《Nevertheless, A Fantasy World》Nevertheless, A Fantasy World: Prologue 1


Aldieas, a world where magic blooms from the very roots of its core and drawn out from its leyline across its land. Consuming the nigh-infinite amount of magical power of the world, one can conjure and bend the will of nature to produce fire, manipulate water, dance with the wind, and resound with the earth.

It’s long drawn out history carved that world, granted knowledge to its inhabitants, and even give them chances to develop magic. As the civilization grows, boundaries are created, kingdoms are established, and slowly, people become intellectual.

Dividing Aldieas into countless kingdoms, lands, and even continent, and the variety of races has also started taking over.

Humans, the least common race with high adaptability, flexible with their specialization in magic, and one of the race with the shortest life expectancy. In compensation for their physical weakness, they are granted high intellect and granted a more fluid flow of magic energy within their bodies.

Vasters, a common race with strong physical prowess and excellent survival instincts, a race with ears and tails derived from wild animals. Some of their race also shows a more dominant wildly appearance that exhibits fur. However, unlike humans, Vasters have a duller sense of magic.

Serensis, a conservative race that focuses on magic and has lower physical ability than humans and vasters, however, their life expectancy greatly differs from the two races as they can live up to more than three hundred years. Within the race of Serensis, a variety of subspecies also appears. One of the prominent subspecies is Eruf, a race with long pointed ears as their best trademarks. One more subspecies that is commonly seen is Breth, a subspecies that stout in stature but has excellent physical strength.

Oreals, a race that once walked that land in its primitive state but now, has finite numbers. They are an ancient race that is also called Primus as their race retains knowledge from the past. They have scales as hard as steel and wings that let them soar through the skies. One more prominent characteristics they have is horns. The other synonym for their name is Draug.

Alpsis, is a race, like the Serensis, with a lot of subspecies but their most common trait is two to four horns sprouting from their head. Some of them also show a different skin color or rather eerie irises. They are the race opposite with Humans as they had the most strife.


Altogether, they strive to be on top, a fight for supremacy. The whole world was divided and countless war made a huge gap for further growth for the era.

Seeing how the world has turned out, the God that governs Aldieas frowned.

He lamented over the outcome of the world, how everyone has become corrupted, become hungry for power, and even becoming unconditionally evil for the sake of their goals.

In his rage, the very same God sent Thirteen Demon Lords, an existence that will wipe out the whole world of its corrupted ideals, an existence that will exterminate every single soul in the world, seeing no change and hope for it.

Not even hundred years have passed, all of the races banded together in desperation to survive.

However, they are only left with a single continent to huddle together. Millions of life were already reaped or possibly billions, reaped by mere numbers of thirteen.

The continent that was left for them was a land with a mountain towering up to the skies, filled with tall trees and ferocious beasts rendering them sandwiched in both dangers.

Desperation fills their hearts, hopelessness washed away their corrupted ideals, and only tears were shed next to blood. A dawn of another massacre comes closer as the thirteen Demon Lords marches towards them.

“If we only have a hero…”

Words such as those suddenly gave a rang.

The five races then, in their last struggle, combined their powers and conjures a summoning spell, a spell that even them cannot comprehend. It is a spell circle that they desperately created to give them salvation.

It’s no longer a spell, it was a Receipt of their salvation.

Their salvation was painstakingly answered as a man of hollow black hair and eyes appears. As opposed to the god who created Aldieas, the summoned hero is someone sent by another god.

The man, exceeded everyone’s expectation as he exhibits power that matches the Demon Lords, has become the beacon of hope.

However, their hopes almost crushed the hero, their expectations filled him with uncertainty, and not long after, he became mad.

Spite of that madness, the summoned hero ceaseless swung his sword down towards the Demon Lords. Regaining and losing himself, the hero fought, suffering and falling into despair, the hero fought, and experiencing rage and hatred, the hero fought.

Until he vanquished all of the Demon Lords within the span of ten years.


The hero is aware what will come next, he is aware that he will be an existence not be awed at but to be feared.

Sooner or later, he will become the symbol of dominance. His kind heart has already given up, his patience was long exhausted.

He lamented that he was a hero but at the same, felt that he loved what he achieved.

After hiding his Godly sword at the far side of the world, he returned back to the mountain as tall as a skyscraper. Wordlessly, he vanished in the mountain.

Being free from threat, all of the five races have reached a consensus. The God who sent the Thirteen Demon Lord was unexpectedly satisfied with the result.

The mountain that was discovered to be the pinnacle of the magical ley lines, was treated as a sacred place. The lone hero who advanced the magic becomes a tale, and the salvation he brought has become a light that leads the world to a new future.




“Bah, this is boring! How many times have I read such crude summary!?” A girl complained as she threw that book aside and sprawled her body unto the wooden veranda.

“Boring, boring, boring, boring! I want to do something else today other than laze around and sleep! When was the last time I had a visitor and sex? Eighty-something years!?” She groaned angrily.

The girl sprawling on the ground is an exquisite beauty. Her black silken hair grew past double her tiny height of one hundred thirty centimeters. Her black irises shine beautifully that is paired with beautiful long eyelashes.

From the slit of her traditional dress peeks her pale thighs as the same color as her face. Her complexion is so pale that one would say that she has never seen the light of the sun. And finally, she is as young as a prepubescent girl.

“Ahh…how many years has passed already? What should I do today? Hunt some giant bear? Nay, I still have a stash of my food. Ahh…I’m already so bored of this everyday life.” The girl said as she looks at the horizon where the sun peaks.

However, under the sun is a sea of cloud. Save from the trees around her large wooden mansion where she lives alone, everything else is covered with clouds, as if she is living in a celestial plane.

“I won’t get anywhere complaining to myself like this. Now, now, I will descend upon that world again! Yup, I made up my mind.” She said as she resolves herself.

The girl stood up and started sprinting barefooted.

“Ah, maybe just a little stopover and I’ll return here.” She muttered as she jumps with inhuman strength. She dove into the sea of clouds and in an instant, the body, base, and the foot of the mountain covered with large towering trees appears in her sight as she free falls.

“Ohh...Ohh!...OOHHH!!” She said in amazement as she saw the view of a large city ahead.

“Amazing! People used to use stone and stick as numerical value before…that’s a little exaggeration but…Ahh…I wonder…compared to before, how much does this world change?” She wonders with a flushed face seemingly excited of what’s ahead.

“Ah, here I am.” She exclaimed as she was about to hit the ground. “Zephyrus!” she shouted before she came closer to the ground.

A green light immediately burst out from the ground and from it, a burst of spherical wind catches her to soften her landing.


“Hmm…well, that’s better than creating a crater but…this place…” She scans her surrounding. “It seems I landed on the mountainside but, this kind of road…where have I seen it before?” she contemplated.

What bare laid in front of her is a paved road made of asphalt. In the middle is a yellow line that seems to tread along. On the side of the mountain, there’s a rail fence.

“Where…where have I seen it?” She racks her brain forcefully for information but ended up with nothing.

Suddenly, she felt the ground vibrating. Noticing that something is coming she hurriedly ran towards the side of the road while dragging her really long hair.

At that moment, a moving metal box with tires suddenly appeared in front of her momentarily. The metal box was creating a noise she is familiar with but cannot point out what it was.

“What was that? I know It…I know it…! Argghh! It’s pointless to beat myself around with it! For now, let’s head towards that city I saw earlier.” She decided as she started walking.

Thus, begins a new tale for this world, a new curtain rising up, a new tale to be told off because whatever happens, this place, nevertheless, a fantasy world.

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