《Nevertheless, A Fantasy World》Nevertheless, A First Weekend Chapter 1


Like a child receiving a new toy, Sigrun watches the battle with sparkling eyes. He unconsciously put himself on the edge of his seat as he leans forward as the excitement on his chest grew hotter. He intently stares at Reed and Amrayl’s battle as it gets heated.

“What’s wrong, Sig?! Your face is getting flushed!” Alisa asked with flabbergasted face towards the giggling Sigrun who seems preoccupied that her question went to deaf ears.

“Hey, he’s not listening at all. Maybe this is the first time Sigrun watched a battle between Magus, though students.” Enheirt said as he returned his attention to the on-going battle.

“Ah…m-maybe…yeah…” Alisa nervously answered.

The battle between Reed and Amaryl, although a mock battle, is garnering attention that even upperclassmen started spectating the match.

“Ohohoho, look, Alisa of the Blazing Sunset, one of the strongest in the campus is eyeing on Reed. Ah, he also looked here. He took a glance at you and Sigrun.” Enheirt informed Alisa.

“Uwaah…Seigen the Light Prodigy…” Alisa said in utter amazement and irritation as she takes a peek at the man standing in the very far corner of the audience seats.

The man is Seigen Lloyd, a third-year student at Estelle Harmonia Magic Academy. As his title implies, he is a light magic user and one of the top. Donning a blond hair and clear blue eyes and most of all, a Serensis as his pointed ears dictates. Together with him is a group of people that seems to be his cahoots.

“Alisa…Alisa! It will be a little dangerous for Sigrun if his group started targeting him. You know how he just challenges people out of the blue right?! Bearing the headmaster’s last name, it’s no doubt that he thinks that Sigrun is strong.” Enheirt warned Alisa.

“Ha? Let them come. Don’t think lightly of Sig.” Alisa nonchalantly said towards Enheirt’s words of concern. The person himself, Sigrun, doesn’t even bother looking at them. He is absorbed on the battle in front of him.

“Ah! The air around Reed started changing!” Sigrun exclaimed excitingly.

Alisa and Enheirt returned their attention to Reed.

The battle so far, the battlefield is covered with ice halfway and Amaryl standing at the center, unfazed and unmoved. Reed, on the other hand, is running around dodging the icicles with his whirlwind sprint, however, as Sigrun said, the air around Reed started changing.

“Oh…this is about to end, huh? Reed got impatient and he whittled down Amaryl’s stamina.” Enheirt muttered as his eyes sharpened as his eyes watch Reed’s movement.

It is as Enheirt said, Amaryl has already exhausted her stamina so all she can do is to stand in one place and attack Reed with magic. Reed, on the other hand, hasn’t exhausted much energy and his magical energy is still high.


“Wait…at this point, even Reed should be running out of magical energy! Even in the battle of stamina and magical energy, Reed and Amaryl should be the same, even though Amaryl have inscripted armor and weapon!” Alisa exclaimed as she stares at Reed who lively runs around, sending a shockwave of winds to Amaryl.

“Ah…that’s right. It must be because of Yah and Weh…” Sigrun thought as he watches Reed.

Suddenly, Reed soared through the air and kicks off into nothingness as he soars higher. In his wake, an upheaval of gust started storming inside the arena.

“Here it comes! Reed’s finishing move, Skyline!” Enheirt shouted with excitement.

“Brrr…that Reed…when he is in battle mode…he is merciless!” Alisa shivered as she said those words, recalling her battle with Reed a year ago.

As Amaryl saw Reed’s movements, she then struck her sword downward and pillars of ice started rising from the ground to cover her whole body. Reed paid it no mind and soars as high as he can.

As he reached the highest point, he then pulled his claws upward. A ball of wind started manifesting at the palm of the claw and he then let the gravity together with the boost of wind let him fall down. A downward fall of strong gust then started pointing at a single point.

In a flash, an explosive sound resounded in the whole arena.

Icicles were blown away everywhere and a fierce tornado manifested itself at the center of the arena. The icicle then slowly shatters into smaller pieces and strong wind even started scratching at the protective glass.

A the end of the catastrophic-like clash, emerges on the arena is an unharmed Reed and a fallen Amaryl with the upper half of her armor destroyed. She is barely conscious but nonetheless, no external injury.

“Fufufu…you bully…” Amaryl said with a weak voice as she stares at Reed. She nonchalantly conceals her large breasts even though she is wearing a leotard inside the armor.

“Ahahaha…I’m sorry. I got too into it that I used Skyline.” Reed said as he returned to his usual expression. He then reaches out for Amaryl’s hand to help her get up.

With a smile and spirit of sportsmanship, Amaryl reached out to it and let Reed take her up. As soon as she got up, she firmly grasps the hand and shakes it in a formal way.

“I didn’t get the chance to fight against you in the last year’s state competition because Alisa Hertuclaire got the best of me but now, I feel a little awe experiencing your prowess personally. Reed Chelle, you have my thanks for that splendid battle.” Amaryl declared as she stares Reed’s eyes tinged with valiant.

“You flatter me too much, Frigid Princess Amaryl. Even I had a hard time finding openings to your defense. All I could do was to whittle you down. It was a good experience for me too.” Reed replied back.


After their exchange, they turn around from each other and return back to their respective exits.

“Phew…Reed really overdid it to be honest.” Enheirt said as he let out a light sigh.

In contrast to Alisa and Enheirt relieved countenance, there is one who got overly excited.

“Amazing! Alisa! Alisa! Alisa! That was a good fight! A really good fight between two warriors! Noble, dignified, full of sportsmanship, it was so good! Alisa! Alisa!” Sigrun excitingly leans at Alisa while jumping.

“Alisa here…” She only muttered.

“Although I found tons of wrongs and unrefined movements, although there were a lot of erroneous when it comes to magical energy use, although there are a lot of wasted movements, it was incredible!” Sigrun pointed a lot of things that made Alisa sighs.

“Sig…we’re just students…and calm down! You’re rubbing your whole body unto mine…” Alisa shouted in a low voice.

“Ah…sorry.” Sigrun apologizes as he returns to his seat.

“For goodness sake…aren’t you the he--…err…” Alisa was about to say something but remembered that Enheirt is behind them. “Crap…I almost slip there! I was about to say that Sig is THAT hero. Well, if I think about it, no one would even easily believe it…” Alisa thought.

As Sigrun calms down, not long after before Reed sits with them.

For the duration of the whole class, Sigrun becomes giddy and excited for each battle and will give his insight into all the battle. When Alisa’s match came, she won flawlessly by using about eight inscripted equipment. Her main weapon is a whip and her element is fire.

“Uwaah…the power of money…” Reed only muttered as shivers run down from his spine.

So on and so forth.

Until all the queued matches are finished. The students who are watching started leaving one by one and Seigen, the earlier spectator leaves with a smug on his face as he meets eye to eye with Sigrun.

After that, the last class ended with a passive mood. Tomorrow is weekend so that’s why everyone is excited to go home.

Not only Sigrun was greeted by all of his classmates and said their goodbyes, a lot of students outside started calling out to Sigrun too as he became a celebrity or more likely, an idol for them. There are a lot of people who still think Sigrun is a girl or to be more precise, only their class knows of that fact.

Carrying the name of Valker further progresses his fame as the media started ambushing him outside the Academy gate. Walking together with Reed Chelle who is that winner of the state competition last year and Alisa Hertuclaire, the daughter of the famous Hertuclaire household that tops on Inscription, his fame throughout the city spreads like a wildfire.

Knowing that a lot of press are waiting for Sigurn outside the gate, Reed and Alisa use the back exit of the Academy to avoid the press.

With that, the three of them walks the street, chatting, looking at things, answering Sigrun’s question, stopping often because people want to take a picture with Sigrun, and splitting on their way home.

That is the plan, however, before Alisa and Sigrun could turn their heels away from Reed…

“Wait!” Reed shouted as he takes Sigrun’s hand.

“What? Is there anything you want to say?” Alisa asked.

“I want to take home Sig! I think I have the rights to ask so, right?” Reed exclaimed with conviction in his eyes.

Alisa got taken aback by Reed’s words. Sigrun only tilted his head as Reed pulled him into his body. The onlookers started murmuring as they heard Reed’s words but he paid it no mind.

“A custodial affair! Reed Chelle and Alisa Hetuclaire are fighting for the custody of their child!”

One teasingly said as they watch the trio.

Alisa on the other hand only sighed in vexation as if she knows that this will happen sooner or later. In fact, she expected it to happen but not this later.

“Couldn’t you pick a better place to say that…? I’m not against it but don’t you think we could have talked that one out back in the academy you moron!” Alisa roared a little at Reed as she takes a quick glance at the spectators.

“Really!? I can take home Sig?!” Reed asked again with high spirit.

“Yeah…but like I said, if you could have said that to me earlier, I could have called home and had the maid send his things to your house…” Alisa reasoned as she takes out her phone.

“What am I? A pet or something?” Sigrun asked nonchalantly. “Well, I’d like to see Reed’s house too so I don’t think I am against it!” He said happily.

“Well then! Let’s go Sig.” Reed said as he started leading Sigrun. “Mom and Dad are on a trip for the weekend so we have a lot of time for ourselves!” Reed added as they gained considerable distance from Alisa.

However, Alisa’s sharp sense of hearing caught a whiff of that…

“Eh…?!” Alisa’s face becomes petrified and her eyes dilate as she drops her phone from what she heard.

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