《My Life as a Dragon's Assistant》4. Reunion
# 4
He heard a few thundering steps, and then a familiar, blue haired face leaped out at him.
“Sister!”, he cried back.
He knew she’d gone to study, but he didn’t realise he’d joined her school. His face lit up, as he stood there in shock.
She rushed up to hug him, pausing at the last minute, a little uncertain.
“No, no, it’s safe now. No draining”, he explained
“Really?”, Jess replied, “Yes! Amazing!”
“It’s been so so long Jess”, he smiled.
“Brother!”, she leaned in for a hug, “You’re outside!”
“I know! and I’ve got a name now too!”
“What?”, Jess was shocked.
He grinned. “You can call me Kis.”
Her eyes widened
“... or if you like, [Kyzr]”, he growled as quietly as he could.
It wasn’t quiet enough, every head snapped towards him, eyes darting across the room in search of a dragon.
Jess’ jaw dropped. She fumbled her words “What. The. ..”
“AHEM!”, The teacher on stage interrupted their reunion, “Everyone, the assembly will soon start, please come to the front and take a seat now.”
Jess grabbed his hand, leading him up to the front row, and packing him into the seat at the far end. She wedged herself next to him and immediately demanded answers.
“Quickly. Explain”, she had a serious face.
“Offered to Dragon. Dragon gave me name”, Kis explained
“... and your mana ...”, she asked
“How long have you known”, he replied
“Since you got sealed. Mum and Dad noticed the effect it was having on me”
“What?”, Kis was shocked
There wasn’t time. Another cough from the teacher on stage and a frown in their direction.
“Oh crap, never mind, shut up and wait for the speech”, Jess hushed him.
Kis wished Jess would explain, but he didn’t mind waiting. He was one of the few students listening to the introductory speeches.
Sitting at the front, he was oblivious to exactly what was being whispered behind him.
Who was this person with Jess, was that really a dragon earlier. Speculations over the matching hair but distinct haircuts. (They were quite easy to tell apart: Jess had a functional haircut, trimmed back along the sides and back, with just a small wisp atop, covering half of her head.)
He tried his best to focus on the speech and ignore the noise behind him. Val would be up next.
“Hello students. Welcome to those who are joining us, and for those who are returning: Welcome Back. I am the head mage of the Academy, and by the time some of you graduate, I will have been here for a century”
Val paused, letting her age sink in. It usually worked a treat on younger folk. Spotting a few amazed looks, she continued her speech.
“I specialise in barrier magic”, She flicked her hand, freezing the room. Every student found themselves locked in place.
Except Kis. He tried his best not to wobble.
Val quickly dismissed the spell, much to the relief of the audience.
“Like you, I plan to spend this year studying magic, resting, experimenting, refining. I hope you follow my example, ideally, surpassing it. Thank you. That is all”
Val, completing her objective to terrify every student, ended her speech.
Another teacher took over, wrapping up the event. “That’s it for the opening lecture. Today is a special timetable, but normal classes start tomorrow. Don’t forget the registration sessions this afternoon”
The moment the lecture finished, Jess grabbed Kis again
“You have a name! Kis!”
He smiled, then frowned, remembering Jess’ off-hand comment.
“What did you mean ... effect on you”
She mumbled out her answer “You drained my mana. It happened when we were young. It worked out ok, it’s why I’m good at magic now! I thought you knew all of this when you said it was safe”
“I only found out about the draining a month or so ago”
“I’m sorry Kis”
“It doesn’t feel like you’re sorry”, Kis replied
“I am sorry but I’m so excited! You have a name! Kis!”
“Kis isn’t my name”, he stuck his tongue out.
“It’s close enough brother”, she stuck her tongue out too, “Come on, Let’s follow the crowd outside”
Dragging him into the plaza, she quickly found a relatively quiet corner to sit.
She told him what she knew.
He had been sucking the mana out of the environment since he was young, a little at first. Jess and Kis slept in the same bed as babies, and eventually they noticed that Jess was waking up exhausted and drained of mana.
In searching for help, the church discovered his existence, taking him away before his naming ceremony, sealing him away to prevent him devouring mana accidentally. No-one meant to hide it from him, but for years no-one was brave enough to tell him the truth.
Then it was Kis’ turn.
“I’m the emissary, not an offering. An assistant, adjutant. I’m not really sure, but Auntie wants a human to handle things for her. Preparation for a year, learning the ropes for another, and then maybe a decade of work. It was a choice Jess, I said Yes”
He then explained that he’d stolen the dragons mana, and in learning his own name, kept a sizeable chunk of it.
“... wait you flew?... on a dragon!”
“OH YES! JESS!”, the excitement but it came rushing back in an instant.
Kis jumped up, giddily recanting the trip, his hands waving with excitement, punctuating each sentence with a pose.
“IT WAS IN.. It was incredible”, he caught himself shouting.
“I used to think I was the lucky one, but now, now I am totally jealous”, Jess pouted.
Kis just grinned.
Jess leaned over and punched him in the arm. “I’m glad you’re here. Did you tell Mom and Dad?”
“I don’t know how. They do know I’m ok, but not that we’re here together”
“I’ll do it. What do you want me to tell them?”
“I’m safe, I’ll be working for the dragon once I graduate. That should do”
She smiled “Ok. Promise me you’ll introduce me one day”
“Of course Jess. Only if I get to meet your friends”
“Umm”, she replied
“Smart kid, good at magic, youngest in class. Top of the exams. I didn’t make many friends”, she lamented.
She did have some friends. People to study with, one or two lunch buddies, but very few she trusted.
“Doesn’t matter! I’m here now”, he leaned in for a hug.
“Not the same but, yes you are here”, she smiled, “Come on, let me take you to register, then we can sneak off for food”
Registration was effortless with an experienced student on hand. Jess pushed him into taking the basic courses across the board, along with one small class on contemporary politics. With the forms filled out, submitted, stamped, and filed, it was time for lunch.
Before Jess could decide where to go, a deep roar stopped her dead in her tracks.
“There’s this amazing fish place...”, Jess froze on the spot. She was now standing in a shadow, and it was expanding at an alarming rate. Every part of her body was screaming at her to run, to hide.
Another roar snapped her out of it.
“[Srmr]”, he screamed.
“[Kyzr]!” the dragon howled back. Auntie had found him.
Opening her eyes, she saw a tiny dragon slam into her brother with a thump. It crawled up around his shoulder, wrapped its tail around his neck, and spoke
“Hello trouble. Am I late?”
“Of course not Auntie”
“This is Val’s school, isn’t it”
“Yep”, Kis nodded.
“Not the worst idea she’s had”,
Jess hadn’t moved an inch. She stared at her brother, slack jawed.
“This one smells like you do. Are you [Kysr]’s sister”, the dragon stared right at her.
She slowly nodded, obviously terrified.
“A little fear is ok, but since you’re family you can call me Auntie. Go on”, it smiled.
Jess mumbled out a response. “Hello. Auntie”
“Her name is Jess, she was about to take me for food”, Kis replied
“Hello little Jess. Food sounds good. Lead the way young one”, it wheezed.
Jess stiffly walked to her favourite tavern.
The dragon gently poked her into conversation, asking about family, memories of growing up. She had begun to warm up to the dragon, no longer afraid of injury, but still a little anxious over making a fool of herself in front of her brother’s employer.
“... which is why Mom told me never to try naming him”
“I wish i’d heard that. This troublesome child stole all my mana”
“If you’re not careful, i’ll steal your lunch too! I haven’t eaten yet!”, Kis whinged
They’d been searching for food for at least an hour. Finding a tavern that would admit a dragon proved a little problematic. No space, not without a reservation, and a few other tacit excuses.
Approaching a small stall at the side of the road, the owner spat out “You’ll pay damages if your pet...”
“If you want to speak to me, young man”, the dragon replied, “i’m listening”, and showed a toothy grin.
“Uhhhh....My apologies. Take a seat, all of you.”
The owner grabbed a nearby stool, offering it to the dragon. “This should be high enough for you?”
“Thank you”, replied the dragon, “I’ll take a bowl of raw meat. Don’t remove the bones. They add texture”
Over lunch, Jess filled in some of the gaps. Her adventures over the last two years, what he could expect, and some of the gossip around the school. It felt great to sit down with her brother outside, and the food was excellent too.
The dragon had no complaints, but Jess flinched every time the dragon crunched through the bone laden snack.
“Found you!”, Val had heard Auntie arrive.
“Val!” “Mage!”, Kis and Jess responded
“... and Auntie too! Mind if I take a seat?”, Val asked
“Grab a seat, there’s bones”, the dragon replied.
Val slumped over the free chair, and turned to Jess, “and you are...?”
“I’m his sister, Grand Mage”, Jess spoke
“Jess”, added Kis
“Jess, you can call me Val“, she replied, “but first, I need food”
She grabbed the owners attention, “the usual”. Moments later, Val was rifling through her meal, she, like Kis, hadn’t eaten yet. It wasn’t until her stomach stopped complaining that she recognised Jess.
“Wait. I’ve seen you, with one of my grand-daughers”, Val asked.
“Yes Mage, erm Val. I know Anna”, Jess was still a bit nervous
“That’s the one. She doing well?”
Jess nodded.
“Wait.... You’re the valedictorian. Twice in a row”
She blushed. “Yep”
“Well don’t hold out for three, your brother here is a wrench in the works”, said Val.
“A troublemaker”, the dragon joined in.
“Don’t gang up on me, Jess, Help”, Kis asked.
“... against a dragon and the most powerful mage in the school. Kis, you really are a magnet for trouble”, Jess lamented.
“Yep. It all started when I got this troublesome sister”, he replied.
He was trying his best to pout, but he was far too happy. Outside, having lunch, with friends. He’d dreamed about moments like this.
“Oh! That’s a point’, Val interrupted, “Auntie, do you mind another house guest?”
“Of course not”, the dragon replied
“Excellent”, Val grinned. “Jess, how would you feel about moving in with Kis and Auntie? It would be nice to have *one* reasonable person in the group”
“Really?!”, Kis interrupted, “Jess! Please!”
She looked at her brother, making puppy-dog eyes at her.
“I guess...”, Jess wasn’t entirely sure. Living with Kis was an easy choice, but she was still a little unnerved by the dragon hanging off his shoulder.
“I don’t bite, child”, the dragon wheezed, “and I agree with Val. One reasonable person would be fine, and Kis isn’t it”
Val rolled her eyes, “Jess, are you busy now? We can head over once we’ve finished eating”
“Um... Sure”
With the food consumed and the plates cleaned, Val lead the group over to a busy street lined with tall buildings.
“On the seventh floor, I’m afraid, but the view is worth it”
The stairs lead out onto a large open rooftop, with a small two bedroom house in the corner.
“There’s space enough for Auntie, and two guests”, she handed over a key to each of the siblings.
The dragon flew into the centre of the roof, growing out to fill the available space.
Jess stared at the dragon, now several times larger.
“Ahhhhhh, my dent is still here”, the dragon chirped.
“If you’re all settled, I have to get back to work, one last ceremony.”, Val remarked.
With Val gone, and Auntie snoring, Jess and Kis went to explore the rooftop cottage. One shared area, two bedrooms with separate washrooms. A spartan kitchen, but enough to make a satisfying breakfast.
“You’re ok with me staying here?”, Jess asked quietly.
“You really don’t mind living next to a dragon?”, replied Kis
“I think I’ll have to get used to it, like your name”
“What? [Kyzr]”, he growled
“I meant your human name. Kis”, she replied, “and ... um.. how long is ... auntie going to sleep for?”
“I don’t really know. We spent a few weeks together, then she slept for three months. It could be a while”
“Wanna help your sister move in?”
“... but can you leave the metal rod behind”
“It’s a wand, Jess”
“It’s a metal bar, and I need all the hands I can get”
Jess’ old room was in a large student tenement. Her room was spartan, mostly undecorated. There were piles of books, papers, and what seemed to be magical devices.
“Is this...”, he asked
“Yes. It is. I might have spent some time researching your problem Kis”, she replied
“My twin brother, cursed with mana devouring, and then taken away to be an offering. I wanted to try and change it, somehow. A side project, something between studies”
Kis looked around the room. It was a little obvious that it was a bit more than a side project. Everything seemed to be related, now she’d mentioned it. The books on ancient history, founding of the empire. Medical textbooks.
He was a little stunned.
Jess was a little embarrassed.
The four trips back and forth happened in relative silence, and used up the last of Kis’ energy. He had barely slept, driven by nerves to get through his first day of school. With all his duties complete, he crashed out as soon as his head hit the pillow.
Jess left to find Anna, but as she exited the cottage, curiosity got the better of her.
The dragon was still napping.
Cautiously, she put out a hand to touch the dragon’s scales
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you”, it snarled
“Um sorry I just wanted to know”, Jess apologised.
“Ask, young lady. Ask. You don’t know what trouble you’ll bring”
“I’m sorry”
“Let me pull my aura in first. It’ll sting otherwise.... Ok now, just this once.”
She was still curious. The dragon’s skin felt textured but smooth, weathered. There was a slight layer of resistance above it, a dense layer of mana which stung her hands.
“Um, thank you. It felt like hugging Kys”
The dragon wheezed with laughter
“I meant the mana. I can feel a similar layer around him”, Jess explained
“A sensitive young lady. Maybe I should have taken you as my assistant”, it snorted.
Watching Jess panic, the dragon let out a deep laugh. “Don’t worry. I’m happy with the troublemaker”
“Thank you Auntie. For his name, for everything. I’ve never seen him so excited, so happy”
“Really? The tiny fool has been giddy the entire time i’ve known him”
Jess giggled. “He was the same as a kid, he was so happy when I gave him a pet slime”
“Having a pet is a wonderful thing”, the dragon wheezed, “Maybe I do have room for two emissaries. You’d need matching haircuts, of course”
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