《The Protection Details Choice - Protection Detail Series Book #1》Chapter 11
12th Feb – 06h00
Hues of dawn filtered through the unnatural silence of the forest. Perhaps it was always this way with military visits, yet pieces of returning memory told Breanna it wasn't. To her, it felt like the calm before the storm. Glancing at Jesse, she watched him taking in the surrounding area. He seemed more edgy than usual as they made their way stealthily through the tree trunks.
"What has you in a fidget?" Breanna whispered, "we're near the entry point for the facility."
"Don't like the way it feels," Jesse said, "we're being watched and not in a good way."
"Seen anything out of place?" Breanna asked.
"No, that's just it," Jesse muttered, "nothing. Not even animals."
Breanna looked up, taking in the tall trees, foliage, logs and branches randomly lying on the ground. Silence met their hearing. No twittering birds or scampering animals, just swaying trees and the low howl of the travelling wind. Jesse was right.
"How long has it been like this?" Breanna asked, ducking behind horizontal tree trunks, silently kicking herself for not paying attention, "long, medium or short?"
Jesse surveyed the area before shaking his head, "From the time we arrived."
"That was twenty minutes ago," Breanna hissed.
"Yep," he said.
Among his enhancements, Jesse could feel the energy around them. He tended to react accordingly.
"How long is it for you?" Breanna asked.
"Eternal," he groaned.
Breanna looked at Jesse then, "Do you think it's David's contact?"
"Could be," Jesse whispered, " but which one?"
"Good question," Breanna sighed, indicating a move from one cover to another, "I know we made changes last night, but I would rather have David with me on my team."
"Agree. Friends close, enemies closer," Jesse said, "let Kyle do the change. He'll be able to help more anyway."
"Done," Breanna said, changing direction suddenly to avoid razor-thin wire between trees in their path, "do you think David would pick up that we're on to him?"
"It's possible," Jesse said, pulling Breanna out of the way of an overhead perimeter trigger hanging in the tree branch, "just watch your back."
"Understood," Breanna said, stepping over a wire between another two tree trunks and indicating a small mine like contraption to Jesse before he stepped on it.
Communications with the Base Team was as unconventional as the participants in the two teams.
Cara was a consistent level five telepath, and Valencia, who headed up the base team, had an ability of around level three telepath or so they could gauge. The two were the team's radios. The units themselves were unconventional. Yes, they carried weapons and could fight hand to hand in combat if necessary; nothing could beat the abilities they already had. It made the tactical belt lighter, having skills that covered most of the gear required to breach her sister's facility. Skills to disable electronics with a touch, hear the enemy position with your mind or know the best logistics of an area with your hand. Cara's powerful telepathic ability kept them in contact and updated with the enemy movement, base team and team members.
Breanna glanced left as Cara sank into position next to her, not meeting her gaze. Instead, her eyes continuously scanned the area ahead before she spoke in a lowered voice.
"We need to hold our position. A military group doing exercises will be coming through here at any moment."
Giving the hold signal, Breanna waited for everyone to lower from view before silently disappearing herself. Cara quietly counted to ten before the sound of jogging feet on dry forest foliage could be heard. The air seemed still as everyone took a collective deep breath, waiting to expel it with the "all clear" signal. Running feet slowly disappeared into an unsettling, deafening silence, and still, they remained.
"Someone is watching us from more than one direction," Jesse muttered.
"Are we surrounded?" Breanna asked.
"No," Jesse shook his head, "it's from … two different directions."
"Do you think they're aware of each other?" Breanna asked.
Jesse cocked his head thoughtfully before shaking it, then nodding towards Cara. Turning, Breanna found Cara frowning as she looked down the line. She seemed to be scanning the team as though attempting to locate a source of thought, her intent gaze locked on David. Breanna watched Cara slowly close her eyes. Her facial features tensed as she focused. It seemed she was listening to something. David glanced in Cara's direction before turning to scan the area.
"Why would David want to enter from a different direction?" Cara asked, "did you give him a separate assignment?"
"Tell me everything you heard," Breanna said.
"After setting the explosives with Jesse, he wants to rendezvous with a commander in the forest," Cara frowned, "something to do with the extraction of his team member and sister."
"Like hell is he going to put any one of us in jeopardy," Breanna snarled, "Cara, I'd like you with me if you don't mind the sudden change."
"Be my honour," Cara smiled, "what do you want me to do?"
"Use your combat skills to kick ass and your telepathic one to make sure I know what is on everyone's mind," Breanna whispered, "can you do that?"
Cara grinned, "Along with everything else I'm monitoring. Piece of cake."
"Good girl," Breanna smiled before glancing at Jesse, "Kyle will be coming your way."
Jesse nodded as Breanna moved down the line, stopping in front of David and Kyle.
"Kyle," Breanna whispered, "I want you to go with Jesse to attend to the signal jammers and explosives."
"That wasn't in the plan last night," Kyle replied, "why the change?"
Breanna raised an eyebrow and indicated with a nod for him to move. Nodding, he silently moved to join Jesse, preparing to move out.
"David," Breanna said, "you'll be coming with Cara and myself."
"What about the rest of the plan?" David asked.
"Jesse, Fiona and Kyle will follow the plan," Breanna said, indicating for David to move into position with Cara.
Watching David move, Breanna caught the questioning look of Oran squatting within earshot.
"Let's say there are ears I don't trust," Breanna whispered, "Cara can catch you up."
Oran gave a small smile and knowing nod. She moved to join David and Cara. The unfocused look in Cara's eye had Breanna wondering what was transpiring between the twins. Giving them a few moments to chat silently, she waited. When Cara was ready and signalled all-clear, Breanna signalled to prepare to move. She watched Jesse, Fiona and Kyle move off.
"Everyone ready?" looking left and right, Breanna nodded, "move out."
They rose and moved as one. Cara nodded clearance from the Base Team before the group stepped forward and split into teams to accomplish a multi-level extraction plan.
Breanna, Cara and David crouched near the newly located entrance. Breanna was impressed with Jarred's newfound ability to determine logistical entries. When the discovery happened earlier, no one was more surprised than himself. Breanna still saw his astonishment when leaning on the map. Apparently, images had flashed in front of his eyes. Moments later, he gave Clio coordinates to locate the above-ground exit and their secondary entrance.
"Someone is coming out," Cara whispered, grasping Breanna's arm pulling her into the undergrowth, "they know we are here. The scout is coming out heavily armed. More will follow."
"Do they know we are all here or just us?" Breanna asked.
"Not sure," Cara said, "but he is not the only one converging on this point."
"I know another way in," David said, "one not on the map, and it will maintain the element of surprise."
"Really," Breanna noted his suspiciously bland gaze, "what exactly are you going to do after that? Leave us to meet with your military contact? Leaving us to face Darcia and her crew while you get away clean? Perhaps you have another motive or mission."
"How did you know about the rendezvous?" David frowned, "have you been spying on me?"
"I should ask the same question?" Breanna hissed, "did you get hold of Darcia to let her know you were arriving with me? While we're at it. Is Tina even real or here?"
Silently the two glared at each other before David swore under his breath.
"No, I didn't tell Darcia I was bringing you in," he hissed, "Tina is real. Why would I lie about my sister being in that hell hole if it weren't true? If you don't believe me, ask Clio how real she is. If you don't trust me, why did you bring me along?"
"Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer," Breanna replied, "what have you arranged out here for everyone?"
"Guys?" Cara cleared her throat, "can we argue somewhere else?"
"Just a little backup," David muttered, ignoring Cara's
suggestion, "that's all."
"Back up for you or everyone?" Breanna snarled.
"Everyone," his growl came low, dripping with anger, "can we move before we're rounded up."
Glancing at Cara, Breanna waited for confirmation.
"I would go with the other entrance," she nodded toward David, "lead the way. But if you sell us out, I'm in line after Clio and Valencia."
"A long line of mistrusting people," David shook his head as he moved further into the thick foliage, "keep low and try not to stand on anything that looks like a stick."
Nodding, they followed him through the undergrowth toward a clearing where a group of military personnel appeared to be doing exercises. Breanna realised the high level of activity in the forest facing tents did not bear truth in the authenticity of the apparent drills.
David sank low into the bushes near the far end of the clearing as a tall man separated from others around a circular field unit table.
"He's okay," Cara whispered, "he's here to meet David. I don't think he will be expecting David to have company. We stay concealed."
Breanna nodded acknowledgement. David stood as the man came nearer.
"Thought you weren't going to make it," a low cultured voice spoke as David moved to meet him, "there has been a lot of unusual activity in the last few hours."
"It wasn't easy getting in," David nodded, "but we are in place to do what we need to do," he glanced toward their hiding place, "for now, I think we need to stay focused."
Breanna closed her eyes as a white-hot memory flashed in her mind.
That voice.
She knew that voice.
Grasping the side of her head, she gasped, pain slicing through her as another memory flashed grey behind her eyes.
"Bre," Cara grasped Breanna's shoulder, steadying her, "are you okay?"
"Head," Breanna gasped, "will be okay."
Cara nodded as she placed her hand on the back of Breanna's head. A fuzzy, cotton wool feeling seeped through Breanna's mind. The flashing memories continued, but the corresponding pain seemed held at bay. Finally, the flashing memories stopped. Heavy breathing filled the space between the two women. Turning to Cara, Breanna found a pale, panting, perspiring woman next to her.
"Cara?" Breanna whispered, "are you okay?"
"Darcia," Cara panted before continuing, "did that to you?"
"Darcia did what to me?" Breanna asked, handing Cara a bottle of water to drink.
"Darcia blocked your memories," Cara drank deeply, "of that man," she pointed toward David and his military contact, "… he was in your memories."
Looking back at David and the tall man Breanna shook her head. Why would Darcia try to block that specific man from her memories? Whatever Darcia did hadn't lasted past the first sentence he had spoken. Breanna frowned; that voice was the same voice from David's conversation sent to her email. This was his military contact.
"What did you do to me?" Breanna asked.
"Blocked the pain you have when you remember," Cara said, "whatever your sister did to you is unravelling."
Cara handed Breanna the water; she drank quickly before putting it away.
"Are you okay now?" Breanna asked Cara.
Cara nodded before raising her head in the direction of the two men.
"We are about to be compromised if we don't keep moving," David was saying as he took a step back, "I would rather not wear the tracer. I know you want me to wear it, but it will only complicate the whole operation."
"Why?" the memory voice asked.
" I am part of a team that has multiple abilities. Should you need to know where we are or if we are in trouble, we have those who can let you know," David turned, making eye contact with Cara.
"Stay hidden," Cara said, standing slowly, scanning the area while walking toward both men.
"You're safe in this part of the forest," the military contact said.
"What do you need to know?" her voice wafted to Breanna.
"Darcia's physical location," the contact said. "We have been trying to locate her for years but without success. The fact she is right here, at her lab's original location, is infuriating," he sighed, "we need her eliminated and her facility shut down."
"We'll see what we can do," Cara said before touching her palm to his forehead, "relax, please, I need to find your mind wave."
The man exhaled as Cara moved away from him.
"Wow. You pack a punch," the contact muttered.
Cara glanced at David, "We need to move."
The two men shook hands. Breanna tracked the contact's return to the clearing, his casual movements blending him into the activity, picking up and drinking from a bottle of water, chatting with a group of men cleaning their weapons. Breanna rose from her position as the contact joined the others around the field table and joined David and Cara.
"That is your military contact?" she asked.
"Yes," David said, glancing at her, "do you know him?"
"Not sure," Breanna said thoughtfully.
"Maybe you do," David muttered, moving off, "let's go. The entrance is not far."
Stealthily moving between the trees, the three kept low. David slowed as they neared a mound of earth covered in grass sinking next to a tree trunk. Carefully he pushed his hand into the dense grass near the base and pulled out a lever. To the left, further along, a slight sliding sound hummed in the silence. Cara moved toward it, nodding in approval before smiling, "Nice."
"Let's go," Breanna said, easing into the tight crawl space. Looking around, she identified a connecting metal tube as an air vent type tunnel, "Which way?"
"Left. Follow the levels down and be careful of any types of wires, latches or things that look weird," David warned.
Nodding, the trio moved forward just as four consecutive explosions happened above ground. They froze. Glanced at each other before moving forward once more.
"We'd better move," Breanna said, "the others will need us soon."
After descending for about five minutes, the sound of gunfire reached them. Breanna cocked her head toward the noise.
"Is that us engaging?" she whispered.
"Hard to say," David grunted, pushing aside a cover revealing a passageway a few feet from the fighting.
"Would Darcia have her own guys shooting at each other?"
Breanna paused in the vent exit, "Really?"
"Okay, stupid question," David muttered, smothering a grin, "I need to shoot something, please move."
"Gladly, just not me," Breanna joked, landing on the floor silently.
Cara landed next to her, and the pair sidestepped, making room for David, who dropped silently, completing the row.
"Let's move," Breanna whispered; coming to the corner, Cara grasped her shoulder, holding her back.
"It's a ruse. Not our team. Both groups are Darcia's," Cara whispered, "we don't need to engage, but I do hear thoughts about David. They are wondering if he is okay."
"Damn, should have known Darcia would pull something like that," Breanna said quietly, remembering the office scenario. "You said you heard thoughts about David," Breanna whispered, "where are they coming from?"
"Down that passageway," Cara said, pointing down an unattended corridor.
"Go," Breanna hissed, indicating for David to follow them, "find their exact location."
Following Cara down winding corridors before stopping suddenly in front of a vault type door. To the side was a panel with numbers on it.
"Great," David muttered, "we need the correct code; otherwise, it becomes airtight, and everyone inside dies."
"We don't have any conventional comms with base. We could get some help from there," Breanna muttered, "damn, and Kyle is busy. Any ideas?"
Pacing in front of the doorway, she stopped as David pointed at Cara, "I think you underestimate her abilities." Glancing at Breanna as Cara stopped standing frozen, a glassy-eyed stare directed at the panel in front of her. Breanna moved toward her teammate, wondering if the constant use of her abilities had caused a blackout. David's questioning look had Breanna shrugging, but she waited.
"I'm not sure what is happening here," Breanna whispered, "cover her until we have something solid."
David moved into position, watching the far end of the corridor while Breanna covered the closest end of the passage. After a few eternal minutes, Cara slowly reached out her hand, placing it over the keypad, holding it there for a moment before blinking and pressing in a six-digit code. A lock clicked almost soundlessly, and the door slid silently open on well-oiled rails. David and Breanna hurriedly joined Cara at the doorway.
"Good job," Breanna whispered, "let's see who is inside."
The walls, floor and ceiling, were the standard white tiles. A tall, curvaceous brunette in white hospital scrubs rose from a sterile white bed.
"Oh my," she breathed, running forward into David's arms, hugging him hard, "you came back for me."
"Of course I did," he whispered, "Tina, we have to move, come on."
"No," she said, resisting his insistent tug, "I'm not leaving without the others."
"What others?" David frowned.
"She made others," the woman whispered.
"Other what?" David asked; the woman didn't answer; instead, she looked at Cara.
"Oh heavens," Cara gasped, "that deranged, twisted woman cloned her."
"What?" Breanna and David said in unison.
The main control room was buzzing with alarm alerts from in and around the facility. Standing in the centre of the busy room, Darcia froze. She knew that sensation and hadn't felt it for years. A soul knowledge Breanna was here. A demented glee blossomed deep within. A nearby black-clad man subtly eased away from her at the sight of her glittering eyes and a thin, cold smile on her lips.
"She is here," Darcia snarled as the sensation came closer, "how did she get in? Where is Williams? Didn't he go out to scout the area when I first sensed her?"
"He hasn't returned," the mechanical voice of the cloned medical technician said, "it would appear that your diversion did not work."
"I'm aware of that," Darcia raised a loaded pistol firing at the clone. Silence met the gunshot as the clone sank silently to the floor, "find out how she got in without detection?"
Watching with cold detachment as the body was removed and another living specimen took its place, continuing to work in silence and without emotion. Nodding at the smooth changing of parts, preferring the world this way. Interchangeable. A sudden beeping caught her attention.
"What is that noise?" she said urgently, "is that a tracker alarm?"
"Yes," the replacement acknowledged, "it would seem experiment Tina has deactivated the necklaces."
"Necklaces? Not just her necklace?" Darcia frowned, "get another one in there."
"Not just hers," the clone said, "all of them."
"Breanna," Darcia roared, turning toward her security officer, "place teams 2, 7 and 10. I want her captured before she escapes again."
The security officer nodded hurriedly, leaving the lab.
"I have to have her in that chair," Darcia said in a sing-song voice, "she has to become one with me."
Breathing deeply, she calmly resumed her seat, watching the monitors indicating the genetic computations scrolling on the screen in front of her. Everything would be fine once Breanna and herself were one.
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