《Rise of the Red Dragon Emperor : Book 1》Chapter 15 | END


I watched as Zack went into his final death throes and the light slowly left his eyes but not before he got out one last wink.

Blood, brains, and bits of bone coated the wall behind where he had just been standing just a second ago.

We all stood there for the moment as the gravity of the situation had set in. Jess and I had just killed four other people in this restaurant.

I noticed movement out of the corner of my eye and saw Jessica move to where Vince was out cold. She flipped him over onto his back and was about to claw out his neck before I intervened.

“Whoa, don’t do that,” I halted, and thankfully she hadn’t dug in yet.

“This isn’t the time for you to be getting second thoughts.”

“We may need him later.”

She scowled a bestial grimace but relented, getting up to her feet and shifted back to her human form.

“Sophie, how long will he be asleep for?” I asked.

She blinked a few times before answering me.

“As long as I want him to, I should have no problems but I can let you know well in advance.”

“Thought so, just wanted to make sure.”

I left the hallway and moved to Vince’s back pocket to fish out the keys to pass to Soph.

“Get the car and bring it round back,” I instructed.

It was dark out and I imagined that there weren’t that many people out in this area.

She nodded and headed out to do as I asked. I reached into Vince’s pockets again to take out the restaurant keys, eventually sorting through the chain to find the right one.

Once I had secured the door with a lock and flipped the close sign, I searched around to see if there was something to restrain Vince with.

“What are you looking for?” Jess asked.

“Something I can use to bind him with, in case he wakes up.”

“I’ve got skipping ropes at mine.”


I got up and fireman carried Vince through the hallway, stepping over Zack’s corpse; something I should have moved in hindsight. Now at the door, Jess came in through, the car came at almost the same time as we did and Sophie was moving out to lift the trunk and help stick Vince in.

I was also cautious of eyes so I surveyed the area while we worked. Once we had him in the car, we closed the boot and re-entered the restaurant.

We did what Zack recommended and took all the bodies into the freezer, well Jessica and I did, while Soph helped empty their pockets and get the bags Zack had spoken about into the car. We found a mop and we could only clean up as much blood as we could. After that, turned out the lights and left.

On the drive home, we barely spoke a word. We were in Zack’s car or actually the car that used to belong to Zack, Sophie driving, myself in the passenger seat, and Jess in the back with the bags.

It felt like breaking the silence would also break the spell that was keeping us going.

Luckily we didn’t take too long to get to Sophie’s place, parking into a close side street but before we got out, we had Sophie go in and check to see if the coast was clear. It was late so we didn’t expect that many people to be going around at this time.

Once Soph texted that there was no one around, we got Vince out of the car and over my shoulder as we headed inside.


Sophie had the elevator opened for us so we didn’t miss a beat as we went straight for it. We rode the elevator a few floors before I asked to get to the bottom of something.

“Why didn’t you leave when Soph left the restaurant,” I questioned Jess.

“I was planning on killing them anyways, they were a threat to Soph.”

Sophie side-eyed Jess and then me but said nothing.

The elevator stopped on five and it opened to an older gentleman on his phone. When he looked up he was obviously stunned at the sight of three filthy young adults with a fourth person on one of their shoulders.

“Going up?” Soph asked.

The man nodded and hesitantly got in the elevator. He could barely hide his attempts to observe me from the corner of his eye, I would have felt bad if I had it in me to do so.

When we got to our floor, we exited the elevator but at the back of my mind, I was concerned about what that guy might say. That was when I saw Soph had tugged on the man’s arm.

“Thanks for not overreacting,” Sophie thanked, “our friend was super tired so we had to carry him all the way up.”

I noticed the purple tendrils of light that accompanied her charming people. The man nodded and accepted what she said with no hesitation and gave a goofy smile.

We got to the girls’ place without running into anyone else, thank god, and we all let out a sigh of relief.

“Where am I putting this sack of shit?” I asked as I let the coyote down.

“You can stick him in the tub,” Sophie recommended as she pointed to a door.”

“I want to take a shower,” Jess interjected as she peeled off the remnants of her clothing. She just nonchalantly took off her tattered sports bra and then her leggings. Her breasts were visible and somehow at a time like this, my body chose to react.

Jessica didn’t stop there and when to peel off her underwear bottoms. She simply itched her head while I stared unabashedly at lean perfection.

The shifter then narrowed her eyes at me.

“Tonight was your fault you fucking prick, for your sake I hope that-“

“No!” Sophie yelled as she glared daggers at Jessica.

I forgot that Vince was in a magic coma and I was surprised when he didn’t walk up. She continued.

“It’s bad enough that we have to drag that asshole on the floor home but I will not have you bringing any more bullshit here. Got that?”

Jessica’s eyes met mine after flickering from Sophie’s, the ‘give no fucks’ expression was glued to my face. She seemed to let it go then.

“I’m hungry,” Jessica commented.

“I’ll sort it out, we can just use my shower,” Soph suggested as she began to undress.

After she took her top off she turned to me.

“You don’t mind waiting a bit right?” she asked.

“I’ll be good.”

She was about to pull away but stayed.

“You did it again Niko,” she muttered, “you protect me like you said you would. I won’t forget that.”

After they went to take a shower, I moved to take Vince and dump him in the tub. I took off my jacket though, it was ripped in several places and covered in blood.

It was probably best not to let my mind wander at a time like this so the TV was the only option.


I flicked through Netflix like when you have no current options of what to watch and so settled on some crime documentary.

A couple of minutes passed and Sophie peeked her head out her bedroom door to let me know they were done.

I got up and entered Sophie’s room to see them toweling themselves off, oblivious to my brief staring.

Heading for the bathroom I was forced to inhale the scent of a post-shower Jess and I nearly started drooling. Stepping into the bathroom didn’t help as the scents of both women mingled in the steam.

Getting over it, I took my shower and since I was in no rush I enjoyed the hot spray. This is the only time I had to myself now where there’s no distraction.

What were the ramifications of what I had done? Would I get nightmares? PTSD? Can dragons even get PTSD?

I came to a realisation then that I didn’t have the answer but I would later. Recent events had shown I could be resourceful even at a moment’s notice.

I’d know what to do.

After a decent amount of time under the hot shower, letting the filth and blood rinse off me I got out and grabbed a fresh towel to dry off with. I stepped out the bathroom with a towel round my waist to see clothes laid out for me on Soph’s bed.

Grateful for it, I changed into the clothes and entered the living room that was now dark save for a TV. Sophie noticed me as she and Jessica were huddled on the couch under blankets, so she made room for me to get in the middle. Jessica made room for me as well and I could see they were wearing t-shirts and boy-shorts, nice.

“We ordered food,” Sophie informed.

“Oh cool.”

“You like chicken right?”

“Of course.”

Sophie made a noise of acknowledgment and leaned into my side, Jessica doing the same.

We sat there watching the documentary for a while and I couldn’t remember the last time that I was this relaxed.

Eventually, the delivery arrived and the door knock got all our attention but it caught mine the fastest.

“I got it,” I declared as I shot up and Sophie chuckled.

Collecting the bags from the guy I headed to the sofa to hand everyone their food.

For a while, we drank, ate and chatted, going through two bottles of vodka that my purple-eyed friend had.

Wherever Sophie must have ordered from, I needed to set a goal to buy the place because the food hit that just that hard.

It got to a point where Sophie was completely shit-faced as she started dancing, while Jess and I were just more-so tipsy, probably because we had a healing factor. Jess soon decided to join her and what started as a goof around turned into a sensual display that had me mesmerised, as the two most beautiful looking women with the world’s most amazing bodies were writhing against one another.

Eventually, our festivities died down and it was time to turn in which I was extremely glad for.

“Good thing this couch is comfortable,” I said to no one in particular.

Sophie yawned and then stretched her arm out to me, I took the tip of her fingers and followed her from the sofa.

It turned out that we would all be sharing Sophie’s bed and I just raised an eyebrow; her bed was large enough anyway. I took off my top while Sophie and Jessica took off everything and were as naked as the day they were born.

Sophie got in first, moving to the middle so Jessica and I got in on either side.

“Do you think we missed anything?” Jessica asked.

“I have no idea,” I replied, “this would probably be the best time to remember though.”

No one came up with anything after that as we each dozed off to sleep, completely spent.

Blinking my eyes open I was greeted with the sight of a dimly lit room filled with candles that gave off purple light and a naked Sophie straddling me. Well maybe not completely naked, the only things she had on was some silk sleeves and a piece of thread that crisscrossed from behind her neck, over her bust before looping round her back to corss over her belly button, and then beneath it.

“So- Sophie?” I asked bleary-eyed, “what’s happening?”

“We’ve been skirting over this for a while,” she said as she draw her finger from the center of my collar bone down to my naval. “I need to get something from you.”

“Where’s Jess?” I asked breathily.

“She’s in her own bed.”

Sophie then leaned in forward, clearly expecting me to say something.

“I get that, but surely we can talk about that another time…but I’m getting the vibe you don’t want to talk."

I stopped speaking when she cupped my face with her soft hand.

“Oh, there’s going to be words, yelling, and probably some screaming but I want it to be more. I want to be your woman.”

“What brought this on?”

She searched my eyes like she was going to find the answer to my question in them.

“You went to save me Niko as soon as you knew I was in trouble,” she said tilting her head, “I owe you my life.”

“Of course, I went to save you, you’re my friend and it was my fault you were in that situation,” I explained.

“I know but you might be a target now, which means you’re going to need all the help that you can get,” she told me. “When you shift, you have an extreme resistance to magic so that’s why I’m not able to telepathically interact with you as I would like to. So to get around that I’m going to bond with you physically to form a contract; if that’s alright with you?”

I had been looking forward to a situation like this lately and early Niko would have frozen up like a smoothie. Now I was a beast and in retrospect, I had always loved and admired Sophie but had been too scared to consider furthering that type of relationship.

That was going to change tonight.

“Yes,” I said sitting up and looking her in her eyes.

Our lips met with equal passion and we battled for leverage over the other’s mouth, all the while as I grabbing handfuls of her amazing ass.

Sophie bit my lip to the point that it broke the skin which got a low growl out of me. She chuckled and pushed me down onto the bed as she did a one-eighty ontop of me.

The succubus took me in her welcoming mouth and I was stiffer’s than Nicholas Cage’s acting, my fatigue completely disappearing. With my enhanced sense of smell, I got a great inhalation of her wet pussy just above my face and decided to reciprocate the favour, doing my best to see what made her feel good.

I had little to no experience with this but by the sound of her moans I was on the right track, her reactions got better when I came across a fleshy nub. It was her clit. When I started focusing on giving it more attention, Sophie began to shudder and moan louder for a brief moment and she broke off from her blowjob.

She didn’t stop for long as she restarted and went in on me like she was on a mission. I wanted to unload so bad, I definitely had enough stimulation but I just couldn’t for some reason get to the climax.

After a good number of hits at the back of her throat, she stood up and resumed her original straddling position. She began to run her folds of her pussy along my slick erection and I cursed whatever power was keeping me from release.

“I think it’s time I stopped teasing you now,” she chuckled and I blinked.

She took my erect length and angled her entrance above it, sliding herself onto me in one fluid motion. Again I felt like I should have come just from that alone but I didn’t and we both groaned with the pleasure of the joining.

“You can’t come just yet Nikky,” she gasped in between breaths.

“So this blue balls curse is a Succubus thing?” I asked grinning.

She rocked on top of me for lord knew how long and I started to meet her motion until I knew it was definitely time for release.

“Soph, I really need to…” I growled out.

“Okay, cum together with me Niko.”

And we did, the sensation was explosive as we rode the climax for what felt like minutes. Once we came down, Sophie rose off of me eventually and I closed my eyes to catch my breath, the kiss she gave me took me by surprise.

“You can still go right?” she asked.

We both laughed at the silly question.

“Good, we have to do it a few times anyway.”

For the next hour, Sophie and I fucked in all different positions, all around different areas of her bedroom. She had insisted on teaching me things, saying the sooner I learned, the better.

I assumed that Jess no doubt heard us if she was still around, if not the neighbours. I honestly didn't give a fuck right now. We eventually ended up with me pinning her legs together while she was on her side and I, thrusting mercilessly into her from on top.

“So what?” she said panting, “this is like the ninth one?”

“Damn straight,” I said and then I slapped her on the ass which was already crimson from the last couple of love taps I had given.

She moaned loudly as her already insanely tight walls got somehow even tighter around my member.

“Fuck, I love you so much Sophie,” I said.

“I love you too Niko.”

I leaned down to kiss her as I increased my tempo, she moaned into my mouth and I pumped into her as my life depended on it. It didn’t take long until we both reached a climax as I released what felt like a bucket load into her pussy.

Her eyes began to glow a vibrant purple and with a pulse of magical, glowing particles dispersing from her eyes.

At the same time, I felt a jolt of energy, kind of like crack. The sensation shat on Gold Rush and I was riding it like a tsunami wave.

I spasmed a bit as the last of my orgasm racked my body and by extent, Sophie; but I didn’t pull out of her.

Sophie and I were inseparable now literally and in everything else and I would destroy anyone else who would dare threaten her.

Whatever it took, I would protect what was mine and destroy whoever came after me and mine.

Magic beings, human or not, from now on would think twice before crossing me and to do that I would have to become a powerful Dragon. So that’s exactly what I was going to do.

Become a Dragon King.


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