《Nevertheless, A Fantasy World》Nevertheless, A Magic Academy Chapter 4


“We have already discussed the history of the existence of magic through th texts our ancestors left. Now, shall we briefly define and recall the six Main Elemental Magic and Two Prolific Magic?” Strut said as he stroke his hand on the projection which spans towards eight symbols.

“We may have learned the basics from grade school but I don’t want my students forgetting about it. First off, the six Elemental Magic. The Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, Dark, and Light! All six elements that accordingly matches and have affinities with each other. The next two magic is the Life Magic and Void Magic.” Strut pointed out each symbol respectively, pattern each pattern as he mentions the names.

“Wait…all in all, there’s only eight of them…? No, maybe there’s more. I have to listen well for my own good or I might regret it.” Sigrun thought as he carefully listens to Strut’s lecture.

“I hope most of you aren’t dumb enough not to know what all of these elements are for. Fire is to burn, water is to drench, wind is to blow, earth is to bury, light is to illuminate, dark is to dim. Life magic is all about messing up with regeneration, healing, vitality, and stuff and Void magic are about non-elemental magic that consists of pure magical energy.” Strut lazily gave a quick overview of all elements.

“Void Magic isn’t readily available for your courses and the highest council of the Magu are still deciding whether to implement its use or not. Life magic is a special magic that needs supervision from those who are professional in the field. For the meantime, elemental magic, all six are the only magic that can be taught.” Strut spans the two non-elemental magic away as he swings his hand out leaving only the six magic remaining.

“The qualification for Void Magic is to be Third Tier Fifth Degree and as for Life Magic, it should be Third Tier Second Degree. All of you here aren’t qualified yet to proceed to those tiers, therefore, we won’t even mention those magic. Well, then let’s review how we use magic. I bet the new face could answer if for us.” Strut directed his stare at Sigrun with stern and observing eyes.

“Me…?!” Sigrun inwardly exclaimed as he felt all eyes looking at him. “I can definitely give an answer but…” Sigrun hesitated, however, he stood up.

“Through…magical nodes, the nervous system-like inside our body that circulates…magical energy?” Sigrun’s words came to a halt, not knowing what to say next.

“Hmm? Stuck? I heard that you are the child that Headmaster Meld adopted. Quite shame that you need to have a full rundown of this. The Magical nodes inside our body let us freely control particles around us, giving us the control over molecular properties. In the past, they said that they only need to imagine a fire burning atop of their hand and it will manifest itself. However, today, fire is produced through combustion. There are many methods of how people do it but we can definitely do it once they have the grasped magical energy control.” Strut explained as Sigrun looks down.


“Well then, let’s proceed, the types of magic and their tier.” Strut nonchalantly continued.

However, Strut’s words fade from Sigrun’s ears as he started thinking deeply about what the discussion is compromised of.

“This is a whole lot different than what I know. The basics do sounds alike but there are lot of things I cannot comprehend onwards.” Sigrun could only think as he started mincing the information in his head with anguish.

Confused, clueless, agitated, all of it is what Sigrun felt for the whole class. He still doesn’t grasp how the people of this era perceives magic and how they unorthodoxically learn it.

Another class passes, a lazy alchemy class before lunch break came. Up until then, Sigrun firmly sits on his chair while brooding over about the class in magic.

“Sig…Sig…! Hey…Sigrun!” Alisa came to Sigrun immediately. She expects that a lot of students will crowd her and it seems that’s what about to happen.

However, Alisa’s words reach deaf ears as Sigrun ignores her.

“Let’s eat lunch Sig!” Reed rushed to Sigrun and took his hand.

“Eh? Ah, Alisa, Reed, you were saying something?” Sigrun immediately snaps out as Reed started pulling his hand.

“I was…you never respond. Anyway, Sig, let’s go grab something to eat.” Alisa told Sigurn with half-closed eyes.

“My apologies! I was thinking about something really hard that I didn’t hear you. Wait, eat? That means no more class?” Sigrun asked such question.

“No…we still have afternoon classes, that’s why we are going to eat so you can survive until then.” Alisa stated as she grabs Sigrun’s other hand.

Letting Reed and Alisa drag him, Sigrun stood up from his chair and followed the two.

However, as soon as they left the classroom, away from anyone’s earshot, Alisa immediately sends a chop towards Sigrun’s head. Unexpectedly…

“Ow! OW! What is your head made of?!” Alisa cried as she grabs her hand throbbing with pain.

“Sorry, Alisa! Please don’t suddenly hit me like that. I may not look like it but I can actually live in a meteor fall without scratches. A black hole can’t even tear my body apart…” Sigrun explained.

“Uwah…” Reed lets out an amazed voice.

“Whether that’s true or not, I have some bones to pick with you! Sig, your face is not a free ticket to do perversion as you please!” Alisa scolded Sig with teary eyes.

“Ah, that, it was simply incredible, Alisa! Those breasts are just fantastic that I just have to reach out to it! It was nothing like yours! It was so incredible!” Sigrun said with innocence in his eyes as he wriggles his fingers all the while recalling the sensation.


“This little shit…!” Alisa, who was insulted unintentionally, gritted her teeth with twitching cheeks.

“Ahahaha…Eeep!” Reed tried to sheepishly laugh with a little redness on his face but immediately jolted in fear as Alisa snaps an evil glare at him.

“Alisa? Did you say something?” Sigrun returns his attention to Alisa who forced a smile on her face.

“Ahahaha! Nothing, I didn’t say anything! Ahahaha!” Alisa said even though a vein popping out from her forehead. “Anyway, Sig, is there something in your mind? You are…quite spacing out earlier…” Alisa immediately changed the topic.

Sigrun, who heard Alisa’s voice of worry, looks at her with a troubled face.

“Yeah, actually, there’something bothering me about the magic class earlier.” Sigrun confessed with a sullen voice.

“What is it Sig? Is there something you didn’t understand? I’ll help you out later.” Reed said in a reassuring voice.

“No, I did understand a little but…there’s one thing. The magic that this era learned…greatly deviates from how I use my magic.” Sigrun said as he held one hand up.

“What does that mean? Sig, you said that you the dem—the thirteen Vajra’s are the originators of magic, right?” Reed asked with interested eyes.

“Your magic structure clearly states that there is eight magic existing, however, I hold thirteen magic…” Sigrun said with a clearly disappointed tone. “And all thirteen magic roots from the Vajra’s that I myself taught to the people from the past.

“That’s amazing, Sig. I can imagine you doing that…” Alisa, having felt how serious and melancholic Sigrun is, said her words of acknowledgment.

“The first six elemental magic is correct. They are what Professor Strut explained, despite that, there are lot things that I didn’t understand because simply they are not there. In the first place, the way he describes how magic is used is nothing like how I do it.” Sigrun started manipulating four elements in his hand.

“Simply manipulating how magic is used to produce flame is not my norm. My magic is like a gas, a fuel for me to use not to create flame but…to command the very essence of fire itself, the Magic of Agni. That same goes for every magic that I have.” He said as he bathed his hand on his flame.

“You mean to say that…you are actually using the root of all magic?” Alisa said with a bewildered face as Sigrun started setting the sleeve of his uniform ablaze, however, the clothes don’t even show any sign of burning.

“Agni, Neptune, Zephyrus, Terra, Diabolo, and Lumen. You can call them the six elemental magic origins. The Void Magic that he spoke of is actually called Inanis Magic, and it is not just about non-elemental magic. It is a magic that could potentially overpower the six elements. The Life magic is Vitas, bio essence that controls all life.” Sigrun pursed his lips as he recalls everything from the past.

“And then, the ninth magic, Chronus, the power to control over time. The tenth magic, Fate, the power to control karma. Then…eleventh magic…Order…the power to control cosmos. The last two are Yah, creation magic, and Weh, the destruction magic.” Sigrun had a weird pause at the Eleventh Magic, Order, however, wanting not to touch any sensitive subject, Alisa and Reed let it past for now.

“So…Sig…you…you are that powerful. You are almost like a…god?” Alisa asked Sigrun.

“Ah, I’m not that omnipotent. I still have a lot of limitations. Leaving everything aside, I think what they teach here is pretty decent. As long as peace is kept, a larger scale of power is unnecessary.” Sigrun said as smile returns to his face.

“And, you people of this era, has a beautiful place. You magic are also beautiful, intricate, and passionate. Magic from the past is …purely for destruction and murder. That’s why Reed…Alisa…I am thankful for the two of you for showing me all of these.” Sigrun once again said, however, there’s a slight embarrassment in his face.



Two weird gasps simultaneously resounded. Alisa and Reed both averted their faces from Sigrun with even redder faces.

“Hmm? Though, you two are quite peculiar! Say, let’s go get lunch! Quarts slipped this earlier to my desk. It seems to be a voucher for premium food” Sigrun happily shows a silver voucher with list of food to be ordered.

Sigrun started beckoning the two.

The trio then grabbed their lunches while causing a commotion, mainly because a gallery was made due to Sigrun happily eating his supreme curry set with follow up ice cream desserts.

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