《Tremors Of Time: Spirit Gauntlet》Chapter 7 Gentlemen I think not


Chapter 7 Gentlemen I think Not

You have finished the tutorial for your avatar and gauntlet forms.

You know have to learn the System Commands and you will have finished the Tutorial.

Patito: Alex did you gain the Title gentlemen.

Alex: “No, why” I ask him in a curious voice.

Patito: Because I just gained the title. What do you think it does.

Alex: How would I know.

Patito: Sorry just curious

Alex: “Well use curious hands tap on it what are you waiting for a slap on the back of your elven buttress.” I stress buttress with as much of a Viking accent as I could muster

Patito: God you're an Idiot do you even know what a buttress is.

Alex: “ Hell no, but it sounds hilarious” I say with a gleeful smile

Patito raises his hand and starts swiping at what I think are notifications, or he’s crazy and is just moving his hands for no reason. You know Back in high school Patito used to be a quite a popular person wonder if he keeps in touch with all of his friends. Ah that reminds me didn’t I put a Pizza in the oven hopefully it isn’t burnt.

Patito: Alex.. Alex …...ALEX.

Alex: Crap the Pizza!!!

Patito: AALLEXXX!!!

Alex: Huh, yeah.

Patito: You always daydream in the middle of everything. Can’t you just pay attention? You know what it’s not the time for this. Do you want to know what it says or not?

Alex: “Yes” I say weakly with an embarrassed smile

Patito: It gives me a 10% Increase when talking to a NPC

Alex: Well how did you get it.

Patito: It doesn’t say but if I had to say it’d be by being nice and helping others.

Alex: How did you get it you fulfilled none of the conditions.


Patito: “Well I did answer your request to come here and I did put up with you for 25 minutes that’s something.” he says with a gloating expression

Alex: I was gonna say there was something more but you know what I don’t care.

Patito: So do you want to finish the tutorial all that's left is system commands and we’re not idiots we’ve played games before so let's skip it

Alex: Sure?

Alex & Patito: System skip system commands tutorial.

Are you sure


Alex & Patito: Yes

You have completed the tutorial

15 minutes till Launch

Alex: Patito me and some of our friends are going to eat pizza at our apartment you wanna come over.

Patito: Sure can I bring Jessica

Alex: Will she bring her friends.

Patito: Probably

Alex: Then Fuck Yeah.

Patito: See you there. Log out.

He disappears in a white light

Alex: Time to go. Log out

The cover of the VR machine lifts up

I immediately rush to the oven and open it.

Alex: “haaaa” I breathe out a sigh of relief “ It’s safe”

I moved the big dining room table I bought on Accident in front of my tv and started setting up the food.

Alex: Drinks there pizza over there and tv playing Iron Man 2 everything is set up.

Ding dong Ding Dong

I walk to the door and open it and see Caleb, Nathan, Patrick, and Jessica with two of her friends I've never seen before

Alex: Ah there’s the old squad Calebiton, Nathanic, Patito, and 3 beautiful ladies.

They walked in and we talked we finished watching iron man 2 the pizza was fantastic and the drinks so so.

Pov ???

Those two quite were interesting wonder how they’re going to survive the upcoming darkness.

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