《Predating Oleander》Chapter 2: Bell Curve
Sora was having lunch with her friends in the student cafeteria, feeling quite tired. Even though the classes began not long ago, three days to be precise, adapting to her new life left her completely and utterly drained. She had not lived in Korea for almost five years and the culture shock was taking a toll on her. Now she remembered some of the reasons why she left in the first place.
In spite of this, Sora could never deny that she missed Seoul. Yes, she missed her friends and her grandmother, but the city itself was what she missed the most. The constant buzz of life, the convenience stores in every corner, the food, the small yet unique coffee shops. She even missed the noise and pollution! While her time in Zürich was an unforgettable experience that allowed her to grow as a person, it was too organized. The sun a little too bright, the parks too green, and the people that surrounded her were far too kind.
Sora guessed that, as a foreigner, they tried to be considerate with her, but that is not what she wanted. She missed the casual indifference of the people of Seoul, never paying her much attention and allowing her to fade to the background. Here she was allowed to observe from the sidelines rather than be observed. She needed to leave the spotlight that her intellectual prowess brought. So she came back home, basking in the raucous harmony of the city until it became repulsive once again.
“How is it possible for someone so small to consume so much food?” Seo Jun asked, looking at Sora’s dish and interrupting her train of thought. “How can someone so small eat so much? It goes against logic!”
“I have a better question, how come are you so skinny?” Mina asked, narrowing her eyes.
“Good genes and working out a few hours a day,” Sora answered, unbothered by their questions.
“Shouldn't you have some muscle then? You are skin and bones, girl,” Seo Jun teased, Sora narrowed her eyes. “I bet you wouldn’t survive a day in my gym,” he continued boasting, not noticing the panicked look Mina was giving him.
“Deal, if I win you will train with me for a month,” she deadpanned, surprising her two companions. “If you win I’ll get you a date with the cute waitress from yesterday,” she added, causing him to splutter and blush hot pink.
“Deal, today after classes?” he asked, trying to conceal his blush.
“Sure, Mina you are the judge.”
“As long as I don't have to join, I’ll enjoy watching your pain,” she said, smiling brightly at the slightly pale male.
“Sora! So you were hiding here! It was you right?!” yelled a thunderous voice, interrupting their light exchange.
Sora immediately recognized the man approaching as one of the seniors she met at the party a few days ago. What was his problem? That pesky person just shattered her dreams of mingling with the background and she did not take this kind of offence lightly. And here I thought I managed to escape, time to play, I guess...
“Excuse me, but do I know you?” Sora asked with a confused expression, using her soft features to her advantage. It was easy to play the role of fragile and innocent victim with unexpected easiness.
“What! How dare you? You rat me out and now you're saying you don't know me?” he growled, his face was turning a strange shade of red. “You were the only one there!” he yelled again, approaching her in a menacing manner.
Sora felt Mina grab her arm, forcing her to take a step behind while Seo Jun took a step forward, placing himself as a wall.
How chivalrous, she would even be flattered if her friend didn't assume she was defenceless. But then again, she was playing the part so she remained impassive, knowing that if things got physical, she was more than able to take care of herself.
“Kangin, stop it,” a deep voice ordered, strangely, the senior froze.
Sora took advantage of that brief distraction to take a look at her surroundings, all the people at the cafeteria were looking at the spectacle. Great, just great. She mourned her anonymity for a second before deciding it was the perfect environment for her plan to work without any difficulties. It was better to act now that she still had some semblance of control over the outcome.
“Excuse me sunbae-nim, but I have no idea what are you talking about,” Sora said in a soft, shaky voice, directing a well-practised frightened expression at the man.
“But you were there, in the stairs,” the senior said in a more subdued tone, noticing the disapproving stares he was being subjected to.
”I... I am ashamed to admit this, but I was so drunk that I only remember bits and pieces. As a matter of fact, my friends had to take me home after I passed out... and if I am not wrong, I almost tripped with Yunho sunbae-nim when I went to the restroom,” she continued in a brittle voice.
It was too easy. Sora didn't even need to raise her eyes to know that the strange man was looking at her.
“What are you saying?" a girl huffed, "are you blaming Yunho? Huh, how dare you!” she screeched, looking as if Sora insulted her. The strange girl was latched to the troublesome guy´s arm. “Yunho is Kangin´s friend, he convinced the council not to report it to the Dean and even paid the missing money. What is wrong with you?” the girl finished her rant, her face was contorted in a strange expression and was glaring at Sora as if her life depended on it.
“I am not exactly sure what you mean," Sora said in what could be considered an apologetic tone. "To be honest, I am not even sure what is going on. I was only telling Kangin sunbae-nim about how drunk I was, not accusing your boyfriend."
As expected, the girl blushed at the implication. The strange man's hands clenched into fists, so, apparently, she killed three birds with one stone.
“I apologise for any inconvenience I may have caused,” Sora said, bowing deeply and pretending to hide her watery eyes.
“Don't say that! Don't apologise Sora, you did nothing wrong. If anyone should be apologising are those bastards!” Mina finally exploded, being strange for her to remain silent for such a long time in the first place. “Look at them, two seniors bulling an exchange student that arrived a week ago! Seriously, yelling at her for no reason and not even apologising. You do know that she can report you for this, right? We even have witnesses!"
While Mina unleashed her anger, Sora examined the people. Kangin had his jaw clenched, obviously disliking the scolding that he was being subjected to. However, he was scared. Shifty eyes, slightly raised eyebrows, tense muscles. He definitely knew the situation could turn sour pretty soon if Sora decided to report the incident. The girl lost all her colour, clinging to the strange man harder, not that he paid attention. The strange man was looking at Sora with unwelcomed intensity.
“Mina, calm down, please. I am sure it was a misunderstanding,” Sora said, her innocent mask in place.
“You are defending him now? Sora!” Mina complained, giving her an incredulous look.
“Your friend is right, Sora. I shouldn’t have yelled at you that way. I'm sorry.” The man apologised, intimidated by the witnesses disapproval at his actions.
“Don't worry sunbae-nim, I understand your reaction,” Sora said gently, taking Seo Jun hand and forcing him to leave his position as a wall. “If you excuse us, we have classes, please take care.”
Kangin didn't even look at her and the audience remained silent. They left the cafeteria in silence.
After that event, Mina ranted to whoever would listen and even the ever-calm Seo Jun supported her. In spite of this, Sora felt satisfied with the outcome. Everyone believed her little charade, it was almost offensively easy. Nevertheless, she did wonder who exposed Kangin and his group.
The strange guy seemed to have an uncanny interest in the situation, her reaction in particular. Of course this was not enough to blame him, however, he was the main suspect for the moment. Perhaps she should give him another nickname after this.
Troublesome man fitted perfectly.
Yunho was amused and grudgingly pleased by the little girl. He would have fallen under her act if not for one minuscule yet very important detail: she lied.
Sora said she was drunk, but he knew the truth. Yunho observed her that night, especially after the incident. She nursed a glass of iced water the whole night, a thing that he only knew because the waiter brought her a water bottle that she quickly hid under the table and used to refill her glass.
If that was not enough, there was another detail. The little girl managed to plant the seed of doubt in the man harassing her, if it was not for Yunho's insight causing him to do damage control before the event could take place, the tables would have turned against him. He was impressed by her silver tongue and angelic façade, a fascinating combination. At the end of the encounter, she looked like the innocent victim and Kangin as the heinous villain attacking her.
While he admitted creating this small incident out of curiosity and, perhaps even for petty revenge (just a little though), this was an unexpected outcome. Unfortunately, it only served to feed Yunho's curiosity instead of diminishing it, a shame really. He had so many things to concentrate on but now he was forced to solve this puzzle.
At least Yunho was sure he wouldn't get bored any time soon.
Sora was in a cafe near the campus with her friends, lost in her musings. There was only one more person in the stairs, but the morons were careless. Who knows who else listened to them or if they confessed once they got drunk enough. There is no proof that troublesome man exposed them...Yet she remembered their conversation. After listening to that, no one in their right minds would keep that faux friendship, yet lo and behold, the troublesome man even protected Kangin. She was fifty percent sure of who the responsible was.
“Everything hurts...” Seo Jun whimpered.
“It is your entire damn fault, who told you to go against her?” Mina retorted, though she was wearing an almost maniacal smirk.
“I thought she lost practice, how could I know she still is a mini Hulk?” he continued whining.
“Shut it, you brought this to yourself. Besides yesterday was light, today we will begin training for real. I need help to install my bars, by the way. Mina, would you lend me your lackey?” Sora asked the smiling girl.
“Hey! Don't I have any say over my body?” Seo Jun asked, pouting.
“No.” Both girls deadpanned, laughing at his betrayed expression.
“Don't worry, I will take you somewhere nice,” Sora promised Seo Jun, who immediately brightened at the prospect of free food. "Let’s get going, no more complaints."
The trio parted ways once in the building for their different classes. The day progressed smoothly, without any unfortunate altercation. Sora was on her way to the library when yesterday’s girl approached her.
“I want you to apologise. Yesterday you were rude to Yunho, he allowed it to pass because he has a good personality, but I don't forgive you.”
Well, that was definitely a turn of events Sora was not expecting. And here she thought that the girl would apologise instead of demanding an apology for her boyfriend. Too bad for her that Sora was not in a mood to play.
“Excuse me sunbae-nim, but how did I offend Yunho sunbae-nim?” Sora asked, enjoying the girl´s sour expression at her apparent sweet disposition. "As far as I remember, Kangin sunbae-nim yelled at me for no reason and you did the same but I decided not to report you because it was a misunderstanding."
The girl huffed, though she licked her lips anxiously. Sora guessed that she played the victim role a little too well and that stranger thought she was an easy target. Well, time to disabuse her of that notion.
"So, can you tell me how I offended your boyfriend?"
"What I meant-"
“Good evening Sora,” said the troublesome man cordially, interrupting whatever the annoying stranger was trying to say. “I wanted to apologise for yesterday. Kangin isn't a bad person, he is just a bit impulsive and as stubborn as a mule. I hope we can leave everything that happened yesterday behind,” he finished his apology, offering her a hand-sized square box, to the other girl´s horror.
The troublesome man did nothing to hide his amusement at his girlfriend's reaction. Who am I to spoil his fun? Sora thought, pretending not to notice the girl's affronted expression.
“There is no need to apologise sunbae-nim, everything is forgotten. There is no need for you to give me anything. Besides I should be the one apologising for the misunderstanding I almost caused, I am sorry,” she said with a gentle smile, bowing deeply and concealing her amusement at the incredulous expression of the girl in front of her.
“I insist, I got this especially for you, please accept it,” he insisted, taking her hand and placing the box in her palm. “I hope you enjoy it.”
“Thank you sunbae-nim, but I am honest when I say there was no need, please take care. You also be careful, unnie, thank you for your help,” she said in a soft voice, while the girl only glared at her.
Turning around, Sora saw a giddy Mina and a confused Seo Jun waiting by the entrance, she approached them ready to explain everything once they arrived at her apartment.
“I am telling you he likes you,” Mina said, munching the chocolaty treat covered in pink frosting. “This is delicious by the way, you sure do not want some?” she asked, lying on the bed while petting her cats and watching them work out.
“No thanks, I love my abs and he has to work for his so enjoy it,” Sora answered, ignoring her first comment. Seo Jun groaned once again, regretting their bet.
“I love your abs too, but I love food more,” Mina groaned.
“Then join us,” Sora sighed, "You will have an actual excuse to eat garbage."
“I don´t think so. Your training is too brutal for delicate me,” she murmured in awe as Sora made painful-looking pull-ups, while Seo Jun lay unmoving in the floor.
“Is he dead? Never mind, can I move in with you? I love your place,” Mina announced, stretching on the bed. “How did you put it together in such a short time? You even have installed your strange exercise bar thingies. How did you even manage to fill those gigantic bookshelves?”
“Calisthenics bars...Grandma forced me to buy all the furniture after I arrived, she doesn´t like the idea of me not having couches, but she likes my place better than Nam-Jun´s,” she said, taking a water break.
“Where is your handsome friend by the way?”
“Japan, in some competition or something similar... Are you alive?” Sora asked, poking Seo Jun.
“No and it is your fault, everything hurts,” he complained.
Sora smiled at him and offered her water bottle. She was enjoying her new life. While in Switzerland she took pleasure in the benefits that the status as genius secured, every day was eerily similar to the last one. She decided to enjoy her time in Seoul while it lasted. In a year, she would have to choose a place to settle down, but until the time came, she would enjoy the comforting simplicity her new life offered.
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