《A Struggle Through the Deadly》An Endurance Fight


Chapter 2

An Endurance Fight

Whilst the buff guys were numbering three, having the bartender with them makes it a strong four.

This didn’t seem like much of strategic advantage to Emily as she was alone.

Well then there’s Nick, but he isn't much of a fighter, and he’s out cold so there goes his chance of fighting.

Seeing the situation Emily casted an earth bending spell.

The spell split the ground in two up until when it reached the beast like man mentioned in chapter one who was still there and has been standing in a weird victory pose resembling the Statue of Liberty. Although immediately seeing the ground tearing up in front of him he stopped the spell and went looking for the source.

Turns out blowing a house up grabs people’s attention, mainly the island’s guards. They were a few men with iron armor and swords.

They defend the islands from potential attackers and serve to keep peace among the island’s population. But they mainly bring income to the bars as they are always drunk.

Drunk or not they still started walking towards the epicenter of the blast.

Back at the bar, which doesn’t exist now, the situation isn't looking so good. Emily managed to trap two of the guys in the ground but she still has to fight two more.

The wasteland left after that explosion was enough to warrant anyone passing by away from it.

The bartender rushed to distract Emily by throwing punches at her, which she dodged but in the proces of dodging she forgot that there was one more guy.

That guy rushed for Nick, trying to stab him. However he tripped and only managed to cut a part of his groin.

That unsurprisingly woke him up. As he woke up and saw the situataion they were in, he mumbled:

‘‘Why are you doing this?‘‘

‘‘You and your friend over there wouldn’t pay your beers and we’ve also got something for Emily. ‘‘

Said the bartender looking at Emily with a greedy look on his face.

‘‘What is going on? ‘‘

Said Emily.

‘‘Someone placed a nice big bounty on your head and we plan to take it, hehe! Now we've got more than one reason to attack you, which is just about fine by me. ‘‘


‘‘Wait wh-‘‘

As Emily was about to finish her sentence a beast-like man entered the broken bar.

Everyone looked in his direction hearing his loud footsteps.

Upon drawing near he had heard their reasoning.

With a really deep voice he said:

‘‘Oh I see what is going on here heh. Might I join you in the battle.‘‘

On whose side he didn’t mention but it was kind of obvious he was going for the bounty.

The beast man wasn’t wearing a shirt but it’s no surprise because he was covered in fur. Kind of like that couch in the lobby of a nice hotel. However, he had blue shorts on.

Giving the girl a sharp look he launched towards her with a speed comparable to that of a bullet.

As he was about to hit her a loud scream stopped him mid-air, so his predatory instincts told him to turn around:

"Hey you over there, sto~p what you are do~ing!"

That were two guards who have come to investigate. They were drunk as much as Nick was in the bar.

On their belts, they had a mana potion. A potion which basically boosts the drinker’s magic power, making him able to cast more and better spells, theirs though wasn’t in the best of condition and probably was not safe to drink.

‘‘Why should I? ‘‘

Responded the beast.

One of the guards got scared and immediately grabbed the mana potion and gulped most of it down. His face started turning green. Immediately you would get the picture of him turning into a Hulk monster, but no, the potion was just bad so he started vomiting.

Afraid the guards will call for backup the beast man dashed and cut both of their heads off. The predatory nature of the beast was showing.

Blood flew all around like a gross shower. Their now lifeless bodies dropped down on the ground making a puddle of blood.

While Mr. Beast man was distracted with bearing his fangs Emily casted a spell healing Nick.

In fear that the beast wasn't going to cooperate, the four guys escaped, running for their lives.

But there is a problem with this lineup. Emily had a secret. Her magic was powerful only at daytime and the sun was setting. At night she still had magic, but not nearly powerful enough to hold a fight.


Nick fully aware of the situation and now fully healed snuck out and started running really fast down the crowded streets of Meryland, calling for help with no answer until he slipped and fell.

The man with...uh I mean The man with lush green hair and a sword showed up and Nick told him what is happening, his description wasn’t very… descriptive:

‘‘Beast *inhale* man *exhale*attacking*inhale* girl*exhale*‘‘

The green haired man rushed to the crippled remains of the bar and saw the beast with his bloody hands, immediately after that he fired straight at him aiming to cut his neck, but to his surprise, the beast dodged.

''Ah I see you’ve come to help the girl eh, how heroic! But tough luck on you boy , cuz I ain’t going easy on you.''

‘‘I don’t want you to! ‘‘

They started dodging each other with immense speed until beast man landed a hit, bringing the other man's sword down on the ground.

As he dashed to grab it he was met with a hit to the face from the beast sending him and one of his teeth flying upwards.

That tooth unsurprisingly hit Nick who was on the ground trying to breathe from exhaustion. Man what an unlucky guy.

The green haired guy had a jacket which also fell on Nicks head. It had his name on it.

The name is Rhine, like the river.

As Rhine was getting more and more altitude he was getting chased by the beast.

Emily entered the battle with no care for the setting Sun. She was ready to help Rhine.

She fired a magic beam straight at the beast, and not expecting it he got sent flying through a building which didn’t seem to really hurt him.

He was like that chair you hit from anger because you tripped and hurt your toe, the chair wouldn’t break and you would still end up hurting your arm.

This was the case for Emily, she fired a beam with all her power, not hurting the beast but exhausting her magic power.

Thankfully she found that potion that the guard didn’t finish because he was vomiting. She quickly gulped it down and regained some power to catch Rhine.

Whilst the beast going literally through the building didn’t seem to do any physical damage, unlike that chair- he has a brain, so now he is dazed and probably will be for a short while.

With Rhine back up he dashed for his sword and then for the beast, though he missed his neck again, he managed to cut open his chest.

The sun has set.

With the sun set now Emily is almost powerless but it seems like that isn't the case for the beast who seemed to have become more powerful, even so he had no chance for survival against an opponent having an open chest, so he dashed in the air with final words:

‘‘I will return someday you’ll see.‘‘

He dashed so fast you wouldn’t be able to see him go.

Emily just now noticed that the other guys were gone.

She didn't like that so she said to Rhine, who didn't know much about the situation except what Nick told him, which well... wasn't much.

‘‘Where are those guys, I have unfinished business with them! ‘‘

‘‘I don’t know who you are speaking of lady. What is your name anyway? ‘‘

‘‘Name is Emily, thanks for saving us misteeerrr?? ‘‘

‘‘It’s Rhine, it’s a pleasure to meet you. And also, your friend is over there, he is the one who called for help. ‘‘

Pointing to Nick, Rhine seemed to imply that he wanted her to see him.

Poor Nick was lying on the ground with a tooth and a jacket on his head.

Emily rushed to him wanting to ask him a question:

‘‘Nick, where were you rushing to when you hit me? ‘‘

‘‘Oh that, oh God I have forgotten. I was going to miss my boat for the Forbidden island. Now it’s gone. ‘‘

‘‘Wait the Forbidden isl-‘‘

As she was about to finish her sentence a guard popped up out of an alleyway claiming he saw all that happened:

‘‘I saw what you kids did, you will now be held responsible! ‘‘

Without having a chance to ask him one more question and to say goodbye to Rhine Emily had to go along with Nick to talk to the guard…

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