《Nevertheless, A Fantasy World》Nevertheless, A First Weekend Chapter 2


The humble household of the Chelle.

Reed Chelle went straight to the bathroom and prepared hot water to use so he can wash off every sweat and dirt from his body. Leaving Sigrun in the guest room with books to read, Reed proceeded to take a bath after several minutes of preparing the hot water.

Feeling excited about the bath, Reed removes all of his clothes and gleefully went into the bathroom and went for the hand shower. All the fatigue and sweat slowly trickle away from his trained and manly body.

The day was long and a match he enjoyed ended in his win. Reed cherishes the sensation of relaxation brought by the hot water.

That all ended when the glass panel door the separates the dressing room and the bathroom suddenly opens.

“Ah, as I thought, you are really taking a bath! You should have told me so!” Sigrun poutily said as he started removing the last garment from his body.

“Wait, Sig! The bath is too cramped…” Reed tried to tell Sigrun, however, the person in question has already entered, dragging all of his hair inside.

“No worries, we can still fit in that bathtub since I am small. Nevermind that, Reed, can you wash my back? My hair is fine since I use magic to clean it.” Sigrun asked while sitting in a small wooden chair.

“But can’t you just do that with your body too?!” Reed asked back while trying to avert his eyes from Sigrun with a reddened face.

“That’s that and this is this. Taking a bath is, naturally, a form of relaxation. I do it for pleasure.” Sigrun replied as he moves his butt to adjust to the chair. The supple yet delicate cheeks wobble that it immediately caught Reed’s eyes.

Sigrun parted his hair and gathers it all in front of him while he waits for Reed to wash his back. Reed didn’t have any choice but to do as Sigrun pleases. He took a foam squishes it several times. He then approaches Sigrun’s delicate back, a pure ceramic colored back that doesn’t even have any traces of masculinity.

“Here I go…” Reed muttered as he starts rubbing Sigrun’s back with the foam.

“Hngh…” Sigrun lets out faint voice as Reed moves up and down.

“M-Maybe the back isn’t enough. I should also wash here just in case…” Reed’s hand then creeps down towards Sigrun’s butt.

He gently fondles it as if it’s a treasure. He traces his palm on its firm roundness and tried to feel its elasticity. Seeing that Sigrun didn’t pose any words of complaints, Reed continues to touch Sigrun’s body up to his armpits, waists, shoulder, nape, clavicle, then it escalated to his thighs.

Even as he does those acts, Sigrun didn’t raise any voice of complaints and he continues his subtle assault. He scoots closer to further feel Sigrun’s delicate body. Reed was further tempted as he saw Sigrun’s ears painted with red.


“Male or not…this is…” Reed inwardly said as his reasons stated melting away.

“Ah!” Sigrun then leaked out a shout of a surprised voice that startled Reed.

“Reed…you’re…too excited. To press it against my back…you’re quite bold.” Sigrun said as he turns around and stares at Reed with a flushed face. “Do you really want to do it that much?” he added.

“Ah…no! But…it will just become backward so no thanks…” Reed holds himself back as he remembered that Sigrun is bisexual but would most likely be the dominant partner.

“No worries, If it is you, Reed, I don’t mind being dominated once. I’d like to try it out for once. To see how pleasurable it can get.” Sigrun sweetly said as he peers closer to Reed’s face. He presses his body against him and their faces become closer than ever.

Their ragged breaths intertwined and their heart starts racing. An intimate atmosphere started enveloping in what we called the bathroom of the Chelle Household.

A sweet moan started resounding together with a sound of body slapping together…

And then…!

“GRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” Alisa shouted with an extremely red countenance.


She bangs her head repeatedly on the wall with a strong fervor. She then runs around her room in utter panic as her imagination went too far. As if she got tired running, she laid down on the floor and started rolling on the carpet.

“URAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” She continued shouting until she hit her shin on the cabinet next to her study table.

“OW!” Alisa shouted in pain as her sanity went back.

“What’s wrong my lady, did you dropped your mind in some gutter along the way?” A maid said as she watches Alisa with a warm expression.

“That’s not it! I mean…it’s somehow…along the line…but…that’s not it!” Alisa said with both denial and acceptance.

“My lady, your father is looking for you.” The maid nonchalantly said, seemingly used to Alisa’s behavior.

“Argh! Right now?! Fine...” Alisa said as she gets up from the floor and started walking out of the room. She started heading towards her father’s workshop on the first floor. She climbed down on the third floor with stomps.

As she entered, the smell of mixed materials of wood and metal entered her nose. Magical energy wafts in the air as it is continuously generated. The room is still bright as the sun poses to be before dusk.

“Father, what do you want?!” Alisa shouted calmly.

“Hmm? Alisa! My, my, are you here to give me a warm hug? My, how hopeless you are!” Alisa’s father playfully said as he spread his arms wide.

“Ughh…please don’t pass any inscription jobs to me today…” Alisa said with a frown as she walks sullenly.

“Ah!? No! What are you saying, my dear?!” Alisa’s father said with a flabbergasted countenance.


“You already passed six works unto me this week. They specifically requested your Inscriptions, not mine.” Alisa lightly complained as she ignored her father’s embrace and made her way to a vacant chair and sat.

“Aw…but you are now better than me dear. Being able to Inscript two enhancement and two elements on a single material, aren’t you a prodigy?” He said as he closes the door where Alisa came from and made his way to his chair.

“It failed in the end. The material broke down even though we specifically ordered it from Ehon City. It also drained me so much of my magical energy.” Alisa waved her finger while explaining it.

Hertuclaire Inscription Company Inc.

One of the oldest and most prominent company when it comes to Inscriptions. Their lineage is all Inscriptors. Utilizing their race’s natural talent, the Vaster’s subspecies fox, gave birth to double inscription which is now marketed at a high price. It further stacks its value as the Inscription’s quality becomes higher.

However, in the history, Alisa Hetuclaire is considered a genius when it comes to Inscripting elements and enhancement.

Third, or even though it failed, she was able to inscript fourth element and enhancement. In the first place, the inscription may fail depending on the Inscriptor itself or the material used.

In such cases, a plank of pure steel could stand up to three inscriptions, however, since a steel is tough, Inscription can only go up to one, if lucky, two.

The very essence of Inscription is putting an imaginary lining within the material. The lining is similar to the magical linings of Exturbo, however, for Exturbos, it serves as their nervous system. Lining for inscription is applied through applying a crest of the desired enhancement. Putting another enhancement needed to overlap with the first inscription to apply another enhancement in which one needed to extend the lining of the inscription in the material.

As such, applying the second lining is extremely hard as one needs a sufficient dexterity to perform the inscription. Overlapping third and fourth inscription is a feat only Alisa Hertuclaire is capable of.

“Well, if you say so, then I won’t pass any job to you…” Alisa’s father said so.

“See?! You do plan to pass something!” Alisa shouted with a slightly angered countenance.

“Ahahaha! Anyway, Alisa, where’s Sigrun?” He asked, whilst, changing the subject.

“Sig came with Reed today. He protested that he wants to take care of Sig…” Alisa answered as she makes a bored countenance.

“I see, Reed Chelle. Do I need to tell this to Sir Valker?” He asked Alisa.

“Hmm? What was that?” Alisa returned a question as she looks at her father.

“Ah, you don’t know? Sir Meld Valker called to me and asked a favor to take in his adopted son, Sigrun Valker. You know, a favor from one of the Paladins. How could I ignore such opportunity to curry favor with an influential person?” He explained to Alisa.

“Ah…even knowing that Sigrun is a boy…you let him stayed. That’s why I find it strange that you and mother agreed to this.” Alisa came to a realization, however, the reaction she showed is somewhat stale.

“So, Sigrun is now in Reed Chelle’s place?” Alisa’s father once again reconfirmed.

“Ah…Ah!...AH! Oh yeah…father, I’ll be going out for tonight! I’ll head to Reed’s place!” Alisa exclaimed as her delusions earlier came attacking her.

“So sudden! And to his house?! You are too young Alisa!” Her father exclaimed with a quizzical expression.

“That’s not it father! I am worried about Sig! Argh! I shouldn’t have let him go with Reed! What if…those two…they are actually…Argh!!” Alisa panics again as she started thinking something again.

“My daughter…I just can’t let you go to man’s house. With or without parents, I just simply can’t let you.” He said with a reprimanding voice.

“Yeah…fine…” Alisa droops her shoulder with her father’s decision. “I think I’ll just take a bath for now…see you at dinner, father…” She said before she left.

As soon as Alisa closes the door behind her…

“ARRRGGGHHHH! Why did I find the thought of those things happening! I don’t think I can even sleep anymore tonight! What are those two going to do?!” Alisa shouted as she runs towards the stairs.

As Alisa’s dilemma grew stranger, meanwhile, in a not-a-delusion Chelle’s household…

“Ah! I shot that one! Damn! I thought I already had it!” Sigrun curses as he presses the buttons.

“Sig, get that, I think you can ride that boar! Ah, yeah, that one! It’s fine, you can leave your companion behind!” Reed said as he seats beside Sigrun while munching on potato chips.

“Ahahaha! Look at it go! I can’t believe that they were able to make such entertainment like this! The character design is quite daring too! Look at that butt jiggle!” Sigrun laughed as he lovingly plays the console with a controller on hands.

Sigrun, wearing an oversized shirt and maroon shorts, seating on a sofa, plays a game together with Reed who is also wearing a casual clothing.

“I think the bath is ready…I’ll go ahead and take a good dip!” Reed said as he leaves Sigrun on his game.

“Yeah! Hey, leave those chips behind! Ah, bring out some of those colas too! Yeah, that bubbly one! No, I want that lemon flavored!” Sigrun demanded as he immersed his self in the game.

Apparently, Reed meant that they have time for themselves in playing games until late and chowing down on so much junk food without restriction.

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