《Re: Ascension Rebirth》Chapter 26 - The final requiem of the Mobius Empire
Re: Ascension Rebirth – The final requiem of the Mobius Empire
Chapter XXVI
[Eternum Calendar - Year 990]
Without even provocation Dagda makes the first move by throwing a punch. The Admiral, quick on his feet tried to block the attack but Dagda’s huge frame wasn’t simply for show but actually was as dangerous as he looked. The admiral was sent back flying past the gate and crashed into one of the buildings.
Dust and smoke started to rise from the aftershock. ‘How dirty’, I thought to myself, although admittedly I wasn’t the best person to be saying this.
That was the start of the war; the second heaven realm war had started.
As the war had started Lilith and I took a step back to wait and observe as our turn wasn’t up until the traitor Andras Silverfang showed herself. After betraying the demon lord would she even show herself? Admittedly I knew very little about her, the only things that I was told was that she was a rather boisterous person when she could be, but had lately she had shown herself little.
Well, the reason was because she was planning to betray the demon lord. To be honest I don’t particularly thing her betrayal was unjustified, of course I don’t think it was Astaroth’s fault either, if I had to say it was a tragic consequence of the actions of the past generation that has lead up to this event.
I could only imagine her pain; to have her humanity stolen away from her and turned into a monster, a weapon of war.
“Lilith go check on the soldiers and try to ensure as little casualty as possible.”
I told her as we waited. We weren’t doing anything at the moment so while we had the chance we should try to limit the amount of casualties. I wasn’t able to move from this spot for obvious reasons but Lilith could do some light laps around the place.
“Eh? But what about you Lord Morgant? You’re not going to take on Lord Andras by yourself are you?”
She asked me in a worried tone.
“No, well. I don’t particularly think we can beat her with strength alone, she’s a former demon general after all. It’s sad to say but out of everyone here we’re the weakest.”
“It’s fine, I won’t fight her until you get back. I just want to have a little chat with her.”
I cut her off, of course if worse came to worst I would initiate the fight even if Lilith wasn’t here but I did truly want to have a conversation first. Reluctantly Lilith flew away from this place as she was tempted to look back at me many times.
‘War… perhaps it was a fate that we could never escape’, I thought to myself as I stared up at the bright red moon who bore witness to the second heaven realm war. The fact that I stood here meant that I was part of this war. No, my role in all of this wasn’t as simple as merely taking ‘part’ in it, in truth I was at its epicenter, because in the end the only way to put an end to this war was to win.
It would be obvious to any casual observer the discrepancy in power between heaven’s realm and the demon legion, it was to the point that it would truly be impossible to win without some kind of meddling from the outside. I gave a dry smile to myself as I peered up at the night sky once more. Indeed, while I wasn’t exactly powerful myself, I did have a single trump card up far in the sky; 2 billion years in the making, the full wrath of my everything, the Mobius Empire.
I breathed a sigh as I continued to watch the skirmish between the soldiers. I edged closer to the end of the large city walls and peered down to see how my allies were doing. The soldiers of the demon legion were an amalgamation of different species, some vampires, skeleton warriors/mages, homunculus, ghouls, orcs, hobgoblins, succubus, lizardmen, demons, devils, even some human and elves.
There were no unity in race but unity in alliance.
So far there were some casualties, as expected it couldn’t be helped that some would end up dying today, still they were doing a considerably better job than I had originally thought they would at rounding up the enemy. Despite being attacked on multiple sides by the enemy and the crystalline zombies of the deceased they managed the kite them around.
This was good, once the enemy was completely rounded up, that would signify the end of this brief war. It was all going according to plan, or so I thought. Of course there would always be something outside one’s calculations when it came to the movement of sentient beings.
A large explosion occurred in the middle of the demon legion’s movement. On closer inspection it was my target, Andras Silverfang, she had arrived and was starting to fight the soldiers, but of course the disparity in their levels were far too great. It took a bit to see since it was so far away but I had confirmed it.
[Andras Silverfang. Level 125, Luminary of Werewolves]
Underneath her title however was a small icon.
I tapped on it to see what this was about.
[Insanity: afflicted targets lose self-awareness and self-control]
If I had to take a guess it would be the doing of the heaven realm forces, I couldn’t see any other answer. Though if I had to comment on it, it’s an inefficient skill to use on comrades to boost their combat effectiveness, but whether that was their intent is a little unclear. Actually when I checked all of the werewolves had that debuff icon on them.
In any case I decided to jump into the fray. Of course before that I decided to activate a skill I’ve been meaning to test out. [Transformation - Aspect of the black pharaoh], the power I had received from Nyarlathotep, I’ve been meaning to try it out sooner but I didn’t have the chance but this was the perfect occasion.
I could feel myself starting to grin at the premise of testing this out, because I knew full well how uncanny and ominous that form was when I had laid my eyes on it. Activating the skill, a large vortex of black wind starts harrowing around me and a great pressure is felt all over my body. An oily black miasma start to form out from my shadows and eventually mixes in with the ghastly wind.
Completely covered in spherical black miasma, everything in my vision turned black. The winds start to move much more erratically, spinning in all directions until finally settling down to form a menacing cloak around me in a humanoid figure.
My figure grows from my tiny human form to a larger form, about 2 meters in total length. The miasma starts to sink into me, a revolting feeling swirling around me but I ignored it, no my intrigue to complete this spell surpassed my instincts to stop this. Eventually everything around me calms down and I open my eyes.
I look down to my torso and arms, they had turned blacker than the night sky, thus I was able to distinguish myself from the darkened background. In fact the skin is too dark, it’s as though a light could not escape my figure, it’d be more apt to call me a shadow than a man.
I feel on my head, a golden pschent, a sort of ancient Egyptian crown. My torso is exposed but I do have a white and gold pants on my lower half, though no shoes to speak of, not that I really cared. On my wrists and ankles are several golden braces that make jingling noises when I move them around.
‘This was it’, I thought to myself as I smiled. I could certainly feel a bit of power swirling around inside me.
An explosion in the far off distance brought me back to the current situation. The soldiers were still in danger and Lilith was about to engage with Andras, it was time for me to go in. I took a great lunge from the city’s defensive walls right into the fray of combat.
-Andras Silverfang’s PoV-
Milia Gwynn.
That was my real name… from before I was turned into this monster. I was supposed to be simple daughter of a count off in the country. I was supposed to grow up in peace, to go to school, to fall in love, to marry, to succeed my father’s position as count, to have children and… to be happy.
That’s how it was supposed to be.
That’s how it was supposed to be! Yet that wasn’t how it had played out, destiny did not permit me to live in peace. The horror of that day, through anguish and depression; through the blood and tears that covered my eyes, everything was taken away from me in an act of cruelty.
Our entire estate; our entire town was raided; either kidnapped or killed. Thousands upon thousands were captured and kidnapped, and hundreds more died trying fight back at the demons or escaping. The culprits were the werewolves, they easily overpowered the human guards and tore away through the village in search of their harvest.
Man, woman, child, it didn’t matter to them, as long as they got their ‘experimental sample’ they were fine with all the horrendous acts that they did. Even then, it wasn’t limited to just our small town, several more weak towns were raided and their inhabitants stolen away.
We were all brought back to their main base and their experiments when underway as soon as we arrived. It was at this place that I saw him; the monster responsible for having done this to us.
Emilio Orat.
I could never forget his face, his demonic red eyes hidden behind the thin frames of his glasses and the way he looked down on us as though we were nothing more than bugs. Anyone who spoke up would immediately be killed for defiance; to him we were nothing more than tools he used to repopulate his race.
At the time I had not know, but the werewolves had suffered a lot of casualties in some war against the heaven realm beings, for this reason they decided to repopulate themselves using humans as a base to turn them into werewolves. Curses, alchemy, experimentation, breeding, anything and everything horrible they could think of they did to us.
From a size of hundreds of thousands only a few thousand werewolves were created, myself being one of them. My parents, my siblings, my friends and neighbors, they did not make it through and by the time I had realized what had been going on I was all alone, turned into one of them.
A werewolf. My hair had grayed out and my eyes turned from a healthy blue to a pale red. All I could think of for the first few years was to hunt and kill, the instincts and urges of the werewolf had overtaken me. The gentle personality I held no longer existed, I was merely a puppet and tool for the pure werewolves who used us to further population of their race now that we had become one of them.
By the time that I had learned to master these instincts and urges and realize what was going on all I had was a single collar around my neck like some dog. It was a special collar used by the werewolves so we do not disobey them, if we did something wrong they would activate the collars and sever our heads. Because of this we continued to do their bidding, with our freedom nowhere to be found.
We awaited the day that we were granted freedom but the wait was too long. Days turned to months, months turned to years and years turned to decades. Eventually we had outlived the old werewolves and got our freedom that way but in the end we couldn’t reclaim our humanity; we had long past the path of no return.
Eventually I had gained enough favor in the demon legion which the werewolf tribe was part of. I had risen through the ranks with my wit and strength and became one of them, I had received the title of demon general. Still, our anguish could not be quelled with our false freedom, perhaps it was too late but we were eager to regain our humanity…
So then only place we could turn to was to the beings of the heaven realm. Champions of justice… if it were them, they could restore our humanity and bring justice on the demons who used us. It was not much but we thought we could at least get some sort of satisfaction from all this.
So everything came full circle; to restore what they lost in the first heaven realm war, they used us who in turn waged the second heaven realm war. If those demons could feel even an inch of our pain then we would be satisfied… or at least that’s what I had thought. I thought we could become happy but in the end that isn’t what we wanted, my sisters and brothers, we cried each night for our forgotten humanity but we had long already realized it.
Those demons are not the same demons who abused us… the current demons were innocent, even accommodating towards us. Yet we tried to deny their hospitality and destroy them. We felt nothing but guilt as we pondered our actions. In our attempt to regain our humanity we had truly lost it… we became no more than mere monsters.
As we realized this we tried to undo our mistakes but the damage had already been done. Just before the war we attempted to stop it, but they cursed us. Each of my sisters and brothers became insane and driven by bloodlust, after losing their humanity they even lost their minds in the end. Though I had tried to endure it as best I could, eventually I had also lost my mind.
… and thus like that we marched onto the demon capital.
-Morgant Fallon’s PoV-
“Demons… Kill…”
Arriving just in time to stop her from killing another person I intercepted a werewolf’s claws just short of it digging into an orc’s face. The orc fell down with a stunned expression and didn’t move due to fear.
I shouted at him, he looked at me with widened eyes as he registered what just happened. He furiously shook his head and bolted in the other direction to regroup with the other soldiers.
I turned to face the werewolf I had just stopped. She had smaller frame than the others but she exerted the most power amongst the entire group. Her sharp silver hair flowing down past her shoulders and her red eyes filled with nothing but hatred and bloodlust; she wanted nothing but to continue her rampage and kill everything in her path. Along her arms and neck was a line of sharp silvery fur that made a natural armor around her.
She was Andras.
She had far too lost her mind to even consider exchanging dialogue. For now I had to bring her down through force, but that was easier said than done. I was fighting an incredibly fast werewolf that had dropped all her guard to focus on dealing the most damage, not to mention she had a considerable level advantage over me.
So then, how was I going to make this work? For now I decided to test the waters and start a brawl with her. As she looked at me with her blank but furious eyes she started drooling and with a haughty smile she lunged towards me.
I quickly responded by using [summon - skeleton knight] with [fortification] already active. Green lightning hit the ground between us and a large and ominous skeleton knight rose to defend me. I thought that would hold her back even if it was only a little but the skeleton knight held up about as well as toilet paper would to a storm, meaning she easily burst through the skeleton knight and continued on with her charge towards me.
I managed to dodge her thanks to my above average [insight] stat but I didn’t know how much longer I could rely on it.
I strafed from side to side trying my best to dodge her attacks, but even so I couldn’t do it completely unhindered, I received some major damage from her claws. Especially around my torso and shoulders, I was wounded with blood oozing out at an alarming rate, but thanks to [undead’s tenacity] I was able to equalize the blood loss with some rapid regeneration.
However it was easy to see that if she wanted she could probably tear through my defenses and just rip me to shreds, at least if she was thinking properly she could’ve done that. Right now she was no more than a mindless beast that I could kite around like a matador.
But as things started to look manageable she activated some sort of skill. She started to emit a burst of energy that resonated with the other werewolves. She started to howl which prompted the other wolves to also imitate. A powerful wave of energy blew past me and when I took a look around the werewolves became even faster and deadlier, with Andras herself emitting a red glow.
A small icon appeared below her title.
[Berserker: Afflicted targets will have their defensive capabilities converted to offensive and agility stats]
I see, so it was similar to [Fortification], but the other way around. Anyway this wasn’t the time for me to be idling around and being intrigued by her skills. This was certainly looking a little harrowing for me.
Her movements became even faster and before I had realized it she had punched a hole through my stomach. I couldn’t even feel the pain until a few seconds later when my brain had registered that I was seriously injured. Andras looked towards me, still with her fists through my torso, she gave me an eerie smile as she enjoyed the rampaging.
At that moment a silver beam of light struck down, but quick on her feet Andras dashed away to avoid it. When I turned my gaze up to see what it was, it was Lilith who flew down next to me with an extremely pale expression.
“A- are you okay Lord Morgant?!”
She tried to support me who had fell onto a single knee. I was starting to lose a lot of blood and very quickly at that. This really was a bad situation, absurd really, to be fighting someone way beyond my league, even though it was my own decision.
I wasn’t a slime with immunity to physical damage like Cedric, not a vampire with extraordinary reflexes and magic like Kyrios, not immortal like Admiral Ordwell, I don’t posses exceeding magical talent like Astaroth, can’t use magic on a grand scale like Aer or Arachna.
To emphasize once more; I was a human.
Right… I was a human. Not just any human, an old world human, blessed with the powers of the old world god. I may not be almighty like all of my peers and enemies but I wasn’t an enemy to be trifled with either.
I decided to unleash my second skill.
[Avatar of Nyarlathotep].
‘Insanity’? I could do that too!
A small black sphere had appeared in the sky above me. The clouds that had been clear for the night sky had started to gather around blocking out even the light of the red moon. Now the only sources of light were from the magic spell that the casters had used from each respective military.
Andras stood there looking up at the black hole that had opened up in the sky, perhaps she was intrigued but she made no further moves.
Just like during the time of my transformation black miasma started to gather up at the single point of the sphere, forming a large spherical tornado around it. The winds started to swirl violently, kicking up debris around and destroying anything around us and even devouring the clouds above. The black sphere started to grow larger and larger, spanning around 100 meters in diameter.
It started to take a solid form, to be honest it was disgusting, as was all Nyarlathotep related skills. I wouldn’t be surprised if anyone who beheld it really did lose their minds, as expected of lovecraftian deities. But the fun did not stop there, countless tentacles started to form around it and wrapped around itself and assimilate into a solid form. As though countless worms had been crawling on top of each other the black tentacles reinforced one another.
A truly abhorrent sight.
The dark and dreary winds around the amorphous mass of tentacles calmed down. A single horizontal slit drew across the front of the sphere and slowly started to open up revealing a blood shot red eye. A gigantic red eyeball floated in the sky for all to behold its terror.
“W- what is that?!”
Lilith shouted as her eyes widened with surprise and fear.
Soon I felt the effects starting to take place; this skill has two effects.
[insanity] and [life drain].
I could feel the effects of life drain starting to rapidly heal me and before I knew it the hole in my stomach was completely gone. Since there was a lot of enemy soldiers I could drain life from it worked all the more better for me. Not only that the enemy soldiers also started grabbing their heads in pain and after a while started to fight amongst themselves.
If it was like this then I thought I may not even need GUNGNIR to finish off this war, but as expected this skill took an extremely large portion of my stamina and I wasn’t going to be using it for too much longer by the looks of it.
Taking this opportunity I decided to resume our fight.
“Lilith, support me with your magic, whenever she gets close to attacking I want you to intercept. Can you do that?”
I asked her.
“Y- yes.”
She gave me a rather unreliable answer but it was the best we could do right now. I charged towards Andras with great speeds with a [shadow lance] and [shadow shield] in hand while she was distracted, but as expected of a demon general she reacted quickly and dodged my attack and even launching a counterattack of her own.
It punched through the [shadow shield] and pierced through my skin once more. I guess the shield was useless after all. Like before my wounds close up at an extreme pace, so I decided to ignore the pain and continue through the counter attack and stabbed her with the [shadow lance].
Normally I didn’t think I would be able to even damage her but since she decided to use [berserker] her defensive stat was effectively non-existent. I managed to score a hit on her left shoulder and since she didn’t have high speed regeneration like me she was a little limped.
We backed off each other to regain some room for our next bout. She looked at me and grimaced a bit as she held her head in pain. She cried out for a brief moment before deciding to rush at me, but before she could land a hit Lilith attacked her first with the silver beam. To my surprise it dealt a lot more damage than I thought it would, to which I remembered that Lilith received something from Deborah. The [argenteus arcanum], silver magic, I see.
Taking advantage of the brief moment Andras was stunned from damage I summoned more [shadow lances], around 7 of them, and flew them straight at her. The lances each pierced through her body, of course in non vital areas and incapacitated her, but beyond my expectations, she was far more resilient than I thought.
She quickly broke free of her pain and charged at me, to which Lilith once again replied. This time Andras powered through the pain and made contact with me, she pressed her hands on my neck and tried to strangle me to the best of her abilities. I also tried to pry her off me but her strength was immense, not to mention she was being backed up by [Berserker].
“Is… is this fine? Is this how you want your life to proceed?!”
I shouted at her. Noticing this she lifted some of the pressure off my neck.
“Demon… Kill…”
She repeated.
“That’s right, you’re a demon! You’re no longer human!”
She struggled of me and placed her hands on her head in pain and screamed out. Her [berserker] skill was also subsequently undone.
“You may not have wished to become a demon but there’s no helping it anymore. You may be a demon now but there’s also no reason for you to live like one, so what if you’re not physically human anymore?! What’s stopping you from becoming a human-like demon?!”
“Human… Demon…?”
She walked off me backwards and fell to her knees.
On closer inspection I saw droplets of tears falling down her face. At the same time her [insanity] curse was also removed from her along with all of the other wolves, they also regained their self-awareness.
They started to gather around us with clear depression on their faces. They didn’t want to continue with the war anymore; they didn’t want to hurt their friends anymore.
I had won.
“Lilith, it’s fine now, go gather all of the others and have them regroup in the city. I’ll finish up with this war.”
“E- eh? B- but how…?”
I gave her a wry smile and answered.
“Old world magic.”
-Astaroth De Signa’s PoV-
Nodens, the high god of Tara, or so he calls himself. He stares at us from high up as though we’re nothing more than pests that he’s come to eradicate. Perhaps from his perspective we really weren’t much but that’s no reason to kill us.
He’s unfathomable, no one could truly be infallible, does he not understand this?
“Lord Astaroth, I’ll attack once there’s an opportunity.”
Kyrios tells me as he disappears into his shadow. I also decided to join in and took flight with my wings. I immediately started off by summoning various lightning attribute magic.
[Lightning javelin], [Electro ball], [Thunder], [Tempest destruction], [Storm domain].
All high level magic that I’ve cultivated over the years. Though lightning magic is the weakest of the three elemental types, it also has an advantage that is far faster to cast and the projectile speed of the attacks are also incredibly fast.
All of my attacks hit dead on and creates a large explosion. Dust and smoke cover the area he was flying in but after they clear his figure remains undamaged. Still flying high up in the sky while looking down on us, a light barrier surrounds him.
He crosses his arms with a smirk on his face.
Ordwell dashes forward and jumps an incredible height attack, since he could not fly this was his only method of attack. He strikes fast and hard with his knucklers that were magically attuned but even that doesn’t go through Nodens’ shield. Doubling up, Kyrios also appears from the shadows and strikes with a rapier but that also doesn’t penetrate his shield.
“Hmph, your father put up more of a fight than this. I’m rather disappointed that this is all the power that a demon lord has.”
He taunts me.
I respond with rapid fire magic of all my skills, but in the end his unmoving figure starts to get on my nerves. It frustrates me that I’m so powerless to stop the foe from walking all over us.
Off in the distance I see a large black sphere in the sky. Instantly I recognize that as Morgant’s doing. I could only dryly spite myself, even though Morgant’s trying his best and has improved so much I’m still here and losing. My will to fight was at an all time low as well.
Kyrios and Ordwell continue their assault but I know enough that it’s meaningless to continue this. Motivation alone would not help us, which was why I didn’t continue my barrage. I was a leader, I needed to get my act together; if strength alone couldn’t defeat the enemy then there must be some other way.
Unlike the other generals I did not have a special ability to use in battle, instead I had the demon lord’s ability of [foresight]. A monarch ability.
It was the first time I used it in battle but I did so nonetheless. I activated its power and saw with my third eye. What I saw exceeded my comprehension. I saw Morgant.
… and our victory.
“Hah… hahhahaha! Amazing! This is… I knew I was right to trust in him!”
I blurted out. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to beat this opponent, it wasn’t that I didn’t want to do it with my own strength, it wasn’t that I didn’t want to think of another way, but I couldn’t help but laugh. Out of all people, the one to guide us to victory was a mere 10 year old human, it was absurdly hilarious.
As a demon lord it is a little shameful. With renewed spirits and a smile I decided to go all out, because I knew that even his arrogant smirk wouldn’t last for long. Nodens would be defeated here, and with that knowledge I forsook all tactic and strategy and decided to whittle him down with a full frontal assault as much as I could.
“Kyrios! Ordwell! We continue to attack til we no longer can!”
Kyrios and Ordwell are extremely intelligent, more so than me. In fact sometimes I think they have more of an attribute to rule than myself but they still serve and trust me. So this one time I wanted them to trust me who trusted Morgant.
They didn’t understand my intentions, surely no one except Morgant himself could understand it, but they decided to go along and decided on a frontal assault.
Result: we were easily defeated. With myself in a bloodied as well as Kyrios and Ordwell were no longer able to continue the fight. Eventually we managed to get through a bit of Nodens’ shield and damage him.
Honestly in any other situation I would’ve been distraught and guilt-ridden. However right now I had a satisfied smile on my face.
“So in the end this is all you amount to. Perhaps I was a little too worried about your pathetic power. No matter, we’ll end it here.”
He says as he reaches upwards and summons a giant light sword.
“Heh… fool, we’ve already won… I’ve seen it.”
In my last attempt at defiance I spout out and close my eyes for the attack to strike. I heard a loud explosion but the pain didn’t come, was I already dead? I opened my eyes to see I was in the air… carried by my own daughter!
“Ah, are you awake mother?”
She asks with a worried expression, sometimes I think that’s all the expression she could ever make.
“Yes… but what about Morgant?”
“Lord Morgant’s fine, he said he won and that he’ll take care of the rest. He told me to gather up everyone to regroup within the city.”
“I see.”
I looked around to see Kyrios and Ordwell were also running towards the city. So they made it out alive as well, that was reassuring. With a smile I close my eyes once more.
-Morgant Fallon’s PoV-
“To even have dragged a child into war, I’m sorry.”
Kneeling down in front of me was Andras. I’ve also undone my transformation and was back into my child form… well it’s my true form.
“You don’t have to blame yourself, I’m here because I chose to be here. I’ve had plenty of chances to escape but I decided I wanted to fight.”
I answered honestly but she shook her head in disapproval.
“Something like that, you can only say that because you’re still young. You should escape from here and not let your passion take over you. You still have a lot to live for after all, a human child has no business with the affairs of demons and gods.”
It seems she’s mistaken my intent in being here, she believes that I’m here under some naïve notion of passion and fighting for my side. Of course that also means that she has complete confidence that her side would win.
“I think you’ve mistaken my intent. Truthfully I would not be here if there was no chance of victory.”
I confront her with that but she gives me a dry smile, one that was a little unbefitting of her sharp expression. I couldn’t feel any sort of intent on battle coming from her, perhaps she’s being overtaken by guilt at starting this whole thing? Honestly she didn’t really seem like a bad person, or rather behind those sharp gaze I thought I saw a tender person.
“Poor child, you really should escape. No matter how much you believe in the demon legion and the demon lord, against these absurdly powerful gods there’s just no chance. I’ll make sure that no one comes after you so please leave.”
It was my time to shake my head in disapproval this time.
“Sorry, but I’ve no intentions of running away by myself. Or rather it’d all be over if I did that.”
“I see… then as an act of mercy I’ll try to negotiate your survival after all this is over.”
“Aren’t you underestimating me a little too much? When it’s all said and done, I also have the same position as you; I’m also a demon general.”
When I revealed my rank she was seriously surprised as evident by her large open eyes of disbelief. I think it started to dawn on her that I couldn’t really be just some kid if I was in the middle of this war, especially if I was on the side of the demon legion instead of a human side like the Crimson Knights.
“You didn’t realize? I thought you were the one who gathered us all here, including me.”
I confronted her, perhaps her memories of our fight was a little hazy due to her blood rage?
“No… I only tasked my subordinate to gather for the demon generals.”
“Right, and I’m telling you that I am one. I guess I can’t blame you for not thinking a mere human child could be a demon general.”
She stayed quiet.
“Still… I’m sorry to have dragged you into this mess. It really is a horrible sight isn’t it? War that is.”
With no hostile intents she watched the other fighting soldiers, incidentally her subordinates joined our side and was also helping round up the last remaining heaven realm’s army.
“Is it? I wonder… To think of war as unpleasant, perhaps I’ve overestimated the maturity of the people of this era. War is not simply men trying to kill each other, it is a clash of ideals; people stand up to defend in what they believe in, enough to sacrifice their lives for. Certainly it is far from beautiful or pleasant, but it is also poetic.”
I answered her casually, with no hint of malice or sarcasm in my tone. Was I being hypocritical? Even though I built a machine to stop wars myself? No, that isn’t entirely correct, the context is different. The reason I built that machine in the first place wasn’t merely to stop wars, it was to pave a future for a world that refused to co operate.
However, this situation is different, in the purest essence this war is a war of ideology, or so it would seem from the perspective of the soldiers who are fighting. I wonder if it really is true of the upper echelon, I do think that they truly view our side as evil and a pest but if it was merely that then this war wouldn’t have happened. There’s still something else to this war.
I stare up at the large yellow crystals floating off in the distance. They follow the movement of the enemy soldiers, and each time they or the enemy dies a crystalline zombie emerges. Just what is the point of that? I mean obviously there are military benefits from using that cruel crystal but it just doesn’t seem like the kind of action someone who believes that they were justice would take.
‘It isn’t all of them, but a few of the dead souls have ceased entering the realm of the dead. They’ve been made to forever walk the lands of this world, bound by some kind of force, and it isn’t just a couple hundred, but thousands.’ I remember the previous demon lord’s, Erendel’s words of that time when we met, about how the souls of the dead have ceased entering the realm of the dead. I wonder if there was an actual connection to this and that.
“What an optimistic view of war. I couldn’t imagine any child saying something that profound. I guess you really are a demon general.”
Andras answers me, she too has no malice or desires to fight. Indeed she was the reason why this war was even taking place but like I said, that merely the consequences from the actions the previous generation of werewolves took. Most likely she too is a victim as well as the perpetrator, we can’t pin all the blame on the previous generation after all.
“Do you hate it? That you’ve become what you are today? Do you truly see yourself as nothing but a monster?”
I asked her and she grimaces.
“Of course I do. Everyday… every waking moment I’m forced to realize that I’m no longer the person I used to be; forced to live out my life as a monster because of this wretched curse! … but I know now that it was only us who had the idea, in the end it was our naiveté that truly took away our humanity.”
“Well if you’ve understood that much then I guess it will be fine. Anyway I want you to regroup with the other demon generals in the city.”
“I understand… I need to take responsibility after all… I’ll fight Nodens to my last breath, for all the things Astaroth had done for us, it’s the least I can do.”
She says in a dejected voice.
“You’re mistaken, I just want you to regroup with the others. Leave Nodens to me.”
“Eh? you intend to take on Nodens directly?! That’s reckless!”
“Don’t worry I have an ace.”
“An ace?”
I nodded and repeated myself.
“Old world magic.”
“Accessing [GUNGNIR] system. Access code: X914OMEGA. Set target location. Commence Orbital Bombardment on my signal.”
I chanted the old world magic spell to myself.
But seriously.
He really was blatantly arrogant, he even let Astaroth and the others escape while he continues to stand at the city gates. I’m referring to Nodens of course. Well whatever, everything had gone smoothly according to plan and all the pieces have lined up perfectly, I couldn’t help but let out a smirk.
The enemy soldiers had gathered up and were at our front gates and the three enemy gods were in front of me.
”So in the end it is you, child of evil. So the best the demon legion could muster up was a mere 10 year old human child. Pathetic.”
He taunts me and insults everyone else.
“Now, don’t be like that. Humans are the most unpredictable race after all.”
He scowls at me, stabbing through me with his glare. Instantly my smirk disappears, only hatred boils down at the depths of my heart. Everything had come full circle, we were at each other’s swords once again, just like 2 years ago.
How I waited for this time. The time to stamp on his pride and mock him; it is far more appealing to me than outright killing him right now. I can’t kill him anyway, we don’t have enough power, but I can destroy him.
“I’ve waited so long for this day Nodens. You don’t know how much I’ve been thinking of destroying you; not a single day went by without me running countless simulations of me destroying you.”
“Insolent. Who do you think you are?”
He stares me down.
“Right… right… it’s that stare, I’ve missed it so!
I shouted at him with all the anger that welled deep down inside me. He was the single being I could not forgive the most, for taking everything away from me, I will take away his everything, his pride as a god! I will smash it on the ground and spit on it! I WILL DESTROY HIM.
He starts to speak.
“Child of evil, what do you think you can do against beings far beyond your comprehension?! You are nothing but a mere human against those who are your infinite greater! My biggest mistake was not killing you when I had the chance!”
‘Idiots’, I mutter under my breath. I spread out my arms in a welcoming manner with a gleeful face. Winds surround me, not because of any skill but because of the pressure of what was to come. The clouds in the sky starts to swirl around violently.
“Commence Orbital Bombardment.”
In an instant the clouds part and a single white beam of immense power is struck down before me. Having incurred the wrath of the Mobius Empire, it engulfs everything!
[Status Menu]
Morgant Fallon. Level 71
Strength: 253 (240 + 13)
Dexterity: 12 (5 + 7)
Magic: 29 (5 + 24)
Insight: 124 (100 + 24)
Agility: 11 (5 + 6)
[Status Points: 20]
[Skill List]
(PASSIVE) [Life Force Sensory]: Level 50 (MASTERED)
(PASSIVE) [Toxin Resistance]: Level 45
(PASSIVE) [Undead's Tenacity]: Level 50 (MASTERED)
(PASSIVE) [Mental Fortress]: Level 12
(AUGMENT) [Enchanting Voice]: Level 41
(AUGMENT) [Transformation - Aspect of the Black Pharaoh]: Level 11
(ACTIVE) [Avatar of Nyarlathotep]: Level 11
(ACTIVE) [Wither]: Level 42
(ACTIVE) [Decay]: Level 50 (MASTERED)
(ACTIVE) [Summon - Skeleton Knight]: Level 50 (MASTERED)
(ACTIVE) [Shadow Lance]: Level 50 (MASTERED)
(ACTIVE) [Shadow Shield]: Level 50 (MASTSERED)
(ACTIVE) [Summon - Terror of the Depths]: Level 1/Required Level: 100
(ACTIVE) [Soul Bind Summoning]: Level 50 (MASTERED)
(SOUL BIND) [Summon - Ghost King]: Level 50 (MASTERED)
(SOUL BIND) [Summon - Succubus Princess]: Level 50 (MASTERED)
(SOUL BIND) [Summon - Spider Queen]: Level 50 (MASTERED)
(SUB SKILL) [Anti-Life Gambit]: Level 44
(SUB SKILL) [Intimidating Roar]: Level 44
(SUB SKILL) [Shield Charge): Level 44
(SUB SKILL) [Fortification): Level 44
(TEMPORARY) [Evil Eye]: Level 50 (MASTERED)
[Shard of Tyrving]
+ 4 [All Stats]
[Sebastian's Pocket Watch]
+ 3 [Strength]
+ 3 [Dexterity]
+ 3 [Insight]
[Father's Sword Hilt]
+ 6 [Strength]
+ 4 [Insight]
+ 2 [Agility]
+[20 Magic]
+[13 Insight]
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Edge Cases (Book 1 Complete!)
Rare classes and powerful skills are helpful. Too bad the system doesn't seem built to handle them. What even are all these errors? Our team of outcasts and adventurers will have to rely on their trust - and the bane of all stories, healthy communication - just to survive, let alone understand what the system is doing. Because they're quickly realizing that it's doing something; to people, to monsters, and maybe even to the gods themselves. And their goal isn't just to survive; it's to make things better. It's a good thing they're not doing it alone. --- Edge Cases is an attempt to take the LitRPG genre and the overpowered MCs trope and write a story where numbers aren't everything. Sometimes it takes trust, support, and just a touch of being very, very clever. Expect a mix of action, slice-of-life, friendship, and ominous worldbuilding. Updates M-W-F at 6pm EST. Cover art by Alovck of Artstation, and typesetting by jessessey right here on RoyalRoad.
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