, no. We did both wield the same sword but if I compare myself with Order, I am like a level one hero bringing legendary items and a slightly stronger sword in a fight while Order is a level one thousand with the same sword.” Reed and Alisa widen their eyes with Sigrun’s comparison that seemingly saying that Order is a league stronger than him.

So far, Sigrun has shown a little of his power. Generally speaking, Sigrun’s is akin to a level of a god for them, however, hearing that someone was stronger than Sigrun just made Reed and Alisa breaks out in cold sweat.

“Don’t worry, Order…is no more. I did say that she was stronger but the current me is a lot stronger now that I have all the thirteen cores of the Vajras. Anyway, do you two knows what happened to that sword?” Sigrun proceeded to asked at two of them.

Reed and Alisa look at each other but surprisingly, the two tilted.

“Sorry, Sig, we don’t know.” Alisa said with an apologetic tone.

“That’s okay! It’s not like anyone can just use that sword anyway. Moving on, how is it? My haircut?” Sigrun asked as he twirls around swinging the hair.

“”Ooooh!!”” Alisa and Reed both exclaimed as they watch the graceful black hair that only reaches up to Sigrun’s knees. They even clapped at how straight the hair was cut.

“Really cute, I think with that, we can just tie it in a ponytail!” Alisa said with a glee as she walks around Sigrun.

“Alisa, I think twintails is better!” Reed immediately gave his opinion.

“Twintails? Are you some kind of creep?!” Alisa countered Reed’s suggestion.

“Hey, this is my hair! I like it when it just lay down like this. The braid was too bulky for me too.” Sigrun said as he brushed his hair with his fingers.

After for a while, the three bantered on what the best hairstyle for Sigrun even though his appeal was ignored multiple of times. They only settled with what Sigrun wanted when they felt the hunger. However, even at that, Reed and Alisa started bantering on what should Sigrun wears until both of them are satisfied with a choice after twenty minutes.

Then they go out.

“Geez, you two quarrel at the most unimportant matters! Look, it’s almost noon!” Sigrun angrily said as he walks down the street.

“What?! What you wear is also important for me! Don’t complain now, I will treat you to something sweet, okay?” Alisa said as she follows behind Sigrun.

“I did my part too. So I say, I think I got a potential for this kind of thing.” Reed said as he keenly observe Sigrun’s attire.

Sigrun is wearing a buttoned blue shirt with puffy sleeves. The hem is tucked inside the denim shorts that cut before reaching the knees. Over the buttoned shirt is a pale gray sleeveless cardigan fashioned with cute frills at the hem. He also wears a knee-length pair of sock that are black in color dashed with a pair of casual brown boots.


“It’s a perfect city girl attire…well, the one wearing it is a boy though…” Alisa said with a frigid smile as she felt her points as a girl being diminished as she stares at Sigrun’s lovely appearance. “HE.IS.A.FREAKING.BOY!” She shouted inside her mind.


A figure of crimson Exturbo marches. Beneath it is armed polices walking alternately. The trio quizzically stares at the marching squadron. One of the police armed with a rifle notices them and approached them sternly.

“Pardon me. Sir and Misses, surely you have heard the alarm going off earlier, right?” The man asked politely. His sight landed on Sigrun which made him a little tense. “Y-You are Sigrun Valker, right? Ah, I am sorry for my rudeness!” The man said as he lightly bows.

“Don’t be. May I ask what’s happening here?” Sigrun questioned the man.

“Well, you see the warning earlier is said to be false alarm according to your father. However, it’s hard to believe that it is because of that strong pressure earlier. No one knows what it is and your father hasn’t said anything yet.” The man explained.

“Fath--? Ah, yes, Father, my father, Papa. Well, what are you guys doing now?” Sigrun followed another question which made the man tense again.

“Yes! We are making sure that everything is safe. It is a daily routine but with a heavier number of forces. It’s a display that we are making sure that the people are safe. Some district did close up or immediately moved to a shelter. That’s why we are going around announcing that the warning earlier is a false alarm.” The man explained as he glosses over the district.

“I see! Then, is there any district in which activity has returned to normal? My friends did plan something today but because of the warning earlier…um…things got…complicated?” Sigrun timidly asked as he slowly realized again that he is the caused of it.

“Ah, we just got into this district but most places have returned to their normal activities. People have started going out too. We are also here, Miss..err…uh...Sir…? The dearest child of Headmaster Meld. Anyway, we are here to make everyone safe so please don’t worry! We will protect you!” The man said as he puffs out his chest.

“Ah, I’ll be counting on you guys then! Thank you for your continued service!” Sigrun replied with a natural smile.

The man returned after a few moments of being stunned by the dazzling Sigrun. The trio left the man with a gaping mouth in astonishment of what Sigrun portrayed.

“An idiot.” Alisa thought as he looked back at the man.

“Let’s look for a place to eat now! Hmm, how about some soba?” Reed suggested.

“SOBA?! That’s the most idiotic suggestion you have said today! We could go to a fine dining restaurant or something.” Alisa laid down her own suggestion.

“Hey! I’ll go broke! Don’t drag me into your rich world or I’ll find myself penniless by the end of the month!” Reed exclaimed as he pats on his pocket where his wallet poorly weeps.

“Wait, Alisa, are your parents fine with this? I know someone is watching you from afar. Looks like one of the maids you have back at the mansion but did he approved of your outing today?” Sigrun asked Alisa with an anxious countenance.

“Oh, It’s fine. And…Eh?! Someone is following us?!” Alisa shouted as she started looking around with panic.

“Come to think of it, father gave me my allowance yesterday. I want to try buying some things but I guess eating comes first. Anywhere is fine.” Sigrun said as he took out the envelope containing his money.

“Ah…fine. Let’s eat in a family restaurant somewhere. After that, let’s buy you some wallet to put that money in. Then, let’s look at some shop where you can buy a phone.” Alisa suggested as she started constructing their plans today.

“Wait, Alisa, don’t expect for Sig to outright buy a phone.” Reed said.

“Ah, of course, it’s not Sig who will buy it. I will make a petition to that headmaster! Poor Sigrun needs something so he can call us anytime.” Alisa replied to Reed’s worries.

“Eh? Is it really necessary for me to have that…phone?” Sigrun asked with timidity. “I don’t think I’ll be in danger or anything…” he added.

“Oh, but what if you get lost? Well?” Alisa steers closer to Sigrun’s face with a wicked smile.

“Kuh…eh…fine. But you don’t have to pressure father! I think I’ll try earning it for my own.” Sigrun countered at Alisa’s query.

“Earn? By allowance? Your naïve, naïve I said, Sig! You don’t know the temptation the city brings!” Reed said with a gleaming smile.

Sigrun tilted his head from Reed’s enthusiastic remark.

Slowly, as they are walking, Sigrun notices that the scenery of blocks of houses started changing. Store of various wares, foods, services, and establishment started becoming more prominent.

The pedestrian started becoming thick and cars started passing by.

Sigrun notices that establishments with sweets such as cake, crepes, candies and more. Even bread there are alluding to his innocent eyes, or rather, for someone who is too behind to modern knowledge. Because he experienced that joy of console games and such, the arcade and some particular shops that display games, especially erotics one, caught his eyes.

And so, second by second, his eyes got pulled to a lot of places giving a rise in temptation to visit every shop available.

“See, this is the temptation the city will offer to you.” Reed nonchalantly said.

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