《Nevertheless, A Fantasy World》Nevertheless, A Magic Academy Chapter 3


Estelle Harmonia Magic Academy, a place where knowledge about Magecraft, Alchemy, Magic Engineering, Magical Inscription, and much more are accumulated and harvested by young Magus and in return, they enrich the people’s lives, the city, and everything.

Full pledge Magus who concentrated their lives in magecraft may find themselves in a professional setting like experimentations within legal services, termination of Behemoth Beasts, and even pilot for Exturbos. Incidentally, Magus is also widely needed for deep excavation of dungeons, ruins, unexplored forests, and even deep underwater.

Alchemy is an all-around classification where one magus explores the world of chemistry, bio essence, and furthermore, Life Magic. Their jobs tend to lean on a more industrious as they create products such as food spices, everyday necessities like soaps and shampoos, and more products that can be readily available for mass purchase.

Magic Engineering is a field where, as the name implies, a magus engages in mechanical inventions. Most aspires to become an Exturbos engineer as the boom in the recent release of the third generation has become generally useful. It greatly involves a good magical node inside the engineer's body to endure the pressure of magical core linings installation, partial and residual magical reduction, and more. However, there are also jobs readily available for those who divert from the path of Exturbos such as making gadgets that run on magical energy, an equivalent to electrical energy and fossil energy to cut cost. By this, the economic infrastructure will be balanced.

Magical Inscriptors are the rarest profession as their works need detailed and careful attention. Select races can only do such elaborate job such as the Vasters, especially the subspecies of foxes. One could say that this is nothing different from magical engineering or even an abled magus can study, however, Inscriptions are much more complicated. It, by all means, installing a property, an element to the desired item. It means carving crests to an item with the right properties to bring forth a new combination of an item. For example, using a sword to summon fire and using inscription to give it a fire element are fundamentally different. The former greatly exhausts the users magical energy and eventually, drains everything from his magical nodes, however, inscriptions draws out magical energy directly from the magical Ley lines which gives it a long-lasting use until the material itself can’t hold out anymore. For this reasons, the Hetuclaire family is one of the leading Inscriptors in the continent.

However, most graduates of this academy can still take normal college university for normal courses. Just having a diploma from this academy gives a better background. Also, while, students engage in battles with each other to raises their abilities and discover new and unexplored knowledge. That is also a reason why the Tier and Degrees are implemented in the first place, to bring out the competitiveness of not only by the students but also those who are still pursuing more power and knowledge.


Also, Estelle Harmonia Magic Academy boast with having the best and top-grade facilities ranging from their interactive classes that focuses on all necessary knowledges of a magus and theories as well as governmental and political intellect, their very own Exturbo manufacturing laboratories and garages, a high end gymnasium complete with all sorts of training equipment, over a yard of alchemy lab, a room to concentrate for magic Inscriptor wannabe, and even invention rooms complete with all the raw parts one could ever dream. But lastly, a cafeteria with the greatest chefs that cooks dozens of cuisines.

With all the latest technologies, gadgets, and even refined knowledge, the student’s learning prowess is further boosted, however, that’s not the same for our hero…

“So, in the relative theory, using magecraft at the lining of the exturbo, how much point per pressure should we put to get the maximum and minumum output considering that we don’t want to go over the limit? Could anyone answer that?” Quarts ask as he swings his finger on the holographic board.


“Sir Quarts! Me!” Reed shouted as he raised his hand.

“Fine, answer that you show off.” Quarts simply said.

“We should apply at least 6000 Magic per amp as the maximum and 2000 Magic per amp as for the minimum. That is depending on the part of the Lining of the Exturbo. That alone applies to the upper limbs but needed a higher output for the lower limbs.” Reed answered without missing a beat.

“A thorough application. A fine answer indeed for an Exturbo maniac.” Quarts said as he sways his finger again that made a holographic writing.

Reed then seats down again and starts typing on his Techbook, or to put it simply, a laptop designated for classroom activities.

“Eh…? Eh…?! What is? What…? What?!” Sigrun looks around, visibly flustered and confused about what’s happening. Not even thirty minutes have passed and he is already at loss. “Lies! Reed can actually answer and yet, I don’t even have the slightest idea of what they are talking about!” he added.

There’s actually a techbook lying on Sigrun’s desk, however, without even the right knowledge to operate it, let alone, open it, he is just glancing around, looking at everyone typing on their own techbook.

On top of being clueless, Sigrun is crushed by a pressure as her seat is directly in front of Quarts, meaning, she is in the middle row in the first column.

“Aha…Aha…Ahahaha…! Help me…! I really thought that when they said magic academy, it would be like, learn magic theories, learn the basic of magic, then apply those said magic.” Sigrun anguishes as he keeps his sight low.

“What’s wrong, Sigrun Valker? Do you feel sick or something?” Quarts suddenly called out to him with a teasing voice while maintaining a still deepness to it.


“No…it’s not that…I mean…hearing…yeah…I’m more accustomed to listening and breaking down the information in my head!” Sigrun gave out a suspicious reasoning.

“Ohoho? Are you some genius? As expected of the Headmaster’s chosen adoptive son. I’d be expecting a lot from you.” Quarts said with a grin.

Sigrun, the Hero of Aldieas, xxxx years old, breaks out in a cold sweat with trembling lips and fingers as a teacher puts an immense societal pressure on him. He can only go pale as thoughts of disappointment about him break out.

“This damn teacher…doing whatever he wants with Sig!” Alisa inwardly said as she glare at Quarts.

And then after a while, the first class ends.

“Uwaaiguehghhhh…” Sigrun made cute inhuman noises as soul escapes from his body, or so that’s what it looks like after Quarts left the classroom.

“Uwaa! Already burned out in the first class on your first day…” Alisa said as she immediately came over to Sigrun worriedly.

“Alisaaaaa! Help me!!” Sigrun said with teary eyes as he clings to Alisa’s body.

“Yeah, yeah, poor you. That damn teacher already showed his true colors so I might be able to devise some precautions for you. But seriously, putting you in the first row, how awful of him.” Alisa said as she patted Sigrun’s head to comfort him.

“Uweeehhhh! What’s going to happen to me…?! What’s the next class?!” Sigrun anxiously asked he buries his face in Alisa’s belly.

“Ah, don’t worry Sig! It’s Advance level magic. For that, I think we will discuss the magic structure, as I heard from one of my buddies.” Reed said while appearing behind Alisa.

“Sup! Hey, hey, Sigrun!” A man came over to Sigrun. He has a deep brown hair and black eyes that slanted a little but nonetheless, his smile is pleasant. The most noticeable feature of him is the horns sticking out from his forehead indicating that he is an Alpsis.

“Ah, Sig, this is Enheirt. One of my buddies! Despite looking like a delinquent, he is quite a nice guy and a good cook.” Reed introduced the guy who came over.

“Enheirt Flaunt, nice ta meetcha! Well, seeing you up close, wow. No one would really think that you are a guy! Hell, I’d tap you if I had the chance.” Enheirt said with a grin.


A fist came down on Enheirt’s cranium.

“Ow! Who—! Ah, Amaryl, you bitch!” He shouted at the woman who appeared next to him.


“Your perverted remarks reeks. You are always like this since grade school. Anyway, little Sigrun, my name Amaryl Helion, nice to meet you.” Amaryl said with a smile.

A woman with blond hair fashioned in a tantalizing baguette like that lays both on her shoulders. Her eyes are blue as the sea. Her race seems to be a Serensis as her pointed ears indicate. However, upon seeing Amaryl, Sigrun’s eyes widened as the rack in front of him jiggles.

“Wow…” Sigrun could only mutter as he stares at it like he is appreciating it. However, before he can even think about his words or actions, his hands were already groping the said breasts.

“Ah…” Sigrun said with a frigid smile.

“Wha--?!” Alisa together with Reed froze on the spot.

“Eh…?” Amarly herself got petrified upon the sensation of massaging came over her.

The crowd of classmates who are about to approach or just watching also stops in their tracks as Sigrun mindlessly reached out for Amaryl’s breasts.

“Wow. It’s firm and really elastic. It’s so big that I can’t fit it in my hands.” Sigrun complimented without parting from the breasts.

In response, Amaryl’s face becomes fiery red and she raises her hand and swings it.


Sigrun lets go of the breasts, however, he was not the one who got slapped.

“Why ME?!” Enheirt shouted with a red slap mark on his face.

“Ah, sorry. I don’t think I can slap little Sigrun so my hand got misdirected to your face. I don’t want to ruin such cute face after all. Well, no harm in damaging it, right?” Amarly said as she steps back a little from Sigrun with flushed face while bantering with Enheirt.

“Slap me when I do the deed myself, damn it!” Enheirt shouted at Amaryl.

“Yeah, yeah! The class is starting! Sit down you brats. The class is starting immediately.” An old man with hardy build wearing an overcoat said as he entered the room.

Like a scared pigeon, everyone returned to their seats in a panic.

“Ahem, it seems that there’s a new face. Excluding Reed Chelle and Alisa Hetuclaire that I got to see a lot of times, this one here, I haven’t seen you before. I am professor Strut. I will be teaching magic theories and application and somewhat fields related to it. Well then, let’s start. Boot your techbook and browse today’s exercise.” Strut said as he laid down his stuff on the table.

“Techbook…again!?” Sigrun panics, however, he got a little elated as the sensation of the boobs lingers in his hands.

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