《Transformed into a vampire Loli》Preface. ٩(ŏ﹏ŏ、)۶


The girl fled desperately, even if she felt pain in her lungs, even if the soles of her feet were bruised, even if her eyes were full of blood...

Bright red blood, hot and manic flooded the streets.

The blood advancing like a rough sea sweeping the whole city.

Painful moans, desperate crying, and joyful laughter formed a frantic symphony.

The girl is running away...

Even if she is just a beggar.

Even if a simple gold coin can measure her cheap life.


She didn't want to die yet.

In front of despair, in front of death, in front of blood.

The girl never felt so small.

She will die...

The girl couldn't avoid thinking about it.


Obviously it wasn't like that a few days ago!

I just met such a kind person, but now I'm dying...

Despair like an abyss has swallowed her up.

In this world of blood, she saw no hope.

The girl stumbled into a pool of blood.

So hot...

These thoughts appeared in the girl's heart.

Her whole body is wrapped in hot blood, which brings her a sick comfort.

There was a smile in the corner of her mouth.

It's a relief...

The people around her are still crying.

The screams in the throat of those filthy and abominable nobles made the girl feel strangely happy.

And those noble gentlemen who usually rule?

In front of real "monsters", what's the difference between them and me?

They are all ants, all objects to be killed.

Da da da ......

The sound of the high heels stepping on the ground suddenly echoed in the girl's ears.

Why is there that sound?

The girl got confused.

The place was already filled with blood, and the air was also filled with bloody mist.


The intense curiosity forced the girl to fight and raise her head.


After entering the dense bloody mist, the girl felt a discomfort in the nasal cavity, choked a few times and tried to clean the blood stains on her face with her hands full of blood.

But obviously this is something completely impossible.

She only managed to force open her eyes that were red.

What you see is an incomparable woman who can only be called "beauty".

Beautiful and splendid, with a dress that is not a thing of the earth, a scary halo.

The patterns and decorations of the dress are completely beyond the girl's cognition. It is a dress that only exists in dreams.


The girl knows very well that, even dreaming, it is impossible or forbidden to possess such noble and sacred things.

Move the line of sight.

That face, those clear and bloody eyes that flowed like blood had already eclipsed everything.

Perfect dress, perfect figure, perfect face, perfect eyes...

Just by looking at her, the girl's heart shot with an uncontrollable will to lower her head, as if looking more at her, she would desecrate holiness in front of her.


The bloody eyes full of temptation grabbed her eyes firmly again, as long as they could take another look.

As long as you can take another look, you can die immediately!

"Do you want to live?"

The "beauty" in front of her spoke.

The sound is elegant and clear, beautiful, seductive and deadly.


The girl subconsciously answered like this without thinking.

If she thinks for a second, she will probably choose to bow her head and remain silent because of her shame...

After responding, the girl instantly lost consciousness.

It's the end and the beginning...


- Yuri.

- It is not the kind of dark story.

- My grammar is not very good.

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