《An Indomitable's Odyssey》Chapter - 4


Since the world comprised of martial cultivators with unimaginable powers there were certain rules set by the society to keep them in check as well.

Nobody was allowed to jump on roof tops to travel around the city. If they wanted to move around the city then they would have to use the roads and transports like cars. Even the use of spirit beasts as rides inside the city was forbidden!

This was to avoid any unforseen accidents as normal people would be afraid to walk on streets where a twin tailed tiger or 3 headed cobra were also moving.

Bursberg city had a radius of around a hundred kilometers. It was a smaller city compared to capital cities of kingdoms which could even encompasses a radius of a thousand kilometers .

The world was huge but technology had also advanced quite a bit. For travelling teleportation gates which had a range of ten thousand kilometers! Often to travel across kingdoms and continents multiple teleportation gates would be used.

Only major cities and capital cities had such portals. For smaller cities huge flying airships are used for locomotion. All kingdoms were mapped and connected and could be traversed by anyone.

Marriane had drove both father and son to the city gates the next morning. Edward had already called for a two month break from his work. Since he was the owner of the training Institute he was able to leave for a short while.

"Take care of James properly, Edward! Don't let him off your sights. " glared Marriane as she looked towards her husband. As a mother she would never want her son to venture out into the forest but she knew the path her son had decided in life will be filled with dangers of more horrible natures.

" Don't worry sweetheart I won't let anything happen to our James! Besides the forest doesn't have any high ranking spirit beasts inside. The forest was cleared of them long time ago. " assured Edward as he knew his wife was very troubled with his decision but it was a decision that had to be taken.

" Time to go James "

James hugged his mother tightly and went off with his father into the forest. As the duo travelled deep inside the forest Edward laid instructions for James to follow.


" James you can never take off the watch on your wrist. It will give me your location and also the current condition of your body. It will also act as a communication device between us. You will train here for exactly two months and I won't be with you in this time period. "

" Me being with you will defeat the purpose. I will be hidden in a certain location far away from you. I have also provided you with a medicine bag in case you fall prey to any serious wounds or poison. I have also provided a knife and a bow as weapons as well. "

" There aren't any beasts at Azure level or even the 4th stage of Form realm but there are some at the 3rd stage. So be careful when you travel. You certainly are no match for a 3rd stage Form realm spirit beast. With the power of their advanced instincts alone they can kill you. So be careful."

"You have chosen to walk the path of a martial cultivator and such dangers are only the start of your journey. Good luck son I hope you are able to make your breakthrough in time. Remember no matter what always do your best! " said his father.

" I got it dad I will try my best! "

" From this point onward we separate. Now go! " said his father as he suddenly disappeared from sight.

Seeing this James looked ahead at the forest and charged in.

It was dusk time. A three horned deer was drinking water from a pond when suddenly an arrow went straight through its head and it died on the spot. A youth walked out from the bushes and picked up the deer corpse moving back into the forest. As the sky grew darker the youth made a small fire and started cooking the deer meat.

It had been a month since James had entered the forest. From the moment he entered he has been hunting any spirit beast he could see. Till now he has fought with quite a few 2nd stage beasts but none were worth the challenge.

At the start he struggled but as he adapted to the environment he dominated the battles thereafter. He only had a month left now to achieve the 3rd stage but he had a feeling he was nowhere ready to achieve it.


He sighed helplessly and chewed on the meat. He dearly missed his mother's cooked meals due to eating raw meat everyday but he did not have a choice.

As he ate he suddenly heard the moving of bushes nearby. James went on full alert and quickly got up bringing out a knife in front of him.

Seeing the prey was on alert the beast made a low grunting sound and came out of the bushes.

What James saw horrified him as there in front of him stood a 3rd stage spirit beast the one horned bear. It was a beast way out of his league in terms of both strength agility and instinct.

James clutched his knife tightly and looked for an opening to escape. The bear moved suddenly pouncing at James. James barely managed to avoid it but a claw appeared suddenly slashing through his chest.

Fresh blood splattered all over his clothes as James lay on the ground shouting in pain. The bear turned and walked slowly towards him. As James saw the bear approach he felt his hand turn cold. Fear gripped him and he started losing consciousness.

Just then he remembered something, he remembered that he hadn't given it his all yet, that he cannot die like this. He remembered that he cannot fear a meer 3rd stage form realm beast if he wants to reach the summit of martial cultivation!

His eyes opened wide and looked at the bear and the surroundings thinking of what to do. He could see the bear looking at him like he was a dead prey, he could hear the crickets sing, he could even hear the sound of water flowing nearby.

Suddenly he was able to process way more information and think a lot more quickly and clearly than he normally can. He had a feeling of rising power inside him but he knew he was not a match for the bear right now with his grave injury.

As the bear reached him James quickly moved to the right side as he remembered there was a waterfall near and if his hearing is correct then the sound of the water flowing came from there as well!

The bear was startled with the sudden movement as it didn't expect it's prey to be able to perform such movement under such an injury. It roared ferociously and gave chase. James's speed was slow due to his injury, but he persevered ahead.

He could see the river in front when suddenly a claw came at his back from the bear. This time though the claw appeared to be slower than before and James narrowly dodged it and before the bear could attack again he jumped ahead and rolled on the ground dropping into the river.

The bear could not give chase and awaited on the banks as it could see a waterfall was ahead.

However contrary to its expectations, James went with the flow of the water and came crashing down the waterfall. As he fell his body grew tired and he closed his eyes.

When he opened his eyes he could see a bright sun in the sky. Looking around he saw he was lying on the grass on the banks of the river. The waterfall was ahead from where he fell. A small rainbow could be seen near the waterfall.

He tried to get up but squirmed in pain as he remembered the gash on his chest caused by the bear. He quickly took out the healing medicine and gently rubbed the ointment on his injury. He had to take rest and get some energy as the wound would take about 2-3 days to heal with constant applying of the ointment.

As he lay a person watched him not far away hidden in the bushes. Edward had been watching his son through this entire ordeal. He was ready to attack the bear when it was approaching James as he lay on the ground after being slashed but his son's sudden escape startled even him. While falling off the waterfall he caught his son's unconscious body and placed it on the banks.

"You did well son but time is running out. I cannot interfere much as your dream requires greater sacrifices and even more dangerous encounters. " said Edward as he disappeared again from the spot where he left his son.


Notes- Here's the first chapter for today. Another will be uploaded in a short while. I hope you like it. Do comment if you find any mistakes. Enjoy!

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