《All I Need is Power》Chapter 3: Of this World and that One


Kira Estelle Roelf was someone that was born from a world with advanced technology. Keyword, 'was.' Although none of that mattered now, she would still feel melancholy once in a while. At first, she didn't realize she was given another chance at life, well, not while she was suffering from the excessive mana inside of her. The experience was painful, two energies were clashing inside of her, and at that time, it would not be bad to die again.

If not for being conscious right after birth, she would be dead then; that would be another life gone. It was a weird occurrence, but if only she were not kidnapped, she might survive with the help of her parents. She was taken away from her mother right after birth and was not found until three days later. By then, she was clinging to her life, confused, hurt, and trapped inside the body of someone 28 years younger than her.

She knew she disassociated; her next memory was when she was two years old. She felt that she woke up from a dream as if she was watching herself be taken care of on the sidelines from the start. It must had been a traumatic experience for her then.

This world now was a world of magic. From everyday life to doing work – they used magic. As expected, when everything was already convenient, it would be hard to pursue other types of convenience, for example: improving technology. On Earth, people need to painstakingly make machines for accessibility since they did not contain mana. So they had to make their kind of magic and grow from there.

Here they need to improve their mastery of magic so life would be a wee bit easier. War was still a problem, but instead of weapons of destruction, they had magi, and depending on their strength, it could affect the advantages of each country when they go to war. The silver-haired girl felt the onslaught of battles was cruel, but in this world, it was worse. Although they abolished slavery a hundred years ago, no law prohibits an empire or a country from training literal child bombs.

Monarchy still exists in some places where classism exists. Specifically, the empire she currently resides in was the Yves Empire.

Kira felt she should not be complaining since she was 'privileged' enough to be born from a wealthy and influential family. But for her, it was all the more reason why she should complain. The girl had time to do so now. The girl did not need to think if she had food to eat or live another day tomorrow. Also, she came from a world where hierarchy was unimportant and plunged into a world where she suddenly needed to bow down to some dirty older man with a crown, and it would give anyone culture shock.

It did not happen in a flash, so she had plenty of room to grow. She started as a toddler, after all. Kira adjusted pretty well after a year. Looking at it, until now, she was still in a vulnerable state, and she had no plans of changing the status quo anytime soon. The girl was not some superhero, and she was not here to save the world. Again, she wants to slack this time around; winning the genetic lottery was some kind of talent itself.

It was not her problem if the world was rotten; she only had this life. She was not a saint (although this world had saints). Why would she help someone when it was hard to survive alone. To be fair, she had tried before, and she had learned her lesson now. If she had one piece of advice for her previous self, it would be not to enter the military. Although it did build character – it also created her trauma.


She was still an open-minded person. She also wanted to be as strong as she was before so she could protect her lone self in some countryside while relaxing.

The girl figured out how to use mana since she had a lot of time on her hands, being a baby and all that. What weirded her out was the existence of two kinds of mana inside her. Well, everyone had all types of mana, but you needed an abundance of one type so you could use it. In her case, there were many two, which gave her a lot of problems at first. It was pretty 'easy' to differentiate; she had to use all of her brains to do that.

And willpower to continue.

Unlike what she had read in books previously, mana had no colors. Its properties differed; it would only physically materialize once it was out of the magician's body. But on how you could pick one and use it out, it would be all guesswork. That was until she familiarized herself with them, and by gut feel, she finally grasped that they behave differently from one another. It took two years of practice before she could confidently use one and be sure she knew which was which.

Kira's first mana was ice – like her father and brother – and the second one was teleportation. Or was it space manipulation?

Teleportation sounded cool until you tried to teleport someone, and only half of their body was transported to the destination. Which was how exactly Kira had learned it. The girl was kidnapped, and since she had a large amount of mana right after she was born, she had to find a way to get it out of her system. She randomly pushed one out from her body because it brought her a large amount of pain, then fainted after. What her parents saw when they rescued her was a room full of blood. Bodies from waist down were everywhere.

A few survived. They were the ones already lying on the ground intoxicated. It seems they were celebrating they successfully kidnapped a child from a high-ranking noble.

The first half of their bodies were found the next day, a few miles from the base that she was in. When authorities investigated, they ruled it out as someone with powerful background passing and, on the way, decided to help her.

About why they sliced them in half? They treated it as some kind of fetish and closed the case.

Kira would try not to use that power as much as possible since she grew scared of it after what happened. But she had to tough it out because the more the girl denied she had that power, the more the ticking time bomb inside of her would be ignored. She would not realize it until it was too late. The girl knew you needed the knowledge to get to know something you were scared of. Additionally, that was an isolated case; she did not have that large mana reserve now because she was still a child.

Usually, mana was elemental. It should not be out of the realms of creation. It could be wood, fire, ice, water, and electro. It was easy to remember, and since people only had a large amount of one type, they could perform magic without conflict. People with two classes were not unheard of, but they were rare and one in a million.


Scratch that. It was literally one in a million.

The girl had even gone out of her way to confirm it.

What was unheard of was someone who had two or more and, on top of that, had a large mana capacity in each one of them. But thankfully, Kira was not rarer than dragons.

Or so she thought.

"Kid, you should not push your luck with me. Even though I like you, I can still get irritated once in a while 'no?"

"But teacher, it is statistically possible to have a dual mana user. They should exist – at least more than dragons."

The silver-haired girl insisted, calmly resting her cheeks on her left hand. The teen in front of her raised his eyebrow at her as if saying, 'if I can't shut you up by reprimanding you, I can shut you up physically.' They were inside a study room. Around them were rows of shelves full of books. Like any other room in the Roelf mansion, the room had top-of-line furniture, some accentuated with gold.

"Have you tried betting in a lottery?" The teen tried to stare at her with patience, but his feelings betrayed his actions when his eye twitched.

"I am six," the girl replied matter-of-factly. There were still rules here, including not playing or betting in gambling until you were of age.

The person she called 'teacher' closed his eyes for a moment and sighed. His lips raised a little as he tried to gather his remaining tolerance. "It's not easy for a person with resources to give birth to a dual mana user with mana reserves to back it up. And if ever they are born, they would grow up in the slums, and they would rather try to survive first than try and use magic. That means it 'again' lowers the odds. Comparing them to dragons that were rare but existed, you should definitely stop pushing me to my limit and stop asking these kinds of questions when I've already given you the answer or else –"

"Or else what?"

"Or else do twice the practice exercises I gave you last time," the teen dead-panned. His eye gradually turned blank, and Kira felt she had pushed this cousin of hers to the brink.

"You were happy when they told you I was smart for my age, Arthur." Noticing his lack of energy, Kira showed a face of disgust.

Arthur snorted, rolled his eyes, then sat on the chair beside her. "Sometimes it's okay to hit children," he replied as if talking to himself.

Arthur Clemens was her first cousin from her mother's side. His mom was her aunt, the First Princess of the Empire, who married Marquis Clemens under arranged marriage. Unexpectedly, the couple had gradually fallen in love with each other, so when they gave birth to the first child, which was Arthur, it was out of love. He was an intelligent child who gained the affection of adults; on top of that, he also excelled in his magic studies and hobbies.

If anyone wanted to find fault with him, it would be because he had zero emotional intelligence. He lashes out as a child and reprimands people when he wants to. The teen was too engrossed in his studies – he had forgotten he needed interpersonal relationships. So when her aunt had found out that she and his son might be the 'same,' they did not waste any time and shipped him directly to their front door. They treated their side of the family as a kind of blessing from above.

The girl knows they love him. That was why they were so decisive in throwing him out. However, they did the right thing; her father was an excellent parent and a model to look up to. He did not hesitate to reprimand them when they did something wrong and express his affection when needed. The First Princess was frankly not up to par since she tended to spoil Arthur from what she heard.

Long story short, he was a childhood friend and had been with them since she was three. Her cousin was just 13 years old back then and was attending the Academy. With the special privileges of her mother as a princess, she made it so that her son could visit them every week. She would usually be with Arthur (when he was deemed worthy of taking care of a child) with maids overlooking what he does. Kira's mother had just died back then, so maybe the boy felt sympathy; that was why he was not as hot-headed as before.

Kira had the sneaking suspicion her aunt sent the boy in her family for Arthur and them. He was a lot to take in, so of course, they would be distracted from the loss of a loved one.

The boy became a teen, and now he was 16 years old. He finished the first half (like high school) of the Academy at 14 and now on the second half (practically like university). Since studying in the Academy usually takes eight years to finish, he still visits them as he used to, and now Arthur was acting as her magic tutor while he was on vacation. From the six-year-old girl's perspective, he was not good at it.

"Come to think of it, where is your brother?" Arthur inquired as he hadn't seen the boy since he had gone back from Academy.

Closing the book, the silver-haired girl stood up from her seat, a little light-headed. "Esternon? He said he would stay at his friend's place."

"Which friend?"

"I didn't get the chance to ask. Ask father; he allowed it. I'm pretty sure he's safe." Leaning on her cousin's body, she raised both of her hands and said indifferently, "Carry me."

"You're heavy, Kira."

"You've been carrying me since I was three. Why are you only complaining now?"

"Just tell me you don't want to walk so I can drag you on the floor," the teen complained but reached out to carry her still nonetheless. Kira, who was facing his back, did not see his eyes which were full of affection.

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