《The legend of kai uchiha》First c rank ( filler )



every day from then on was was true torture quite like today

" We have surrounded the enemy and are moving towards it, " I said in the deepest voice I could muster

" great work squad leader keep it up and make sure to inform of any suspicious activities made by the enemy " a voice sounded back

" why is he the squad leader when he is clearly not fit for it in such circumstances, " a different voice said

" Why? because he is the smartest of you guys, " the second voice said

" ok fine but why is Suze... Squad lieutenant the squad lieutenant " the third voice sounded again

" because he is smarter than you that's one thing, " the second voice said

" um guys can we just finish the mission " a fourth voice suggested

" I agree with the lieutenant we can argue later " I replied

" fine, " the third voice said then we all looked at what was wobbling around on the wooden floor inside the house it was very small only about 77 centimeters and weighed about 40 pounds, in other words, it was this fatass thing in diapers walking around. We continued to stare at it for about 10 minutes before Kenshiki-sensei shouted

" go, go, go " from our hiding spots we all jumped at it at once then caught it before it could do anything

on our way back after giving the baby back to the woman we were walking back to the hokages office when Chieko started complaining

" that was boring I didn't sign up for this I didn't become a shinobi to catch babies that were running away from their houses and into others " My life became like this ever since our first mission sometimes it was catching cats other times it was babysitting we once even had to teach a group of new students who had just started the academy


" you know you really don't talk or act like a Hyuuga at all especially one from the main branch, " I said to her because she really didn't

" WHAT no, of course I do what do you mean " now that is funny how does that even happen how can you not know what your own clan acts like

" She is kind of an orphan remember her parents died when she was a child she lives alone " kenshiki-sensei whispered in my ear, damn I forgot that... wait... I never knew that. Before I could share my thoughts with the group we arrived at the hokages tower and went all the way to the reception and heard shouting inside

We dashed in the door before the receptionist could do anything were shocked at what was going on there in the room was Sasuke and his team with what looked like their jonin sensei, the blond kid the most annoying creature to ever exist was shouting at the Hokage

when He realized what was going on he stopped shouting and looked at us

" Sorry Hokage-sama I couldn't stop them " there are the fucking honorific again never liked them and will never use them even if I talked to God himself ( unfortunate Mc doesn't know that he already has )

" it's ok you can go back now " the Hokage answered

" Thank you Hokage-sama " fuck you

during the entire conversation, no one else moved an inch the first person to move was the Blond kid

" as I was saying I don't have time for these stupid missions I became a shinobi so I can learn cool jutsu and fight stuff " he said before the Hokage could answer our academy teacher shouted at him and the Hokage had to intervene and asked their jonin sensei who I learned was called Kakashi by what the Hokage called him whether they were ready or not and of course Chieko had to intervene


" Hey if they are ready to do proper missions then we are ready as well right Kenshiki-sensei " why did you say that just why it would've been better for us to slip out of here. Anyway getting realistic I honestly believe that we are more ready than them because other than Sasuke one looks retarded while the other looks lustful

Not only that but if it was a fight I could beat Sasuke, Chieko would beat the blond one and Suzemi would beat the skinnyass looking one because Suzemi has gotten stronger over the past month and so has his confidence he doesn't speak with repeated words anymore I guess being with Chieko can do a number on you can't it plus he is catching up to Chieko who is naturally talented and is one of the hyuuga's two geniuses pretty quickly and I was just making the gap between me and the rest of my team bigger. After I told Kenshiki-sensei about my kekkei Genkai I have started improving much faster

I also mastered nature transformation of fire and water meaning that I could try and make my own jutsu which I did but haven't used yet because of the circumstances I can now also use the body flicker in combat but I am not very proficient in it. I could tell Kenshiki-sensei was surprised by my progress no saying he was surprised would be an understatement hell even saying he was astonished would be one

( if I recall correctly I remember that Sasuke and Naruto finished nature transformation training in a week )

" I believe that my students are ready what about you kenshiki " Kakashi answered first

" *sigh* I guess mine are ready as well " ow thank God I don't have to do that nonsense again

" yes "

" yay "

Blondie and Chieko shouted at the same time

Hokage: .......

kakashi: .......

Kenshiki: ......

Me: .......

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