《Nevertheless, A Fantasy World》Nevertheless, A Magic Academy Chapter 1


“I don’t trust you Reed so he’ll come with me for tonight! Pffft! Hahaha! Alisa, you got some guts telling that to Reed!” Sigrun laughed as Alisa painstakingly ties his absurdly long hair.

“Grrr! It’s not like I wanted this to happen too but with Reed, I don’t even know what reckless thing he’ll do! Setting that aside, Sig, your hair is way too LONG!” Alisa shouted. She is only halfway to braiding his hair.

“I myself is clueless about modern fashion. Alisa, do you hate it?” Sigrun asked as he turned around and looks at Alisa with upturned eyes.

“Kuh! I am glad you are not with Reed! You are dangerous! I don’t actually hate it, more like, what’s with this really smooth hair of yours?! It’s troublesome though tying it like this, we are going to be late! This is the third day of school and Reed and I haven’t gone to our respective classes yet!” Alisa begrudgingly gave Sigrun a compliment whilst complaining about being late.

“Ahahaha! I’ll give you fried tofu after this as thanks!” Sigrun laughs again as he offered Alisa food.

“Eughh…I don’t like that.” Alisa remarked.

Sigrun then snaps a glance at Alisa with an extremely bewildered face.

“Lies?! Vasters, especially the subspecies of fox, love their fried tofu!” Sigrun exclaimed with flabbergasted countenance towards Alisa.

“That will get you in trouble if you stereotype people like that, Sig. Well, that is expected from a hero who secluded his self in the mountains for thousands of years…” Alisa sighs with a troubled expression.

“Sorry…I’ll keep that mind. I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings…Alisa.” Sigrun apologizes with an extremely meek tone.

“Arrggh…I’m not cut out for this apology thing you know. Listen, Sig, I’m not mad, more like, for a hero who saved the world, aren’t you being too meek and awfully humble? I imagined that you’d be more proud and dignified than that!” Alisa lightly reprimanded Sigrun as she continues braiding his hair.

“There’s nothing to be proud of with saving this world…” Sigrun muttered quietly.

“Hmm? What did you say?” Alisa asked as she heard a little of Sigrun’s words.

“Ah, nothing! Anyway, Alisa, I’ll be in your care from now on, especially regarding that matter. Reed strikes me as someone careless and reckless. As expected, there’s a lot of things I am confused with.” Sigrun conveyed a sincere smile at Alisa.

“Ahh…Ahh! Stop that! Don’t smile like that! You’re just a sex-crazed hero and yet, you can smile so pure!” Alisa grits her teeth as she averted her eyes from Sigrun.

“Ahahaha…you sure is a weird one, Alisa. Anyway…Meld gave me two sets of uniform but you see…” Sigrun once again becomes reserved as he sways his sight to the two set of uniform sitting on Alisa’s bed.


“Yeah…what to do…?” Alisa knitted her brows as she also took a glance at the two set of uniform.

What traversed yesterday is a busy Meld and Quarts preparing all the legal documents for Sigrun while Reed and Alisa were relieved of today’s school to take Sigrun shopping for necessary clothes, of course, with the Headmaster’s money.

Through that, Sigrun was able to see a lot of things he is unfamiliar, in which most magic-based gadgets mysteriously explodes. At that time, Reed and Alisa realized that Sigrun’s absurd magical energy overloads those techs so they had him suppressed his power once and for all.

After stirring some problems and drawing more money than necessary from Meld’s bank account, the two then head home in which Alisa volunteered to take Sigrun’s home for the meantime while his dorm or temporary room is still being prepared.

Other than being worried for Reed and Sigrun reaching another height of intimacy, Alisa took in Sigrun simply because she is rich. She is far rich than Reed, being a daughter of the President of the leading company that specializes in Elemental Inscription to materials.

And that night, a two set of uniform was delivered to Sigrun, the only problem now is…

“There’s…a set of uniform for both male and female…” Alisa said with disbelief in her face. “That headmaster sure did this to give me some headache…” she followed with a tired voice.

“Hmm, can’t I just go with the male uniform?” Sigrun asked as he brushed his finger against the ashen pants and smooth coat and necktie of the uniform designated for a male.

“No! I mean…that’s a logical decision but…! But…!” Alisa deeply agonizes. She looks at Sigrun and can only think…”I don’t want to wastes such beauty with a lackluster appearance!”

In the end, Alisa made Sigrun wear a female uniform…

After several minutes of fitting and adjusting, Sigrun reveals a new look.

“Hmm? This is something new for me. I never knew I’d wear something like this.” Sigrun said himself with a slight surprise as he looks in the mirror.

His hair is now tied in a split braid and tied in a circular way in which the tip of the braid was attached to where the braiding started. He wears a standard Estelle Harmonia Magic Academy Uniform which composes of a pleated navy skirt with white outline. She wears a navy coat with white cuffs and buttons. Inside the coat is a shirt tucked into the skirt and fashioned with a white ribbon.

And the most dangerous detail that Alisa didn’t forget, the absolute territory, the kneesocks in color black that further emphasizes Sigrun’s pale complexion.

“Urrk!” Alisa staggers back as she stares at Sigrun’s new appearance. Needless to say, Sigrun now far surpasses Alisa’s spec as a girl even though he is a boy.


“What’s wrong, Alisa?” Sigrun asked as he twirls the skirt playfully.

“Don’t get so cocky! Remove! Yeah, remove that clothes! Let’s just stick with the male uniform! This is dangerous for Reed too if he sees you like this!” Alisa panics. She doesn’t even know what kind of a monster she made.


“Lady Alisa, aren’t you going to be late? Please go downstairs and eat some breakfast. It’s a little rude to starve your guest too.” A voice from the other side of the door said so.

“Argghh! We are going to be late! We don’t have time for this anymore! Let’s go to school with that!” Alisa suddenly grabs Sigrun’s hand and drag him out of her room.

After eating their breakfast in a quick succession, Alisa said her goodbye to her parents together with Sigrun and make a break for it.

“Alisa, I never ate such delicious food garnished with spices! No, I think I haven’t since I started living in the mountain. It’s a real treat, thank you.” Sigrun thanked Alisa while they are on their way to the academy.

“You know you are really getting sappy! You don’t have to thank me for every little thing! Listen Sig, the headmaster told us to take care of you, obviously, that also comes when you are in classes. I kind of obligated myself to teach you some things so it’s given that I properly take care of you!” Alisa once again told Sigrun.

“Ohohoho? I think Reed is so lucky with you.” Sigrun teasingly said to Alisa.

“Shut up! That ball of density won’t even know anything unless you told it upfront!” Alisa snarls Sigrun with a displeased face.

“Is that so? Anyway, Alisa…is there something wrong? We are drawing out too much stare. I’m itching to tell them something but I might tell something really rude you know.” Sigrun said as he shows vigilance.

“Umm…haaa…with you walking by my side, that’s bound to happen so don’t do anything violent.” Alisa light said to Sigrun as if she is used to it.

“Yeah…?” Sigrun sprouted a confuse face while tilting his head.

Not long after, a huge crowd of male and even female started following them. It only got worse when they met up with Reed.

“Oh, Alisa and…Sig?!” Reed immediately flared in a blush as he saw Sigrun’s appearance.

Reed’s face blared like a siren as he stares at Sigrun. Alisa places her hand on her face as she saw Reed in such state. Sigrun, on the other hand, is quite oblivious to the reason why Reed and Alisa are like that.

“Yeah? Hi Reed.” Sigrun greeted as he waves his hand carefreely.

At the sight of Sigrun, the crowd of girls a little far away from Reed started backing down. They grumbled when they saw Alisa and Sigrun walking closer to Reed but stayed behind after staring a little at Sigrun.

“Look at her! How wonderful! She is like a doll!”

“She’s so small and how her hair is tied up seems so fantastic! She is also studying in Estelle too!”

“Yeah! We might be able to see her every day from now on too!”

Gossips started spreading like a wildfire regarding Sigrun. On top of that, she is a friend of Reed and Alisa, the two finalists of last year’s state competition for Magus.

Alisa is aware that she is famous and thinks of that fame as bothersome, however, Reed is oblivious to it as he is overly friendly with anyone. That’s also the reason he is dense from any approach of girls wanting to get closer to him.

“Yeah…this guy is…as always…dense. Can’t get any signal from girls! But wait! He gets awfully conscious around Sigrun! Lies!” Alisa started speculating things in her mind.

“Damn Sigrun…what a tough opponent…” Alisa quietly muttered that no ears can hear.

“Hey Alisa, what are you doing? Let’s go!” Sigrun said as he takes Alisa’s hand started pulling on her.

“Uwah! Wait!” Alisa said as Sigrun pulled Alisa with his absurd strength that made her stumble down but caught by Reed.

“Ah, sorry, Alisa. It’s a little hard to adjust my strength. Well, things turned out well.” Sigrun grins as he said those words.

“What are you talking about Sig? Alisa, are you okay?” Reed asked as he looks at Alisa closer who is now in his embrace.

“Wha--! Yeah, I’m fine! Thank you…Reed!” Alisa said with a fierce flustered face.

“You’re usually attentive and careful. Well, Sig may not have adjusted his strength that much so let us be careful.” Reed lightly told Alisa with a refreshing tone.

Sigrun secretly shows Alisa a thumb up.

“Sir Sigrun, thank you!!” Alisa shouted inside her mind with a delighted grin.

“So, let’s not dawdle around and go to this academy! Hurry!” Sigrun happily beckons the two.

The three of them walks together on the road leading to the academy, a place where even greater problem connected to Sigrun will occur.

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