《Nevertheless, A Fantasy World》Nevertheless, A First Weekend Chapter 3


A towering pile of corpse bathed with nothing but blood stands out in a seemingly peaceful field of flowers. Along the way, bodies of varying races laid lifeless as their life was taken by a single slash. Even the fragrance of the flower cannot overpower the stench of the dead bodies gives off.

Humans, Vasters, Serensis’s, Oreals, and Alpsis. All of them are warriors armed with weapons and armors made for a great scale of war. However, despite preparing a huge force, none was even spared except for one man who came with them.

Black hair with eyes matching it, the man stood almost two meters in height. He is garbed with a teal colored coat and pale dusk armor, a very image of a strong warrior, or rather, a hero.

In front of the hero is the culprit for taking so many lives, a woman who is also wearing armor ashen in color that only reveals her slender shoulder and thighs. Her brown healthy skin reveals itself and her silver hair sways with the wind. Her glowing yellow eyes observe the man in front of her with curiosity and vigilance.

For the two of them, each one holds a sword as pure as the azure sky above them. It is a sword that could bring a total destruction in which the man holds a sword untainted while the woman wields a bloodied one.

However, in the mind of the man, all who could think of is amazement. Instead of anger and vengeance for the fallen comrades around him, he thought of the woman as beautiful, gallant, and even angelic. The man is in awe not only for the woman’s beauty but for her purpose of doing such brutality. He couldn’t blame her and he couldn’t even hate her.

Slowly…the vision of the man started fading into darkness…

The glimmer of the woman who is wielding the same sword started becoming dim and his consciousness started drifting away. He even reaches out his hand but to no avail, none reached out for him…

Everything went dark…

However, he felt a new sensation amidst the dark…

His body is being shaken…

“Sig…Hey…Sig…wake up!” A voice of a man entered his ears.


“Hey! Come on! A-Alisa is here!” The man once again spoke in a flustered tone.

“Ali…sa? Alisa? Ah?” Sigrun then opens his eyes. In front of him is Reed who bears a pale face.

Sigrun gets up in a hurry just to find himself laying on the sofa. In his belly lays down the console’s controller. In the table is several chips and bottle of colas are scattered. He even noticed that his hair is tangled around his body.

At the edge of the sofa is Reed with a frigid smile seemingly trying to force himself into it. At the back of the sofa is Alisa who is wearing a casual dress composed of a cardigan and a buttoned shirt inside together with a pleated skirt that goes below her knees, is looking at Sigrun with a perplexed expression.

“A…life of a bum…” Alisa muttered with a sigh.

“Ahahaha…Alisa…why did you visit early in the morning?” Reed timidly asked as he tries to avert his eyes from Alisa.

“That’s…none of your business! No, actually, I’m here to check on Sig and look what I found out, he is already having an unhealthy lifestyle!” Alisa scolded as her fox ears and tail perks up in anger.


“Good Morning, Alisa.” Sigrun greeted Alisa as he tries to unbundle his hair around his body.

“As for you Sig! Did you even ate properly?! Did you…even had a b-bath yesterday?! From what I can see, you just enjoyed your whole night playing games!” Alisa turns her scold to Sigrun with a firm stance.

“Ah, I ate these chips.” Sigrun said as he pointed at the mess of a table.

Alisa immediately bats an eye to Reed who is standing like a statue, sweating profusely and frozen like an ice.

“Reed! And you said yesterday that you’d take care of him! Why, of all place, is he even sleeping on the sofa?! Without even any blankets covering him and with even a joystick on his body?!” Alisa roared in anger as she started pointing at the innocent controller.

“B-Being as a hero and someone strong…I figured Sig doesn’t need much attention regarding those.” Reed reasoned while taking a peek at Sigrun.

“Well, don’t be so angry with him Alisa. Like what Reed said, I can live without eating much. Sleeping conditions are one of my least concerns too. Also, with this body, I don’t even have to use the toilet since everything that I eat and drink is broken down to magical energy in which altogether, brings my body nutrients too.” Sigrun explained.

“That’s too convenient! No, wait, what I wanted to say is, Sig, even with those conveniences, I’d rather have you eat something, healthily at that. Maybe that’s why your body is stuck at that!” Alisa said with an extremely sincere and concerned tone.

“Hey! Even I is once a man with redeeming masculinity! I was once standing almost two meters in height and had toned muscles!” Sigrun defended his self of Alisa’s accusation.

“Eh?! Really?! Why is your body like that now?!” Reed immediately asked.

“Hmm, it naturally degraded into this as time passes. I think because of my body’s strong life force and natural strength, it deemed that muscles, stature, and even height are useless. It took a hundred of years before everything melted. Before I knew it, I’m like this…” Sigrun said with a crestfallen face.

“Argh! Let’s stop with all this fantastic convenience of being a millennium years old hero and move on! Sig, today, let’s go out! We’ll have you get familiarized with the whole city!” Alisa scratches her head with irritation.

“Ah…about breakfast…?” Reed asked as he started turning towards the kitchen.

“Bah! Let’s eat out! Also, there are two more concerns that I want to state!” Alisa brought her hand and raises two fingers. “One, I am having trouble contacting you, Reed! I have to get your number. It will be a little convenient too if we can get Sig to learn how to use phones.” Alisa brought out her own phone and urges Reed to get his.

“Right! We’ve known each other for a year now but we really never exchanged contact details. But hey, I’ve seen your blogs several times now on the net!” Reed happily said as he also brought out his phone and activates his infrared to prepare for contact exchange.

“Oh, be sure to subscribe then. Ah, I got your info now.” Alisa made a subtle advertisement. “Then, the second this is…” As Alisa continued, she takes a look at Sigrun.


“Hey…my hair is kind of really tangled…” Sigrun said with pleading eyes.

“That. Sig, your hair is way too long. I don’t hate it but it would be a real inconvenience not only for you but for all of us.” Alisa said as she stares at the black silky hair with knitted brows.

“I don’t have any problems if the need to cut it arises. No, I’m not against it if you want to have it cut short now.” Sigrun said as he managed to untangle his hair from his body.

“Hmm, I see. I’ll go get a scissor.” Reed said as he turns heels and started walking away.

“Wait a minute you dumbass. Do you think…a normal scissors can really cut Sig’s hair?!” Alisa then reminded Reed of the fact of how strong Sigrun’s hair is.

“Then…a hatchet?” Reed dumbfoundedly said with a head tilt.

“That won’t do. Sig, what do you usually use to trim your hair?” Alisa poses a question to Sigrun as Reed’s suggestion proven hopeless.

“Umm…I have something I made many years ago back in my house at the top of the mountain. I can get that now but It’ll be night before I can return.” Sigrun exclaimed as he looks at his own hair.

“That won’t do…is there anything else?” Alisa tried to look for alternatives.

“There is. It can easily cut my hair, however, are you…sure about this? I mean…every time I bring out a portion of my power, something dangerous might happen.” Sigrun asked.

“Dangerous?” Reed then asked with a tone seeking for answer.

“Yeah! For example, when I simply used Agni, a fountain of flames immediately pierces the heaven. That was the first day I came to this city. When I summoned Tera’s core, the whole land must have felt its brilliance.” Sigrun said. “And the thing that I am talking about is…err…” Sigrun’s words trailed off.

“Is it going to destroy this city?!” Alisa asked in a hurry.

“No, it won’t. With it, it won’t take me a minute to cut my hair short.” Sigrun answered in a rush.

“Well, I guess its fine if you say so. If you can quickly do it, then let’s start.” Alisa said as she runs away and hid behind the kitchen counter in which Reed also followed.

“Ahahaha! Don’t worry. Like I said, it won’t do any damages as long as I don’t use it for offense.” Sigrun reassured as he held his hand in the air.

Spanning the time a little…

At the Estelle Harmonia Magic Academy Head Office, Meld Valker looks at the city through his glass window.

Even though it’s weekend, his job never ceases. He handles everything from the affairs regarding the academy to the city’s defense. As such, he is in that place to readily give out orders if anything happens, specifically, to deploy Exturbos.

Such is a life the Estelle Academy’s Headmaster and one of the Ten Paladins.

“The city is peaceful too today.” Meld said with a relieve on his face.

“That’s the flag.” Quarts said as he relaxes on the couch.

“Shut up, Quarts…” Meld replied with a sharp tone that is seemingly annoyed.

At the moment, both of them felt a sensation they never felt before. The alarm blared off and the whole city is suddenly attacked by a strong pressure.

“What?!” Meld shouted as he snaps a glance at the city in which he finds normal in any way.

“Just when I told you that was a flag…” Quarts said as he took his laptop and started typing.

Meld immediately reaches out for the phone resting on his table, however, before he can even pick it up, it rang. Rather, his phone in his pocket also rang.

“What is the meaning of this?” Meld answered both and held it with his hands over his ears.

“Hello…” He said as he started listening to the two voices. As seconds pass by, his face becomes pale in a blink of an eye.

“Headmaster…what happened?!” Quarts asked as he started clacking on the keyboard furiously. Meld’s phone though, kept ringing without abandon so he left all the calls unanswered.

“Quarts…this sensation…it feels like it is more dangerous than a large meteor striking down on Aldieas! Even Xilia City, one of the farthest city from here…felt it…!” Meld said. “Quarts, order all the Exturbos to be deployed! I’ll call all the Paladins for an emergency meeting!” Meld said as he started marching away.

Quarts in a hurry followed. The alarm is still blaring as the heavy sensation attacked them. It seems that the sensation was too wide and strong, the pressure immediately prompted all Exturbo pilot to move even without Meld’s order yet.

“What with this hellish sensati—Hmm? It’s…gone?” Meld’s pale face was replaced by a quizzical one as the pressure was lifted. He grits his teeth as the sensation wore off. “However, even if it is gone, there might be something big…” Meld muttered. He continued walking as he started dialing a number of one of the Paladins.

“Ah…found it.” Quarts said.

Meld immediately bats an eye to Quarts who is now grinning impishly seemingly trying to hold his laughter back.

“What’s so funny?! Quarts…that sensation earlier might be a threat that could…wait…what…did you found?!” Meld asked with a tired tone.

“What? Wahaha…Hahaha! Well, ah…how do I say this…?!” Quarts said with a grin and constant laughter.

“Is it…?” Meld scratches his neck as irritation towards Quarts grew at an amazing rate.

“Ah, the signal, the point of the pressure earlier, through satellite, I found out where it came from. It came from Reed Chelle’s house.” Quarts said with a glee smile that seemingly mocking Meld.

“Lord Hertuclaire did call me last night…Sigrun again?!” Meld exclaimed as he snaps his phone open and started dialing numbers. “False alarm! All units stand down! Falls alarm!” He shouted in anger.

“Ahahaha! Headmaster, what are you going to do?” Quarts asked.

“Of course, explain everything to each City’s governor. I’ll have to call the Paladins too to explain it. I can’t hide about Sigrun forever…” Meld sighs as he started dialing more numbers. “And here I thought my weekend will be a laid-back one…” he added.

“Oh, good luck!” Quarts cheered.

“You’re coming with me!” Meld shouted.

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