《The Elven World: After the Flood》Joining the Caravan Guard and Hunters


It took the group some time to get ready, but Arilee waited patiently even though she was excited to meet the Caravan Hunters. Leela was the first one ready, she was wearing an outfit closer to her traditional priestess garb that she was wearing when Arilee first met her. Chip and Slicks were next, followed by Rorick. Tallus was relaxing on the ground, watching the group get themselves together.

“Everyone ready for the day?” asked Arilee. “Tallus, take care of the campsite while we are gone.

Everyone nodded and the five of them set out towards the wagons, leaving Tallus behind. The Caravan Guards were stationed right where they were told they would be. The sign on their wagons had two crossed swords for a banner. There was a clearing behind it where training was normally conducted. A few training dummies and archery targets. Next to the Caravan Guards was the Hunters’ Wagon. Furs were draped around it, and several different bows were propped up against the wheels. In front of each was a desk with a person sitting at it, scribbling notes into a book.

“This must be the wagons we were told about,” said Arilee. “I’ll go talk to the Hunters while you talk to the Guards?”

“That sounds good to us,” said Chip.

Before she could move though, an older elven woman walked up to the group, and approached Leela. It looked like they were wearing matching outfits. “Excuse me,” she started. “I couldn’t help but notice, but are you a Priestess of the Light?” Her voice was soft. Arilee could tell she was High Elf from her high cheekbones, fair skin, and light-colored hair, although starting to grey. Her face was beginning to wrinkle, but she did not look as old as the Elder did.

Leela smiled and responded, “Yes, I was a priestess in training when I left my home caravan.”

“I am Mother Feluan. I haven’t seen you around the Caravan before. Are you new here?”


“Yes, Mother. My group and I only just arrived the other day.”

“If you’ll be traveling with us awhile and are looking for work, I could always use some help.”

“The Goddess must have sent you to find me, I was just about to come looking for you today to see if I could offer my assistance.”

“Why don’t you come with me, and I will show you which wagon is ours,” she said to Leela, motioning for her to follow.

Leela turned to ask Arilee if it was okay. “You don’t mind if I leave you all for the day, do you?”

“Not at all, Leela. I’m sure we’ll be busy most of the day. Just meet us back at the campsite by dinner time. You remember how to find your way back?”

“Mhmm,” Leela nodded. “Good luck with the Hunters and the Guards, everyone.” Then Leela, turned and followed Mother Feluan.

“And now for our turn,” said Arilee, approaching the Wood-Elf behind the desk in front of the hunters’ wagon. “Good luck with your day today,” she said, nodding to Chip who was leading Slicks and Rorick. “Take care of those two, don’t let them get into too much trouble.”

Slicks hissed, “We’ll be fine.”

“We’ll be friends sooner than you know it,” chuckled Rorick, but still wearily maintaining his distance.

Approaching the desk, Arilee asked, “Hello, are you with the Hunters’? An Elf named Tre said you might be looking for more help?”

The Wood-Elf looked up from his notes, “Hello there, yes you’ve come to the right place. Give me just one more second to finish this. I’m recording what we’ve brought back this week and who it’s to be distributed too.”

With a few more swishes of his quill, he plopped it down. “There we go, finished for now. Now what is your name? You said Tre sent you? He was just around here somewhere.” The Wood-Elf looked around for a second, and then shouted, “Tre! Someone is here for you!” He then looked at Arilee. “My name is Celefleur, by the way.”


“I’m Arilee,” she responded with a smile.

Just then, Tre ran up from behind the wagon. He was now wearing his brown hunting leathers, with a green cloak wrapped around his shoulders.

“Arilee! You came!” he exclaimed.

"I said that I would! Did you think I wouldn't?" she responded.

"I uh, well I didn't know. You wouldn't be the first person to tell me they would come and then not," he laughed. "But I'm glad you did!" He turned to Celefleur. "Cel, before you leave the desk for the day, write her name down in the Hunters' Member log. Are there any tasks that have been requested I can take her out on? Hopefully something easy?"

Celefleur flipped through his pages. "We did have a request come in this morning, but I don't know how easy it will be. From the nearby town of Norribuk. They've been having a giant boar roaming their hills and terrorizing farmers. They think its sick and want someone to come put it down."

"It's fine, we'll take it. What level is it?"

"They said the boar is level 15."

"Level 15 eh? That could be pretty dangerous." Tre turned to Arilee, "Are you up for a challenge on your first day?"

Arilee for the first time noticed Tre's level. Level 20 floated above his head. She figured if things went too wrong, he would be there to help.

"Of course I'm up for a challenge. Let's get to it. Challenge is my middle name." Arilee said, trying to grit her face into a show of determination, and then broke into laughter.

Tre laughed with her. "I like the spirit. Grab one of the Hunter's Green Cloaks from the chest in the wagon, and then we can set off when you are ready."

Arilee found the chest and pulled out a fine looking green cloak made from a soft wool. "Oh, I like it," she said, throwing it around her shoulders. It looked similar to the one Tre had.

"Good, it's the only uniform we have. It will keep you warm on cold nights, and help you blend into the forest and leaves." He looked over the rest of her outfit thinking. "We do need to get you better leathers. Maybe if this Boar is big enough, we will have material left over you. What condition is your bow in?"

Arilee handed over her bow. It was the same one she's had since Goblin Island. It was a little worse for wear, but in overall decent shape.

"Not bad," said Tre, running his hands over the wood, and giving the bow a test draw. "This will do for now, but we can work on getting you an upgrade."

"Thanks," responded Arilee, glad that she signed up. She knew she'd be getting more experience but didn't expect any help with her gear. "I'm ready to head out when you are."

"Perfect, follow me, Norribuk is south of here a few miles. Just a few hills that way." He said pointing off in the distance.

Arilee looked back towards the Guard caravan to make sure the boys were doing alright. Chip, Slicks, and Rorick were talking with an older Elf, they seemed to be laughing and having a good time. She whistled to get their attention, but they didn't notice at first. She whistled again and this time they turned. She waved at them and nodded in the direction she was going. They nodded and waved back. Happy that she alerted her group she was leaving, she smiled and followed Tre on her own journey.

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