《All I Need is Power》Chapter 1: Of Rebirth and Nobility


The girl knew this was not her first shot at life.

No, she was not delirious. Specific memories of another life lived freely at the back of her head. It significantly differed from what she had lived with till now. Instead of horses, some engines would power carriages – even magic itself was non-existent. It was a wonder; a device existed that could allow communication in long distances. There was an extensive information network that allowed information to be free. Lastly, most people lived in a democratic society. People would vote for the people they wanted to rule; wars were surprisingly something of the past, and they abolished already slavery.

Scratch that. She died on duty, after all.

Wars on a big scale were of the past; however, armed conflicts were still possible between two hostile nations. It was not much different from the world Kira was in now. On the contrary, at least her previous world would keep it under the wraps.

Here, it was easy to announce wide-scale battles since they had magic, considering that it could easily change the status quo depending on how powerful the wielder was.

Furthermore, the girl had to consider how the legislation only depended on one person's decision – the Emperor.

"Raise your chin, Young Miss. Straighten your back, puff your chest."

It was not helping that she would need to take etiquette classes until she was deemed capable enough.

Kira gracefully followed the orders; with a soft sigh, she found herself rethinking many decisions she had made in the previous years. Oh, don't get her wrong, she would be turning six years old in a few months. In the past few months, she had classes after classes, and from her point of view, she should take an extended break after experiencing this sort of glamorized child labor.

"Turn around. When using heels, point your toes inwards. When wearing flats, point it forward." Her teacher – Madame Gazette – reminded her. The woman fixed her glasses with her index finger while not removing her gaze from the white-haired girl.

The young girl did as she was instructed. She closed her eyes for a brief moment because of tiredness. In the Yves Empire, turning 6 was a sign of puberty, but unlike childhood to teenagehood, it would be from infancy to youth instead. But that was not the critical part; it was because as you grow older, your magic reserves would also stabilize. After stabilization, it would increase at a slow rate until you reach adulthood. Instead of improving it, you would find harmony with other energies and your body to utilize it to your fullest.

Some people would do their best to widen their magic reserves at this age. They were even employing dangerous means to maximize their power when they became adults. News of ordinary people selling their houses or properties to help their children was not new to her; since children with great aptitude were treated better because they had brighter futures than their counterparts.


Well, for the white-haired girl, this was not a problem. She was the daughter of the Second Princess of the previous generation and the Grand Duke – born after the heir and being the only girl in the family – she didn't need to think about her clothes, food, or school. Her status in the country and her parents would willingly provide her that.

"That's alright, and we are already finished. You can go back to your room, and I will meet with your father, the Grand Duke." The old lady gave her a small smile with a wink that she didn't quite know what it meant. The girl had been with the Madame for quite a while, and she still could not figure out the woman's mood from time to time.

With a nod of her head, she also smiles sweetly. "You have my gratitude, Madame Gazette."

After giving the woman a slight bow, she proceeded to exit the study room. Making sure she was out of sight, she slowly massaged her right shoulder and sighed in contemplation. Along with etiquette classes, she also had sword lessons. And seeing Kira was not the type to do anything half-assed, she ensured she would excel (using her own definition if she really couldn't do it).

Traveling through the silent corridor, she deliberately slowed her steps until she heard footsteps from afar. She squinted a little and raised her eyebrow when the silhouette of a boy appeared before her.

"I thought you would still be at the academy, brother." Quickening her pace, she stopped in front of a boy a head taller than her. The boy patted her on the head and chuckled when he saw her frown.

"I would not miss your mana aptitude test even if it kills me," the boy smiled and shook his head, knowing the character of his younger sister.

Kira, even at a young age, tends to be a little traditional and family-oriented. She did not want to miss a class even if she was sick and would try her best when doing something she enjoys. This behavior sometimes also extends to her family members. Kira would voice out her thoughts when she disagreed with some things. Thankfully, she could handle it better now and would keep it to herself most of the time.

"My mana aptitude test is not something necessary. Yours was the important one – "giving a sly smirk, the silver-haired girl walked by her brother and continued, "– I'm not the heir after all. "

Hearing many complaints and curses behind her, she did not realize she had a slight smile on her face when she retreated inside her room.

"Good afternoon, father." Esternon gave the papers on his father's desk a dull glance and sat on the chair provided by the butler. Removing the sword on his waist, he slowly placed it on the ground as if at any time it would break. He was a swordsman, after all; his sword was his life. He cannot afford to lose it.


The man before the table had dark bags under his eyes. He transferred his gaze from the paper to the child in front of him. "It was a good thing you arrived that Madame Gazette had a lot of things to say for a woman her age." With a huff, he made a lousy expression and continued reading the paper in his hand.

"Did she say something bad about Kira?" Brushing his hand against his silver locks, the boy did not realize he had the same look on his face as his father. The Grand Duchy's heir knew they were a bit overprotective with the one and only girl in the family but who made her so precious to them?

The Duke rolled his eyes. "She can try, but she will find her sorry ass later outside of our Grand Duchy."

"Then what did she say?" Heaving a sigh of relief, he slumped his back against the gold accentuated chair. His gold eyes darted left and right around the room, trying to see if there was a difference since he last went there.

"She wants to send her to the Academy, provided that your sister takes additional etiquette supplement classes."

As if choking from nothing, Esternon almost could not control himself. He grabbed his sword and thought hard to chase the older woman if he ran outside at that moment. Thankfully, he calmed himself down and replied, "My sister is going to be six! Six-years-old! What the hell is she talking about?"

Usually, the Academy accepts children 11-13 years old. Children from nobility could enter the Academy at a younger age; ten years old would be stretching it, which would mean the child was a genius and needed to be educated earlier to maximize their growth. On the other hand, commoners could enter strictly at 12 (if they had magic). Non-magic-oriented citizens could enter a regular school and learn the basics from there.

Madame Gazette hinting they should make the girl enter at such a young age would hinder her growth – not only as a magician but also as a child. They did not prioritize primary education, and the professors of the Academy did not cater to a child's change, whether it was emotional, physical, or spiritual. It was like throwing a child into the monster den without anything to back them up but courage.

Madame Gazette was a known aristocrat, but she was also a non-magician. The woman would not know how the process worked, and directly saying it to Kira would only give her false hope. If not handled properly, it could affect the child's ego, blaming herself for being incapable of 'breaking the limitations' the institution had set when in truth, it was only a rarely flexible system.

"Haaaaah," acting burdened, the Duke brought the paper in his hands to the highest stack on his right and closed his eyes. "Did you think I didn't think of that? Your mother's nanny recommended that woman, so I have to hear her out."

Esternon's grandmother, a concubine, died at an early age leaving his mother in the care of her nannies and foster parent. Her foster parent was the previous Empress, so it would only make sense she would not take care of her well. As a result, she treasured her nannies even to the point where she helped them gain a foothold in the aristocratic society. The father and son pair did not dare disrespect the older woman, but they could not let her ruin Kira's future.

Feeling like Esternon needs to give his father a little space, he decided to excuse himself, "Call me when you need anything, father. I will be in my room arranging my baggage."

The Grand Duke gave him sweeping hand motions, signaling him to get out of the room as fast as possible. The silver-haired boy swiftly went out of the room as if pardoned after being given the death penalty. Slowly closing the door, he could finally rest easy.

He traveled from the Academy to the Grand Duchy using the fastest carriage available. Usually, even children from nobility could not get outside during the school year unless it was a direct order from the Emperor. Let us say he just pulled some of the strings and connections he made during his first year in the Academy so that he could attend his sister's mana aptitude test.

Esternon knows the girl might not care about the result, but he did.

His sister was the only one he was aware of that had a nonchalant attitude about magic traditions. In truth, it was imperative since it would dictate the future of the person. Without magic, you would be treated as a commoner, and thinking of Kira, who was born and raised in luxury, he could not imagine her living a simple life.

Since their mother left at an early age, the situation pulled him into a parental role unwillingly to help his father raise his two siblings. Esternon would always worry about his sister and younger brother.

'Never mind, even if she doesn't have the magic, I can still afford another mouth to feed,' the heir mused as he thought of how to beat up people that would bully his sister in the future.

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