《My Life as a Dragon's Assistant》8. Avoiding Work
Kis was enjoying his life as a student. Light kept him company through classes, he'd meet up with Jess for lunch, and Rose had come to visit too. He had met a few of Jess' friends, but none of them had the courage to visit. Not because of him, although his firebreathing didn't help, but because of Auntie.
The trail of blood from the city gates to the penthouse made his home easy to find, but it wasn't exactly a welcome mat for guests.
Auntie had taken to flying around the city, going off to hunt, and left him to his own devices, but every so often they'd drag him away to teach him a little more dragon tongue.
This morning was one of those days. He awoke to Auntie standing on his chest, pecking at his head to get his attention.
“I’m bored [Kyzr]. Let’s go and teach you some magic”, they growled.
“I have classes”, he moaned
“You have a job to do, young man”
“Keeping you entertained?”, he asked sarcastically.
“Exactly!”, it tapped on his chest, "Now get up!"
“My classes!” “You think there’s anyone better than me to teach you Magic?” “No but”
He'd gone through this argument a few times before. Giving up on arguments, he tried to bury his head in the pillow. Sometimes, the dragon would go back to napping.
“[Light], come and tidy this one up”, Auntie demanded.
Light appeared out of nowhere and quickly lifted Kis out of bed, and straight into a bath. He was washed, cleaned, undressed and dressed in the space of a few minutes.
“I knew you’d be a helper”, they dragon smiled at Light, “Maybe I should pick you instead of the human. You smell much nicer”
Kis, still in the process of waking up, was a little too tempted to reply “Maybe You Should” but managed to hold his tongue.
“Now come outside and get on my back, or I’ll just grab you and carry you the hard way”, the dragon smirked, and flew out to the court yard.
Kis chased after them, “Fine Auntie. What about Light?”
“We’ll be back before sunrise, they’ll be fine without you”
“[Kyzr]”, Auntie made a serious face, "Don't make me say please."
“Fine, let me tell Jess where I’m going first... uh, where are we going”, Kis asked
The dragon giggled, “Haven’t decided yet. Go tell your sister we'll be back before nighttime”
He knocked on Jess’ door. “Auntie is taking me on a day trip. Back soon, look after Light for me”
Jess dragged herself out of bed, stumbled up to the window, and looked into the courtyard just as Auntie leapt off.
It was always a little magical watching the dragon take to the skies.
Although Jess grew up with all the things he’d been denied, she was a little jealous.
Light seemed to be a little melancholy too. Jess couldn’t tell if she was jealous of Kis, flying around, or Auntie, carrying him about.
Val had also seen them depart, rushing into the courtyard only a minute later.
“Ughhhh. I was too late”, Val sighed.
“Mage? Val?”, Jess was surprised to see her, she'd been lost in watching Auntie fly.
"Can I come in?", Val asked
"Yes, let me get changed!", She quickly got dressed and hurried out to the kitchen meet Val.
“Hi Jess. I assume that was Auntie, and both of them have gone for the day?”, Val asked.
“Uhhh. Yes. Kis knocked on my door and vanished”, Jess explained.
“Krrrsh-Krrshhh”, Light nodded in confirmation
Val rolled her eyes. “Typical”
“What?”, asked Jess.
“We have official visitors today, council members, elders.", Val grinned, "Auntie was meant to keep me company, but, you two will do”.
Back on the ground, Val was explaining to Jess and Light what she expected of them.
“Shouldn’t Light hide their legs”, Jess asked
“Of course Not! Jess, I asked them not to scare the students. We’re meeting warlords, they need a little fright now and again. Auntie is much better at it, but...”
“so, how am I going to scare people?”, Jess pointed to herself.
“Oh, nothing of the sort. I just need someone to talk to. So, so many speeches. I’d rather be in my lab, or back in the mountains”, Val dismissed her
“Will I get extra credit”, Jess asked
“Jess, If you keep me company I’ll let you graduate on the spot, whatever. Just go get dressed”
“Ok Val. Um. Mage”, Jess nodded, going back to her room to change.
“Light”, Val asked, “Can you change into something a little more formal and natural too?”
Light stared back, unsure of what Val meant
“Keep the black dress, it’s cute, but can you walk around normally? On eight legs?”, she asked.
They nodded, and quickly popped their legs into place. They were now a little taller than Val, far wider too. The dress was still floor length, but a cut in the back for their spider torso.
Val grinned, “Perfect.”
She paused and growled under her breath. "Sorry, Not you Light, I can hear that dragon making fun of me. Again", Val grumbled.
A few moments later, Jess returned in her robes. As she tried to speak a deafening roar echoed across the city.
“…. Was that?”, Jess asked
“That was your brother. The troublemaker”, Val replied. “Are you ready?”
Jess nodded.
Another loud roar echoed in the background.
Val sighed. “Let’s go”
Earlier, above the city, Kis was holding onto Auntie's back, oblivious to the trouble he'd caused for Jess.
“Where are we going, You’ve been circling the city for a while”, Kis asked
“Doesn’t matter young man, I just need to avoid Val's terrible guests", they replied
"Well…", he paused, "… I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but Jess...”
“Young man, every human wants to ride on my back", they interruped, "Val gave up asking a few decades ago. I'm afraid your sister isn't strong enough either.”
The dragon nose bombed towards the city, swooping down over the plaza, just a little above head height, before soaring off once more.
“With you, I don’t have to hold back”, they grinned, “See?”
"Oh", Kis was a little disappointed, "but…"
"I don't mean flying at speed, little one", the dragon consoled him, "I mean my aura. Your sister isn't strong enough to say awake and unharmed. Maybe when you've learned to control your aura, she can come too", they growled.
"Really?", he asked
"Oh, now you're eager to learn magic?", they teased, "Where were you thinking of taking your sister?"
"Home. Well, not home, but to my parents.", he explained, "I think if I turned up on your back, they might feel a little better about …", he trailed off.
"Well, we can always make another trip, if you don't mind turning up without her", they replied, "I am a little curious to meet your elders"
"Ummm", he mumbled, "Jess knows where they are, I don't…"
The dragon laughed, "Another time then. It seems your sister will be busy today. Val's found her"
Swooping over the penthouse, the dragon roared.
Kis could understand most of it, hearing “Ha ha [Cthlc] Enjoy the creche without me”
“Auntie?”, he asked the dragon to explain.
“Heheh. Just leaving a message for Val”, they replied, "I should be sitting in a hall, full of rich children who think they’re powerful. "
"Urhgh", Kis had already been roped into one of these meetings before. "Magic practice? Aura Control then? Please?"
The dragon agreed, "Good. I know a good place, oh, and I almost forgot! Young man will you do me a favour, let out a nice loud growl when we fly over the gates”
As the dragon sped towards the edge of the city, Kis belted out his name.
Hearing an echo, he giggled to himself, Auntie’s mischievous nature was a little infectious.
“Good lad”, it smiled, “It’s good to remind the dirt dwellers that the sky is ours”, and roared.
Back inside the city, the event was as boring as Val has promised.
Fifty people, in a room, taking turns to tell everyone how great and powerful they were, occasionally rattling sabers with the other guests.
Light was an effective replacement for Auntie. No-one came to socialise. A few formal introductions but the scratching and crunching sounds Light made from moving was enough to unnerve the most stalwart of attendees.
Jess helped too, mostly by gossiping to Val in the brief moments of respite.
“Does this mean Light doesn’t have to hide anymore?”, Jess asked
“Oh, they never had to hide, it’s just the academy doors are far too narrow for a full size arachne. There might be one or two hunters out to prove themselves, but I think Light can handle it”, Val grinned. “Do you two want to come back next week? I have an all-hands department meeting and it would go a lot quicker with Light in the room”
“Maybe we should invite Kis but only let him speak in dragon”, Jess replied
“Ha! That reminds me... Light?”, Val asked
The arachnid leaned over to listen.
“How are your writing lessons going”
Light lifted their foreleg out and began to trace out shapes with the tip.
“Slow. Good”, two words were hovering in mid air, drawn with a simple light spell.
“You can write?”, Jess was surprised.
Light nodded. “Kis Teach” they wrote.
“I thought I’d never be able to talk to you!”, Jess was elated.
Light was pretty good at gesturing. Jess had managed to pick up the intent of what they wanted to say, but she wasn’t as fluent as Kis seemed to be.
“Kssjrhess”, Light made an attempt to speak.
“Amazing!”, replied Jess, "You're trying to say Jess, yes?"
"jrkkess", Light repeated
“What?”, Val was surprised.
“Ksjksess”, Light tried again, and added “Lksssit”, pointing to themself.
The arachid proved a fast learner. With the other delegates happily ignoring them, they continued to chat.
Jess promised to help them with their studies. Val made a note to check back in later with the Arachnid. The rest of the meeting wrapped up without incident. Val went to say goodbye to each delegate in turn, with Light looming behind her to make things go quickly.
Outside, Val thanked the two for filling in for Auntie and Kis. She had to attend another formal event, but Jess and Light were free to go.
“So... Light?”, Jess asked
“Can I ask you a favour?”
Light nodded
“While you’re on all eight legs, could you uh. Um. Carry me?”
Jess was a little jealous of Kis, and wanted to have her own little adventure.
Light gently picked up Jess and lowered her onto their abdomen. Pulling Jess’ hands around them, and a quick screech to tell her to hold on tight.
“Val says you don’t have to hide, so, let’s show the city what you’ve got?”, Jess felt mischevious.
Light grinned.
Before Jess could grab on tight, they bolted out of the plaza. Light walked in a straight line, hoping over the students, onto the side of a building and up onto the roof. From there it was a few short hops back to the penthouse.
Jess didn’t have a moment to enjoy the ride. Light wasn’t holding back, barely a minute passed before the two landed atop the roof garden. Light delicately picked Jess up, and gently poured her onto the ground.
She wasn’t well. The sudden, violent movement had disagreed with her stomach. She curled into a ball and forced herself not to wretch.
“No no I’m fine. Just too much fun.”, Jess croaked out
Light began to panic. They scooped Jess back up and carried them back to her room, neatly tucking her into bed.
“Light, No, I just need a moment”, Jess tried to get up.
Light scowled at her, “Krsshh-Krrff”, pushing her down back into the bed.
"REST", Light traced out the lettes one by one.
With her stomach still churning, Jess gave in, and obediently went for a nap.
She woke up when Kis returned. He'd let loose another loud scream on returning to the city.
Light rushed out to greet him, excitable and chatty. Jess followed after, a little slower from waking up.
“You did?”, he asked
“Is Jess OK?”
“Hey Bro!”, Jess yelled, “I’m OK”
She walked up to join the happy reunion.
“Where did you go?”
“Um. Nowhere. Auntie just took me flying. We went to the northern continent, swam in a lake, came home. Found somewhere empty to practice magic. Watch”
He gently produced a small blue flame infront of his mouth, "See? I can do it without lying down!"
"Watch this!", he opened his arms to hug Jess, "See?"
"See what Kis?"
"How does it feel?"
"It feels oh. Oh! Your aura, I can't feel it at all!"
"I know! Righ…", he sputtered as Jess was bumped backwards at speed.
There was a thump as Light grabbed Jess.
"Sorry Jess! I'm still getting the hang of it. It kinda springs back if I push it for too long….", he mumbled.
"Thanks Light", Jess pulled herself up. She turned to Kis, and rolled her eyes. “I was right about you scaring mages”
The dragon cackled in the background, "Good", and laughed.
"I know I'm not good enough yet, but If I get better at it, wait.. Auntie can I tell her?", he asked
"Go on", they replied
Jess looked anxiously at Kis
"Auntie says that once I can control my aura, you can come flying with us!", he grinned
Jess was stunned.
"Don't get too hopeful", the dragon lamented, "It's not just controlling his aura, but shielding you from mine that's hard. Might be easier to teach him how to fly", they snarled.
Jess didn't care, she rushed over and hugged her brother
"Really? You promise!", she asked
"Yeah! I was hoping we could visit the folks"
"Oh!", Jess was surpised.
"What?", Kis asked
"I forgot to send the letter to them!"
Jess rushed back into the cottage, "… and they close in 10 minutes"
A few seconds later, she ran out of the cottage and into the stairwell, yelling "back in a bit!"
Kis tapped his shoulder lightly, "Auntie?"
"Yes", they replied
"Earlier you said... You can teach me how to fly?", he asked.
"Maybe, but it's a lot harder than speaking, or fireballs, although..", they began growling to themselves
"Still too early", they slapped his back with their tail, "You still need practice"
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