《The legend of kai uchiha》I know you from somewhere?


In actual fact you are saying I could have got any jutsu book and learn in a second, wow what a waste of such unnecessary time there. But I won’t learn this until I know what it is that I will be learning what if it’s some d*ck enlargement jutsu or something you never know with adults

So I turned the book around and saw the name, teleportation jutsu, well this is interesting I opened the book and read the description

By using the Body Flicker Technique, a ninja can move short to long distances at an almost untraceable speed.[2] To an observer, it appears as if the user has teleported. It is accomplished by using chakra to temporarily vitalise the body and move at extreme speeds. The amount of chakra required depends on the overall distance and elevation between the user and the intended destination.

A puff of smoke is occasionally used to disguise the user's movements. Other elements or substances can be used instead to distract the opponent: some sand ninja uses sand for the Sand Body Flicker; .Villages can even have their own variants, as in the Mist Body Flicker, Water Body Flicker, and Leaf Body Flicker

I don’t know why but this instantly drew me in I don’t know why but just the thought of being able to do that made me want to learn this as soon as possible and I was going to learn it, and with that I pressed learn

It has been a week and today is the day of graduation well we graduated a week ago but today is team assignments, unfortunately I couldn’t master jutsu to the point of being able to use in battle, I did in some way manage to body flicker straight with no obstacles in my way for five metres but I can’t do that willingly quite yet but I presume that in about ten months I would have mastered the body flicker and maybe at that time I will try to make my own speed related jutsu like the fourth Hokage and fourth raikage


While I was in my own head I saw the blond kid I naturally knowing that he never accomplished jack shit anything was actually surprised that he had passed( he left as soon as his was done ), wait now that I think about it he kind of looks like the fourth but nah it couldn’t be because if that was true he wouldn’t be the dead last in the class

As I entered the class room I went directly to the back and to the dark corner and just stood there for some time and then they came

‘’ ahhhhhhhhhhhh’’ came a bunch of squeaky girl voices from outside the door before it got thoroughly destroyed

‘’ Huh, where is he I'm sure he came in here ‘’ with a tone full of question came the voice of a squeaky purple hair coloured girl

‘’ Maybe he's outside ‘’ said the one the girls

‘’ yes, let’s go check there ‘’ the other girls agreed and left the class not intending to fix the door, with one last peak around the room the purple coloured hair girl left with the rest of the group

And that’s why Sasuke and I always only get here when it is the egging of class and leave as soon as it finishes but Sasuke's is worst I actually feel bad for the guy. The only reason I came so early is because I thought they finally got over that nonsense

When it was time to get the team assignments done and Sasuke had arrived teacher sensei number one for some reason, teacher sensei number two didn’t show up for such an important event for some unknown reason, started reading out the team list when I heard Sasuke's name I started listening but it turns out that he was with the blond kid and a fan girl


‘’ Okay, so since we had an uneven number of graduates we had to borrow some students from other classes who had the same problem ‘’ so that’s why my name was never called up

‘’Next and last is kai Uchiha, chieko hyuuga and suzemi bachi ‘’ wait don’t I know those two from somewhere

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