《My Life as a Dragon's Assistant》7. Pipe Wizard
“No. No tonight. No..”, Jess was adamant.
“But Jess! You brought me the slime! You remember my pet? Right?”, Kis pleaded
The pet in question, was currently draped over Kis’ shoulder.
"It attacked Lisa”, Jess sat with her arms folded, alternating frowning at Kis, and the arachnid wrapped around him.
“I know, they’re sorry. They meant no harm, but terrified of being discovered. Please please let them stay. They said they’d help out”
Jess was tired, cranky, and a little wary of Kis' new friend. She'd already realised that in the end, Auntie or Val would force her to accept Light being there, but it all felt a little too quick. Lisa on the other hand was in a better state. She remembered seeing something suspicious, chasing it into a basement, and waking up next to Jess.
Jess wasn't against Light, but had no reason to trust them. She'd been thinking things over, Yes, it was his pet, but does that mean it has to stay here. She didn't want to be unfair, and Kis begged her to give Light a chance.
“How?”, Jess asked.
“Light, can you show Jess what you showed me?”
They nodded, and unwrapped themselves from Kis. Using four legs, two arms, Light swept over the kitchen. In a single pass, cleared the surfaces, lifting objects out of the way to clean underneath, closing and repacking each cupboard too.
Within three minutes, the kitchen was spotless, and the arachne was tightly wrapped around Kis once more.
“Um... Oh.. Ok. Kis. Wow.”, Jess was impressed. She wasn't a tidy person, neither was Kis, who had grown up with other people handling things for him. “…. can they clear my room too?”, she added quietly.
The arachne nodded eagerly and quickly leapt into Jess’ bedroom.
“Do they have to hang off your arm, Kis?”, Jess asked.
“They missed me? and apparently I feel nice, what with all the mana gushing around inside of me”, he answered
“What happened to the slime? Are they going to move in too?”
“They’re a symbiote. A slime with a spider shell is what Val said. Or an arachne with slime for blood”. Kis didn't really know.
“Fine. Symbitote. Where will the symbiote stay?”
Jess had hoped for a private conversation, but Light returned just in time to catch the end of her sentence.
The arachne looked blankly at Jess, then over to Kis. They slowly edged behind him, and began wrapping him up with their legs. Two arms completed the set, hugging him tightly.
“They want to sleep in my room, like before”, Kis explained, “They’ve already spun a web”
Jess was a little confused as to the specifics, but she knew Kis wasn't going to give up easily.
“Well. Hmmm. Let me check my room before I make a decision ...”
Jess got up from the table and went to investigate. She left with a scowl, but returned with a look of shock.
“... Uh. Wow.”, Her room was spotless. It smelt clean. The air tasted fresh.
"Where did Light learn to do this?"
Kis smiled. She used Light's name.
"Um. Ten years watching the staff, apparently?", Kis was unsure.
Light nodded eagerly. Growing up around Kis, they'd had the opportunity to watch various domestic technicians at work.
“Soooo?”, Kis asked again. "Jessssss?", he looked at her with hopeful eyes.
The dragon had already given him permission, Val shrugged and said Light was his problem now.
“They can stay tonight. Ask me again tomorrow, let me sleep on it”, she gave in.
“Thank you!” "Krssshh!"
She was still a little creeped out by the slime, and the legs, but Kis seemed genuinely happy to be re-united.
A tidy room would make it worthwhile, she thought.
".. and that's where I'm going Kis. Bed. You should do the same", Jess waved goodbye and returned to her room.
Crawling into her bed, the long day finally over, she was surprised to feel that the bedsheets had been washed too. She quickly fell into a comfortable sleep, feeling a little spoiled with fresh bedsheets.
She awoke to the smell of breakfast. She found Light preparing food in the kitchen, quickly putting a plate in front of her.
The food was delicious too.
The arachne was a monster, Jess told herself. Seeing them clean her room, she began to think of them as 'a useful monster'.
The food had changed Jess' opinion to 'useful', but seeing Light cluting a spatula, desperately waiting for approval, Jess had started to see them as a maid, not a monster.
The smell of food woke up Kis, and he quickly joined his sister at the table.
“Well Jess?”, he asked
“Well what?”
“Can Light stay with us?”, he pushed
“Fine”, Jess gave in.
The arachne leaped across the room, wrapping Jess in a hug.
“Ugh, you're squeezing too hard”
Light pulled back, and froze awkwardly.
“Gently, ok?”, Jess returned the hug, “And Light...”, she mumbled, “thank you for tidying my room”
They waved to say it was nothing, with a few legs behind them in chorus.
“Anyway, Kis, will Light be staying here during the day?”, Jess asked.
Light made a quiet screech, and pointed to her dress. It shimmered, reforming into a robe, matching Kis and Jess’ attire.
“It was Auntie’s idea. Light isn’t the first Arachne to go to the school, apparently”, Kis explained
“Whatever”, she shook her head, “Wait. No. Will Light be back for teatime?”
Kis giggled. “I knew it. You always complained about cooking”
She stuck her tongue out. “Well if Light won’t make me dinner, maybe I won’t say yes”
Light’s glee shattered, transforming into despair. They dropped the spatula, catching it with their leg.
They looked at Jess with absolute fear.
“Oh, no Light! You can stay, you don’t have to cook, or clean. I was just upset about Lisa. I believe you now, I know you mean no harm”, She looked down, “I just want to look out for my little brother”
“Little? I thought *I* was first”, Kis argued.
“But you’re short! I’m the only grown up around here”, Jess returned fire
“Says who? I’ve already got a job”, he said.
“Fetching things for a sleepy dragon isn’t a real job, and you aren’t even fetching things yet”
“Careful! Auntie says if I’m no good, she’ll take you as a replacement”
Jess was about to respond, but stopped.
Light was tearing up into laughter. It sounded more like broken glass being gargled, but it was laughter nonetheless.
The siblings stopped arguing and went back to devouring the food in front of them.
Light sat a quiet glee, knowing they'd been accepted into the household.
"So, is Light coming with us to the faire?"
It was the end of the week, and today was the societies faire. Kis was eager to meet the other students, and Jess had offered to guide him around the various stalls.
"If you don't mind Jess?"
"Fine", Jess sighed, she felt that this conversation would repeat a few times.
The main plaza was a hectic gathering of students. Stalls lining each side, each desperately trying to attract attention. Displays of magic, demonstrations of combat. The senior members vying for fresh meat to keep their hobby groups going.
Kis had his trusty pipe in one hand, and Light was eagerly clinging on to his other hand.
“Kssh-Kssh”, Light asked
“It’s ok Light, They’re probably staring at me”, Kis responded
Kis managed to make out their meaning, aided by the contract between them. To Jess, Light’s voice still sounded cacophenous.
“Nope. They’re looking right at me”, Jess declared, “Get the valedictorian in your club, 20% more funding. They’ve been fighting over me since first year... although if they knew how good Light was at cooking”
Light blushed.
“Maybe we should join the culinary society”, suggested Kis
“Nuh-uh. I’m not sharing Light with anyone”, Jess replied, and stuck her tongue out.
The trio slowly wandered from stall to stall, carefully avoiding conversation, trying to get a feel for what was on offer.
“Hey! Wait, Blue hair!”, someone shouted.
An older student charged towards him, “You’re the dragon kid, right?”
“That’s him”, Jess confirmed
“Will you please join the familiar society. Just in name? Someone with a dragon would bring us so so many new members!”
The student was eager, rushing through their sentences. “Do you have it with you? Where is it? Will you join? Please”
“Auntie is napping. At home. No”, he replied curtly
“What? Why? Please!”, the student begged
Jess leaned in “You’ve got it the wrong way around. My brother here is the dragon’s familiar. You should be asking the dragon”
“Whaaaa?”, the student was surprised.
“Don’t worry, he *does* have a familiar too”, she put her hands on Light's shoulder, “Light here is an Arachne”
The student froze on the spot, flapping his mouth without making a noise.
“Arr-Arr-Arachne?”, he fumbled his words
Light awkwardly smiled back, “Kssh-Ksshsh”, and gently screeched out a greeting.
“Go on, show him your legs.”
Light raised their skirt, revealing two human legs.
“No, I meant...”
As Jess spoke, the skin around Light’s legs liquefied, draining away to reveal four pointy spider legs.
The student was obviously terrified, but kept trying to recruit Kis. Jess was impressed at their persistence.
“Uh-um, an ar-ar-achne would be just as good...”
“I think that’s Light’s choice... Light, do you?”, Kis asked
They shook their head and hid behind Kis, wrapping him in a hug
“That’s a no, sorry”, he replied
Jess dragged Kis away from the student before they could ask again.
“Jess. Val said not to tell everyone about Light”, Kis whispered
“Pfft. Didn’t she tell you to keep Auntie a secret too? How did that work out?”
“Jess”, he didn’t have a comeback, she had a point.
“On the way here, didn’t Light here panic, grab you with their legs and run along the street”
“Only twice Jess”, he answered
She stared back at Kis, raising her eyebrows
“Fine, Fine, but Light isn’t a toy to scare people with”, he grumbled.
“Which is why it’s better for people to know they’re an arachne now, Kis. ”
She looked over at Light, “No offence meant, but you are quite a powerful individual. People know arachnes as stealthy, speedy killers. Deadly, ruthless hunters. I mean, you chased my brother here for over three months”
Light blushed. They took it as a compliment.
“There’s a story about a village that got wiped out. They burned an arachne’s nest, and the next morning, the village was gone. No stone, no sign of the people, buildings, animals...”
Light nodded along eagerly.
“... anyway. If you try and hide Light, it’ll backfire. Val gave them permission, and you have Auntie backing you up too. You have too much attention on you to keep things secret”
“Fine, Jess”, he lamented
Jess grinned
“When did you turn into Light’s best friend”, he stuck his tongue out
“From the beginning, I brought the slime to you, remember? and I remember arguing to let you keep a tiny spider”
“Fine, Jess”, he wasn't going to win this argument.
“Even your staff attracts attention, Kis. If it wasn't for Auntie, everyone would be calling you the pipe wizard”, she pointed to his pole-turned-staff.
“Whatever Jess”, he dragged light away, “Come on, let’s find a club”
She scooted along behind him, with a huge grin on her face.
It wasn’t too long until someone else recognised him.
“You’re the dragon’s friend, right?”, another student asked.
“Assistant I guess, but yes, that’s me”, he sighed while Jess giggled behind him.
“Uh. Um. I know this is a little weird, but could ask them if they’d like to visit us, at the history society?”, they nodded eagerly, hoping for a yes
“Maybe? Auntie tends to sleep. It might be years before she’s free, but I can ask”, he answered
“Thank You!”, the student bowed and went to recruit elsewhere
“Seee?”, Jess whispered behind him. Jess loved being right.
“Whatever Jess”, he sighed, “Are there any societies that don’t want Auntie to turn up?”
Light tugged on his sleeve.
“You have an idea?”, They nodded and pointed to the far corner.
He saw a small table, laden with fabric. A large banner “Textile Society” was neatly hung above, with beautiful lettering.
“Looks like our web-spinning friend has the answer”, Jess chirped.
The trio went to investigate. Light eagerly began rummaging though the example fabrics, pulling them out to examine.
“Uhh... Hi?”, the student in charge was confused but mostly happy to see an eager reaction.
“They don’t speak much, Hi, I’m Kis, this is Jess, and Light here is the curious one”, Kis explained.
Light looked up, waved, and went back to investigating the textile samples.
“I’m Rose. President of the Textiles club. We love clothes and fabric!”, she explained, raising her voice enthusiastically only to receive a flat response from Kis and Jess.
“Um, nice to meet you. My friend Light here, I think, wants to join you”, said Kis. Light stared back at Kis, nodding enthusiastically.
“Wonderful! We do all kinds here. Sewing, Stitching, Weaving, and all of the magic stuff too. Reinforced clothes, armour, and enchantment too! If you can manufacture it by twisting things together, we’re here for you!”, Rose spoke quickly.
Rose wasn’t excited, she was terrified. These were the first and likely only three people who would ask. She rushed through every explanation and answer, desperate to get a positive response.
Jess poked Kis in the side, “You’re not bad at sewing either”
“Really?”, Rose’s hope was at an all-time high: Two potential members.
“Yeah. I was housebound as a teenager. Sewing, repairs, painting. Any hobby you can do by yourself, I’ve tried”, Kis explained
Rose looked over to Jess, with hopeful eyes.
“Nuh-uh. I’m the normal sibling.”, Jess replied
“If you have any fabrics that explode, Jess would be interested”, Kis joked
“Hey!”, Jess replied. Although part of her wanted to ask if Rose had any guncotton.
“Um. So what about your friend, Light, do they stitch too?”, she turned to face them, “Your dress is wonderful. Simple lines but beautiful fabric.”
Light blushed, a little embarrassed.
“They made it!”, Jess interrupted
“Really? You must join!”, Rose pleaded.
Light shook their head, waving dismissively. A wave and her black dress had reformed.
Rose stared back, jaw hanging open.
“Light, don’t you have a spare ribbon somewhere”, Kis asked.
A nod, a rummage, and they produced a long flat white ribbon from somewhere. Kis picked it up and handed it over to Rose
“This is the sort of thing Light can make”, he explained
Rose picked up the ribbon “Oh my god! This is so smooth, soft”, she rubbed it between her hands. “Wait”, she sniffed the fabric, “weird ... What is this? It doesn’t feel like the synthetics”
“Silk!”, Jess interrupted again, still grinning. She knew where this conversation would lead. “Light made it. Go on, show her your legs... I mean the other ones. Show her your abdomen”
Rose stared at Jess, not following what was happening, then back to Light. With a cautious glare left and right, Light allowed her abdomen and four legs to appear behind them.
“Your silk?”, Rose asked.
Light nodded slowly
“Are you... Are they an Arachne?”
“Yep!”, Jess was on the verge of giggles.
Rose returned to playing with the silk ribbon. “Arachne Silk!”
She stared back at Light, “Uh-um. Can I keep this? Please?”
Light nodded, and pointed to a sheet of black fabric.
“Oh... Trade? Sure. Take anything here.”, Rose was too preoccupied with her new present. She quickly used it to tie her hair back, a waste of good fabric, but, she wouldn’t misplace her new found treasure.
“You want to join?”, Kis asked, “Krrrrrr-Schsshhh”
“Uh?”, Rose could only understand half.
“That’s a yes, Rose. When do you meet?”, he translated.
“Uh. Um.”, she stammered.
There wasn’t a club room. Space, or practically, much of a society. Textiles were seen as work for guilds, crafters, not magicians. Light’s gleeful face was soon wiped clean.
“Kis, we’ve got plenty of space, I’m sure Auntie wouldn’t mind a visitor”, Jess suggested
Jess scrawled down their address, and told Rose to turn up later in the week. The three left Rose to try and recruit a few more members.
Five minutes later, Kis was recognised again.
“I don’t want to join the smithing society”
“That’s not it, we want to make you a better wand”
“The pipe! That pipe! Look at. Twisted, bent, cracked. It’s an embarrassment of a wand”
Kis didn’t enjoy having his toy insulted, but he had a point, even Jess made fun of him for carrying it.
“I don’t have another, and no-other wand will work for me”
He handed the pole over to the student. “Try it”
He lifted the wand and tried to conjure a light ball. A few times. “This isn’t a wand”, he spat.
Kis took it back, “It is”, and conjured a light ball. The student watched as the wand cracked and shrunk, bending from the mana being pushed through it. Auntie had mangled the pipe somewhat, but Kis’ magic was just too much for the poor curtain rod.
“What are you doing to that poor wand”, remarked the student
‘Oh, *now* it’s a wand’, Kis thought.
“If you can make me a wand like this? I’ll take a replacement.”, Kis asked.
“The head teacher made it especially for him”, Jess added from behind, “his mana means trouble”
Kis scowled at Jess. She had a huge grin, vindicated, someone *had* called him ‘The Pipe Wizard’.
“I don’t understand”, replied the Student
“Give him one of your wands, then you will”, Jess replied
“Jessssssssss”, Kis knew how this scene would end, “Val said No.”
“You don’t have to cast a spell, just focus your mana in the wand”, said Jess
“Ugh. Don’t listen to her”, replied Kis
The student in question went back to his table, returning with a small black wand.
“I need this back, but, can you at least try using a real wand?”
Kis sighed, picked up the wand, and gently as he could, pushed mana into it. Within a split second the wand imploded, twisting and splitting apart, fracturing with a loud bang.
In what was becoming a familiar scene for Kis, everyone in the room turned to see the source of trouble. A few recognised him, and immediately ignored it.
“Do you understand now?”, Kis asked deadpan.
The student was staring at Kis, and the wreckage around him. “Keep your pipe then!”, he snarled, quickly picking up the fragments and walking off in a huff.
“Can’t win em all Kis”, Jess couldn’t contain her laughter
“Thanks sis! What a help you’ve been today”, Kis screwed up his face.
“There’s still time. Maybe we can find a Dragon Club for you.”
“Shut-it”, he wasn't happy.
“Seriously though Kis, did any club catch your eye”, Jess asked, with a smirk but without giggling.
He sighed. “I already spent a lifetime on hobbies. If there’s a society about exploring, leaving the house, I’m in, but....”
“Oh”, Jess felt a little guilty about teasing him. “Well, Light made a new friend”, she smiled awkwardly
“I guess. Shall we call it a day before someone asks me to do a trick?”, he asked.
Jess laughed, “Let’s go, Come on”
She grabbed Light with one hand, Kis with the other, “Let’s get Lunch!”
- In Serial18 Chapters
Begin the End
The legend of Alexander Wren, was a tale passed down through generations. Telling of a hero's quest to pull his love back from the gate of death. The story told is always a happy one.The hero slays the beast, saves the girl, lives happily ever after. However this is merely a folk tale, a story told to children. The truth is much more sinister This is the true story of Alexander Wren, the beginning of the end.The very thing that led us here, to the day the mortals die.
8 83 - In Serial10 Chapters
Majority Rule
Readers choose from a selection of options for participants of a survival game show known as "Can Anyone Beat Level 10?". Each level has some monsters to kill and a boss at the end. Treasure chests and traps are available. Treasure chests, if opened successfully, give decent weapons, first aid kits, etc. If unsuccessful, treasure chests will either explode, taking some health from player or do become permanently closed. Monsters in dungeon levels depend on the theme of the week. This game show occurs on the first week of every month. The game just showed up out of nowhere and many people were interested in it as they attended the live version of the show. As for its mysteries...well, who knows? Maybe someone will solve them some day. But, for now, let the games begin! This is a story that depends on the votes of the viewers using the poll system. I will probably wait a week or so per poll in order to accumulate enough votes. After the week is up, viewers can still vote but it won't affect the story. This is my first interactive fiction so it might not be on par with the better ones. Nevertheless, I hope you enjoyed reading this story. Thanks.
8 235 - In Serial8 Chapters
Spore, Stories of Lords
She was once human, that is what she remember.Instinct tell her to kill and eat, savage and destroy.Reborn as the lowest of the tower of power she forsake her own species to climb up to the epitome of it.To become a Lord.Inspired by SporeHave really little elements of Re:Monster, like reincarnation, because you can't have a toadpole speak of chemicals and physics.
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Rise of an Adventurer
Dust... was only human, weak, and fragile in spirit. He had experienced loss, and tried to move on. After seeing him spend his most recent days as an adventurer at the bottom of the barrel, fate decided to give him another chance.A lucky encounter leads him to meet valuable friends and advance beyond his originally mediocre fate. Dust and his companions traveled together, growing stronger and fighting against difficulties as a team. Everything was going well......But sadly, all stories have tragedies.Will he succumb to the sadness? Will he fight on, only to find that his efforts were for naught? Realize his own weaknesses and collapse under the weight over his shoulders?This... is the story of how an ordinary adventurer rose to the top.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mature tag for occasional gore and cursing, plus the occasional fanservice and planned sexual scenes. If it ever goes [17-18+] though, a warning will be placed on the chapter's title. Also, there will not be any big tragedies in this fiction.
8 132 - In Serial32 Chapters
Dere's Boyfriend Scenarios (DISCONTINUED)
(NEW)Hey before you click on this book I want to say that this book is discontinued the reason and my 50k special voice reveal are in my last chapter i did there will be a link there and i will also be making a new version on this book in the future hopefully :) enjoy this book if you're still reading it though have fun and I'll see ya soon on the next update/book!!(NEWEST)Hey! The newer book is out!! So go ahead and go there!! Enjoy!! :D (OLD)Hi there this is my first Boyfriend Scenarios so hope you guys like it! It's my first time making a story so forgive me if I did something wrong so yeah! Also I update a scenario when I'm not lazy so... ye In this scenario there will be:Tsundere DandereDeredereYandereOujidereKuudereBakadereSo I hope you enjoy this Scenario!!Ranks uwu#253 Tsundere#43 Dandere#34 Deredere#28 Dere#15 Boyfriend scenarios #16 Dere#24 Boyfriend scenarios#20 Boyfriend scenarios#18 Boyfriend scenarios
8 173 - In Serial49 Chapters
Mr. CEO's Fiery Nanny
I beg to differ that.", I sassed and got out of his grip ready to move out of the room when he pulled me by my elbow and the next second I was pushed on the visitor's chair.He trapped me completely by keeping his palms on the arms of the chair. "I tried to tell you patiently.", I scoffed at his words. Patience and he don't go in a single sentence. He gripped my chin making me look into his eyes."Now listen carefully Miss, I want you for my niece as her babysitter. Tell me how much you'll take and we can seal the deal."This time it was me who blinked once, twice and thrice."But I don't want to work for you." See the reason was absolutely clear. I liked the kid since the moment I met her but I hated this man from the moment I gazed into his eyes. "How much?"I frowned."You really think your money can make everyone dance on your tips?""1200 dollars a week."I rolled my eyes making him lean towards me." 1500?""Make it 15000 and still I won't work for you.", I retorted and pushed him. I walked to the door and gave him one glance."Next time when you talk to me, make sure you keep all your richness aside. That's one thing that I never want to see you again, you self-centred CEO.""We shall see."...Brave but lonely.Passionate but sensitive.That's Arielle Summers. For everyone, Money, Assets and happiness may be supreme but to her, self-respect is prime.Cold and reckless.Commanding and ruthless.That was Nicolas Arnold. He only cared for his niece, his Mama and his friends.Love life didn't exist until-she came into the picture. *No Toxic Relationship. No ex-crush/lover/fiance/wife. The male lead is the uncle of the child in this book, he's not a manwhore. There are no trust issues. *Impressive Ranking: #8 in love among 2.31M on 09/04/22©2021 ankitawrites_XxCC: @YT_BookAwards_Covers
8 202