《A Wizard's Soul》Chapter 12: To-Do
On Monday, RWBY and Memnol met during lunch, and both walked to RWBY's room just after. After a long moment of silence, Yang said, "I, I don't remember her name, but she's Uncle- She's Qrow's sister. I guess you wouldn't really know him as an uncle, would you."
Memnol, without saying anything, Limited Wished Identify Transgressor and mentally asked, "Who is Qrow Branwen's sister, that Yang Xiao Long wants me to find?". A 97% chance came up as one might expect, and a name came into his mind as a response, "Raven Branwen."
Memnol said, "Her name is Raven Branwen. I will be busy now, do not disrupt me, as I only prepared for this once today."
Without waiting for Yang's nod, Memnol started casting Discern Location. During the ten minutes, Yang just sat with her sister, who gave her a half-hug while they waited, which Yang returned.
Once he was done casting, Memnol said, "Raven Branwen's location is, as of one-six PM Beacon time today; Central gathering area, Branwen Tribe Camp, Western Anima, Anima, Remnant. My side of the deal is paid, do not dare to break yours, for there are no protections for those who do so, and I am more than capable of un-finding them for you. Goodbye."
With that, before either of them could say anything, Memnol had disappeared and was gone. Yang said, with a barely in it laugh, "I mean, it's… a start. I didn't have that before. I'll have to ask Uncle Qrow the next time I see him."
Ruby said, "Hey Yang, that just reminded me, JNPR wasn't actually there when he said that, just Sun. "
Yang twirled her hair, and said, "Oh, really?"
Ruby said, "Yaaang."
Yang smiled a mischievous smile as she wondered, "So does this put me at one level or three?"
Much later in the week on Friday, Memnol was going over what preparations he had gotten done. "Sextant of the Planes? Check, finished since Tuesday morning after forgoing sleep for two days. Drawmij's Instant Summons, Major Creation, and Vision researched? Check, and after resting Wednesday night, the first was prepared and cast plenty of times on most of my possessions after Arcane Marking them Thursday." Indeed, when Memnol had arrived to classes Thursday morning, a few people had noticed that he had personalized slightly more, adding an arm bangle decoration with a large number, precisely 40 Memnol knew, sapphires slotted into it. However he made it in a style close to a pearl necklace except for the, you know, extremely valuable sapphires in place of the pearls. When putting it on he put his left wrist against the loop and held the other end taut with the right hand holding it in any one direction, he gave that end a half-twist with his right hand, then moved the new section of the loop after the newly made 'X' to the opposite direction and repeated, so if he started by holding the end up and twisting the next half-twist would be down. The final result of this was pulled back onto the arm proper after enough half-twists, creating a pattern of approximately alternating 'X's' on opposite sides of his forearm which was fairly secure. Since it wasn't magical in itself per se, he wasn't concerned with any even theoretical issues between the addition and his normal bracers. For a smaller creature, they would probably do best just wearing it as a large necklace, or he could have chosen to wear it as one instead of course, similar to a necklace of Fireballs.
The sapphires and the necklace's/arm bangle's slots were shaped in such a way that it would take a slight push and twist to remove them, somewhat like a childproof medicine bottle and partially inspired by it, giving him relatively quick and easy access to any of the sapphires linked to various possessions of his. 10 of the sapphires alone were linked to summon Loom, 10 for his spellbook, 2 for the Sextant of Planes, and 2 were already dedicated to a move he would make on Monday. The other 16 were unmarked, not that it mattered much to outside observers since the mark from Drawmij's Instant Summons was always invisible, and Memnol of course chose to use the invisible Arcane Mark option during that side of things.
"That reminds me, I need to add at-will Arcane Marking to something, the Ring of Sequestering will do for that sort since it's rather inconspicuous. Back to the matters more pertinent, IA Locations? Blue and Bronze are on Torchwick and Bite-Sized duty," As he thought of the nickname his tentacles writhed slightly, reminding him of his new 'dietary complications' that he had to find a way to address, since normal food was steadily failing to quell that new impulse. "Then with IA White somewhere in orbit now, I am left with 7 on standby. In that case, Red and Gold are to remain my primary guards, Silver is joining Red and Gold as an extra guard until I arrive at Atlas, after which they'll split and remain as an agent there just in case, and the rest are patrolling Beacon until the lair starts getting set up. Team CFVY's formal wear? Three of the four are done already, a matter of sufficient Fabricates, the only one left is Ms. Scarlatina's, which will of course be of somewhat greater quality and handmake, a subtle reward is due for the first person in this world to properly recognize one of their betters. That and as a simple distraction of something idle to do, and a nod towards my own skills."
It was currently the free period of time before combat class and Memnol was in his mansion as he went over this mental to-do list, although his main goal was to stall himself before trying the experiment he had planned for today, as he had previously tried and failed to keep his hopes down and felt he was almost guaranteed for it to be met with complete disappointment. Still, when you take fragments of a second to think without pressure, it wasn't an effective method to stall yourself, given that this was the tenth time he had gone over the list yet barely a few seconds had passed. Still, the test would take perhaps five or so minutes, so he got himself up from his seat at the table- and proceeded to fall to the ground after starting his second step, having forgotten to pick up Loom due to his own thoughts.
It was rather irritating, having such a limitation, as was the idea that death might actually have some consequences around here. "Maybe I should move becoming a lich- well technically an alhoon as of what will be last week in a short while-, a bit further up. A matter for another time."
While on the ground he shifted to see Loom and manifested Retrieve to teleport it to his left hand, before slowly getting up. He had nothing left to stall himself, so after getting the materials he needed after the usual loop with one of his epic spells, his new limit being 5 per day since the transformation, he started his experiment.
By his understanding it should only take him a minute and a second to make an Anchor Feather Token, and that much later he did indeed have one. Now for the experiment; he started the process, feeling that incredibly minuscule fragment of himself flow out to start the process, and halfway through he stopped dead in his tracks. He went to a different part of his workshop, and started working on an entirely separate anchor token, which he finished in a minute and a second, feeling the part of himself flow out just as it had the last two times. Then came the moment of truth. With only focus on the task at hand on his face he returned to the halfway halted feather token.
And finished where he left off, in another thirty-one seconds, without any further expenditure of himself.
Memnol was dead silent, as he looked at the three tokens in front of him now, for two minutes, that entire time nothing but dead silence. Then, Memnol calmly Limited Wished a Silence and stepped inside.
He proceeded to, entirely silently thanks to the spell, burst into mad and incomprehensibly satisfied laughter, his smile to the point where it wouldn't be too difficult to notice even having not been around him before, though the lashing tentacles might have one big physical tell towards his jubilation. "The opportunities and plans this opens up are immense! It's nigh unfathomable! I could make an army of constructs, and it'll be because other constructs made them! I could've sworn that was one of the previous world's god's greatest terrors too! Right then, this makes life so much better on me. Now that I'm done with the shortest term, the long-term to-do list should be; Planar Research: Set for tomorrow. Crossbreeding: Once I have a proper lair. Establish a Lair: The process should begin late Saturday/early Sunday as long as Ms. Belladonna gets me that delivery. Construct creation: Refer back to Crossbreeding, though this will take higher precedence until the initial Wrights are made. Discover the key to the lost secret to Artifact creation: Much longer term, currently unnecessary, potentially no longer possible in this world, and refer to Crossbreeding again. A lot needs to wait until I'm safe from those that would pry. All that leaves in the relative mid-term is worming my way into the main Schnee family- I mean, 'tutoring dearest Whitley Schnee'. Seriously, what was Weiss thinking sending me, a Gamemaster, directly to her family? By the cold of Cania, she just handed me a perfectly placed pawn on a platinum platter! I'll just have to proceed as normal. Regardless,"
Memnol took a moment to stretch, before continuing his thoughts, "It's rather nice to have my affairs in order for once, no more constant interrupting hunts from angels, eladrin, or - may they all be banished from every possible existence - demons."
Memnol went for the outside of his mansion, towards Beacon's library. While it was rather large, he was still making steady progress as he kept Scholar's Touch-ing what he could when he had the time, also using that to at least make sure the books were even on the shelves since it was starting to bug him a touch when they were disorganized. So far as he could tell he was around a third of the way through reading the nonfiction.
As I'm sure most of you've already caught on, but will be stated to remove ambiguity, he hadn't made it through a part of the nonfiction, rather a third through all of the nonfiction in the Beacon library. Of course, normally one single solid reading, as the spell allows, isn't enough to perfectly remember everything in the book as Oobleck had tested him with on Wednesday, but Memnol's Intelligence, which pertains to memorization and similar things, kind of leads to the whole 'immense recall of all memories at will' thing as a bit of a side-effect. He and Oobleck had a sort of unspoken challenge and respect between them, Oobleck trying to find something to stump Memnol while Memnol tried to keep up, while Memnol respected his, well, demand for the respect he was due as a doctor, and how he so consistently and thoroughly made sure nobody in his classes, or out but within earshot, misaddressed him.
A beaming Memnol stepped out of his Mansion, himself invisible of course for the first few steps until he could confirm there was nobody observing him. He undid the invisibility, and walked with extra vigor in him to the last class of the day, combat with Ms. Goodwitch. He wasn't sure why he was getting more looks than normal but didn't particularly care right now.
Then before class fully started, Ms. Goodwitch said, "Memnol, are you okay?"
Memnol said, "Why do you ask?"
Glynda said, "Your Aura's been flaring since you've walked into class, and from what the class says, it's been like that before you entered too."
Memnol remembered a passage from one of the books he had read and said, "Oh, yes, Aura can sometimes flare in response to intense emotion, can't it. Do not worry, it is fine."
Glynda asked, "Have you recovered well enough to walk and fight today then?"
Memnol laughed and said, "No and Yes. I haven't fully remastered walking yet, but I've had 'battles' before that didn't even get me out of bed. I will be fine whoever you send against me, or whoever would care to challenge me."
Glynda said to the class, "Well, while it isn't normal for our classes, I suppose since it's a Friday and he seems eager enough, I'll say, would anyone like to take this 'challenge'?"
From near the back, Cardin said to Memnol, "I'll take a rematch any time!"
Memnol said, starting with a tone of fake shock "Cardin, you decide that your best chance for a rematch is when I can't even walk unsupported! My oh my, how dreadfully unfair that is."
Then Memnol said, "You should at least bring your team into the ring too, just so the people in the stands can pretend you have a chance."
At this Cardin got up, audibly cricked his neck, and shouted, "Alright! You heard him guys, come on!"
CRDL left for the lockers where they kept their weapons, while Memnol didn't even bother putting on his Robe this time and just walked to his side of the arena, Aura still moderately flaring, showing the audience the color of his soul, though it had changed somewhat since Glynda last saw it. The pure black spots that slowly shifted their shape over time were still there, but as only Glynda now and Ozpin later would know was new, his soul seemed mixed now between that previous silver, an entirely new purple, and a perfectly pure blue between them. Glynda did soon notice that the black flecks would only appear in the silver parts of his aura, and that the blue was always between the other two, as the silver and purple never touched or interacted. Glynda also would swear one other detail, that the blue she saw was somehow below the purple and silver, like the yolk of an egg to the shell. Some part of her wondered if it had been there from the beginning, and that the silver just hid it initially.
Glynda soon took herself out of her thoughts once CRDL returned and took their place on the opposite side of Memnol.
Glynda said, "Memnol Elodyr versus Team CRDL, Begin!"
Within a moment, just as CRDL had started to move, Memnol had cast a non-silent Limited Wish, and the initial bolt of a Chain Lightning struck Cardin, the arcs striking the rest of his team, in a moment bringing Cardin from full Aura to 3 percent, the rest of them falling to between 12 and 15 percent, based on the bars on the screen.
In an instant Glynda's 'combat class instincts' took over and she shouted, clear and firm, "Halt! The Match goes to Memnol Elodyr!" As she said this she was already placing herself between the two sides.
Glynda said, now facing the class, "So, as it is my motto that we can learn something from every fight, I will still ask what we can learn from this one, but I suppose that this once I can be forgiving for the answers I get." She added a little smile for a moment in hopes of defusing some tension before it could start, "It is a Friday, after all."
There was a lot of whispering in the crowd, for a good while, until Pyrrha slowly raised her hand.
Glynda said, "Yes?"
Pyrrha said, "Memnol was holding back until now?"
Glynda turned to Memnol and said, "Well, have you been holding back?"
Memnol said, "You're both saying that in the past tense, you know."
Glynda said, facing the class at large which stopped whispering for a solid moment, "Does anyone need me to explain that to them?"
After some head shaking and no's, Glynda said, "Is there anything else we learned, or any important questions?"
As Memnol began to walk back to his seat after a pause, giving no particular mind to them, Team CRDL began to move again. Namely Dove, who happened to be the one at the highest 15% aura, who shouted "Don't you ignore us freak!", and aimed his gunsword at Memnol. At around the same rapid response as Glynda using her semblance to point his weapon down, Cardin swung his mace, The Executioner, directly into Dove's arms, dropping him a good few percent by the bar as his elbows buckled.
As he did this Cardin was shouting, "You dumbass!"
Dove shouted back, "Cardin! Let me teach that-"
Cardin went louder, "Were you dropped, no, THROWN as a kid!? He could fucking-"
Glynda 'lightly', and way too audibly for it being 'lightly', cleared her throat with an "A-Hem", which halted their argument, and all other sounds from the class, dead and said, in a tone that held the hardness of reinforced steel, "Dove Bronzewing, you will stay after the class has ended today, and we will discuss this. Cardin Winchester, watch your language during classes, you only get a warning this once. Back to your seats." The end gave no room for argument in the slightest.
Glynda turned back to the class, and with some rolling and a quick announcement of the next teams to fight, class started to return to normal, though a few people got nervous whenever Memnol's photo briefly flashed by when the roster rolled through.
Blake had gestured Memnol over as he was walking back, and he decided to oblige.
Once the class had ended Blake said, "That package for Kuo Kuana is finished. Also, thanks for thrashing them, I think Cardin might actually stop letting his team bully Faunus, at least just to avoid you."
Memnol's aura flared slightly more in a flicker and he said, "Give it to me and I'll see that it's delivered."
Blake said, "It's back in our dorm, I'll get it."
Memnol said, "I'll walk with you there then."
Team RWBY and Memnol made their way to the dorm without incident, though Weiss lightly mockingly joined him in replying "The Art" when Ruby asked how he did that, where Blake handed Memnol a slightly long and thin rectangular box.
Memnol said, "Grand, before I leave I must ask two things; Firstly, who does this go to?"
Blake said, "Oh, it's for the Chieftain, just ask and anyone can point you to them or their house."
Memnol said, "Secondly then; Anywhere you'd recommend for dinner in Kuo Kuana?"
Blake said, mildly surprised by the question, "The marketplace vendors. If you want some really good seafood go to Lazuli Bayge in the Shallow Sea." A nostalgic smile appeared on Blake as she continued, "Oh, and if you remember, could you tell her, well…" She gestured for Memnol to lean over and she whispered it to him, not wanting to have to explain the joke to her team, "She'll understand."
Memnol shrugged and said, "I'll count it as a favor then. Well, pleasant evening to you, I'll be off."
Memnol had left their room, turned a corner where nobody was there, turned invisible, quickly slipped on his war wizard cloak, and within a second of then was heading towards the ground of Menagerie at exactly ten feet per second and never gaining speed. He let his earlier joy finally fade from himself during the seventeen seconds it took him to fall, only to safely land on his feet onto a roof, which was entirely undamaged by his arrival. By the look of the sun and shadows, he figured it was about four hours earlier over here.
Memnol quite liked Feather Fall, one of the earliest ways a Wizard can look at something as fundamental as gravity and say, "I'd rather not right now," and the war wizard cloak, which made the Feather Fall effect constant after the first 5 feet.
The IA's he teleported with him just cast Dimension Door once they started falling, which left them standing upright and fine on seperate parts of the main street.
A very brief look led Memnol to find an adjacent alley nice and empty with some crates blocking sight from the street, where he jumped down and changed into his non-uniform clothes in their cover and invisibility, before going back to visible. The IA's soon rejoined him in the alley.
When Memnol stepped out of the alleyway, he found himself quite enjoying such a familiar sight of a slightly burgeoning village. This was a place, he felt, that he could really build some sway in.
Of course here too the look of him drew plenty of stares, though over here it was slightly more due to his clothes than his apparent Faunus features.
Memnol walked up to a merchant's stall and asked, "Excuse me, directions to the shallow sea and chieftain?"
The vendor replied, "Opposite ends of the main road, Chieftain's house is that way, the Shallow Sea is by the docks the other way."
Memnol nodded and walked off, and once he saw the shallow sea he put the package into his haversack so it wouldn't soak. Soon enough he found himself rather comfortably striding through the water, in no small part since it was actually making walking easier, and even indulged to dip himself in all the way to his head. His new skin quite appreciated the water. He walked to the nearest merchant and asked a man who had a shark fin on his neck, "Would you know who Lazuli Bayge is?"
From a different stall he heard a yell, "One to your right!". The stall just to his right had what seemed to be a youthful Faunus with three pairs of stalks from their neck, if Memnol was correct those were external gills and she was an axolotl faunus, which was the most obscure animal part for a Faunus he'd seen yet. She was more floating than anything else just behind the stall.
As he walked over Lazuli dipped under for a moment then said, "What is it?"
Memnol said, "I'm here as a favor to tell you, quote, 'Blake says it's been so long, and thanks for all the fish', unquote."
Lazuli laughed at the unexpected message and said, "You know Blake?"
Memnol said, "She and I are moderately acquainted. She said you had good seafood as well."
Lazuli laughed more and said, "Of course that's what she remembers me for! Yeah, anytime you need some proper shellfish or tuna, come here!"
Memnol said, "Right then," and steadily tread back to land, once he was there making use of a Prestidigitation to steadily dry himself off and clean up, each 1-foot cube at a time. Memnol had from then had an uneventful time walking up to the chieftain's house which, unexpectedly, didn't have so much as a single guard posted anywhere. At least none he or his entourage could see. "At least that gives me a decent idea on how to move forwards with an unofficial takeover. I just need to figure out the best ways to manage a Battle Horror or twelve. Actually, perhaps…"
Memnol thought for a moment and liked the idea of how to arm his future Battle Horrors or other constructs, then let himself consider the matter closed for now. He tucked those thoughts away before knocking on the door three solid times, an old hangover from his bevy of time among devils, and he barely bit away the urge to manifest Control Sound to magnify the knocking, there would be a more suitable time for that somewhere in the future and doing it now would just lose the desired effect.
A good few moments later a woman with a mostly black dress, with gold-shade yellow trim and a white base clothing beneath, as well as large unmissable cat ears opened the door. This was of course, Kali Belladonna, Blake Belladonna's mother.
Kali said, "Hello."
Memnol said, taking out the box, "Hello, I have a package for The Chieftain, no more details on chieftain of what or where that I know of, from Blake Belladonna to deliver. Would you be the Chieftain?"
Kali seemed visibly surprised, followed by very pleased, and said, "No, but I'm Blake's mother and the Chieftain's her father, I'd be happy to accept that for-"
Memnol interrupted, "No. I was informed not long ago that this was for 'The Chieftain', and as you do not qualify as 'The Chieftain', then I will not be giving you this package. If you can point me in their direction or inform them that I am here, I hold no particular preference as I hope to have business with them as a separate matter regardless, then I will deliver this."
Kali briefly flashed through a variety of irritated to almost understanding, before the settled on thoughtful, not minding that Ghira had already been in earshot and was now walking towards the door before he saw that expression settle too.
Kali said, "And if I was a Chieftain?"
Memnol said, "Then I suppose you would qualify as a recipient to this package."
Kali said, smiling, "Then I declare myself the chieftain of this house! Any who'd say otherwise speak now!"
Ghira took this moment to appear behind her and say, "Our house, dear. It's our house."
Kali took the surprise in stride and said, "Alright, I give up that claim."
Memnol cleared his throat to cut off any more antics, although he full well would've more than gladly accepted that loophole, and said, "Would you be the Chieftain then?"
Ghira said, "Yeah, Ghira Belladonna, Chieftain of Menagerie. Anywhere I need to sign so your boss won't hound you?"
Memnol said, handing it over, "No, I'm not with any organization, I'm just delivering this as a favor to Ms. Belladonna since I was going to be here anyway to speak with- well by coincidence you, actually, Sir Chieftain."
Kali said, "How long ago did Blake send you? How has she been doing?"
Ghira also quite clearly seemed interested, and Memnol took out his scroll, more for effect since he had a very precise sense of time when conscious, and said, "Around ten to fifteen minutes ago, and barring one minor spat with her team, she has been fine so far as I've noticed."
Ghira said, "Excuse me, fifteen minutes ago?"
Kali said, "Her team?" then turned to Ghira, quickly hugging him, "Her team! Our girl made it into Beacon!"
Memnol said, "Yes, her team and I are also acquainted. So far as fifteen minutes ago, let us just say that express transportation like that would be far more expensive, but since she said she'd put in a good word for me I elected to let that slide." The whole 'Immense secret' thing might have also played into it, but Memnol certainly wasn't going to say that.
Ghira said, "A good word? Does this have to do with you looking for me too?"
Memnol said, "Yes, I was hoping to speak to whoever was in charge of Menagerie's land, which happens to be you, as I'm hoping to purchase, but given the current circumstances splitting off and convening some time later will prove better for all parties. If I am sought, I will be sampling some local foods, possibly haggling. Regardless, if I am not sought before then, I will return sometime shortly after seven- seven Menagerie time, that is."
Memnol then turned away before they could get a word in, and walked off towards the marketplace, rather hoping to re-practice his haggling on smaller fish before later that day. Still, he figured he'd gotten a decent amount done so far already, so he'd let himself relax a little for the next few hours while Mr. and Mrs. Belladonna probably read over nearly everything Blake knew about him, among all that other sentimental etc. that he figured was probably in there too.
Today: Concentration
Memnol: +59 (61 Ranks, -2 Ability Mod)
Ozpin: +35 to +50 (+4 When Casting Defensively)
Glynda: Estimated +10 to +15
Mages of Athfens
What happens when a pessimistic mage fails at magic school? Among the diverse people of the ancient fantastical city of Athfens is the Mage August. He must fight his way through mages, monsters and worse to thrive among the cruel. There are no heroes in this story, it is a question of how long can he live. No one can escape death. An original dark fantasy adventure in first-person present-tense. It is a cynical take on power fantasy stories. *Thanks Asviloka for the Cover Art*
2113, the Earth has finally solved the climate change issue caused by the loss of forests and technology entering a new era. A world of virtual reality is created by a genius scientist in a VRMMORPG game called "BORNEO", taken from the 3rd biggest island in the world famous for it's forest and wildlife. An orphan stumble across the game during military service, not forgetting his roots and experience in the world he starts to create his own legend in the game. He is not alone though, billions of other people are also trying to do the same. This is my first ever novel after so many years as a reader. I hope it would bring the same feeling like the other novels bring to me in this site, I also take inspiration from various novels so you might notice some similarities. Please bear with me during my new journey as an author here. I won't set a schedule for releasing the new chapter yet, I might try to do so after a few chapters in and I started to get the feeling of how things work.
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