《Tales of Astora: Insurrection》OPEN DISCUSSION (NOT A CHAPTER)


Hi everyone,

Following the tradition of the old volume, I like to make a post where we can discuss on how the story goes so far. As usual, each chapter is packed with information and clues in order to solve the many mysteries hidden in the story. Some are more important than others. And some are extremely easy to miss. I usually do that a lot (is it bad or good? You tell me). So please send me some comments/ reviews or even Private Messages. Of course, I don't do spoiler. Is there anything incoherent so far? Some speculations you would like to discuss. THose sorts of things.

Secondly, I recently made a post on the forum to promote my novel (both Legacy and Insurrection). If you can give some messages and comments to make the post a bit more known, i would greatly appreciate it.

Link : https://forum.royalroadl.com/showthread.php?tid=98452

Thirdly, although it has been a year since I posted my stories on RRL, I noticed that the number of followers/ favorites are relatively small, even much smaller than some novels with only a few chapters. As little experienced as I am, I am unable to understand this aside from maybe my story is just not interesting enough. And that is fine. But I would like to hear some reasoning from third parties like you readers to help me understand this "mystery". Was I doing something wrong? What is the problem? How do I make the story more popular? Or should I just shut up and write? Be honest as much as you can! I can take it. (please don't throw insults at me!!! ><.

Receiving comments and encouragements are what drive me to write. I will continue writing but you will also help me with just a words each time. I will grealy appreciate it ">.

Thank you,

From necrophedius

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