《The legend of kai uchiha》God??? (Prologue)


Hi first time writing don't have a schedule yet but I will have on as soon as I find out how much time I have to write

Hello my name's kai, I am as normal as one can get have a good job like anime might or might not be an otaku. I don't really have friends nor family but I got over that pretty long ago. (not sure if that counts as English) I'm currently at my house about to rewatch the five kage summit it was one of my favourite fights in shippuden though as soon as I was about to log in to my computer I heard the roaring sounds of thunder. ( no matter how many times I rewrite this part it still seems rushed )

But how wasn't it sunny just know.....with that last thought everything turned to darkness my life flashing before my eyes I could see everything even stuff I didn't remember , my birth my mother her death everything I could see everything

Just like that I drifted into eternal sleep

When I woke up I was in a room, well I couldn't exactly call in a room seeing as the whiteness seemed to spread to the end of the universe . In front of me was a tall bearded guy looked like he was stressing out about something...wait isn't this a bit too cliche mmm. Well might as well start the conversation

"Um hello" he looked at me as if he just noticed me here, but I didn't have time to get angry about that. Simply because of those calculating eyes as if deciding what to do with my entire existence not only that but the aura he gave off it was the aura of nobility the aura of a king one that could erase all of existence to ashes, the aura



"Oh I didn't notice you there young one"ok ok he talked what do I do what do I say. WAIT calm down ok calm down let's take it slowly "hello" I said in the most regular voice I could muster at the moment "wow you calmed town quickly, you are quite the prodigy I must say"he said in a soothing grandpa like voice "thanks, I guess" I replied "so would you mind telling me where I am and how I got here" "ow I should tell you shouldn't i"

After that he kept quiet I chestered him to go on "well a accident happened and you ended up here" "so am I dead?" I asked already knowing the answer "you really are calm for a human aren't you"he said probably trying to change the subject. I eyed him for having no idea how I did it

"Well yes"then I was right I have read a great amount of novels and fan fiction "I think I know what's going to happen" "you sure know a lot don't you" yep I was right once again "do I get to choose what world I reincarnate in" " haha clever boy yes yes you do" "ok then naruto" yes it may not be the safest or most overpowered world but that's exactly why I chose , it's not a world of God's or weak humans

"Interisting choice you have made" without allowing me to say anything he continued"I will let you have one wish to help you in the world of ninja shinobi"that was quite an obvious mistake he made there. But anyway this made me think carefully there were a lot of things that could help me like infinite chakra the tentails sealed in me from birth but there was this one


"I'd like the gamer ability please" yep I chose it because it was perfect. Anything less useful would be trash anything more would have made life boring

"WELL OK GOODBYE THEN" then once again everything turned to into darkness

Auteur note

I know it's short but first chapter will be at least double of this hopefully

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