《Nevertheless, A Fantasy World》Nevertheless, A Fantasy World: Prologue 4


Sigrun, the Hero of Aldieas, the man who defeated all the Thirteen Demon Lords that said to have almost succeeded in wiping out each and every life in this world. Wielding a sword bestowed by the Gods, the Hero Sigrun plows down every enemy and eventually triumphing.

However, Sigrun was the very same hero who showed utter disgust towards the people that he saved. The God was moved by the people’s effort to survive but in return, the hero becomes disappointed for what they have shown him.

What did Sigrun witness back then?

“Impossible! They said Hero Sigurn has ascended to the Celestial Realms! Instead of counting faults to the people of this world, he climbed to heaven.” Alisa shouted.

“That’s right…Alisa is right! Also, Hero Sigrun, according to the book is a--!” Reed was about to say something but is stopped.

All of a sudden, hundreds of soldiers holding rifles equipped with Elemental Burster, an inscription that changes the properties of the bullets to the desired element. From the skies, six more Exturbo came down with all of their weapons drawn out.

All of the armed soldiers surrounded Sigrun whilst, pointing their firearms at her. High caliber magus stayed at the backline and started casting magical spells to interfere with Sigrun. The Exturbo exudes an astounding amount of magical energy and pointed a railgun at her.

Reed and Alisa were immediately taken away from the place.

“It seems I have rampaged at the wrong Era. People are so strict. The, for that boy, I won’t cause any more trouble.” Sigrun said as he raises her hand in the air. “Surrender.” She added.

“Get her!” One of the commanding officers shouted and everyone approached her cautiously.

As Sigrun showed no sign of resistance, the soldiers pounce on her and held her hands behind her back. They took out some cuffs and seals.

“Restrain her magic! Contact Sir Meld!” Said once again by the commanding officer.

“Sheesh, do be a little gentle, you are messing my hair.” Sigrun complained a little.

“Shut up Demon Lord! You are going to be given a due trial! Anything you say now will be used against you!” The commanding officer replied.

The cuffs are inscribed with magic that can seal magic and strengthened to the limits that even a Behemoth will be having a hard time breaking it. A seal, a talisman was put in Sigrun’s chest, near the heart, where the center of magical node gathers in one’s body.

The day ended with Sigrun being taken to Estelle Harmonia Magic Academy’s underground facility due to Sir Meld’s order, the Academy’s headmaster and one of the Ten Paladins, the world’s strongest Peace Keepers.


Meanwhile, Reed and Alisa were taken to the head office of the Academy the next day.

“So, Reed Chelle and Alisa Hertuclaire, you two rushed towards the scene of danger when the alarm clearly indicated great danger.” A handsome serensis man with pointed ears, white hair tied in a ponytail, and clear green eyes, said as he stares at the tense Reed and Alisa.

“Um…Alisa was just trying to stop me. I should only who should take all the punishment, Headmaster Meld.” Reed appealed to the man named Meld.

“Uhu, and…when my men found you, Reed Chelle, you have a huge hole in your clothes, all bloodied, and seemingly flushed. Alisa Hertuclaire, did Reed Chelle really died and was revived?” Meld asked with keen eyes.

“Yes! Reed was…Reed really died…but…the girl who introduced herself as Sigrun brought him back to life!” Alisa explained with a pained voice as Reed’s lifeless body flashes in her mind.

“And…how did this girl named Sigrun did it?” Meld once again asked, however, Alisa frowned upon the question and Reed’s face becomes beet red.

“I’m going to puke sugar…! Are you two perhaps in a lover’s quarrel?” Meld teasingly asked.

“We are not, dummy! Ah, sorry! I mean…Headmaster Meld…it’s just that…wait! Reed and I are not like that! But that Sigrun…she…ah! No…what am trying to say is that…argghh…” Alisa gave up explaining one thing to another has she messed up her words.

Meld only showed a gentle smile upon the panicking Alisa and the unusually meek Reed. Meld is well aware of Reed’s reckless behavior and Alisa’s love for the dense man.

Reed doesn’t even remember that Alisa confessed to him during that incident. Reed can only mull over Sigrun, the idol he always looked up to and how she kissed him to resurrect him.

“Like what I said, I revived the boy with the magic of Yah and Weh.” A voice entered everyone’s ears.

Meld, Alisa, and Reed were all alerted as someone entered at the door. A whole day hasn’t even passed and yet, she was there, with a huge grin on her face.

“You…! How did you escape?!” Meld shouted as he drew a sword inscribed with a Two-way inscription of Earth and Water element. Reed and Alisa immediately step sideward as Meld pointed the sword to Sigrun’s forehead.

“Me? It was easy…none of your seals really worked on me. Ah, even the cuffs were nothing more than a fancy decoration on my hand.” Sigrun said as she tossed the cuffs and seals aside. “Like something crude can restrain me, a hero.” She added.


“Hero Sigrun, right? Are you really the same hero in the books written by our predecessors? Show us a proof. If you fail to, I will strike you down as a demon lord.” Meld threatened Sigrun as his magical energy fills the room.

“Damn it…don’t call them Demon Lords! Those thirteens…they are very dear to me, the Vajras! Just how much fictitious that book can be?!” Sigrun roared with visible irritation.

“I am angered by the fact that all of you believed that they are nothing more than a killing machine! Those thirteen birthed magic to this world and yet, they are feared!” Sigrun once again continued with knitted eyebrows.

“I am unsure of what you are trying to say! In fact, none of your words are believable, for someone who went on a rampage and charred a lot of places! You even trashed our precious Exturbos!” Meld replied with anger too.

“Those junks are precious?! That’s a really funny story considering they didn’t even give a slight resistance to my strength!” Sigrun mocks with a smug.

“That is not the point here anymore. You have caused a huge disturbance and you won’t get away from your crimes. You break the rules and this is what you get.” Meld exclaimed without even setting the sword aside.

“…Well sorry, I don’t even know any rules you have here. I just came down from the mountains and I am completely clueless…” Sigrun apologizes with yet, another calm tone. “I wanted to apologize as well to that boy. You are going to have your life overturned from this point on.” She added as she cast a glance to Reed.

“Me? Ah…the kiss!?” Reed once again flared in a blush.

“Reed…!” Alisa clings to Reed’s arm as jealousy started filling her mind.

“A kiss? You mean to say that you revive Reed Chelle with a kiss?” Meld asked Sigrun while keeping his guard.

“I gave him a fragment of Yah and Weh, about .01 percent each. I need to pass some saliva to his throat to give familiarity to the fragments and act as a lubricant since his throat seemed so parched at the moment.

“I have a lot to ask but let’s get back on track. How are you going to prove that you are Sigrun, the Hero of Aldieas?!” Meld once again asked Sigrun with a stern voice.

“Boy, how many years have you lived? You are a Serensis, no?” Sigrun asked Meld while looking straight to his eyes.

“About a couple of hundred years now. What about it? And how dare you call me a boy, little girl?” Meld answered such question but rebutted with twitching cheek.

“So young…! Anyway, if you want proof, then I can show you one.” Sigrun said as she raises one arm.

“Don’t do anything funny!” Meld burst as pointed the sword ever closer to Sigrun’s head.

However, she didn’t heed Meld’s words. She nonchalantly continues exuding a monstrous amount of magical energy, probably not even all the Exturbo in the city could contain. No, it was so strong that it can be felt up to the next city.

“O’ Terra.” Sigrun muttered.

At that very instant, an insignia appears at the top of Sigrun’s palm. A pale brown symbol that has a shape of a crystalline rock. The insignia exudes great power of Earth that could probably be considered a treasure of the Gods.

“This is the core of one of the thirteen Vajra, Terra’s heart. She was a really sweet girl with explosive personality.” Sigrun said with fondness in her eyes.

“I can’t believe it…not even us Paladins could hold something so outrageous…” Meld muttered as he lowered the sword on his hand. “Are you…really the Hero of Aldieas?” he once again asked.

“I am that very same man. I am just a little disappointed that the book where my tales was written is absurdly biased.” She said…

Other than the insignia, another burst of energy or rather, voice thunders in the room.

“Wait! You are Hero Sigrun then?! If you really are, I just want to ask something!” Reed asked with a panicking countenance.

“Oh, the boy. What is it?” Sigrun replied whilst, retracting Terra’s Heart back.

“The book said that you are a man but right now, you are clearly a girl! That doesn’t make any sense!” Reed pointed something out that made Alisa drop her jaw. Meld has widened eyes, seemingly a little shocked.

However, from the question itself, Sigrun tilts his head cutely. It was an innocent tilt that she seemed so naïve.

“Hmm? But, I’ve always been a man. Even now.” Sigrun innocently said.


An air of silence fills the room.

Alisa and Meld are both petrified from the news, but most of all, Reed is just standing there, seemingly became a stone statue.

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