《My next life in fairy tail and in the multiverse》Chapter 5 Tartaros and new demon(complet)
HQ of ???
Da Vinci P.O.V.
Well well well, would you look at that i may have done a bad thing but it was not my fault it was their fault for thinking i was the creation of this zeref thing im a pround creation of my master alex-sama
Nevertheless the day started quite good before that
*flashback* 24hours ago
It was when i was searching for the other non living or souless thing master have created that i discovered the computer of course i asked master about me using it and was given the okay because master was in dilema of is next creation something about either super powered night raid or all vasto lorde espada nothing that i could understand for now because i have only a general or basic idea of master memory
So i instead i directed all my intereste in the word maps on the computer and a maps with all the world of earth land be it the kingdome of fiore, ishgar even another world who for some reason superpose in our world named edolas but this one unlike use is strange either he is not all explored or is realy litle or the badest of all he is crumbling and is dying
Anyway while i was seeing all ther is in the map because master said if i have nothing to do and want to search for something interesting in the world why not use the search option on the computer, so i did a lot research on the map until a though came to me, master did creat is first monster through demon book creation and he did say that idea came to him because it was already existing in this world
So i wonder where are those demon and who created them and if ther a diference betwen them and the one master created so i typed the word demon book and a lot of point appeared in the map hum maybe i say the wrong word or i forgot something, hum what could it be, hum OH my alex-sama i remember now how could i forget sily me it was living, i forgot to type living so i retyped living demon book and would you look at that two point are with more than one book concentrated on it the first is our HQ the 2nd is moving in a stray line acrose some montain
Their also a point but this one is grey all the other are red so i used this arrow thing and touch the grey one and a name came out of it E.N.D Etherious Natsu Dragneel and beside is name it's is reason for being gray is because he is in a type of time stasis spell or more like he tried to reach this timeline but it still not here, i finaly know the reason is name is familiar if im not wrong he should be the protagoniste of this world story
Hum it seem like even if i look like an adult my brain is still in the growing phase too bad i can't take much more memory space but i should have at least a 1 or 2 years old baby memory space such a shame maybe i can ask alex-sama but he did say it not good to do that because of something unexpected can happend and he didn't want to do anything that can become irreversible to our body after taking posecion of it
After some hours of research i finaly chose to go with the one wher ther is a lot of demon book
But the attempte to reach them was dificulte, 'if you think you can stop me from becoming my research material you are definetly wrong', after some hours of hunting i finaly found them her is a flying giant cube i dont know how they live in it, well with my glass noble phantasme i can see them perfectly how did alex-sama say was it name something along the line of X-ray if im not wrong something that make you able to see through wall and other thing
Well those glass are my creation [the glass of Da Vinci] i named them, these glass have the ability to see through thingh analyse peoples or object give me the information of said thingh ther power, weakness and other thingh i created them after having got my own noble phantasme from alex-sama it name is [staph of the greatest genius] is a multipurpose anti-unit staph who is adapting to any enemy with more information of said enemy the greater damage i can do to him/her/it
Well after hiding inside the giant monster/cube with shadow, light, sound, smell and dimension magic just in case so they dont find me i also hide my magic after that i started to search inside and i found a lot of interesting thing so first thing first i found a girl with bunny hear who do strange pose if im not wrong alex-sama have seen it ' if im not wrong it was jojo something well not important'
I created a big bag and of course i chop her neck after enhancing my streng and speed, but just to be sure before she fall i did a uppercut in her chin, and would you look at that even when i did a uppercut she still do a strang face how strang i think i will have a my christmas gift in advence with how much reasearch i can do on her and ther is still the other,'bad da vinci you shouldn't be greedy just 2 or 3 reasearch material if not master will be angry' ,that it just 1 or 2 more and i go, so restart my hunt-*cough* i mean reasearch and discovery of this strang place
So i started my search and after 2 or 3 minute would you look at that a strange guy he have dirty blond hair yellow eyes strange marking on his hands and arms and is hair cut is strange it like he have ears he also have a fury tail maybe he is half a beast so i as a good hunter started to hide on is shadow and waited for him to find another man or woman or wathever good reasearch material
And would you look at that it only take him 10min to find a girl with black hair and horn named seira who is reading a book also from seira i now know the name of the man/beast/demon is jackal
So i dont loose time and cast a enchant magic on the 2 of them and said" enchant sleep" and they start to fell asleep not finding who it was, enchant magic i started reading and reasearch this magic after master said it have a lot of pontential and he was right, well i dont want to stay here for to long
So i start to take ther body and threw jackal and seira in the bag with bunny jojo girl after i tied the bag i was going to go home with teleport but i saw a strang marking on my hands starting to glow same for the reasearch material inside the bag, oh it seem like one of them have a cursed body, the marking glowed before they explode with a great *BOOOOOOM* oww to bad i wanted to also take the book in this library for reasearch purpose to bade
???"*cough,cough* what happend, wher am i" oh it seem like one of my reasearch material is awakened hum it seem like the bunny jojo girl have awakened with the explosion but it seem like the other 2 are still asleep, it seem like the sleep enchant spell is still making them asleep it's good to know
So i did the same for the bunny jojo girl and i cast a sleep enchant speel and she start to wobble befor sleeping with face first in the ground
Unfortunatly for me other demon started to come the first to come didn't even talk and use thorn curse he have wild wavy long black hair, black eyes and a smirk on is face, a book is held with is right hand
He didn't talk just use thorn curse again and again with a move of is hand and finger thorn came from the ground or the celing trying to pierce me cute me or shread me to piece but Unfortunatly for him i did some reasearch on Artoria noble phantasme [Avalon] and it's power of isolating it's user body in another dimension
Looking at his face who started from losing his smirk and started to look more like a frown was in a way more entertaining than i anticipated
Mard geer it should be is name if i remember corectly a demon from the book of zeref yep maybe i should trade him fore the bunny jojo girl, but he dosen't seem to like to talk with me, no choice, i will stune him with a paralyz spell.
Mard geer P.O.V.
What is this thing who tried to himitate a girl will infiltrating our H.Q. i know this thing is not human i can feel it and it magic power seem infinit
No not infinite more like alway full, her magic reserve never lower even of 1% no mater what magic she use, and i dont know why but i have a bad feeling and i dont like this feeling it's like i and all the other demon of zeref will not come back alive from this batle
I have to do something now, well it seem like i will have to use this form but befor that i block her escape leting only one way out with my torn curse and wait for the moment she escape...NOW
Mard Geer"MEMENTO MORI" i use my death curse just in case
The curse is not as powerfull that it should be it would have been more powerfull in my Etherious form but still it good 'with this the intruder is dead now let's see what happend with jackal and seira' but it was at this moment that i turned and tried to talk to them that i feel something behind me i tried to turn and look what or who it is but i didn't even have the time to turn that i heard
???" Enchant magic sleep" i felt my body loose strenght and i strangly want to sleep but i cant resist 'damnit' but before sleeping i used the litle strenght left in me to see who did attack me and i was dumbfounded it was that strange girl but that was not the most important my curse didn't have any effect on her .
And with great shock the guild master of tartaros have fallen in his sleep in front of a girl who is not even 1 years old because he have to much confidence in his curse he have fallen
But the guild master in his great luck or missfortune have said to his guild mate that intruder have come and that jackal, seria and 1 of the lamy have been taken hostage and come retrieved them after he have taken care of the intruder and again in the great fortune/missfortune of tartaros guild all of their member are here today and all of them have decided to come help some come because they were curiouse, other because it might be fun and other because they were furious that an intruder dare to infiltrate ther guild home
And because of that, this day was know as the guild of tartaros greatest shame against the guild/kingdom of oroboros by just one member of said guild/kingdom in the future
Da Vinci P.O.V.
'Well it's seem like all the guild of tartaros while now go after me well to bad i can't see their Etherious form but i dont have time to wast if i dont make a blunder i should take only at most 12 hours i already have taken 2 hours just to infiltrated this monster thing explore it hunt and capture 4 demon so that mean i will be away from alex-sama for 14 hours in total it's to long i can't have that'
So da Vinci started her crusade against the demon of tartaros and this battle have taken her more time than she expected, for example ther was a strange demon girl who have a similar curse to albedo or the octopus guy and his strange water and also sometime she kill some demon they come back to life needless to say it have taken her more time than she expected it was way more than 12 hours
*Flashback End*
'And her i am *sigh* it have taken me 10 hours more than expected i have taken 22 hours so that mean i was 24 hours away from alex-sama trully not a great day but nevertheless i was able to gather great data from my battle about how to fight , about how to use my magic, how to move to be able to keep my stamina in a fight from hands to hands or magic or how to use less useless move
And this demon last attack was a curse against the soul and bodie the one who are touch by it will have their bound to their body who anchored their soul severed giving them in a way death but it was not that powerfull somone with a powerfull will power or somone who have resistanc against demon magic and curse like a demon slayer can escape from it and their is also peoples like me who are spirit who is a type of soul with magic body made of spiriton his magic severed the bound of body made of flesh not magic so in a way that curse/magic dosen't work.
All in all i think even if i dont like it and have to sacrifice my time with alex-sama for it i was able see all or most of my short coming trully this battle have given me a good experience in battle and great research material and i remember everything maybe i can call it a baby perk with it i was able to process thing much faster and simple after all im less than 1 year old so my brain is still developing, well let's go and see if alex-sama is awake.
I teleport myself to our secret H.Q. of oroboros guild after making sleep all the demon still alive and moved them in my pocket dimension to bad can't used them for my research right now i have to see if alex-sama need me
After walking for about 40min i finaly found alex sama it seem like i have new brothers, a sister and a pet? i think wathever think is it give me the chill, well the 1st one is a guy in his 20 wearing his dress all black with a black hat who have black rose on them he also have long silver grey hair who reach to his knee and green eyes it seem like he have a scare on his face well it seem like he use his front hair to hide his face, he talk and laught creeply he also have a strange weapond a scythe who give me the creep i use my glass on him and i see his information
His name is Undertaker he use a death scythe named [The End] it's ability is to kill upon a touch it take control of the soul of all the thing it have killed using necromancie and soul magic he obtained something akin to servant similar to the one in alex-sama memory also undertaker race is a (shinigami) of course the scythe is here for him to look like a grim reaper
The 2nd one who look like to be interested in his book after having see me come he returned to reading his book his name is Chrollo Lucifer he have short black hair, grey eyes and a cross on his forehead, he wore a purple coats and pants, his coats have a drawing of a reverse cross on it's back
His weapond is a book named [The Skill Hunter Book] it's ability is pretty straightfoward it enable the user the ability to steal their skill/magic/ability and he can use them also the one who have been stealed from are unable to use them ever again, but it's seem like the book is unable to steal from the soul well not important, anyway his specie is (devil king), a type of (dark demon spirit)
The 3rd one well he is tall literaly i should say he is at least 2,50m in height if i didn't see his specie i would have think he is a baby giant or half giant but no he is a (minotaur) and his name is Asterios he have long wild white hair who for some reason are for some of them circling around his neck making it look like he have fure and on his back at the end of it they are held by somme strange red string making the end of his hair looking like a tail, his eyes are red with black sclera he also have tan skin
He wore a strange outfit i think it's named battle dress it only protect a part of his lower body leaving his upper body bare, he have 2 battle axe strangely it's not his Noble Phantasme like everyone and pet her who have at least one it seem like they can only work when he use his magic named {labyrinth Minos} it's a reality marble who trap everyone in a labyrinth and the only way out is by killing or knocking out asterios
The axe make it so that those who have been traped can't go out if for example they have dimension or teleport magic and can go out of this reality they are instantly teleport to asterios location and creating after they are teleport to him a dome where they are traped and have to win a one on one death match
The 4th one is a girl named Semiramis her race is a (High Dark Elf), she have long dark brown hair who reach the ground, golden eyes, pointy ears strange pointy contraption on her hands she wore a brown gown with golden thread
It seem like the strange pointy contraption is one of her noble phantasme [The Stake Of The Poison Queen] it's a noble phantasme that literaly create a dome of 500m around it's wearer who make everything the wearer want to become poison like the oxygen insinde the dome or the blood inside the body of her enemy
Trully a dangerous weapond but it's not the most dangerous the most dangerous is the one inside her dimension named [The Hanging Garden Of Babylon] this noble phantasme is a flying fortress with a garden in it center it grant the user an upgrade in all it's ability inside the fortress
This noble phantasme will also be used as a sub H.Q. for the member of Oroboros guild/kingdom for futur attack or conquest, it's really interesting to know about it, it also seem like it was an idea of lelouch and Esdeath to creat a if im not wrong assasin unit
And finaly the 5th and last one the pet or should i say monster it's name is Fou it's the fusion betweene a rabit, dog and something i dont know it's race is [Beast Of Gaia] a type of apocalyptic monster from the race of beast of the end oh it seem like he also have 2 subspecie in it ther name are [Primate Murder] and [Cath Palug]
A strang monster even if it's cute and i want to cudle with it, but im not so dumb and not see it can end me with just a paw strike if im not carefull it also seem like he dosen't have a noble phantasme he only have one magic in addition to the magic usually given who are [enhancement magic] and [Barrier magic]
His true magic is [Fire Of Gaia] as a beast of Gaia it's fire is a fire of life and death it destroy everything and turn everything to ash but with this fire the earth and the nature like tree, plant and other thing who will come back after the ash who are nourishing the earth will be stronger, full of life and will live longer
Master again surprised me with his creation i wonder what he will do next
Alex P.O.V.
It have been 3 month since The Creation of Esdeath and the other after a long talk with everyone i created our guild symbol and named Oroboros and our symbole on the outher part a Dragon who make a circle who eat its tail and on the inside after having a talk with Esdeath, Lelouch and Albedo we decide to change the drawing according to our departement/division
Like for example me, Albedo, Artoria, Alter, Da Vinci, Esdeath, Lelouch and C.C have a crown meaning we are the ruling departement/division the head of the guild/kingdom or like the new departement who have a skull the use of this departement is for assassination, spy and infiltration the head of this departement is Chrollo lucifer his member are Undertaker, Semiramis and Asterios they use as mean of transport and sub H.Q the noble phantasme of semiramis the Hanging Garden of babylon
They are my new creation i created them after esdeath said we need spy for futur precaution so i said i will do it and here we are talking about the name of division, Fou wasn't included because i will creat another division that i named beast division for him and the other beast
I have also another creation but this one is more for another division the healer and shield division only one member for now her name is [Jeane D'arc] she have the basic [enhancement magic] and her main magic is called [Holy Light monarch] it's the same as Sun Jing Woo shadow monarch it's in fact several merged magic that i have made with my computer in my room it have run several test with light magic, holy magic, space magic, comand magic, soul magic, storage magic and summon magic and the result is that new magic having the same power as sun jing woo shadow monarch
I also gave her noble phantasme the banner named [Lumière éternelle] with it power to creat a boundarie who shield and heal the peoples within it
The 2nd and last noble phantasme is a sword i created by my own imagination [the cursed sun] it's a sword that released fire as hot as the sun but it's also bring curse to it's enemy of it's user any type of curse the user just have to think what it want the enemy to be cursed with like for example i want my enemy to alway feel hungry the enemy if he/she/it survive by any miracle will bear this curse till either he/she/it die or somone take away the curse
I have given thes 2 noble phantasme to jeane because of her race [Nephilime] half angel half demon the noble phantasme are here to make us able to know wich jeane we are talking to because yes i created her with a double personality, one is jeane the other is jeane alter or jalter but just in case if she switch personality her armor become dark and her skin and hair turn more to the white because jeane the saint like to protect and heal everyone but jalter want to destroy everything and see the world burn i will not lie i was prety edgy when i was creating her so my bad but i still let a fail safe ther is one thing that the 2 jeane love and that is us oroboros she think of us as her Family when jeane only think in protecting us jalter think to destroy everything that can become a danger to our life
So yeah im not dealing with that, let's talk about another project of mine i named it poject Babylon or more specialy creating the gate of Babylon i already have created the pocket space with the same function that gilgamesh have in his gate like the thing who are put in the gate will alway be in the same state that it have been put beforehand,rewind the thing that have been broke outside the gate and repear them to ther optimal state there are also other function but let's leave it to another time
What is important is that i finaly have my own Gate Of Babylon now i can throw weaponds and noble phantasme at mach 5 speed that what is important, is being able to rain an endless storm of weaponds on your enemy useful? I would say probably no! But is it cool? I will say a big Yes!
On another subject Da Vinci little walk who have taken at least 1 day(really long for a short walk) have come back with all the tartaros guild and now i dont know if i should praised her or be angry agaisnt her
Praised because she by herself destroyed one of the Big three by herself without help and have given us(oroboros), more so because she isn't combat oriented of my creation she is more of a research/Creator type more so when she is also the head of the research
Angry because i have wanted to be the one who beat their a$s and give them a scare but to be honest it's just me being mean because i wanted to beat them in a badass and totaly uncesary and overpowered way and also because i wanted to use them as test subject for Gate Of Babylone.
But i will not do this instead i have said to her " you have realy outdone yourself Da Vinci thank you. So what are you gona do with them" and she said to me with a big smile like it was the most common thing "i will do research on ther body before dicarding of the trash, alex-sama" is it alright or to late to say now that im a little concerned about her mental state in fact im a little concerned about everyone of my creation does i need to do them a mental check just in case
Let me think for a bit....Hum nah, i think they are alright their still children who are in their growing up phase they will start with time to understand right from wrong....i think, maybe.........hum i start to really question my education system maybe who know that is still for the future
For now undertaker and chrollo will be in infiltration in the alvarez empire, Esdeath and Lelouch want them as a spy in the sprigan 12 who are lead by Zeref they will take two of their seat will giving us information while at the same time Esdeath, Lelouch, C.C and Albedo will be annexing other kingdom beside fiore and alvarez to make a giant empire lelouch will be the fake emperor
In 2 year i will come out and save ultear, erza, kagura and the Strause sibling before going to fairy tail will at the same time Da vinci will take the lead of everything in our H.Q
While semiramis and some other member will join the baram aliance as a fake dark guild they will annex if im not wrong for start they will take every member of Oracion seis Brain/Zero not included and will let shadow monster in the shadow of all the member of grimoire heart for the day they will find Meredie just in case i need to save the pink haired loli
And that all for the future ah before i forget albedo and the other did a rock, paper, scissors and it's artoria who win so she will be my Guardian in the shadow while i have my adventure in the fairy tail guild she will join the guild 1 or 2 year before Lucy come
On a side note semiramis asked for more member in our dark guild she asked for 5 more either powerfull or really smart and if they have the two conditions it better so i chose to creat two who are smart and powerfull that right i started to draw my new 5 creation well only two will be smart and powerfull the other will only be powerfull
I named them [Kisuke Urahara],[Sosuke Aizen],[Ulquiorra Cifer], [Tier Harribel] and [Coyote Stark] i wanted to create the other espada but i started to think and chose to do it for the future at least i have the drawin for Grimmjow Jaggerjack, Nnoitra Gilga and Neliel Tu Odelschwank i also have their history, personality and power already written in ther repective booki will surely create an espada divison in Oroboros in the future
Well that all for now i wonder how i will do in the future just thinking about it make me want to work more and god know how lazy i am i cant wait to see what my future adventure have for me .
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