《Dragon Ball X》Chapter 2: Enter the Gods Saga


It’s been two years since Shadow killed Bojack and became the new leader of the Galaxy Soldiers. Shadow is standing on a mountain top with his arms folded, staring into the night sky thinking that he made the right choice in using the Galaxy Soldiers as training partners, he was able to get much stronger with them then training on his own, Zangya and Bujin even attained their own Super Hera forms. As he and his soldiers are preparing to leave this small backwater planet in the middle of nowhere, he receives a telepathic message from King Kai, “YOU NEED TO GET YOUR BUTT OVER TO EARTH RIGHT NOW, BEERUS IS THERE AND IT LOOKS LIKE HE’S GOING TO DESTROY THE EARTH!!” Kogu, Bujin and Zangya each grab a part of Shadow’s clothing as he uses the Kai Kai technique to go to Earth instantly. Shadow and his Soldiers arrive just as Shenron is explaining the Super Saiyan God legend. “So, it appears that I won’t get to fight the Super Saiyan God.” Beerus exclaims in disappointment. “Even though you have more than enough saiyans, three of them are too young to even channel their energy.” As Beerus charges a ki blast to destroy the Earth, Shadow tells him “If you want to fight a Saiyan God that badly, then there’s one right here!” Shadow transforms into Super Saiyan Blue, the Z-Fighters, Beerus, and Whis look at Shadow in genuine awe and curiosity.

As the two gods begin their battle, they take to the sky and then over the city with everyone else in pursuit using either flight or Bulma’s ship. After a few punches and kicks are exchanged, Shadow and Beerus’ fight leads them to a mountain range. Beerus then double axe handles Shadow into the ground and then kicks him further into ground and into an underground cave system. “Is that the best you’ve got? I haven’t yet begun to fight!” Shadow says mockingly. Annoyed by this, Beerus begins to fire omni-directional ki blasts causing the cave to collapse. Shadow powers up and charges at Beerus throwing a powerful ki-laced uppercut, launching Beerus out of the cave, out of the mountains, and into the sky above. Shadow is in pursuit throwing a volley of ki blasts and then fires a Heat Dome Attack propelling Beerus to the edge of Earth’s atmosphere. Beerus wears a satisfied, yet excited expression and prepares a Sphere of Destruction. Shadow in turn charges up a Prominence Flash, the two attacks begin to clash and Beerus then fires a beam from his finger pushing the sphere towards the Earth. Shadow then pours more energy into his Prominence Flash, pushing the Sphere of Destruction right back at Beerus causing a huge explosion.


“This battle is over! I’m satisfied.” Beerus says nonchalantly. Shadow and Beerus slowly descend to the ground. Beerus then destroys a nearby boulder and proceeds to apologize to Bulma and asks her if he and Whis can be invited to the next party and in the background, Gohan asks Piccolo to train him again. While this is going on Goku walks up to Shadow. “Hey there! What do ya say to goin’ a round with me? I want to see the power of the Super Saiyan God myself.” Shadow calmly shrugs and then says, “Sure, come at me.” Goku goes Super Saiyan and then charges at Shadow with a kick, Shadow casually dodges and clocks Goku over the head, knocking him unconscious immediately. #18 was apparently at the party, she goes up to greet Shadow, but stops when she sees Zangya. They both stare at each other and a weird tension begins to rise in the air that makes Shadow’s neck hair rise. Shadow begins to slowly back away then #18 and Zangya look at Shadow with anger and jealousy in their eyes. Shadow turns and quickly flies away with #18 and Zangya following right behind.


Seven months later, somewhere in the West Quadrant of Universe 7, Cooler stands triumphantly over the dead body of Pikkon, watching the planet burn when his Armored Squadron comes to inform him of some interesting things that have transpired in the universe. “Sir, there’s chatter in the universe saying that both the saiyans and tuffles have returned from the dead and are now at war with each other.” says Niez, “Lets go and show ‘em the Lord Cooler’s their new lord and master!” Dore replies. “My lord, Beerus has just gone to a planet called “Earth” to fight the handful of saiyans that reside there. The saiyans are still alive and the planet is still intact.” Salza exclaims. “Salza, prep the soldiers. We’re heading to Earth.” Cooler orders, “SIR!”

One month later, Shadow and his Galaxy Soldiers is at Baba’s palace and is using the Dragon Balls to remove the self-destruct devices from #17 and #18’s bodies. As the Dragon Balls disperse throughout the planet, he answers Bulma’s calls; she’s been calling for a while now. Once he answers, Bulma yells, “WHERE’VE YOU BEEN?!! THIS SCUMBAG, COOLER’S HERE AND IS BEATING DOWN BOTH GOKU AND VEGETA, HE SAYS HE’S GOING TO BLOW UP THE EARTH!!” “I’ll be there soon, so you can stop being a nag.” Shadow replies as uses Instant Transmission. The Galaxy Soldiers arrive just in time to see what appears to be a Super Saiyan Blue Vegeta being kneed into a mountain side by Cooler in his 5th form. Goku is lying on the ground, his body is twitching and the Z-Fighters are slowly being backed into a corner by Cooler’s Armored Squadron and his two thousand other soldiers. “Go help the Z-Fighters while I deal with Cooler.” Shadow says while healing Goku. As Zangya, Bujin, and Kogu transform and go to deal with the two thousand soldiers, Shadow goes Super Saiyan 2 and teleports right to Cooler’s side throws a powerful ki-laced punch to Cooler’s face. Cooler is sent flying, but quickly catches himself while Shadow carries Vegeta safely to the ground and heals him. “Let's get down to business, you wretched monkey!” says Cooler while transforming into his golden form. Shadow responds by going Super Saiyan 4. While the form is weaker than SSB, it uses less energy and possesses an intimidating appearance that strikes fear in Shadow’s enemies.


After a number of attacks are exchanged, Cooler looks at where Goku, Bulma and Jaco are standing and fires eye beams at their location. Shadow immediately uses Instant Transmission to save them, “You can use Instant Transmission?” Cooler questions. “Yes, I can. You know this move?” Shadow replies back. Cooler answers with, “Of course I know of it. It’s one of my favorite techniques.” Both warriors then resume their battle while in instantaneous movement. In real time, the fight lasts for maybe a few seconds until Cooler grabs Shadow’s leg and throws him to the ground, Cooler proceeds to kick Shadow causing a crater to form and then fires a barrage of Death Beams followed by a mini Supernova. As the dust clears, Shadow is seen standing, arms folded, and smirking at Golden Cooler and tells him, ”You’re good, I’m just better.” Shadow then teleports right in front of Cooler and wraps his tail around Cooler’s neck and throws the golden tyrant using his tail. Shadow appears where Cooler is going to be and kicks him to the ground, he appears where Cooler’s going to be again and knees him before he hits the ground and then double axe handles him into the ground. Shadow then stomps on Cooler’s head and fires a Big Bang Crash at Cooler’s back causing a large, but controlled explosion.

The dust clears to reveal that Cooler reverted back to his base form, he looks to where his forces should be and sees that they’ve been completely decimated by the Galaxy Soldiers. Cooler then looks up at Shadow. Shadow stands over Cooler with his hand raised towards Cooler’s head and coldly tells him to “Leave this planet or die.” Cooler considers destroying the sun and letting them all freeze to death in darkness, but dismisses the idea, knowing that Beerus and Whis would interfere. Cooler then drags himself to his ship and leaves, but not before telling Shadow that “This isn’t over.”


Sometime after the battle against Golden Cooler, Shadow is at one of the most famous malls in West City on a shopping date with #18. They were both enjoying their time together when their date was interrupted by Goku and Vegeta. “Alright, I’ll join your tournament. Can you please leave now?” Goku and Vegeta leave, letting Shadow and #18 continue their date.

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