《Nevertheless, A Fantasy World》Nevertheless, A Magic Academy Chapter 5


Physical education, one of the most surprisingly normal courses within the Estelle Harmonia Magic Academy. Although they have another degree of standard, it is undoubtedly a normal class befitting for normal students.

Two days have passed since Sigrun’s first day in the Academy. He was able to settle in the Academy without a problem and of course, being accepted.

Right now, the class of first years class one namely the Star Class is now having their class in the huge gymnasium. The gymnasium of Estelle Academy is large, with a lot of training equipment and even have a small battlefield to test the mettle of each student.

Currently, their class is about to take a mock match, however, there’s a different problem.

“I think little Sigrun should change at the girl’s locker room.” Amaryl exclaimed as she faces Alisa who got surprised by her sudden words.

“Ah? Ah? Why are you are telling me this?! Get away from me you tit monster!” Alisa panicked as Amaryl leer closer to Alisa’s face pressing her chest on to her.

“Wait! Sigrun is a boy…despite how he looks!” Reed intervenes the conversation.

“Eh?! So it’s really true?! What Sir Quarts told us earlier is true?!” Amaryl’s eyes popped out as she heard those words.

“Now that you get it, get your tits away from me!” Alisa protested as Amaryl’s breasts are still pressing unto hers.

“Fue? Ah--!” Amaryl who noticed that she is still pressing onto Alisa lost her balance and fell over to her.

“Idi--! Wah!” Alisa, unable to support Amaryl’s weight, fell over too.

In the middle of the hallway where the changing rooms of boys and girls are parted, the girl, a Vaster with fox ears and tails, and a Serensis with huge busts, lay tightly pushing each other on the ground. Alisa found her hands groping on the bountiful chest of Amaryl and she noticed that Amaryl is grabbing onto her butt.

Their faces, of course, ignited in a furious blush and it invites hungry eyes around them.

“Ohoho, what do we have here, buddy? This is quite good. Un…this is quite a feast for the eyes. This genre is perfectly right up to my alley.” Enheirt said as he places an elbow on Reed’s shoulder while rubbing his chin.

“Ahahaha…where’s Sig anyway?” Reed nervously laughs while contemplating where could have Sigrun gone to. He looks around and found no Sigrun in sight. Even their classmates started looking around for Sigrun.

Meanwhile, in the headmaster’s room…

“Hmm, as expected, a commotion is abounded to happen if you had stayed there. Good thing Quarts told me about this.” Meld said as he peered out of his window.

“Say, I really don’t mind which room I go to but I guess steering away from trouble is good too. Meld, could you give me a hand here?” Sigrun said as he struggles to put on the red tracksuit.

“Goodness, you should start addressing me in a more respectable manner. Well, just around others is fine.” Meld said as he walks towards Sigrun and fixes the tracksuit. Since Sigrun is a lot small, he has to kneel down in front of him and even he is kneeling down, he is a bit taller than him.

“Ehehe, it’s quite an experience being adopted by someone way younger than me. Hmm, maybe I should start calling you papa too, right? Papa!” Sigrun said with a sweet and teasing voice.

“Please stop that. Even if it’s with me, it’s too familiar. Why not just start by calling me father?” Meld said with a pleading tone as he zips up the tracksuit.


“By the way, I just have to ask this but…Sigrun…I feel like, somehow or another, you have some knowledge about things. The chemical composition or anything related to science. Do those concepts exists since back then?” Meld’s question caught Sigrun’s attention. “I always find it peculiar…” he added a remark.

“Ah…to be honest…those don’t exist in those bitter times. If ever, it might be some residual knowledge of my original world.” Sigrun said with melancholic eyes.

“Now that you mentioned it, in the book, it is said that you are summoned from another world. Does your…original world resembles this era?” Meld asked with keen eyes.

“I’m sorry. Even if you cross-examine me, I don’t even have the slightest idea. I have already no recollection of anything from my own world. To be perfectly honest, this is my world now. I’ve lost…so many memories that I don’t even remember the face, the name or even if I had a parent…” Sigrun properly conveyed his sincerest apologies to Meld.

“I see…you’ve lost so many memories…”Meld muttered as he places his hand atop of Sigrun’s head.

“Well, my apologies for being unable to answer your questions.” Sigrun once again apologizes.

“No, no! I am the one who is trying to dig up your past. It was rude of me and it made you remember some bad things. Anyway, I have something for you. I figured you will be needing it sooner or later.” Meld said as he pulls out something from his pocket and handed it to Sigrun.

“This is…an envelope? Ah…there’s some banknotes on them…or so I heard from Alisa.” Sigrun said as he pulled out the money from the small envelope.

“Your room is still not ready yet but I’d rather have you something to spend too. That will be your monthly allowance.” Meld said with a smile.

“Wha--?! This is a bit…surprising. I’ve only been here for several days but I got adopted in no time and now, I am receiving an allowance. Is this even fine? I haven’t done anything in return yet. I feel bad…” Sigrun said as he stares at the money curiously.

“Haven’t done anything? You may be the humblest person yet. Sigrun…you did this world a favor and saved it. Besides, what kind of a stepfather I am if I cannot at least give you an allowance?” Meld replied with an in-fact voice.

“So that’s how it is…then…I’ll gladly accept this. Thank you, father.” Sigrun addresses Meld properly as his father.

“By the by, Sigrun, let Alisa and Reed teach you about monetary expenditures too. Since nothing is needed to be said, won’t you return to your class now? Return here when you need to change again.” Meld then reminded Sigrun that he still has a class.

“Ah, yes! I’ll be leaving now!” Sigrun rushes out of the room.

As soon as Sigrun bolted out of the room, Meld heaves a long sigh.

“Sigrun…what happened to you in the past? What sight you were shown to hold a contempt for the act of having saved the world?” Questions such as those slips from Meld’s lips.

Meanwhile, as soon as Sigrun arrived at the gymnasium, something has already started…

As soon as Sigrun opened the door, a huge cheer suddenly entered his ears. The abrupt loud voices of his classmates immediately had his attention pulled at the large arena.

The arena is consist of a mini dome with a high ceiling. The audience seat is protected by a glass barrier while some teachers are spectating the match from a control room. The control room is where they maintain the magical barrier with set tolerance from preventing the students from harming each other physically. However, through this magical barrier, the pain will be transmitted as part of the lesson.


“You must be Sigrun Valker. I am the P.E. Teacher, Maine.” A woman with a strong and tall stature came to Sigrun and introduces herself. She wears a tracksuit, the same as what Sigrun is wearing.

“Since you were not here earlier, we already started the mock match and chose a sparring partner for you…is what I wanted to say but for now, you may sit down and watch. Go ahead and choose any available seat. The mock battle between Amaryl Helion and Reed Chelle is about to start.” Maine said as she left Sigrun.

“Reed is going to fight? Oh my, I’ve got to see this!” Sigrun said as he started searching for a good spot.

“Sigrun my buddy, over here!” Enheirt called out to Sigrun while waving his hand. His place seems to be a good spot so Sigrun came over to him.

“Hi, Enheirt. May I sit over here?” Sigrun politely asked him.

“Sure do! It’s my pleasure!” his immediate reply.

However, as soon as Sigrun seated as the vacant seat beside him, Enheirt’s arm suddenly hovers over Sigrun and he places it on his shoulder.

“This is…?” Sigrun asked in a quizzical tone.

“Skinship! Skinship it is!” His immediate reply.


The sound of bone being pulverized to pieces immediately entered Sigrun’s ear. Standing beside him is Alisa with an aura revealing that she is the demon. The hand that was resting atop of Sigrun’s shoulder is now being held by Alisa.

“Skinship my ass…what the hell are you trying to accomplish…Enheirt?” Alisa asked with a smile but her tone is as cold as ice.

“You know…as…brothers…bonding of men…and…such…” Enheirt said as his face pales and did his best to endure the creeping pain of broken fingers.

“Oh, would you look at that, the seat specifically NEXT to Sig looks occupied.” Alisa said as she looks at the seat where Enheirt is.

“H-Here you go…” Enheirt, getting the clue, stood up and tried to get away from Alisa’s demonic grip.

“O-Owowow! I’m sorry! I am just messing around! I just want to see how Reed will react from this while he is fighting!” Enheirt immediately confessed.

“Hmph, Sig is a little innocent so please refrain from that kind of pranks or you’ll regret it.” Alisa scolded Enheirt before letting him go.

As soon as Alisa seated beside Sigrun, Enheirt then sat behind them.

“Anyway, Alisa of the Blazing Sunset, you’ve fought Reed last year in the state competition, right? How do you think this match will go? The enemy is Amaryl, the Frigid Princess.” Enheirt asked about Alisa’s opinion.

“Stop with that lame nickname…! Anyway, Reed barely won against me at that time but that doesn’t mean he is somewhat a pushover. When it comes to fighting, Reed has another side of it.” Alisa gave a vague answer.

Then, Alisa glances to her side just to see Sigrun looking at her with sparkling eyes.

“Wha-! What’s with you…Sig…?” Alisa asked timidly.

“Alisa of the Blazing Sunset! How cool! Is it because you are good at fire magic?!” Sigrun asked with visible curiosity. His sparkling eyes are so adorable and at the same time, pure and innocent.

“Y-Yeah! Ahahaha! I am a little good at it! Maybe because of that, I got that cool title! Ahahaha!” Alisa said as she got flustered from Sigrun looking at her with amazement.

“Hey, you just said that it’s a lam--!” Before Enheirt could say anything, Alisa snaps an eye to him. “I said it’s a cool nickname…” He said in defeat.

Suddenly, the door of each side of the arena opens.

“It’s starting…” Enheirt muttered the obvious.

“I’ve fought Amaryl too before in the state competition in the same Tier. She has an amazing skills to handle her magic but her firepower lacks. In that regards…Reed, however…” Alisa started muttering.

From one corner, Amaryl Helion emerges. She wears not the tracksuit but an armor oriented suit. Her body is heavily clad in blue armor with a crest on the breastplate. Her greaves, her arm, everything is composed of armor leaving nothing revealed but her eye line for seeing. In her hand is a white platinum sword glowing with blue radiance.

“Aiiee…that sword has a magic-enhancing inscription. That’s expensive nowadays…” Enheirt said with sweat beads forming on his forehead.

“Not only that, the last time I fought her, her armor weren’t that strong. From what I am seeing now, it’s a good conductor for magic. Meaning, she will enhance the whole thing if needed to defend…” Alisa said while staring at Amaryl.

“Ah…thus…the name Amaryl, the Frigid Princess?” Sigrun asked.

“Well, it’s quite frigid in a way too but that also comes with her magic…” Enheirt said in which Sigrun figured it out.

On the other corner, Reed emerges. He wears an ordinary clothes lightly armed with barely anything. He just looks like a starting adventurer in an RPG quest, however…

“That weapon of choice is quite…peculiar and interesting…” Sigrun muttered in amazement.

Aside from his looks, Reed is geared with a full arm gauntlet. The said gauntlet has five protruding claws that are ivory in color. The rest of his arm is covered with the same metal with no inscription or whatsoever.

But what caught Sigrun’s interest the most is Reed’s facial expression. An icy face with nothing in his eyes but the battle feasted in front of him. Fierce and dignified eyes of a warrior that hungers for battle.

However, not everyone thinks about that…

“He is mocking me!” Amaryl thought as she tightens the grip on her sword.

“Well then, let’s start this mock battle! Fight!” Maine announces from the control room.

Sparing no second, Amaryl immediately kicks the ground and gathered supple amount of magical energy on her sword.

“Ice Brand!” She shouted as a small tsunami emerges from her sword covering one-fourth of the arena. As the tsunami materializes, it slowly turns into a barrage of icicles.

In response, Reed brandishes the claw and spins backward. Then, he swings the claw from his back and then upward giving the claw a huge momentum.

“Blitz!” Reed shouted as a strong wind suddenly blew all of the icicles back to Amaryl. However, such attack won’t put a dent on Amaryl’s armor.

“…Wow…” Sigrun muttered as he watches the match. He felt something coming back to him.

Excitement, eagerness, life, and everything that could relate to how alive he feels right now are all coming back to him.

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