《The Legend Of The Strongest Vampire!》Chapter 5: Letter!


“Find a true vampire and find out how you can recover your purity? Since I need a true vampire, then my best bet is the true progenitor – Lilith. But she is the queen of the vampires and she only grants audiences to counts and not adventurers, soldiers or people of the land. And even if for some reason, she did grant me an audience, I would most likely get executed for daring to ask the true progenitor questions. But even if by some chance, she didn’t order my execution and answered my question, I bet she would say that I need to take in the blood of a true vampire into my bloodstream to become a true vampire—,” Richard thoughts got interrupted by sudden stream of notifications messages.

He narrowed his eyes. “Well, if asking the true progenitor a question wouldn’t get me executed, then asking her to give me her blood, surely would… And it seems that I need the blood from more than one true vampire to become a true vampire myself. I have to look for other true vampires,” he thought. Closing the talents window and the menu, he walked out of the city and to the forest. Reaching it, he saw a wolf standing in his path. The wolf was of the same size as the bats. It had black fur, dark-red eyes and claws that were so long and sharp that they went into the earth.

He unsheathed his two-handed sword – ‘midnight’ and approached the wolf as he held the sword with only his right hand. A few notification messages flashed.

Once he got close enough, the wolf saw him. It raised its head, howled at the full moon and charged at him. The distance between him and the wolf got reduced to only five-yards and it lunged at him. He sidestepped to the left, easily dodging the lunge. Then, he put his left hand on the lower part of the ‘midnight’s’ handle and swung over his head down, using the skill, .


It yelped out as damage floated up above its head, and it retreated a few steps back. But as it retreated he approached. Closing the distance, he once again slashed over his head down, using the skill, .

The wolf fell down to the ground, dead and a few notification messages flashed.

He sheathed ‘midnight’ back to its sheath and looked down at the wolf’s corpse. Picking it up, he tossed it over his shoulder and returned to the city. He walked to the scavenger, learned how to scavenge wolf corpses by paying him twenty copper coins and returned to the forest. This time around, there weren’t any wolves standing in front of the forest’s entrance and he just could walk inside unhindered, and so he did. He saw dark-green grass, dark-green bushes, small plants hiding in the dark-green grass and bushes, dark-green leaves growing on thick tall trees that were covered in dark-green moss. He also saw a few bats standing on the tree branches and few flying around. He proceeded inside.

The next two hours he spent by killing and scavenging the wolves. During which time, he had killed and scavenged nine wolves. But then he stopped as he saw something or someone sitting on one of the branches of one the trees, and he focused on that something or someone. It had orange eyes and a figure of a woman, but not of any woman. She had the figure of a goddess with round butt and C-cup sized breasts. But even though her figure was like that, she had fur covering her entire body, a head which resembled a wolf’s head and sharp claws in the place of fingernails. It was a female werebeast. Above her head, he saw her name level and health.

He frowned. “A man or a woman, that thing is a werebeast! A degenerate race that didn’t evolve in 100,000,000,000 years that they lived on this continent,” he thought.

The werebeast – Juvia, turned her head. Her and Richard’s eyes met. A quarter of the second passed and she sprang from the tree’s branch towards him with her right arm extended to the limit and her left arm extended half of her right arm. “I can’t dodge!” he thought and instantaneously raised his ‘midnight’ to block. A screeching sound sounded as her claws went across the surface of ‘midnight’, and she landed behind him. He turned around, approached her and slashed over his head down, using the skill, .


She jumped back, dodging the slash and making ‘midnight’ hit nothing but air. Then, she leapt at him.

He sidestepped to the right, dodging her. Then, he slashed. But he didn’t use the skill that he used countless times against the bats and the wolves as he knew that she would just dodge it. Instead, he slashed narrowly, so it would be near impossible for her to dodge.

Her health got reduced to 1,180.

“Is that the best you can do, vampire?” she said as she slashed with her right arm.

He jumped back, dodging her slash. Then, he removed his left hand from his sword, raised his left arm, extended it, opened his palm his and used the skill, .

Her health got reduced to 1,119.

His health was still full so he didn’t get healed. “I got two attacks in while you got zero attacks in, is that the best you can do, werebeast?”

“You bastard!”

She leapt at him.

He sidestepped to the right, dodging her. He returned his left hand back to ‘midnight’ and slashed narrowly.

Her health got reduced to 1,072.

“You bastard!”

“You already said that, werebeast.”

“You?!” she shouted out as she slashed with her left arm.

“Too wide,” he thought.

“Me what?” he said as he sidestepped to the left, dodging her wide slash. Then, he slashed over his head down, using the skill, .

Her health got reduced to 998.

“I am going to kill you!”

She slashed with her right arm.

“Wide again,” he thought. “How are you going to do that when you can’t even touch me?” he said as he sidestepped to the right, dodging another wide slash. Then, he slashed over his head down, using the skill,

Her health got reduced to 877.


She slashed with her right arm and a tenth of the second later with her left arm.

He jumped back, dodging both slashes. Then, he removed his left hand from his sword, raised his left arm, extended it, opened his palm his and used the skill, .

Her health got reduced to 816.

His health was still full, so he didn’t get healed.

“Why can’t I hit you!”

She leapt at him once more.

He shrugged his shoulders as he sidestepped to the right, dodging her. Then, he returned his left hand back to ‘midnight’ and slashed narrowly.

Her health got reduced to 771.

“She is almost at half health, he thought. But then he frowned as she mumbled something under her nose, turned around and ran away.

He snickered and gave chase. But before he could even run past two trees, he heard the sound of paper getting crumpled and stopped. He looked down and saw a pink envelope underneath his right foot. “What’s this?” he thought as a confused expression replaced his frown, and he picked up the pink envelope. “An envelope?” he thought, opened the envelope and looked inside. He saw a sheet of paper and pulled it out.

“To think that there exist vampires who want to marry werebeasts. Werebeasts who raped vampire women for 50,000,000,000 years and their ancestors who raped true vampire women for 50,000,000,000 years… He is a traitor to the entire vampire race! Where is that bastard?!” he thought and flipped over the letter. Storing it inside his inventory, he ran to the marked location.

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