《The Protection Details Choice - Protection Detail Series Book #1》Chapter 10
Feb 11th – 09h00
Clio flexed her stiff neck, rubbed her stinging eyes and stretched the stiffness out of her back. She had been sitting in front of these screens, looking at maps, maps and more maps. Breanna, Jesse and Valencia had checked in yesterday to see how far the information sifting pulled from the mind scrub had gone. She was still going. It had taken her most of yesterday, all night and probably the rest of today. The breakfast call would come soon, or another plate would be presented to her with food on it. Clio wasn't sure what was being looked for. She had hopefully found some possibilities. The frustration of not knowing what was relevant and what wasn't pulsated on the air. Checking over the document she had just come across, Clio stood stretching her cramped legs; perhaps this was what they needed.
A shuffling sound on the staircase drew her attention to Breanna stepping into the basement, greeting with a wave. Conjured from a thought, Clio shook her head.
"Hey, how are you doing? Got anything from the info yet? Do you have those maps synchronised with the info from yesterday?" Breanna asked, stopping next to Clio.
"Almost on the maps," she said distractedly while clacking of a keyboard, "and there we go, compliments of a little probing while clearing someone's mind of information and memories. Still sifting through the other details, but between Scott and me, we will get to it all."
Breanna reached for the sheets of paper, "Are these the maps we thought would work with the locations we could pinpoint," Breanna glanced at Clio, who nodded, "these look good."
Jesse walked out of the small kitchen of the basement with Valencia close behind him. The two seemed to be joined at the hip these days.
"You finished? Good work," he smiled at Clio, "Whoa … more maps, this is more extensive than we thought," he whistled, "where did we get all the info for them?"
"Scott gave us the information when he completed the memory wipe. He jotted down the location and access codes along with these maps," Clio indicated another neat pile on the large round table. "They were buried in the back of the mole's memory, along with a memory of new plans currently being submitted for one of Darcia's backup facilities … it was quite a discovery. I was able to find this some time this morning," Clio pulled a large map from under piles of paper, "now we have a more current layout of Darcia's kingdom."
"I want you to print them all out," Breanna said quietly, "we have choices and plans to make."
"What plans?" all three asked at the same time.
"You heard nothing else? Just plans," Breanna chuckled, but the waiting silence prompted her to continue, "okay, plans to stop Darcia and save the world as we know it."
Three startled pairs of eyes looked from one to the other before grins spread on three faces.
"All right."
"Sweet, love a little payback."
Breanna looked at the maps of Darcia's kingdom as Clio laid them on the table in order. Darcia had more facilities than they were aware. All well secured, heavily armed, and underground. Now she understood the string of access codes.
"What is on the top side of all of this?" Breanna asked. Clio returned to the computer; she cleared her throat after a moment.
"Topside may be a challenge," she clicked a few keys, pausing before looking up at a wall-mounted monitor above them.
"She is under a private forest," Breanna muttered, "I'm guessing that is the same forest owned by a military base."
"Yes, it is," Clio said.
"I know what you're thinking," Jesse said, looking at the monitor, "and yes, it's the same base we wrecked when we left that area a few years ago."
"No friendly welcome wagon or any backup from there," Valencia said on Breanna's other side.
"We need to make a plan. Before we move forward, get everyone together. Everyone needs to know this information. There are decisions we need to make," Breanna said, turning to the table and began looking at the options available to them.
Feb 11th – 11h00
Breanna looked around the basement as the hum of voices rippled around them. A change could be felt in the two hours since deciding to use tactical methods to stop her sister. Breanna felt everyone's attention on her as she moved across the room to the large round table filled with maps and information. Silence settled before she looked up, meeting the expectant gazes. This would be the first significant choice they made in years for many.
Right now, in this meeting, regardless of whether they stood and fought or she went in alone, this moment was a crucial turning point for each of them.
"Some of you have probably wondered if this meeting was going to take place," Breanna said, "thanks to Scott and Clio, we have the location of Darcia's facility. I'm not going to stand here dictating to everyone. This is a choice each one is to make for yourself. If you decide to stand with us, we're in it together. If you decide not to be part of this, then we wish you well, and we will help you relocate and settle to lead as normal a life as possible."
"What are we going to decide on?" Kyle asked
"Taking Darcia down," Breanna said, "we have been looking at ways to stop her. Up until now, we have been approaching this from a non-tactical point of view. After the last day or two, we no longer have a choice but to engage and terminate Darcia and her operation."
"Is it possible?" Tula asked from the bottom step, "we have no army."
"Anything is possible, and sometimes armies are not what is required," Breanna nodded.
"You think this small group can take out Darcia?" Jarred asked.
"Yes, we can. It's dangerous. If you decide to stand, there is a chance of fatalities and injuries. If we can pull this off, it would mean freedom for every one of us and those she currently holds," Breanna said, "and those who don't even know she exists."
A low buzz hummed through the group.
"What exactly are we talking about?" Scott asked, "Reporting Darcia? Destroying her facility? Terminating her?"
"We are not reporting her," Breanna said, "destroying her facility and physically stopping her is the plan. Getting those held against their will out is the objective. We don't have a human army giving us numbers, but we have our abilities. A regular army would not stand against Darcia's fanatics and agents. The fatalities would be too high, and she would continue her insanity. Each of us has an opportunity to make a choice. You can decide to use what you have to protect the innocent, or you can step away and enjoy the normal things in life. Should you decide to stand but do not have combat skills or abilities, there are other areas which need filling, such as logistics and supplies."
"You mean we are allowed to choose?" Fiona asked, "if I prefer not to fight the matter, there will be no consequences."
Breanna smiled, "You're free to decide for yourselves. No isolation. No re-training. No ostracising. When we move in against Darcia, we need to understand that some of us may not come back, some may get hurt, but we are a unit. If we do it as a unit, we have a better chance of success."
"When are you thinking about moving out?" Reilly asked, "how long do we have to decide? Is there a plan, and who will be doing what?"
"If any of you decide you want to stand, we will need to know by tomorrow morning. We have a few options for a plan. Depending on who decides to join the combatant team and who decides to stay, tasks will be assigned accordingly. Once everything is in place, we leave tomorrow night. Now, this," Breanna pointed at the tabletop, "is the plan we have so far. It will be here for anyone to look at during the day. Please speak up if anyone sees something we have missed or not covered or missing information. We need every edge we can get."
Breanna moved away from the table. Preparing to leave the basement, she stepped onto the bottom stair, turning she found the group around the table looking at the printouts of Darcia's floor plan. Some were pointing while others sifted through the stacks of papers. Looking at Clio, Jesse and Valencia, she raised her eyebrows in silent surprise.
A smile slowly spread over each of their faces. Valencia nodded, grinning at Breanna. Moving toward the table, Breanna slowly joined the group.
"She's gotten more aggressive in her work," Oran murmured, glancing around the table, "some of these containment units were not there before."
"Neither was this lab here," Kyle said quietly, pointing to a section on the map, "wonder what she could hold in there? It looks like something powerful."
"What could she possibly be enhancing? Predators?" Hana asked, a worried frown between her eyes.
"The human sort is what we've been able to put together," Breanna said, "her enhancement to people has become more disturbing the deeper we dug."
"Like what?" Tania asked.
"She may be using unethical breeding procedures," Breanna said.
"How unethical?" Scott asked.
"We could be looking at genetically manipulated, enhanced or created embryos," Breanna cleared her throat, "that is the little we know. Darcia could have taken it past that point; we don't know."
Several feet shuffled uncomfortably.
"That is sick," Reilly muttered.
A ripple of agreement fluttered around the table as Breanna moved a map aside to show some of the information David had retrieved from the stolen flash drive.
"That isn't from the mind scrub," Scott pointed at the sheets Breanna brought into view.
"No, it isn't. We can thank David for getting this information for us," Breanna said, "cost him a bullet wound and near capture by a gang of human traffickers to obtain it."
Some men nodded at David in acknowledgement, while others were more interested in the information before them.
"What exactly are we covering here?" Kyle asked, glancing over everything on the table, "yes, we go in, do the necessary and then what?"
"There are many aspects we are looking at," Valencia said, "Darcia has been known to exploit people close to her. Family, friends, and even colleagues."
"We have multiple objectives," Breanna said, "what we know Darcia is holding David's sister, Tina. We don't know exactly where, but we know she needs retrieval. We also know of two or three people who have been kidnapped and worked on against their will, one of them being a member of David's military unit."
"Hasn't everyone been captured and worked on against their will?" Jared shook his head.
"Probably, but some like what they can do with their enhancements, and others don't enjoy the experience at all," Clio said, "that's the difference."
Jarred nodded, moving aside, allowing Clio to join the group while looking at a large map.
"Looking at these maps, it appears Darcia has many facilities."
"We have come across three so far," Clio said, pulling maps to the top of the pile. "Darcia has a command centre, about here," she pointed to an area on one chart, "the information says this is the main one she has available. The plans show there is a control room. If we can deactivate everything from there, we should be able to get everyone out."
"What if we do that and let Darcia's fanatics loose?" Tania asked.
"Why would Darcia have her fanatics locked up?" Jesse asked.
"Fair point," Tula nodded, "it would be safe to say she would have her fanatics on hand."
"Extracting this way may work for those not wanting to be there and David's teammate. Where Tina is concerned, Darcia may not have her in the normal labs or containment areas," Breanna said. "We may need to look at another form of extraction for her."
"Up to now, we were termed "experiments"," Hana chuckled, "glad to know they are people."
A chuckle rose around the table. Breanna stood watching each of the group take in everything available to them.
"Who is going to be taking Darcia on?" Scott's question hung in the air, "rumour has it she has been experimenting on herself. How will we know what she can and cannot do?"
"How do you know that?" David asked, "about Darcia has been experimenting on herself."
"Claudia, one of the murdered newbies, once mentioned she was present in a procedure chamber when Darcia had something injected into her," Scott said. "Apparently, whatever it was made Darcia a little manic. They had to hold her down, and even then, it took a few of them."
"In that case, let's make Darcia's abilities and levels unknown," Breanna said quietly, "we may come up against her, and we may not. But if she has unlimited abilities and strength, then the task of facing Darcia will fall to me,"
"Bre, that is crazy," Valencia sputtered, "what if she kills you."
Objections erupted as everyone spoke simultaneously. Holding up a hand, Breanna waited for the noise to subside.
"There is that possibility," she acknowledged. "Not only does my sister want to extract a section of DNA from me, it means I'm safe from destruction until she has completed the task. I'm also able to sense her intentions before she puts them into action. Growing up, it was possible, and I cannot see that changing. The possibility may not be there now if she has been working on herself. Besides, it has been pointed out that I know her better than anyone and should be able to anticipate anything she may do."
"How can you be so sure?" Jarred asked, "what if she decides to take on one of us?"
"I don't think she will," Clio said, "Darcia has always been crazed about proving herself against the strongest. We are nothing compared to Breanna. In Darcia's eyes, Breanna is the only challenge. What I could understand when hearing Darcia's ranting was her obsession with comparing the two of them from an early age. Breanna was the one everyone loved being around, talking to, having fun with, something no one seemed to want to do with Darcia. In her maniacal viewpoint, Breanna is the superior person."
"That is so messed up," Cara shook her head.
"Talk about severe sibling rivalry," Oran huffed.
"To sum up, we have a mad scientist, with an obsessive, psychotic sibling rivalry, a taste for control and a need for world domination," Valencia said into the silence. "Not to mention abilities for manipulation, secrecy and underhandedness."
"That pretty much sums up the rival," David said, "Breanna if we decide to do this, we should understand the details. Walk us through the plan and help us understand the mission objectives."
Breanna nodded, launching into the mission objectives. Keeping everything as concise as she could so they understood every detail and move.
"We need to find the primary and secondary entrance and exits. Some of the people in the facility may need to be extracted differently from others. We need as much information as possible regarding how far Darcia has gone and the stages reached in the experimental process." Breanna pointed to a few areas on the map, "These areas seem to be logistical rooms or control rooms; we suspect they may hold some information. There is no guarantee we are correct."
"Can we expect Darcia to have enough moral fibre to know when she may be crossing the line at all?" Clio asked quietly.
"Probably not," David sighed, "she experimented on her sister. From what I've seen while inside, Darcia doesn't believe there is a line to cross at all."
"What else is part of the objectives?" Tula asked.
"The clean extraction of anyone who doesn't want to be there," Breanna said, "we need to be able to keep them calm, contained and hidden. That may be the hardest part as far as I'm concerned."
"I think Tula and I can manage that part," Reilly smiled at Tula, giving her a wink; Breanna's eyebrows rose as she watched Tula blush.
"Inside, we need to extract information regarding Darcia's current projects and plans. Shut down all her programmes and get out in one piece," Breanna said.
"Do we have an exit plan?" David asked.
"The idea is to get in and out as quickly as possible," Breanna said, "without detection. But if necessary, I think an explosive diversion will help with an exit."
"Okay," Tania nodded, "that is a lot of activity without being detected. Why don't we want to be detected?"
"Her main facility is underground in a forest adjacent to a military base," Jesse supplied.
"Then ask the military for assistance with the extraction," David said, "I'm sure they will be happy to help."
"You would think," Clio said, nodding, "except the last time we were in that area, our interaction with them was less than ideal. Frankly, not good."
"Not good?" David's eyes widened, "define "not good."
"They tried to detain Breanna, and she levelled two barracks and the entrance to the ammunition bunker," Jesse supplied.
Astonished expressions turned Breanna's way. She shrugged apologetically, remaining silent.
"Okay," Tania nodded, "no assistance from the military."
"What happens if we run into a military unit?" Fiona asked.
"Let's hope we don't," Breanna sighed, "exercise caution. I don't have any military links that would be useful to us. Doing this is a huge risk. If anyone would rather not, no one will think badly of you. Don't feel pressured. You have today and tonight to make your decision."
"We already have all the facts," Oran said, looking around the group, "you'll be going ahead with this regardless."
Breanna nodded, "That doesn't mean any of you need to be part of this."
"You seriously think that we would let you have all the fun," Valencia grinned, glancing around the group, "absolutely not."
Agreement rumbled.
"No one here is going to step away from this, Breanna," Cara said quietly, "they have all decided."
"Okay," Breanna nodded, "does everyone understand what we're doing?"
Everyone nodded and began chatting about the logistics and dynamics of the various team requirements. It was sometime later that the group was happy with the mission parameters. Discussions had been lengthy and detailed.
"We'll meet tonight at dinner and chat about who wants to be the base team and the tactical team."
Breaking up, the group moved up the stairs, talking among themselves. Clio spoke with Tula on one side of the table. While Valencia and Jesse quietly discussed a more specific aspect of the plan, pointing to different areas of the maps. Turning away, Breanna found David leaning against the wall near the kitchen. His thick, muscled arms crossed over his chest, staring at her. The stance was simple, but Breanna's heart kicked into a fast tempo for some reason.
"You're getting Tina out?" the soft question hovered between them.
"Yes," Breanna smiled a little, "I did say that I would. It will be one of my tasks when we move on the facility."
"Thank you. I know you don't trust me," pushing off the wall, David hesitated before continuing, "but I feel you need to know that this means a lot to me."
"Especially since I'm Darcia's sister?"
"There is that," David chuckled, "sometimes I have to remind myself you're not Darcia. It's there every time I look into your eyes. Darcia ... isn't sane."
Breanna couldn't seem to breathe as the admission struck a chord deep within, "Is that the only difference between us?"
David nodded, "Yes, and no. What is your secret to not becoming her?"
"It's all choice. I choose not to be like anyone in my family. My choices have made me who I am," Breanna smiled a little, "it's nice that someone sees the difference, however small, thank you."
Smiling a little, she moved toward the stairs. A shower, some food and rest were needed regardless of her ability to function at an optimum level for extended periods was far from depleted. She did need a little downtime as much as everyone else.
Feb 11th – 15h00
The sun filtered through the palm trees onto the terracotta tiles, expanding into a rough rectangle. Golden sand interspersed with indigenous fauna met the burnt orange. Breanna and Valencia lay on sunbeds soaking up the sun and sipping Chardonnay. Valencia smiled lazily, extending her empty glass for a refill. Refilling empty glasses, silently sipping at the relaxing liquid while listening to the nearby roar of the ocean. They sighed.
"I don't remember the last time we did this," Valencia said, stretching, "I know we have a lot to see to, but an hour or two of downtime makes the energy levels soar."
"I may be having a little downtime, but my mind is still working," Breanna muttered, "I'm just soaking up the heat."
"Tomorrow is going to be a challenge, isn't it," Valencia rolled her head, looking toward Breanna.
"Yes, it is," Breanna sighed, "I hope every angle is covered. I want to bring everyone home."
"I don't see any reason why that won't happen," Valencia said quietly, "we have another half hour of rays. No more talk of missions and possible death."
"Soaking rays," Breanna chuckled, "I'm soaking rays."
Breanna closed her eyes, but she kept going over the details of the mission. Plans were in place. Tonight they would know choices. Darcia's torturous programmes would end, and she was recharging with sunshine and a little downtime. The question was, if everything was falling into place, why did the nagging feeling of dread sit in her chest? Why did she feel like she had missed something?
Then there was David. He seemed sincere enough. Breanna couldn't shake the nagging suspicion he was holding something back, hiding something, up to something. Not all his cards were on the table. That bothered her. Whatever it was, she would be watching him. Closely.
Feb 11th – 19h00
Dinner that evening was like a party, talking, laughing, joking, eating, drinking and pulling off pranks. It reminded Breanna of a dinner party with university students on spring break. She couldn't help joining in. It felt good to relax and smile at the jokes.
She noticed Valencia watching David. Worry in her gaze. Noting something unsettled Valencia, Breanna let her abilities playtime; she would talk to Valencia later. There was no way tomorrow would happen without knowing what was going on. She sensed everything would work out. For the first time in a long time, others watched her back; it felt good. She smiled and chuckled at the bantering around the table; everyone seemed to be enjoying what could be termed dramatically as their last night on earth.
Coffee arrived, and an expectant quietness settled over the table. Breanna took her cue from the mood.
"In the time between this morning and now, is there anyone here who wants to walk away?" Breanna asked.
Breanna looked around the table at shaking heads. Everyone still wanted to be involved.
"Everyone seems to want a piece of the action," Tula smiled, "we all want a little payback."
"All for us to do is discuss who is going to be in the Tactical Team and who will be the Base Team."
"Will each of us get to use our abilities on this mission?" Valencia asked quietly.
"Yes, enhanced and physical abilities you have been trained in," Breanna nodded, "if you land on the Base Team, it will be for a good reason. Everyone clear on that?"
"Yes," everyone replied in unison.
"Then let's get down to it," Breanna nodded.
Time ticked by as teams were discussed and objectives and final plans put together. Tasks assigned. Finally, logistics and kits were assembled. It was almost midnight before anyone felt preparations were good enough for the following day. Slowly each wandered off to find a few hours of sleep.
"Val," Breanna called.
"Yep," Valencia said, her eyes finally coming off the clipboard she carried.
"Want to tell me what that look at dinner was all about?"
"Probably nothing," Valencia sighed, "my telepathic ability fired up on its own. David was thinking about a phone call he had to make."
"What kind of phone call?" Breanna asked.
"I'm not sure," Valencia shook her head, "I didn't pick up on who the phone call was going to. Just what was going to be said. He was choosing what should be in the briefing."
Breanna frowned, "That does not make me trust him any more than when he dropped through my window."
"What are you going to do?" Valencia asked.
"Not sure yet," Breanna huffed, "I'll make a call before we hit Darcia's facility."
Breanna needed space and time to herself. The quietness of her bedroom welcomed her. Showering slowly, she let the tension drain from her aching muscles. The few hours of rest before dawn was all she would get. Tomorrow would bring enough tension and drama on its own.
She dressed in her tracksuit and took a few minutes to find a little peace on the patio. The house was comfortably quiet as she silently slid the patio door open. She stepped out, breathing in the salty, chilled ocean breeze.
Just past the garden's edge, a shadow stood on the sand. Cautiously moving into the shadows near the palm trees, Breanna waited. The person turned their profile, allowing the moonshine to show their identity. She was surprised to find David staring out at the ocean. Scenarios ran through her head. Nearing his position, she caught the low rumble of his voice and a glint of metal near his ear. He was on the phone. Outside. Alone. The phone call. He didn't expect anyone to be around to overhear. Changing course, Breanna hid in the nearby bushes. To whom was he talking?
"Correct," he paused, "we move out at dawn. Make sure you keep an eye on the chart plot. The rogue facility will show up," he paused before making affirmative noises. "That is a negative. I'll make contact with you when we arrive. No, I will be part of the group of friendlies going in," again he paused, "if things go south..." his words trailed off, "thanks … until tomorrow."
David cancelled the call. Pushing his hands into his pocket and sighed heavily, "Dammit! So complicated," he muttered.
She heard a buzzing sound. He glanced at his pocket, a frown between his eyes. Slowly he pulled his phone from his pocket, muttered a curse and pushed the answer button.
"Yes," he said tersely, "it's a little tricky. I'll need more time to deliver the package."
Breanna rose as David turned toward her position. Automatically she froze mid-crouch. David was talking to someone different. About a package delivery. She didn't think he referred to an actual object as the package.
"No, I'm working on getting the package to the drop off point," he said.
Breanna frowned, puzzle pieces falling into place. Deliver someone who may be in the area of the facility tomorrow. Did they know the plan to breach Darcia's facility? Was he talking to Darcia herself? A chill crawled along her skin.
Breanna had heard enough. Easing away from her position, she stuck to the shadows until she made it inside. Where were Jesse and Valencia? Alterations to task assignments and logistics were necessary. She couldn't afford to let David out of her sight. Not after what she had heard.
She made it to the interior kitchen doorway when David opened the patio door. Changing direction, she headed toward the fridge. If he suspected anything, he remained silent.
"Couldn't sleep?" he asked quietly.
"For me, it's usual," she muttered, reaching for a bottle of water, "you?"
"Sometimes ... too much on my mind," he said, accepting a bottle of water.
"Things like ... delivering a package?" she said.
He stared at her hard, "I suppose so," he drank down the cold water, "want to elaborate on the type of package?"
"Not really," she shrugged, "you?"
"I don't think you'll have a problem with any package," he smiled, "besides … you pack a punch."
"Are you hitting on me?" narrowing her eyes, she stared at him. She took out her phone and sent a message to Jesse and Valencia with her logistics request.
"I hope so," he said, feigning concern, "you're not a guy, are you?"
"Ha," she snorted, reaching for control of her swarming emotions, "no, I'm not."
"That is a good thing," he smiled slightly, with enough of a message to make her squirm.
"You go find your … package," she muttered, leaving the kitchen.
Getting back to her room, she sighed. So much for winding down. She flopped into bed feeling heated and edgy — all that from a hint and a smile.
"Get a grip, girl," she muttered, "you don't know this guy to let him this close."
Oh, but she wanted to let him close. Sighing, she turned on her side, hugging her pillow. Nothing for it; closing her eyes, she breathed deeply. She needed to sleep, and sleep, she would.
David watched her go. Frowning. Had she overheard his phone calls? Damn, terrible news if that were true. A reluctant smile tugged at his lips; she was so feisty when upset.
His eyes followed the line of her athletic body. Letting out a slow breath, he lent on the door frame. When he had finished his swim and found her devouring him with her eyes, he was pleasantly surprised. Instant heat sang through his veins at the memory. Now, she simply left a room, all long legs and attitude, and he was panting. Oh, man! He was in trouble, big trouble.
The calls had come through while trying to gain control over his thought, it was hard to concentrate around her, and when he wasn't, he couldn't get his mind off her. She was a distraction he couldn't afford right now. She invaded his dreams. If he wasn't careful, he would do something stupid or get someone hurt. He had to focus.
Sighing, he pushed away from the doorway. It wasn't an option, meaning he would have to keep his mind on the job and away from the tantalising, sexy woman who ran this operation. Groaning softly, he moved toward his room. Why was this harder than breaking into the facility of a mad scientist? Tonight, his mission was to get some sleep and perform their tasks at dawn. Giving himself a mental shake, he closed his bedroom door and hoped he could accomplish what he set out to do.
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