《Nevertheless, A Fantasy World》Nevertheless, A Fantasy World: Prologue 6


“Anyway, where can I find the red light district?” Sigrun immediately changed the pace of the conversation. Right now, he covers his self with an exquisite sheet of a blanket with floral design brought by Quarts.

“Why do you suddenly asked, Sir Sigrun?!” Meld voice’s cracks from Sigrun’s another absurd question.

“Ahahaha! I have a mighty craving for sex you see. I haven’t done it for eighty years now. So, where is it?” Sigrun gave his reason out with a smile. “By the way, I’m fine with either a lass or a lad.” Sigrun proudly said.

“You mean to say you are fine with either gender?! Also, what kind of era did you come from?! Red light district? There’s nothing like that anymore…well, there’s a whole lot similar places.” Meld said tiredly.

Reed and Alisa’s eyes bulged out from Sigrun’s preference for a partner.That is to say, they are more concerned about his preference for a partner rather than his tale of heroism.

“You mean to say that you are also fine with Reed?!” Alisa asked with extremely anxious expression while cold sweat trickles down from her temples.

“Hmm?I guess? You are fine too. It’ll save me the time to find some suitable partners as you two are preferable for me.” Sigrun nonchalantly answered.

“R-Run away! Reed! We’re not safe here!” Alisa panicked with a pale countenance as she pulls on Reed’s arm.

“No…Alisa…Sir Sigrun is the hero I always idolized. If he is having trouble, h-helping him to relieve some urges…but…I am…” Reed deeply contemplated with a serious face. It only made Alisa fall into a despair deeper than the abyss as her beloved seemingly taking a bad turn in romance.

Reed’s eyes swim from top to bottom as he gazes at Sigrun. He felt like nothing could go wrong if he jumps at the opportunity to feel that small and petite body, although a male…

“Ohohoho! How daring of you boy! Just to be clear, I am always the lead, are you fine with that?” Sigrun exposes a huge grin.

Reed, realizing the implication and realizing that he was thinking something indecent and stupid, snaps back to reality from adoring his hero and paled with instant regret.

“Hold it right there, Sir Sigrun! Those two are still minors! They haven’t reached the age of legality for that term! It will be a crime if you pursue them!” Meld suddenly intervened.

“Age of…legality? Is that something the right age of consent or something?” Sigrun tilted his head once more from the notion.

“That is correct…They have to be at age of eighteen years old and above…” Meld said with a relief for the reason Sigrun seemed to understand it.

“Hmm? I see…Back then, thirteen years old can already decide it for themselves. Just how strict the rules can be in this era…? There’s so much to learn that I think I won’t be returning home anytime.” Sigrun once again contemplated the rules he is ignorant with.

“Ahem! Sir Sigrun! We are straying too far from the conversation!” Meld cleared his throat to get Sigrun’s attention once more.

“You are most certainly right. I’d like to address to that boy. If you will, please calm down, sit, I won’t do anything to you so don’t try to escape.” Sigrun said as he looks at Reed and Alisa making their escape.


Reed and Alisa froze as Sigrun called out to them. Seemingly no escape from his clutches, the two obediently returned to their seats with tension. They were smiling with frigidity.

“That, Sir Sigrun, I wanted to ask you one last thing. I deemed that you won’t speak anything else other than the subject at hand but I will dare ask this outright. What do you mean when you said you revived Reed Chelle using the power of Yah and Weh?” Meld asked with a serious tone that brought back the heavy atmosphere.

Reed’s expression also changes to a more sharper one as he put his attention on the details regarding his miraculous revival. He remembers that Sigrun mentions that Yah is the Vajra of Creation and Weh is the Vajra of Destruction.

Something tells him that this will be crucial for what’s to come for his future.

“That’s right, the power of Yah and Weh represents the two face of existence. Each and every Vajra represents the concept of magic existing in this world. They are none other than the progenitor of magic concept. The book written by your predecessors seems like to save their faces from shame.” Sigrun said with a seemingly melancholic tone.

“Boy, I have passed a fragment of Yah and Weh to revive you. The logic behind it is that Yah creates life and Weh destroys any excess. Within you, those two power interacts, even now. In hindsight, you are my responsibility.” Sigrun added as he gazes at Reed from top to bottom.

“Fragments of Yah and Weh. Creating life and at the same time, destroying it. Won’t just Yah alone sufficient enough for that if it creates life?” Reed asked as he touches his chest, where got pierced.

“Within you, the Yah continues to create life faster than you can exhaust it. Overbearing life force will break you down so Weh is also required to keep the balance inside you.” Sigrun clarified to the contemplating Reed.

“Sir Sigrun, you mean to say that inside Reed Chelle, your power resides? Could there be any side effect?” Meld asked the question regarding Reed’s condition.

“Verily, no. There’s no lethal side effect as I already stabilized the two power. It’s just that occasionally, the Yah will be creating a little bit life that Weh will not break down. The effect will be shown through sexual arousal. Possibly, your thing also grew a few centimeters. You need to jack it off.” Sigrun grins once more towards Reed.

Alisa, upon hearing this, set her face ablaze as she snaps a glance at Reed’s lower region with widened eyes. Realizing the implication and becoming aware of Alisa’s gaze, Reed also got embarrassed and turned away from Alisa’s gaze.

“Alisa?! W-where are you looking at?!” Reed bashfully asked.

“N-nothing really! It’s not like I got really interested, you moron!” Alisa snaps back while turning her head away from Reed.

“Say…are they always like this? I feel like I’ll puke sugar at any moment’s notice if they continue this.” Sigrun asked Meld as he pointed Alisa and Reed.

“That is to say, both of them are morons.” Meld simply replied.

“Is that so? Hey, boy! There’s also one thing I need to tell you. This is utmost important.” Sigrun calls out to Reed who is unknowingly becoming flirty with Alisa.


“Y-Yeah! You were talking to me Sir Sigrun!?” Reed snaps away from Alisa and returns his attention to Sigrun. However, he can’t shake off the feeling of embarrassment as he also stares at Sigrun whose cover is slightly slipping down.

“What a horny brat. Anyway, listen well. You will now live indefinitely. Meaning, you are somewhat nigh immortal now.” Sigrun declares that once again brought back a heavy atmosphere.

“What do you mean by that?” Reed asked with faltering voice.

“Meaning, you won’t grow old, maybe at some point, you will stop aging is what I mean or maybe you have already stopped growing. The Yah inside you will keep you young and lively, although, being reckless can still lead you to death.” Sigrun explained the effects of Yah once again.

“Ahh…I heard a lot today…Sir Sigrun…I don’t think I can digest everything all at once…” Reed said with eyes full of disbelief.

“That’s quite fine, boy. You may continue your life as it is. Be sure to get as much concubine as you can as you will be a fine lad in the future.” Sigrun teasingly said.

“He won’t!” Alisa immediately exclaimed as her face burn again once more in blazes, the same as Reed from Sigrun’s playful remark. “I mean, polygamy is the norm now!” she immediately covered.

“Is that right? Well then, since I don’t have any explaining to do now, I shall go.” Sigrun said as he stands up and prepares to leave.

“Hmm?” Something immediately came to Meld’s mind when Sigrun said he will go now. “Sir Sigrun, what do you intend to do now?” He asked.

“Me? Traveling from one city to another. Find a good mercenary job or any adventuring guilds.” Sigrun said innocently.

“Those things don’t exist anymore!” Meld immediately exclaimed with vigor.

“…No way?!” Sigrun said with a flabbergasted face as if his dreams were crushed.

“This is not that kind of world you used to know. Every city around the globe has specialized units and sufficient magi to go around exterminating beasts as their real profession. Not to mention, the existence of Exturbos has greatly given us advantages over stronger beasts. Your options…are quite really…outdated…” Meld hurriedly explains to enlighten Sigrun of the situation.

“Shut down before even starting…how do I even live in this world…? No general knowledge…nothing sort of modern monetary value…not even a common sense fitting for this era…should I just return to the mountain…?” Sigrun fell to his knees as he despair.

“Err…” Meld is lost for words as he watches the great Sigrun. His appearance has already made a huge crack on his reputation and now, the cause of his despair further lowers his dignity.

Reed watches the situation unfold. The hero that he admired so much is now in front of him. He couldn’t be even happier than this but seeing the very same man fall into despair gave him a perplexed feeling.

Sigrun came down from the mountains, expecting something happy and exciting and yet, something has already blocked his drive from going further. It gave him a lonely feeling as he imagines Sigrun returning to the mountains that no one can access.

His life will return that way it is, chasing his dreams. But what of Sigrun?

He felt dissatisfaction with it. He feels like this chance meeting is just once in a lifetime. He thought that going back to school like this without doing anything is too bland…

“School…?” Reed suddenly thought of something.

“Headmaster!” Reed shouted as he raised his hand toward Meld.

“What’s seem to be the matter, Reed Chelle?” Meld asked with a tired expression.

“Headmaster, would you be so kind to admit Sir Sigrun to this Academy?!” Reed suddenly blurted an unbelievable question that made Meld take a step back. Alisa likewise.

“Academy? You mean this place?” Sigrun meekly asked.

“Yeah! Sir Sigrun, here, you will learn the modern knowledge that you desire! You will learn the common sense befitting of this era! You may even find amusement that you wanted! What do you say?” Reed excitingly explained.

“I see…I see! I SEE! Boy, you are a genius! I can already see the potential inside you!” Sigrun beams with new hope and snaps a glance at Meld.

“True, with this, we can keep you close to us. Sir Sigrun, your very existence is crucial to this world and you are far too dangerous without proper knowledge if you strut about in the land.” Meld contemplated with sharp eyes.

“That’s right. Sir Sigrun, I will admit you to this academy! I am going to fill every need you may require too! Lodging, food, clothes, everything! I will answer every expense for you! I also need to change your name for safety purposes, are you fine with that?” Meld asked Sigrun as he visualizes all the possibility that could happen in the academy with Sigrun’s existence.

“I am very much happy to accept! Please do it!” Sigrun said with a blooming smile.

“Yes! Quarts! Prepare the papers for admittance and adoption. Also, list down all the necessities that Sir Sigrun may need for this time onwards! Quick!” Meld immediately gave out orders to Quarts while he himself drew out some paper from his cabinet.

“You hear that, Sir Sigrun!? You may stay!” Reed happily exclaimed.

“Yes! It’s all thanks to you boy! By the way, stop calling me Sir. You may call me Sig in a friendly manner I and will call you Reed.” Sigrun said with heightened excitement.

“Yes, Sig! It’s a pleasure to be your acquaintance!” Reed returned a smile and shook Sigrun’s hand.

“And I’ll be in your care too, lass, or rather, Alisa, right?” Sigrun turns to Alisa with a smile.

“Yeah, same, Sig.” Alisa also shook Sig’s hand. However, Sig drew close to Alisa’s hand to whisper something.

“Guard your prey well or he might get stolen.” Sigrun teasingly said.

Alisa wasn’t able to comprehend those words so she just tilted her head in confusion. Sigrun once again sprouted a smile that could be mistaken for a maiden’s purity.

Thus, Sigrun’s life in the academy filled with everyday shenanigans starts.

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