《Daybreak Palace: Legends of the Guiding Threads》2: Secrets in the Night


The topic of Tianna’s departure was avoided for the rest of the night, but she could not stop thinking about it. Even when she laid down in bed it filled her thoughts. How would she travel there? Would her mother be ready for her when she arrived? Was it better to stay here after all?

In the middle of the night she got up to do… something. She couldn’t handle laying down any longer. Just as she was about to reach the sitting room, she heard voices.

“-won’t let someone like you who worships the Black Wolf near my daughter,” her father’s voice growled.

"I did not come on behalf of the Black Wolf. You should know well the deal you made with the Queen. Tianna has been an adult for a few years now. It is high time to send her to the palace." This voice was a stranger’s.

"And let you escort her? Not a chance. She will meet up with my wife in the capital soon and slowly get acclimated as planned. Why don't you take this opportunity to learn the Queen's patience instead of acting on your own?"

"As planned?” the visitor mocked, “If you don't send her within the month we will take her by force!"

Deal? Palace? Tianna didn’t know what was going on, but if she stayed there much longer the suspicious visitor might notice her. That could only be bad based on the previous conversation. She slipped back into her room and stood there, unsure of what else to do. Should she run? Should she hide? Was this why her father had suddenly brought up her going to the capital?

Tianna tried to calm down but felt renewed chills when she remembered another piece of information. The Black Wolf. She only knew the rumors and what little was recorded in history, but it was enough to incite fear.

The Black Wolf was considered one of the strongest beings in the universe, yet no one knew his identity. If even a whisper left his lips thousands would spring to his command. There were several wars in history that one side had started simply because the Black Wolf had told them it was necessary for the Universe’s progression.


What would someone like that want with her? Was she a part of one of the prophecies he followed so perfectly? What might have scared her even more was that her father had spoken of the Black Wolf as a familiar enemy, not just some out of reach being.

There was a light knock on Tianna’s door. She turned just in time to see her father step inside. He made a wry smile when he saw Tianna’s panicked expression.

“So you heard after all,” he sighed, “I’m sorry.”

Sorry? Why was he sorry? A torrent of emotions threatened to break through, so Tianna shot out the questions she needed answered.

“What did he mean?! Deal with the Queen? Going to the castle? Me being an adult… Taking me by force?!” Tianna demanded. Hot tears escaped her eyes.

Her father put a gentle hand on her shoulder. “I will explain,” he promised, “But to do so I will need to tell you the story of the day you were born. Do you remember what major event happened in the palace in the year you were born?”

Tianna was partially annoyed that her father was acting like he was giving a history lesson now of all times, but then she remembered. “The Queen’s whole family died,” she answered.

“You were born about half a year later,” he continued, “but you were very sick.”

“Mother told me that before. She says she is glad I am alive because there was a time when I was little she thought I was going to die,” she said. Something felt off, even though her story should have been the most familiar to her.

“The doctors and healers could do nothing for you. Standard healing magic is too dangerous to use on newborns, and there was not a healer strong enough to cure you with other methods. At least no one we knew at the time. Your mother was weak from giving birth so even she could do nothing. That is when the Queen came and offered us a deal.”

Tianna was strangely aware of every breath she took, and could feel the pulse in her veins. “What kind of deal?”


“There are many kinds of magic. She offered a darker method to save your life, on the condition that you would become her heir.”

“Heir?” Tianna shouted in surprise, “But that is impossible. Only those with the blood of the Queens can become Queen. It is impossible to rule Althaedor without her magic.”

“That might be the case if she had not sacrificed a part of herself to save you,” he replied patiently, but a bit disheartened, “And the Queen’s magic is not as omnipotent as most believe.”

“Is that why the Black Wolf would be interested in me?” Tianna managed to ask.

“Yes. As you know the Black Wolf has always supported one Queen candidate, and that candidate has always ascended to the throne. He has yet to support the Alodan house. Not in that way, at least.”

The Alodan house was the next in line for the throne if something were to happen to the Queens. If the Black Wolf had not chosen someone from there, that meant he probably knew all along about the Queens deal.

“So he knows about me,” Tianna muttered.

“Unfortunately,” her father replied, “I selfishly kept you here longer than I should have. Perhaps things would have been easier on you if you moved to the capital with your mother instead, but I was scared. The palace is a terrifying place to send a child to, even if they have grown into a fine adult.”

“I… How should I go to the capital?” Tianna asked, “I have to leave soon, or that person might come back.”

“I will think of something by tomorrow,” he promised, “For now you should get some rest so you can let things sink in. Remember, no matter what, I will always be your father. The Queen promised me this herself.”

“Thanks,” Tianna replied, already feeling relief.

The truth was far from what she expected, but somehow knowing soothed her a little. It was also a relief that the Black Wolf was likely only interested in her as an heir to the throne. That meant she might not have any special role in his plans for the universe.


Silvax left his daughter’s room and entered a secret passageway that seemed to come out to a dead end. He placed a hand on the sleek wall in front of him and quickly muttered a phrase.

“I seek the counsel of the Soarsa.”

The wall vanished before his fingertips and formed an ovular portal that led to the headquarters of the Saorsa. The Saorsa was a society that valued freedom and peace, but their current objective was to free Althaedor from the controlling grasp of the Black Wolf. Especially the line of the Queens. Silvax had been a member long before that fateful night where they had made a deal with the Queen.

“Silvax,” a voice called, “It has been a while. Is it finally time to take action?”

“Yes. I regret giving the Black Wolf time to make the first move,” Silvax grimaced, “Will you protect my daughter as promised?”

“No matter what,” the voice replied, “We will do everything in our power to prevent this Queen from falling into the hands of the Black Wolf.”

“Any news from the double agent?” Silvax asked,

“Not as of yet. If something important happens I am sure he will tell us.”

“I still don’t trust him,” Silvax scoffed.

The voice chuckled, “True, but we don’t have much choice. The enemy of our enemy is our friend.”

“Yet that open enemy is still able to get so much intel on the Black Wolf’s movements,” Silvax pointed out, “I don’t like it.”

“Rather than discussing the double agent, shouldn’t we take care of the more pressing matter? The Queen’s heir can no longer go unprotected. Allow us to assign her a guard. Unfortunately, as a storm fairy, your presence will do more harm than good.”

“I… am aware,” Silvax admitted, “Very well, but be sure the guard is one of the most trustworthy members we have.”

“Very well.”

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