《Left Behind In Another World》Chapter 6: What happened?


Yuki do you want me to sing for you? Ah, well i’ll do it anyway!(???)

La la la la la la la~

Waaaa! (Yuki)

Ah, you don’t like that? I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to make you sad. I’d never want to make you sad. I love you

✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧

I feel like I just had a dream. . .

[Yuki! Wake up! Please…] (???)

I wonder whose voice that is. . .Well, it doesn’t matter. I’m dead anyway…

[Yuki! It’s Axilia! Please don’t die!] (Axilia)

I open my eyes suddenly and see Axilia’s face above mine. I gasp for air and she quickly pulls her face away. It seems she is giving me a lap pillow…

[Yuki! I was so scared. . .I thought you’d never wake up. I thought you had died. Please, don’t ever do that again!] (Axilia)

[I-I won’t. More importantly, how am I still alive?] (Axilia)

[. . .] (Axilia)

[Huh? What’s wrong?] (Yuki)

[Well, you see, I don’t know exactly how] (Axilia)

[Huh?] (Axilia)

[Ah! Don’t get me wrong, I know why you didn’t die but I don’t know how it worked or what you did] (Axilia)

[What I did? What do you mean by what I did? I thought you healed me or something] (Axilia)

[Actually, no. I didn’t get there in time for healing to do any good. I crawled towards you and that’s when I saw you do it. I saw you regenerate.] (Axilia)

What does she mean regenerate? I don’t remember being able to regenerate before. . .

[I was shocked. I checked your status earlier but it didn’t show any kind of power and i’m pretty sure only Demonic beasts or the Demon tribe can regenerate.] (Axilia)

[Wait, you checked my status without my permission? What the hell. Anyway, I’m human! And you healed yourself before! What about that?] (Yuki)


[Are you an idiot? There’s a difference. When I healed myself, did you hear me chanting? That means I was using healing magic. Regenerating happens automatically without chanting. Even in your world there had to have been a difference] (Axilia)

She’s back to her bitchy personality…

[I’m sorry. I just can’t accept something like this. I don’t even know what this is!] (Yuki)

[Haah. I am also sorry. You can try checking your status, but I don’t think it’ll help] (Axilia)

Oh. That’s right. This is basically a game world. With so much happening there wasn’t much time to enjoy anything.

[Uh, I don’t know how to open my status. . .] (Yuki)

[Why do I have to tell you everything? *sigh* just swipe right in front of you and think about opening your status] (Axilia)

Jeez. You don’t have to be mean. I swipe right and . . .

Name: Shioya Yuki

Level: 50

MP: 1560

HP: 1068/1068

Race: Angel (destruction)

Age: 17

Class: {No class has been chosen}

Title: ???,

Skills: [Eternal - lv.1], [Destruction - lv.2], [Fire Storm - lv.1], [Fireball - lv.1], [Auna’s blessing], [???]

[What the hell… you weren’t human?! You said you were!] (Axilia)

[H-hey! I didn’t know about this either! I was sure I was human up until a few seconds ago!] (Yuki)

[How could you not have known?! I’ve never heard about your race changing before!] (Axilia)

[But it’s true! If I was lying then I wouldn’t have opened my status where you could easily see it. I swear i’m not lying!] (Yuki)

[T-that’s true… and I am over exaggerating… I have heard of humans changing races...but I thought it was only into demons like the undead…] (Axilia)

[Who’s to say you can’t change into other races too?] (Yuki)


[It shouldn’t be possible. There are certain rules preventing that...unless...no nevermind] (Axilia)

[Huh? What do you mean by ‘unless’?] (Yuki)

[Let me see your status window again...please] (Axilia)

[O-okay] (Yuki)

Name: Shioya Yuki

Level: 50

MP: 1560

HP: 1068/1068

Race: Angel (destruction)

Age: 17

Class: {No class has been chosen}

Title: ???,

Skills: [Eternal - lv.1], [Destruction - lv.2], [Fire Storm - lv.1], [Fireball - lv.1], [Auna’s blessing - lv. ??], [???], [???]

[I knew it… I didn’t notice it before because of the race change, but this…[Auna’s Blessing] (Axilia)

[A-una?] (Yuki)

[The goddess of Arudena...Auna. To receive her blessing...most heroes don’t even receive it! With her blessing, anything could change in your status!] (Axilia)

[W-what is this...I don’t even know what to say anymore! It’s just one event after the other! Ah, but I still have one question...how am I still alive? You said I healed myself, but how is that possible? Don’t tell me I have a skill for that too?!] (Yuki)

[...] (Axilia)

That’s it. I wanna kill myself. Why is this happening?! If only Miki and the others heard about this… wait. Where ARE Miki and the others?! I can’t believe I forgot! But well, with everything happening, I can’t blame myself too much…

[Axilia, how many people are summoned from another world at a time?] (Yuki)

[Huh? Why would you want to know that? It’s not really of importance to you] (Axilia)

[Please can you just tell me?] (Yuki)

[Fine. Four people. The magic circle used for summoning cannot allow any more or any less] (Axilia)

Ah, it’s got to be those three, doesn’t it? Unless they summon four random people with no relation to each other...but that’s unlikely.

[Sorry to keep troubling you, but will the four people who have been summoned have met each other before?] (Yuki)

[Yes. People who have been summoned usually know each other. I think it’s to make it easier for them to trust each other.] (Axilia)

[I knew it… I think my friends were also summoned.] (Yuki)

[Heeeh! That sucks for you...but I don’t think you’ll be able to see them again. It’s almost impossible to enter the castle if you’re not royalty or nobility. Other than that, it’s mostly servants and guards who enter the castle] (Axilia)

[What?! My sister is also there! How can I not be able to see my sister again?!] (Yuki)

[Your sister? Wow, that really sucks for you] (Axilia)

I can’t decide between liking her or hating her…

[Ah, by the way Yuki, we have to leave the forest now. I can’t be here for much longer. My blessing is going to wear off and if it does, bad things might happen. You also shouldn’t be here for too long...] (Axilia)

[Huh? Why?] (Yuki)

[This place is called the [Cursed and Blessed Forest]. It is both cursed by a god and blessed by a god. It’s beautiful, but also hostile against humans, the forest that is] (Axilia)

[Oh. Well then we should get going] (Yuki)

[Eh?! You’re leaving with me?] (Axilia)

[Is that a problem?] (Yuki)

[N-no it’s just that...you’re naked aren’t you?] (Axilia)

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