《Nevertheless, A Fantasy World》Nevertheless, A Magic Academy Chapter 2


Sigrun happily walks towards where the Academy is. Reed and Alisa walk together with him in a renewed mood of calm and delight seeing the olden hero is reduced to nothing but a skipping boy who is delighted to go to school.

However, for Sigrun, a problem arises as soon as he gets at the school. He didn’t notice it until now, the odd sensation he has in his guts that this new era has produced.

“Hmm? This is it…right? It was little different…no…” Sigrun muttered as he made a full stop at the gate of the prestigious school. Not because of bewilderment but for another reason.

“What’s wrong, Sig? It’s a pretty big academy, I know. Or you are just surprised because of the population of the student?” Alisa said as she patted Sig’s shoulder.

“Reed…Alisa…there are Vasters everywhere….and Alpsis…and Serensis…over there are also a lot of Oreals and also…humans…I think I’ve noticed it before but the fact just caught up with my mind because of my excitement…” Sigrun said with a disbelief voice.

“Sig, not just only Estelle Harmonia or this city. Across the planet, it’s like this. Every race mingles now with each other. There are even a lot of cross marriages between races.” Reed explained.

“Back then…even though they are struggling, there’s a huge…segragation…but…right now…no way...! Is this…what Order always wanted? I didn’t know that such ideal…can really come true…” Sigrun weakly muttered as tears started forming in his eyes.

“Sig…! D-don’t cry! Please don’t cry! You’re already gaining a lot of unneeded attention! If…um…if you cry here, more people will watch!” Alisa panics as stare started gathering around them. Some even think that Reed and Alisa made Sigrun cry.

However, Alisa is the only one who is becoming conscious of the watchful eyes. Reed looks at Sigrun with gentle eyes.

“This is the Hero Sigrun. He cries as his past ideals came to reality. I want to assume that’s what It is. As for his tears, thousands of years of solitude might have softened his toughened heart.” Reed inwardly thought as he places his hand atop of Sigrun’s head.

“…This is the future of the past that I am only familiar with…” Sigrun once again said as trying to calm his heart.

“Yeah. This is the future that you carved from the past. It’s peaceful, everyone is laughing together, and there is prominently less aggression between races. I don’t know anything about the past but I am glad that this is the future that you dreamt of.” Reed said with a smile.

“Yikes, …they started their own world…” Alisa muttered with a troubled expression. “Hey, we are creating an unbelievably large crowd! Shoo! Let’s go!” Alisa then shouted with an extremely flustered face.

Hearing Alisa’s words, Sigrun snaps out from his daze and noticed that they are causing a traffic not only from the entrance but also at the front of the whole academy. Noticing that everyone is watching them, Sigrun sprouted an apologetic smile.

“I deeply apologize. It seems I have caused trouble for everyone. I cried because I got too excited because I was admitted here.” Sigrun gave a good cover-up and bows his head towards the people who stopped in their tracks.


Alisa slaps her palm on her face with a painful sound. “Sigrun…if you do that in front of everyone…” she said inside her mind.

“Ah, no…it’s fine…”

“If you are fine now…well..that’s good…”

“I thought Reed Chelle made another girl cry again because of his denseness.”

“There’s no way you’d get angry at that kind of girl…”

“Damn that’s cute…”

Talk among the people started wafting in the air. Mostly how people got their breath taken away by Sigrun’s apology. Alisa expected this but couldn’t do anything. As much as possible, she wants to draw the attention away from Sigrun but right now, a new talk is sure to give rise to a student with an unparalleled beauty.

Sigrun is a boy though.

“God damn it…what are those two morons doing with Sigrun?! He is not some freak show or something.” From the very top floor of the academy where the headmaster’s room is located, Meld rubs his temple as he watches the spectacle.

“What are your plans with Sigrun, headmaster Meld?” Quarts, from behind Meld, asked with a dubious expression.

“I don’t know…however, I’d like to keep him as close as possible. Quarts, do some quick arrangement.” Meld started giving out orders again.

“Well, as long as I get my double pay, I’m fine doing this tasks.” Quarts replied back with a monotonous tone.

“Eeh…you’re such a…fine. Immediately transfer Alisa Hertuclaire to Reed Chelle’s class…your class, together with Sigrun. Don’t forget to introduce Sigrun as my adoptive…” Meld came to a stop.

“Surely you don’t want to introduce Sigrun as a girl?” Quarts showed an annoying smile.

“Judging by his personality, he is bound to blabber about it. Fine, my adoptive son. Geez…I even sent two sets of uniform. Alisa has gone and done something like that…” Meld once again let out a tired sigh.

“Is that your taste? Little boys?” Quarts teasingly asked.

“Shut up Quarts. Why are you so quiet when someone else is here?! When there’s only two of us, you bite back like a rabid dog…” Meld then seated himself while glaring at Quarts.

“I know my limits though. I am dealing with one of the Ten Paladins.” Quarts frankly said as if Meld is his best friend.

“The weakest of the Paladins. Well, with Sigrun’s existence, I can feel a storm may come anytime. Go, do your job. Let me do my paperwork in peace.” Meld chase off Quarts away from the room.

“I hope you picked the right people to watch over him.” Quarts once again said with a teasing tone.

“Get out!” Meld shouted with veins popping.


Meld’s phone then suddenly rang and vibrated. He immediately picked it up and slide his finger across the screen in a swift movement. He then puts the speaker of the phone to his ear.

“Hello, Meld Valker, Headmaster of Estelle Harmonia Magic Academy, may I know your business?” He said in succession as he speaks professionally.

“Ah, Meld! It’s me, it’s me!” A voice of a lively girl speaks from the other line.


“Ah, yeah, the scam. You’re not doing well with this. Bye.” Meld was about to terminate the call.

“Wait! What scam?! It’s me, Emeralda!” The girl from the other line of the phone introduced herself.

“Tsk.” Meld simply replied.

“Ah! Did you just clicked your tongue!? You’re always like this!” Emeralda shouted in anger.

“Among the Ten Paladins, you are the most troublesome, If not, might be the second or third but nevertheless, I always find it hard to deal with everyone…” Meld exclaimed with disdain.

“Never mind that! There’s something interesting happening there, right?!” Emeralda happily said.

“Argh! I thought I’ve already bribed the media about this…some leak?!” Meld sticks his palm on his tired face.

“I got some shots from the satellite. I have an array of connections too despite being like this.” She revealed with no remorse.

“Goddamn! Emeralda…don’t you dare…” Meld started threatening her.

“Meld, I’m coming there in a jiffy! About a week or so! Make preparations for me, okay?” Her last line before the call is terminated.

“…That woman…always…always…always! ALWAYS A PAIN IN THE ASS!” Meld shouted echoed throughout the room.

Meanwhile…Reed and Alisa are now having difficulty…

“Noo! What’s that!? It’s so creepy!” Sigrun exclaimed as he crouches down and refused to stand up as Reed tried to pull her.

“And as I said, Sig, this is just an escalator! It won’t do anything to you! Aren’t you like the strongest in the world?!” Alisa shouted while getting flustered again from so much attention. “They’ll think you are a country bumpkin!” she added.

“I came from the mountains so it’s true, right?!” Sigrun replied back with a factual tone.

“Sig, take my hand. Nothing will break, okay?” Reed tried to assure him.

“How did you even got to the Headmaster’s office without using these yesterday?!” Alisa asked with a flabbergasted expression.

“I jumped! But as soon as I got to the top, it sucked my hair!” Sigrun bluntly said as if there’s a trauma behind it. “I have to force my hair out of it!” He added.

“I’m surprised that you didn’t break any of it…” Alisa said with a tired countenance. “We already tied your hair so it won’t get sucked in again. Let’s go!” she assured Sigrun.

“Ahem.” From out of nowhere, Quarts appeared in front of them.

“Ah…Sir Quarts! Please help us.” Reed immediately came to Quarts.

“Well, I was just looking for Miss Alisa and Sigrun so this is perfect.” Quarts said as he gazes at Sigrun. “Miss Alisa and Sigrun, the Headmaster told me that you are to transfer to Reed Chelle’s class, my class.” He said.

“Haa?! So sudden?!” Alisa exclaimed with twitching cheeks.

“Yeah. Since you are to guide Sigrun too. If you have any complaints, I’ll tell it to the headmaster directly for you.” Quarts answered with a nonchalant face.

“No, this is convenient too. I think the headmaster did a good job. Transferring us to Reed’s class while the semester is still starting is good.” Alisa gave an intellectual answer.

“As expected of the Hertuclaire’s daughter, you indeed have a good head on your shoulders. As for Sigrun…” Quarts once again looks at Sigrun.

“Won’t carrying him be a good idea? Reed Chelle, be a good friend and do that until Sigrun becomes accustomed to this place.” Quarts suggested with a smirk.

“Ah, good thinking Sir Quarts!” Reed exclaimed as he stares at Sigrun.

“Eh…?” Alisa’s eyes darted to Reed’s direction. “Carry him?! How?! Princess carry?! Reed….!” Alisa’s imagination started flaring to a new direction, however, it suddenly pops as soon as Reed carried Sigrun.

“Oh? This is cool.” Sigrun said as she hangs on Reed’s shoulder.

“Uwah…Reed…” Alisa muttered with empty eyes.

And so, the trio then proceeded to their classes, albeit, Alisa has little tidings to the decision, she knows it’s for the best. She deemed that she can’t watch Sigrun herself.

And…as soon as the three of them entered the room together with Quarts…



A cheered exploded as soon as their figures appear in the class. Some boys are prancing around and some girls are giggling.

“Setting Reed Chelle and Alisa Hertuclaire aside, Sigrun made quite an entrance…” Quarts muttered with a smile.

“Sir Quarts…Reed and I were absent for the past two days. Attending with two marks absent is already a crack in my reputation, furthermore, Sig’s appearance…further made the two of us stand out.” Alisa said in a low voice with a knitted brow.

“It’s not really a concern of mine. Since the two of you are already well-known, take your seats. Yeah? See those vacant seats? Go there you two.” Quarts said nonchalantly without batting an eye to Alisa.

Reed proceeded to one of the vacant seats, the third row from the back near the door and Alisa took a seat in the back row. Quarts then beckoned Sigrun to stand in the middle. All eyes are glued to Sigrun, full of curiosity, excitement, and even lovestruck.

“Ahem, everyone, listen. This is Sigrun Valker, headmaster’s adoptive son.” Quarts made a brief introduction that immediately made everyone petrified.

“That’s right, his adoptive son. Circumstances are, the Headmaster’s age is catching up with him and he can feel himself going impotent. To resolve this problem, he adopted Sigrun who at first, he thought to be a girl. It was too late before he found out that Sigrun is a boy. To cope up with such mistake, he made Sigrun wear girl’s clothes. That’s the gist of it. Please be nice to Sigrun.” Quarts said an elaborate chain of lie that he had a hard time stopping his self from laughing.

On that day, Meld Valker’s reputation took a huge toll and plummeted beyond belief.

Apparently, Quarts is to be beckoned as a devil.

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