《Nevertheless, A Fantasy World》Nevertheless, A Fantasy World: Prologue 5


Inside the headmaster’s office, the clock ticks within the quiet room. The tension was wrapped up earlier but the confusion still afloat. The daylight rising from the horizon shifted a few centimeters before Reed was able to collect his self.

Right now, sitting on a couch, Sigrun relaxingly sips a tea from a teacup prepared by the headmaster’s assistant who by the way, came earlier with a perfect timing.

Reed seats beside Alisa who is consoling him. Reed, who shows a face of utter despair and betrayal, can’t look at Sigrun and can only feel the abyssal emptiness in his heart.

“Hey…do you really dislike it? It’s only a kiss though. You won’t die from it or rather, I gave your life an extension with it.” Sigrun nonchalantly said while taking a quick glance at the sulking Reed.

“That’s right Reed! You can’t count that as a first kiss since it’s a guy!” Alisa happily said as she does her best to console Reed.

“And that’s exactly what I am brooding over. It’s a kiss from my childhood idol, the one I looked up since I was a child so at first, I feel so lucky. Then…yeah…Sigrun is a man. I feel so torn…” Reed replied with empty eyes seemingly perplexed.

“Wait…Reed, you don’t have to give that kiss any meaning other than reviving you!” Alisa immediately cried it out with crestfallen ears.

However, Alisa’s words deemed to be empty. A kiss is a kiss, a physical contact between lips and most of all, an exchange of fluid.

Alisa took a glance at Sigrun…

Indeed, Sigrun said earlier that he is a man, but his appearance is undeniable, the perfect girl. His lips are much glossier and pinkish that Alisa. His skin is so smooth and pale that a ceramic would cry being compared to it, on the other hand, Alisa took great effort to take care of hers. Sigrun’s black and absurdly long hair is seemingly alike the blanket of the night sky, a deep dark color with remarkable luster to it, meanwhile, Alisa’s hair needs a huge amount of maintenance to keep out split ends, dry hair, and even getting it oily.

“Damn it…and you are a man…” Alisa curses as she saw the huge difference. Though a man, one would immediately know who is the real beauty.

“Ahem! Though a little devastating…I want to keep the conversation going. Also, for security purposes, I already told Quarts to inform all involved personnel that I will personally take care of Sir Sigrun from this point on so expect that there will be no trouble or intervention.” Meld assured as he glances at Quarts, the assistant that was mentioned earlier.


Quarts dons a blond hair and princely blue eyes. He does not excel in any magic but he is good at general knowledge, that is to fill what Meld is inadequate in. By the way, Quarts is a human.

“Now, I would like to hear the details of why, all of these years, Sir Sigrun decided to descend from the mountain.” Meld gets to the point right away.

“Hmm? Cause I got bored…is what I wanted to say but that’s just part of the reason.” Sigrun once again sips a mouthful of tea and continues. “I have isolated myself from the world for too long and I wanted to see how far the people have evolved. However, the incident yesterday made me realize one thing…” Sigurn momentarily stops as he looks down.

“What could it be that you realized, Sir Sigrun? Do you find this world displeasing?” Meld asked Sigrun with a worried countenance. Knowing and learning of what Sigrun is capable of, Meld is anxious about Sigrun’s evaluation of the current era.

“I can’t say right now if it is displeasing or not. Rather, I just wanted to see what’s around me. Whatever happens, I don’t plan on doing anything. What bothered me is the fact that…I am greatly uninformed of anything. Rules and regulations, the modern knowledge that you people cultivated, the vast amount of inventions that you created. I find it appalling that I am ignorant of any of these.” Sigrun explained his innermost thoughts to Meld.

“What I am trying to say is that I want to learn about the modern life that you and your predecessor worked hard for. The first reason is to amuse myself. Second, I don’t want to cause any problem anymore like what I did yesterday due to my ignorance.” Sigrun followed up an explanation that seems sincere and honest.

“The Hero of Aldieas, Sigrun. What a modest man of outstanding values to the point where he knows when to admit fault.” Meld thought as he watches Sigrun gave an apologetic stare.

“Sir Sigrun, I am deeply honored that you admitted your woes and faults. Since there are no casualties with exception of Reed yesterday, I am going to exempt you from any liable crime. Therefore, I am also going to answer the cost of repairs. I can also make an exception for the Exturbos that you dearly trashed.” Meld conveyed his thankfulness and assurance to Sigrun.

“I am glad that you are willing to exempt from any crimes but, as for the cost, I can cover for it myself if we are talking about wealth.” Sigrun said as he started stripping his clothes in front of everyone.


“Uwah?!” Reed suddenly shouted in panic as his face becomes red.

“Wait, Reed! Don’t look! No, wait! Sir Sigrun is a man! But…no! Don’t look!” Alisa panics as she tried to cover Reed’s eyes but felt a little agitated too as the fact of Sigrun being a man still ticks her off.

“Sir Sigrun! To do something indecent…!” Meld is also taken aback as Sigrun strip down his clothes.

Baring naked and unfurling his absurdly long hair as if to give it space, Sigrun tossed the clothes at Meld’s table with a confused countenance.

“Why are you guys so upbeat? Anyway, that clothes will be good payment.” Sigrun happily said as he sits back and picks up the cup of tea again.

“Quarts…get some cover for him.” Meld asked his assistant with a tired and perplexed countenance, seemingly don’t know where to look. “Also…I don’ think these clothes will…wait…” Meld immediately noticed something as he touches the clothes.

He immediately dashes his hand on the silken traditional dress that design can only be found at a far away place to the east. His eyes widen in utter shock from what he discovers.

“This clothes…is like a weaved magical energy! No, it’s fully packed with it! This is…no way! Impossible! Isn’t this comparable to a huge magical power plant?! No…! A power plant of magical energy would even cry! Sir Sigrun, what is this thing?!” Meld asked with bloodshot eyes seemingly holding the clothes like a treasure.

“I made that with my hair. I was planning to make another pair with my remaining hair but I got bored before I can even start.” Sigrun said as he glances over his hair which is sprawled on the ground.

Reed and Alisa also take a look and touch of the said clothes. As soon as their hands touch it, they immediately felt the vivid amount of magical energy crammed into it. Reed himself carefully examines the clothes by touching a various place like the pits, and the chest part, parts that are still warm.

“Hey…Reed!” Alisa shouted as she noticed Reed’s odd behavior.

“Ah, sorry! It was just…amazing! Yeah! So amazing that I can’t part my hands from it!” Reed made an absurd and obvious excuse that got a cold stare from Alisa.

“Setting these two morons aside, Sir Sigrun…ARE YOU TRYING TO BUY THE WHOLE ACADEMY?!” Meld said in an elevated voice.

“Quite not? I don’t even have a monetary sense, less, a basic knowledge. By the way, I still have a lot of those clothes back in my house.” Sigrun mentioned.

“House? You mean the sacred mountain, right?” Meld timidly asked, expecting an absurd response.

“Hmm? How is that mountain sacred? It’s just absurdly tall, that’s all.” Sigrun debated as he heard that the moutain is mentioned as sacred.

“Sir Sigrun, you lived there so you should know! That mountain is the starting point of all the magical ley lines that spread throughout the world! The mountain itself is extremely dangerous because strong beasts reside there. But it is undeniable that the mountain exudes a huge amount of magical energy.” Meld explained with a sense of professionalism.

“Haaa?! There’s nothing good about that mountain! Perhaps the overflowing magical energy that you are talking about is my excess magical energy.” Sigrun stood up from his place, buck naked while placing his hand on his hips, and looks at Meld with a bewildered face.

“…Come again…Sir Sigrun? Are you saying that the whole world…is leeching off from your excess magical energy?” Meld, seemingly trying to hang at the edge of his chair with a disarrayed face, asked the question.

“Hmm? That’s the gist of it I guess. I really don’t care though.” Sigrun nonchalantly replied with an innocent countenance.

Reed and Alisa, who are hearing this, dropped their jaws in utter amazement and shock. Meld starts sweating heavily as he stares unbelievably as Sigrun.

“Ah, well, I do have a huge magical reserve in my body if we count the thirteen core of the Vajras.” Sigrun said as if he just remembered it.

“Thirteen…vajras…” Meld weakly uttered as his mind is trying to digest what Sigrun has revealed to them.

“Yes, the thirteen Vajras. Agni the Vajra of Fire, Neptune the Vajra of Water, Zephyrus the Vajra of Wind, Terra the Vajra of Earth, Diabolo the Vajra of Dark, Lumen the Vajra of Light, Inanis the Vajra of Void, Vitas the Vajra of Life, Chronus the Vajra of Time, Fate the Vajra of Karma, Order the Vajra of Cosmos, Weh the Vajra of Destruction, and Yah the Vajra of Creation.” Sigrun calls out the name of all the thirteen Vajras.

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