《Memories of the Gluttonous Sage》Day 30 (9)


A portal emerged within the center of the blacksmith shop next to the Adventurer’s guild. The purple rimmed, black ellipse slowly expanded, giving time for the customers of the shop to make room for its abrupt appearance.

Cain’s form emerged from the starry ellipse and continued to walk a few meters to the counter while ignoring the lingering gazes. He leaned over the counter top, crossing his arms into his chest and resting his elbows on the wooden surface.

“Anyone back there?” He called out to the open door not far from where he stood. “Ya, ya. I’ll be there soon.” A voice towered over the sounds of hammers that occasionally entered the store. Orirdrumlin Embershaper exited the back room, tossing a rag used to wipe the smut and ashes from his hands onto a nearby barrel.

The dwarf’s eyes transformed from their grumbling, solemn gaze to a one that could melt tungsten at a glance when he recognized the owner of the voice. “What can I do for ya, lad?” Orirdrumlin approached the counter as he addressed Cain, not bothering to get on the stool or use formal speech due to their previous encounter.

“I’m here to check up on the request I made.” Cain replied, unfolding his left hand and pointing to the back of it; his chest and the locations of his hands prevented the other customers from seeing the signal. The dwarf recognized the location to be where Cain placed the communication magic circle, understanding the hidden meaning seconds later.

“Follow me into the back then.” Orirdrumlin motioned for Cain to enter, making sure his hand appeared above the counter for the other customers to see. Cain followed the dwarf, slowing the speed at which he took a step while keeping the pace the same length, lest he accidentally steps to the dwarf’s side.

They entered an office that expanded on their left, rather than the forge Cain expected to see immediately. An unorganized desk laid in the back left corner, dust collecting on the chair. “Maybe you should hire a secretary?” Cain commented after observing the documents layering the desk unevenly, covering the entirety of its surface and even some of the floor.


“‘eh… If ani ar’ willing to s’eh long enof or evon stand the ‘eat.” Orirdrumlin’s original, rough way of speaking emerged for the first time in a long while. Cain noted the sudden change, assuming the nobles made him speak “elegantly” since most wouldn’t understand otherwise.

“Are the nobles that overbearing?” Cain inquired moments before being assaulted by the heat of the forge. The four brick walls, presumably a fire prevention method, contained the heat a little too well, essentially making the open air lot another furnace.

“You ‘ave noh idea. Sorry if the ‘eat is too moch. This is the oh’nly plehs we can talk comfor’abli wo’hout anyone in’erfering.” Orirdrumlin led Cain past a massive forge surrounded by anvils and equipment as he spoke. Cain peeked into the contents of the forge, hoping to see a raging fire. His eyes were met with a lava circulating along the inside instead.

“No worries.” Cain breathed, almost panted, as Rex’s flame tattoo kindled softly. Cain used his mana to interact with the Spirit King’s mark, attempting to convert the excess body heat into mana, thus cooling himself down. By the time he had succeeded, they arrived next to Orirdrumlin’s disciple’s forge.

Cain danced around a post used to hang tools and leaned his side against it, pretending as if nothing happened; his autopilot that was set to follow the dwarf nearly crashed him into an obstacle.

Orirdrumlin notified Hundro about Cain’s presence while taking over the furnace’s controls as Hundro’s skills needed improvement before he could multitask, both of them unaware of Cain’s near headache.

Hundro turned to face Cain, bowling slightly as he mumbled, “Greetings sir.” Cain turned the functions of his eyes on and gazed at the young man during the greetings. What was meant to just be a routine inspection yielded surprising results.

“You can drop the ‘sir.’ …What’s with that green, earthy hue around your body?” Cain’s latter question confounded Orirdrumlin, the furnace temperature rising unstably as a result. He quickly stabilized the temperature and cleared his throat.

“You… can see that? If I’m not wrong, what you’re seeing should be the blessing of a me’al and smi’hy god that ‘undro received a few dehs og’oh.” The dwarf’s tone mimicked the instability of the furnace while he explained his assumption.


—Dms: Cain and Bob— (6ms)

Cain: Is that accurate?

Bob: Indeed.

Cain: Sweet, mind explaining me the blessings and such of gods once the errands are all done?

Bob: Understood.


“Huh… Well anyways, I’m just here to check up on you guys. Also… how do I say this…” Cain feigned contemplation while thinking, Uh… dang, I forgot his name. [Orirdrumlin]. Dresil’s timely transmission saved the boi from an embarrassing moment.

‘hanks Dresil, you’re the best. “Orirdrumlin, I’ve got a space in my territory, kingdom, or whatever you want to call it, if you want to move shop there when you get the chance. I’ll open a portal and everything so you don’t have to travel far.” Orirdrumlin thought over Cain’s proposal as he prepared to shut off the furnace; its task now complete.

“‘mmm…. I’s a veri temp’ing offer. What will be the flame of the fornace there?” Hundro retrieved the contents of the furnace as Orirdrumlin stepped away from the furnace.

“I’m thinking about using a flame from the Spirit King of Fire and finding a way to either maintain it or just make it permanent.” Cain displayed Rex’s tattoo to clear any misunderstandings surrounded the Spirit King’s existence due to rumors.

—Group Chat: Cain, Dresil, Bob, and Rex— (13ms)

Rex: You fucker

Rex: You’re assigning more work to me aren’t you

Cain: Yep

Cain: How’s the training going though

Rex: I’m chilling on the surface of the sun

Bob: *sends image* (it's just Rex floating in space)

Dresil: Wow… 30 days and you’re only at the surface?

Rex: Hey! I’ve been busy looking at memes and bingeing novels

Dresil: Understandable

Cain: You’ve been meeting your quota though right?

Rex: Yep


“A-actuolli? Damn, I’ll mehk the preporeh’ions to move then. It woh’n’t be for a month ot the la’est th’oh.” Orirdrumlin’s hands trembled in excitement. Using a Spirit King’s fire to forge was akin to forging alongside the gods; a chance every dwarf would instantly sell their soul for.

“You sure…? The environment and equipment for forging are abysmal.” Cain measured Orirdrumlin’s reaction habitually, the sudden change in attitude raising his guard.

The dwarf scoffed playfully at Cain’s remark. “I can jost bring my stoff and improve the rest.” He replied, doing his best not to flip the nearest thing over in excitement.

“Alrighty then… Well, you can just notify me of anything you need. I need to take care of some more errands so I’m going to bounce.” A portal appeared behind Cain as he talked, swiftly disappearing moments later.

“Fock YEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!” Orirdrumlin’s howl of joy shook the brick walls around the forge, dust fell and littered the ground. “Doscipol, I sholl be forging a few weapons to calm my nerves. I recommend you seh your goodbyes and propare to leave soon.”

Hundro’s face soured at the thought of cutting off all connections and leaving once more. Orirdrumlin noticed his reaction, taking a few breaths to calm his nerves long enough for a short conversation. “Doh’n’t worry yo’ng on. I’m sure Cehn will ‘ave a weh for you to visit the capitol frekwontli.” Hundro quenched the block of metal, the sizzling almost muffling his response. “Really…?”

“Yes… ‘e’s not like those bastord noh-blos. ‘e’s similor to us dwarves, in the weh that ‘e prioro’izes almoh’st every’hing arond ‘is projects. And since we’re ehding ‘im in mehking those projects, that means ‘e’ll make sure our needs are met as moch as poh’ssible.” Orirdrumlin casted a few fireballs and tossed them into the huge furnace near the entrance while he spoke, the new heat sources prevented the lava from settling.

The furnace flared to life moments later long with Hundro’s mood. “Don’t dwarves put their projects first? Second to family and friends though.” Hundro fitted the cold brick of metal onto the anvil then grabbed a few tools.

“That’s why I said ‘almoh’st.’ I’m not sure how the lad does it, but there seems to be several other things of equal impor’ance.” Hundro chuckled softly upon hearing his master’s words. “When did you become so wise?” He asked as he walked back to the anvil.

“I’ve been alive for sevorol centories. It would be weird if I wosn’t at least this bit wise.” Their laughter roared louder than their furnaces, only dying down when they decided to start forging.

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