《Daybreak Palace: Legends of the Guiding Threads》16: Guardian of the Library


“You’re sorry?” Tianna repeated, confusion breaking through her numb emotions.

The Queen met her gaze. “My selfishness ruined your life. If I had not cast that magic, you could have been an ordinary girl, or perhaps an incredible sorceress.”

“What magic?” Tianna asked.

“The magic that made you my heir,” Shirisha explained.

Densooth put a hand on her shoulder. “To be perfectly honest, it is partially my fault as well. I am the one who found that magic for her,” he admitted, “We didn’t expect the Black Wolf to take such a sudden interest in the heirs over the past twenty years. I also had no idea that Velcorna would become a threat. Back then she was merely part of a happy family.”

“Forbidden magic is forbidden for a reason,” Shirisha agreed, “After I used it I became weak and when the world around me began to change I could do nothing about it. Every last drop of my magic is now part of you.”

Tianna took a step back. “You mean everything that has happened is because you gave me your magic in some kind of ritual to make me your heir?” she asked.

“Yes. You were born very weak and no doctor or healing magic could save you. Crystal has been a friend of mine for a long time so I acted without thinking,” Shirisha explained.

“Do,” Tianna hesitated, “Do you regret it?”

“Saving you? No,” Shirisha replied, “Dragging you into this battle, however, is something I will always regret. I won’t be able to see you again for some time, but Densooth will assist you with whatever you need.”

“Wait, why won’t I be able to see you?” Tianna demanded.

Shirsha grimaced. “As I mentioned before I have become weak. For now, why don’t you let Densooth take you somewhere you can relax. We are being watched so there is not much we can do right now.”

Densooth bowed his head. “I, especially, am being watched so I cannot help you escape just yet.”


Tianna bit her lip. “Is being the Queen truly such a weak position?”

“Normally, no, but I have been unable to show my face since I used that magic,” Shirisha explained.

“Why not?” Tianna demanded, “I understand you are weak but-”

“Because I am a dragon,” Shirisha interrupted, looking strained, “Dragons have magic woven into their very beings, unlike humans. When you took all my magic, you took my dragon form too. It is a miracle I am even alive, but the slightest bit of magic could kill me so I do not dare leave this safety.”

A dragon? Tianna remembered hearing about dragon magic from Merila but she hadn’t realized it had come with such a price.

“Is there any way for me to give it back?” TIanna asked.

Shirisha shook her head. “Don’t worry about me. Althaedor is in you hands now, Tianna.”

Densooth caught her when she lost her balance. “I think we are going to have to cut this short,” he said softly, “As she said I will help you with whatever you need, so please don’t be afraid to ask. Let them guide you somewhere for now.”

“Somewhere? You don’t even know where?” Tianna asked.

“I am not privy to that information right now after my apparent mistake last night. Those fools on the council are always trying to make a show of their power,” Densooth scoffed, “They accuse me of trying to take over Althaedor when I merely relay the messages of the Queen. I likely won’t be allowed to become your advisor so do keep that in mind.”

“Oh,” Tianna said. She hadn’t even thought that far ahead, but knowing she would be trapped in a palace full of strangers was far from comforting. “If you don’t know where I am how can you help me?”

Densooth smiled. “I will find you,” he promised, “Now go. They won’t hurt you.”

Tianna backed up a few paces and turned to open door out. The smug faced man was still waiting there along with several guards.


“I am sure you had an enlightening conversation,” he said, “Now that you understand your role we will be sure to give you some time to think it over.”

The guards escorted her to a room not far from there. The room itself was very nice with a gorgeous bed and large closet. There was even an area that was designed like a study with bookshelves and a desk.

As soon as Tianna stepped inside the door was locked behind her. She whipped around to grab the handle, but her hand met empty air. There wasn’t even a handle on this side!

Did they plan to come up with excuses when she rose to power, or had the Queen become worthless to them except as a figurehead? Tianna hated to admit it, but it was probably the latter. It was funny. She had never wanted to be Queen, but in this situation she kept thinking as if she was destined to be one.

Should she sleep some more? No. It was unlikely that she would be able to relax in this situation. Tianna walked over to the bookshelf in the study portion of the room and reached for a book that seemed interesting.

As she took the book out, she saw something scuttle in the empty space and nearly dropped it.

“Is there something there?” Tianna whispered.

“That is rather rude of you,” a voice admonished, “Though it is the usual reaction, unfortunately.”

“Who are you?” Tianna asked.

A large spider that somewhat resembled a black tarantula with silver patterns on its back stepped out of the space left by the book. “I am Aracnos, and aracnoglith. We are spirits of knowledge, though we were named because of our habit of taking the form of spiders.”

“Does that mean you can take other forms?” Tianna asked.

“I can, but since I am the keeper of the library, I find this form rather convenient. My spider form allows me to manipulate my web effortlessly,” Aracnos explained, “Before you ask, the name Aracnos was given to me by the Queen two generations ago when she was a child. Aracnogliths tend to take on many names during their lifetimes though we do grow attached to some more than others.”

“You are the keeper of the library?”

“Yes, though I suppose I might be more like a guardian,” Aracnos mused, “As I said, I am a spirit of knowledge.”

Tianna hesitated and looked around. “Does that mean if I want to know something you would be able to help me?”

“Certainly,” Aracnos promised, “I am the aracnoglith that serves the line of the Queens and it would seem that you are my new master.”

“What exactly is it that makes someone eligible to be Queen?” Tianna asked, “I am not a direct descendent yet everyone is convinced that I am the heir.”

Aracnos tapped a leg on the shelf before climbing up and pulling out a book. “This may be of use to you. I am afraid that is a question that I cannot answer until you have fully come to accept your role. It is a secret that is only passed down from Queen to Queen.”

Tianna took the book Aracnos offered. It was titled; “A Study of the Queens of Althaedor” and it was a rather thick book.

“A study?” Tianna muttered.

“That is quite the fascinating read. It is a book limited to the castle, but there are direct interviews and even excerpts from past Queens’ diaries. That book is one of a kind,” Aracnos told her. He seemed rather proud to present it.

“Ah… Thank you,” Tianna told him and began reading.

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