《DEZION. Rise of the Supreme sovereign.》Chapter 11 entering the dream forest.


Chapter 11 entering the dream forest.

“Dez is this it?”

Ethan looked around cluelessly like he was searching for something he couldn't find no matter what.

“Yep...” Said Dez proudly.

“Well, bro either I'm blind or your stupid but all I see here is an empty space. So... where is it?”

“Wait not yet, I need to call the entrance first.” Dez actually did it on purpose because he knew Ethan would react like that. But Dez couldn't help it. Sometimes he likes to be a little mischievous.

“Call the entrance?” Ethan was wondering if he misheard him. Did he say, call it?


Dez took the winged leaf pendant from around his neck and set it on the ground.

At that moment the leaf started to flap its wings once again. Flying to the center of the clearing the winged leaf released something like golden dust from its wings that fell on the ground. In the middle of that dust appears what looks like a sapling. This sapling rapidly grows into a multicolored tree right in front of their eyes. Its trunk had a normal brownish color to it but its leaves had a multitude of different colors making it look quite pretty. After the tree grew about 20 meters in height it stopped.

“Wow.” Suki was enjoying it already, “that was beautiful.”

“It's not done yet.” Nobody except Dez expected it but the trunk of the tree begins to suddenly move. They were subtle movements at first until the whole tree started to wiggle and split apart at the center of the trunk. And from that opening, they were able to see a whole different world inside.

“Now, this is the entrance.” Ethan and Suki were both amazed.

“Is that a pocket space?” The first thing Suki thought was that this has to be a pocket space or even a pocket world.

“No, it's this exact same forest but in a different space. It's not a different place in this space, it's the same place in a different space… I don't really know, that's my father's exact words." Dez knew that his father had space abilities and sometimes he's able to do some weird things that he wasn't able to understand at all but they were all real.

“What, you totally lost me there ?” Ethan was absolutely clueless.


“Men just forget it let's go in, I don't want to explain all the details, are we here to attend a class of special abilities? or are we here to have fun?”

Stepping through the portal they felt like they went to a different world.

It looks so much different at first glance.


because everything looked gigantic.

You couldn't see the ground at all; it was completely covered by grass. Thick soft grass that went all the way to your knee. Swaying in unison to the Rhythm of the wind.

It looked like a green ocean wave.

The forest had trees with trunks so thick they looked like buildings, like skyscrapers. They had a height that for sure surpassed 100 meters. branches going far and wide, they were so thick that 3 or 4 humans could have stood easily on them. They stood above the other trees like stand-alone beauties of nature. When light shines true its branches brightening up the whole forest it gives your eye a marvelous holy sight to behold.

There were also yellow and green little specks of light falling from the sky. Suki and Ethan stood rooted to the ground not far away from the entrance.

taking in the environment with their eyes, they couldn’t believe it. If you could use one word to describe it. It would be ‘heavenly’.

The forest didn’t only have those trees but all types of trees and of different sizes. You could also see some trees growing together joining from 2 different trunks combining them to form a new tree with different color leaves and fruits.

There were all types of bushes, medicinal plants that were considered rare were everywhere to be seen. Vines of different colors and sizes hanging on the trees were numerous. There was also a lot of wildlife, especially on the mother trees. They were so gigantic that they became home to a larch variety of birds, small and medium-size animals.

There was no dead or decaying tree to be seen

Dez ran and dived in the grass rolling around on the grass.

“Ah, This is so comfortable. Come guys join me, let's lay here for a second." The grass was so abundant it felt like he was laying on a cushion.

Suki walked closer to Dez and sat down. It was indeed like sitting on a pillow and the grass was very soft to the touch; it didn't even feel like grass at all. Her mind couldn't comprehend how grass can be this soft.


“You need to lay down if you want to enjoy this. Lay down like me. Like this.” Said Dez, putting his hand behind his head and spreading his legs.


No matter how much she tried to suppress it, Suki felt a little shy.

After laying down and looking up she saw leaves that looked like jewels shining when the rays of lights hit them. Some leaves were glittering while slowly falling and turning into specs of light. Like stars falling from the sky.

A soft breeze was caressing them. And Suki at that moment felt relaxed. Her mind calmed down and her emotions that were surging from being so close sleeping next to Dez also calmed down.

This was a magical place.

Ethan also joined them and lay down. In his heart, he felt like the third wheel on this lover’s bike. But soon he let go of that thought and just enjoyed the moment.

“Don’t you think this place is great?” Asked Dez.

“Yeah, it is. I didn’t believe it but it truly surprised me. Now I can understand why you like it so much.”

For Ethan who had lived his whole life in rocky volcanic areas that had very little forest. This 15-meter thick and 100+ meters tall tree was something he had never seen before.

The forest had a serene vibe to it.

“Well, my friend, I have to tell you that this is just the beginning. Wait until we reach the part where the creatures of nature live. You will enjoy it.”

“Creature of nature?” Suki's curiosity peaked.

“Yes, and also the mother of dreams.”

— At the Dream forest entrance. —

“Shall we go in?” Ask Veronica.

Blyana looked at night after thinking a little about it, “I recommend we wait outside, Emperor Kaihen does not like it when other people trespass in his dream forest without his permission.”

Night looked at the entrance. Then she went and found a nice little place not too far and sat down.

Even the shadow empress Night didn’t want to provoke Emperor Kaihen. She clearly remembers the warning the head of the Loong family gave her.

“Night. you want to know why I'm willing to let Suki marry out into the Selklor family? “asked the father of Suki.

“Selklor? “answered Night. “Hahaha….. If it was the founder of the Selklors he would have had my respect, but the rest of them? I could have snatched their empire long ago if I really wanted to."

“No Night they are just little kids in front of this old man."

Night raised one open palm and hit it with the other hand close into a fist.

"Him… Even that old man barely qualifies to be in my presence. He has a very destructive power but nothing I have to worry about. And he's still just a soul king fighter. As long as he doesn't rank up to become a soul emperor he's just a waste of my time. Even when others crazily tried to get their hands on the Selklor Empire, for me they had nothing that interested me.” Suki's father stood up and walked right in front of Night.

“But Kaihen! That man is someone we can NOT take lightly. He is a very dangerous man, Night. Even to me and even more so to you, a chosen."

Suki's father put one hand on her shoulder and looked at her staring into her eyes.

“Be careful around him and be respectful. Don’t overstep and don’t anger him. When you're in Leven DO. NOT. KILL. not a single person. If something ever happens let me know immediately. Even for me being the Dragon Emperor I watch myself around him. I have heard of the horrors of that monster. Secrets that only those of the Emperor stage fighters can know, but you should know that if the holy emperor is portrayed as the benevolent and a savior for humans, he is the other face of that coin. A terror and nightmare for all the human race's enemies. What happened and why that man chose to settle down, and on this continent of all places I will never know."

Keep in mind If you provoke him, not even I can save your life, hack I may even lose mine. How can we live like this Night, how?”

Seeing that night took place and sat down quietly, the other girls also sat down and waited.

Night silently thought… “Kaihen hmm….What is it that can make the family head so afraid of you?”

I'm so curious.”

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