《Transformed into a vampire Loli》Chapter 5: Towards the human world!!!ヾ(o✪‿✪o)シ


When Luna prepared everything and went back to the restaurant, it was already a mess.

Claw marks and burn marks can be seen everywhere, and expensive tables and chairs were broken, as if they had experienced a great battle.

"Damn!" Luna clenched her fists because of her dissatisfaction.

"That damn girl!"

Luna didn't care about the chaotic scene before her, in her opinion Cheryl was still a child, it was normal to be naughty and obstinate, even if she blew up the whole castle, she would at most criticize her.

As servants, it's normal for them to clean up the mess for the master.

What really made her feel unforgivable was that the stinking girl Karina dared to enjoy her time alone with Cheryl.

However, there is no other way, after all, Karina is the only person of the same age living nearby who is eligible to live with Her Royal Highness on an equal footing.

"Sooner or later, I'm going to fix that girl up."

Although she said this, and she thought so in her heart, it was absolutely impossible for her to have any practical action, whether she was positioning herself as a maid or because of the deep feelings between her and Cheryl, she will do nothing to destroy the relationship between Cheryl and Karina.

"Luna, let's go now?"


Cheryl's slightly embarrassing voice sounded behind Luna.

At that time, due to some irresistible factors, she switched to a Lolite-style black dress.

Next to her, Karina stretched out, flushed as if she had experienced some shameful activity.

Luna narrowed her eyes, and she said to Cheryl, "It's ready, you can go anytime.

"That's good." Cheryl snapped her fingers with satisfaction, "Now we leave for the human world!"

☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆




The canopy of the trees is extremely dense and it is difficult for the sun or moonlight to shine. The trees are close together and there is almost no road to pass.

However, the two horses with bright red eyes and black flames burning on their bodies were running all the way with the chariot white as snow decorated with strange patterns.

Even if there was a tree in front of them, the Nightmare Warhorse still ran straight to it, and all the obstacles in front of them were easily crushed.

Before the broken wood chips touched the car body, they were all burned by a strange black flame.

From the outside, the carriage is shaking violently and its internal space seems very narrow.

But in fact, the area inside the chariot has exceeded 20 square meters, and the surface of the vanilla tea waiting to be tasted in the chariot has no undulations.

Cheryl was lying on Luna's arms with her eyes closed and resting, leaning her head on Luna's chest as if she were resting on a very soft pillow.

Karina was napping on the pillow in front, wagging her tail from time to time, and didn't know if she was really sleeping.

As this chariot belongs to an independent space, they can't see the landscape outside, the journey along the way seems extremely boring, it's a good choice to count on sleep to kill time.

Luna held Cheryl and combed her hair softly, for some reason she licked her lips from time to time, as if she was longing for something.

In the corner of the carriage, some beautiful girls piled up and fell asleep in silence, one of them was Delia, who was still pale.

Suddenly, a wave of magic passed through the interior of the chariot, awakening Cheryl and Karina who were still resting.


"Did something happen?"

Cheryl rubbed her eyes stunned and Karina stretched out and sat down.


"It shouldn't be much..." Luna is not very sure, after all, the defensive circle outside the car was not triggered, which means they were not attacked, but why did Nightmare Warhorse stop?

In the face of these doubts, a white crack opened inside the car, which coincided with the position of the car's external door.

Leaving the car, Cheryl saw what was blocking Nightmare Warhorse.

It was an emerald green tree that was not very big, right in front of them, a young woman with an emerald green body was entangled in the trunk by vines. If you look closely you can find some shoots that grow out of the girl's body.

"It happened to be Nicole, why are you here?" Cheryl asked in surprise, because she was very familiar with the girl in front of her.


Nicole Vermeer, Princess Dríade who lives in the dark forest, one of Cheryl's little friends, has a very good personality, a little slow, and the original "Nicole" in Cheryl's imagination is very different.

After Cheryl's question, Nicole was stunned for a while, so she rigidly turned her neck and looked at Cheryl with eyes without focus.

"I... heard... very... big... sound... just..."

"Just run and take a look!" Impatience Karina thought it was too slow, she interrupted directly.

She interrupted like this, causing Nicole to be stunned again. After a moment of silence, she slowly said, "Yes, it is-"

Cheryl also sighed impotently, Nicole is now over 1,800 years old and very slow to receive external information and change language.

Perhaps she is not able to speak like a normal person until she is three thousand years old ...

"It is nothing big, let's just see the human territory, just passing through here". Cheryl said.

"territory ... travel ... see ... human ...?"

Nicole bowed her head, it seemed that there was some problem understanding the language, after saying these four words, she went into a long-term mode of inactivity.

"That's right, human territory, we're in a hurry so let's get out first, until the next one! After speaking, Karina quickly pulled Cheryl back into the carriage.

Talking to Nicole is a torment in every way, especially for those who have no patience like her.

Luna bowed to Nicole before returning to the carriage.

After all three returned to the carriage, Nightmare Warhorse bypassed Nicole and began a destructive march again.

After a long time...

Nicole seemed to react suddenly, raised her head without expression and turned to look in the direction Cheryl and the others had left.

"Be... careful... on the... road..."

Nicole waved a branch to say goodbye.

So... after a long time...

Nicole realized that Cheryl and the others seemed to have been away for a long time, so she silently retracted the branches and left the place.


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