《Transformed into a vampire Loli》Chapter 12: Accident. (,,#゚Д゚)


The closer you get, the strange feeling of silence and the girl's light laugh, the more people get nervous.

Fortunately, they are all experienced demon hunters and are not afraid of it.

When he was close, a smell of blood reached Keno's nose, causing him to stop.

When he stopped, the other teammates also stopped in place.

He spoke a few words in a voice that only he could hear, and he felt a breeze blowing towards everyone.

The spell of a "Wind Whispering" level, when the spell is cast, even the opening of the usual spell will not be displayed. Its function is to hide the sound of the wind and pass it on to teammates. This spell is only useful in outdoor areas with open environments.

After getting Keno's information, everyone's training changed.

Except for the thin Oren, everyone else slowly backed away and moved away in the middle.

Oren touched the ground with both hands and walked slowly forward.

If there are foreign races in Reid Mansion, they must consider the possibility of guard or defensive circles on the periphery of the manor

Oren is exceptionally talented at detecting and eliminating traps, so he is the most suitable vanguard.

Everyone followed in their footsteps slowly along the way, but as far as the mansion's fence was concerned, Oren found no trace of magic and of course there were no traps.

The only progress is that they finally know the source of the girl's laughter.

These were in fact some pretty girls with delicate long skirts, they seemed to be more noble than the noble ladies they usually saw.

How can these people appear here?

This question came to your mind.

In remote places like Reid Mansion few nobles come, let alone five beautiful girls.

In addition, the surrounding villages are mostly rude and vulgar, and it is impossible to have these women, thinking about it, the answer seems somewhat obvious.


The quiet mansion, the faint scent of blood and the beautiful playful girl.

Everything seemed to explain that the source of the abnormality was the little girls in front of him.

Even, they may not be human!

After getting this apparently true answer, several people looked at each other and silently approached several girls.

When he was close enough to release the magic.

She raised her hand and two extremely dark circles appeared silently under her feet, like lavender powder floating towards the girls.

Delia and the others who were playing did not know this after all, they were just ordinary humans and had no special abilities.

It seems to smell something sweet...

Delia's nose moved slightly. I don't know when, the sweet smell in the air made her feel particularly good, and her tired body also relaxed.

Gradually, without her noticing it, her eyelids became heavier and heavier, and finally...

After shaking her body, she lost consciousness and fainted to the ground.

And the other side.

Delia and others were easily passed out, but Andrew and the others were a little suspicious.

What Fanny uses is just the "sleeping technique" of the second common ring. Of course, as long as people with stronger bodies cover their mouth and nose in time, at best they will slow down their movements and will not be lethargic at all.

Is it a trap?

With such doubts, several people slowly touched them with a cautious attitude that "girls on the ground will turn into ghosts and pounce on them at any time".

"It's weird, they really passed out." Zaryk touched his bald head inexplicably.

Andrew squatted down, put two fingers on the neck of the sleeping girl, and paused for a while to confirm that they were not pretending to be asleep.

"Huh? Is that it?" Suddenly, he discovered something and gently lifted the girl's collar, and around her white neck, a pair of dark red round holes looked very attractive.


Traces of vampires!

Andrew's pupils contracted, confirming this almost immediately, these girls are not vampires, but vampire food!

"Be careful, they are not aliens, but vampires' food, the real enemy may be hidden elsewhere." Andrew said calmly, and then she picked up Delia who was unconscious on the ground.

"We take them first, wake them up to ask about the situation and then continue to act."

Following Andrew's instructions, the remaining men picked up the unconscious blood slaves on the ground and prepared to leave temporarily.


The development of things did not go as smoothly as they thought.

A sharp but somewhat hoarse roar sounded behind them, followed by a group of strange roars one after another.

Looking back, it was a monster that didn't know when it appeared.

They wore long, tattered skirts with bloodstains, their eyes were red, and they opened their mouths with a pair of sharp fangs.

"Be careful! It's a vampire!" Andrew whispered and drew his sword.

The sharp long sword drew a bright silver trajectory in the air, easily tearing open the neck of the vampire who was leaping over.

"It's daytime, they are not very strong, they are fighting and retreating." Andrew said quickly.

But the next moment.

The vampire in front of her bowed her head strangely, the cut on her neck healed instantly, and she rushed towards Andrew as if she had not been injured at all.

"Winding technique!"

Fanny yelled when he saw what was wrong, and the staff tapped the ground, two green vines with the thickness of arms came out of the soil, wrapped around the legs of the vampire, preventing her from moving.

"Andrew, something is wrong with these vampires!"

Yes, they have encountered enemies like vampires before, but their previous opponents are completely incomparable with the one encountered this time.

The long sword in Andrew's hand is not only sharp, it is a special alchemy product, not only has an increase in the killing of monsters, but also adds silver to it.

You know, the most feared by vampires are sunlight and silver.

Although it is not midday, the light is still sufficient. Under such unfavorable circumstances, Andrew's alchemy sword cut the vital part and nothing happened at all. This is really frightening!

"Fanny, open the way with fire spells!"

Andrew shouted at Fanny, who was good at fire magic on the team.


Fanny replied, and at the same time gathered magic power on her hands.

"Magic enhancement-flame snake!"

Two exceptionally dazzling rings shone on her hand, and a flame snake with a diameter of about half a meter whizzed out from the circle, attacked the nearby vampires, and drove them away.

Following the temporary passage opened up by the flames, Andrew and his team quickly retreated.

It's just that something unexpected happened again...

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