《The legend of kai uchiha》Blood Field


by doing this you have forfeited your right to exist

So i as the noblesse shall put you to eternal sleep

- cadis etrama di raizel


as we got I. we saw a bunch of people gathered in one place without even taking a second look we just left up to the stairs and into the proper room which was filled with people who looked far smarter than the ones downstairs.

( I didn't feel like writing about that )

as more and more people started gathering soon most of the class was here. when the last people, Sasuke, and his team, arrived the Yamanaka girl arrived she ran up to Sasuke and jumped on him. He didn't look very happy neither did the pink haired just like that an argument started with more and more genin starting to get involved even Chieko

it ended up with another leaf genin having to join in to tell them to be quiet and look around at that time I was so glad I was hiding in the crowd but then he took out cards which piqued my interest I body flickered right behind him while looking at the card

which I can safely say, surprised everyone,

" when did you get there??? " the genin said looking at me at with surprise all over his face

' to be surprised when I don't even have a fourth of my chakra damn these people are weak ' the only ones who weren't surprised were my teammates and sasuke

" where you were doesn't matter, Kabuto can you just show me the cards? " Sasuke asked

" well ok then let's start with rock lee, he is in a team with Tenten and neji Hyuuga with Gai as his sensei they have a record of 20 d ranks and 11 c ranks ow and did I mention they are a year older? " He ended with a question

" Next is Gaara of the sand he is in a team with Temari and Kankuro with no recorded sensei they have done 8 c ranks and one b rank but that's not the most surprising thing, it's that he has never gotten a scratch on a mission before " now this time everyone was surprised so was I but not because of his record but because the amount of information the cards held


" Well ok, do me next, " I said wondering how much information he had on me

" sure thing, " he said then did the process again before holding up the card and starting

" Kai Uchiha on a team with Suzemi Bachi and Chieko Hyuuga and Kenshiki as jonin sensei the mission record is 12 D ranks and one C rank which turned into A rank and potential S rank got first kill on that mission By killing 13 chunin and five jonin on that same mission " Ok this isn't right there is no way any normal person can get this amount of information legally.

everyone just stared at me even sasuke raised his brow before clenching his fists slightly after that Kabuto said some other stuff and of course the blond had to say something that made everyone his enemy but it wasn't that bad really

as we continued to chat I saw a few shadows moving towards our direction and fast seeing this I released all of my blood clones back at home to get their experience, turns out I leveled up ten times in chakra drain and four in blood dragon jutsu and five in fireball justu

not taking another look I jumped up to where one of the people had jumped blocked the kunai he was probably planning to throw at Kabuto kicked him and disappeared again just to reappear next to Kabuto and blocked fist thrown at him which came with a screeching noise. The person jumped back and just looked at us with a smile on his face just as Kabutos glasses cracked I heard the same sound as earlier kabuto got on both his knees while I got on one

' That bastard ' I body flickered at my highest speed behind him with kartas in my left hand going for the arm which released you waves

" Dosu watch out, " the man that had thrown the kunai said, without looking back the so-called Dosu released the sound wave again. This time I knew what was coming so body flickered away

" Punks want to get disqualified no fighting before the exams begin " a completely new voice came along with a man tall very tall man

" I am the proctor of the first round ibiki Morino come through this door to begin "


I took one last look at Dosu before body flickering into the room sitting Down and getting ready once everyone was inside. He started

( if you want to know what happens after this then go watch the anime again because I'm not explaining everything again or how he passed the test nor Anko's entrance and explaining the forest of death. I'm even letting you decide how the entire thing went and what changed: he is currently in the forest of death )

As I was hopping tree to tree looking for someone I spotted a group of six people

' hmph looks like the weak are banding together to survive '

" Hey kai are you okay? " Chieko suddenly asked

" why wouldn't I Be? " I asked not bothering to look at her

" You seem colder than before after you woke up from falling unconscious, " she said again

" I simply realized how unsightly weakness is to me how only the strong have true free will, " I said still looking at their camp

" I see... " she replied not talking anymore more like mumbling

" What scroll do we have again? " I asked glancing at them in the corner of my eye

" Heaven " Suzemi replied

at least one of them should have an earth scroll even if they don't it won't be very hard to find one

" You two go the tower I'll meet you there, " I said grabbing my kartas

looking at me one more time they left with a sad expression on their face

now to deal with these losers

" extend kartas, " I said before looking at my kartas that had become two double-edged swords which were pure black. I body flickered to a tree near one of them and started walking out slowly with an extended kartas in each hand

" Who are you!? " the one shouted to notify the others that I was here

" that doesn't matter what does matter is what scroll you have, " I said not at all increasing my pace

" Like I'd tell you " he said reaching for a kunai. one of those huh guess I don't have a choice. I threw the kartas in my kartas that was in my left hand into the sky and did a few one-handed seals

" Fire style: fireball jutsu " I shouted

caught the sword and ran at him as soon as he dodged I went after him only to be blocked a person who had just arrived, I went for the swing with my sword, just as it was about to get him I body flickered away and in the spot, I just was a kunai had just passed by

' I should end this before more come ' just like that I pushed my swords into the ground and stood up while doing hand seals

" blood release: blood dragon jutsu " as the dragon was going to them I jumped aside while doing the tiger seal

" blood clone jutsu " when the clone came out we went different directions busy doing hand seals

" blood release: blood dragon jutsu " then at the same time shouted

" blood release: crashing dragons " then we watched as the dragons crashed together. when they came out from the explosion they were tatet and panting that's when I heard it

" water release: water wall " water was coming from everywhere around us as fast as we could we made hand seals

" blood release: twin demon wings " as we flew up the chakra of my clone completely drained and I had about half of it left with it draining quickly I flew down and grabbed my swords after releasing the blood wings jutsu

" it's over for you, " one of the newcomers said

" Are you sure about that? " I asked before activating my stage two Sharingan or two tomoe Sharingan and doing hand seals while holding my swords

" blood release: blood field " then a field started to surround us before entrapping us in a dome

" This is blood field all creatures which hold blood shall be weakened if you are too weak then you will die by simply being in here " I looked at them again and I saw something pitiful some were on one knee having trouble breathing while others barely standing never the less try to fight but I still ran at them at my full speed while body flickering because I knew this would only last a few seconds

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