《Rise of America 1620》Chapter 1: America



William raised his right hand and gently touched the wound on his right cheek, the pain made him suck back a breath of air conditioning. His right cheek, a long wound from the corner of the eye to the corner of the mouth, deep into the bone.

The enemy who had inflicted such damage on him was now lying in a pool of blood, not breathing.

Almost blind.

William thought of this, and could not help but feel a little scared.

The feeling of exhaustion swept through his body, constantly filling his brain nerves, relaxed William sat on the ground, looking around at the enemy who had just attacked them to repair the Indians.

Hurry up! For those who are still breathing, solve these sneak attackers, and we can eat lunch.

There was chaos all around, interspersed with the sound of sharp instruments cutting flesh, William closed his eyes in pain.

Andal tribe of Indian warriors, occasionally passing by William this appearance of only 15 or 16-year-old boy, then the eyes will show deep awe.

Just now this black-haired, black-pupil teenager in strange clothes, alone has killed more than a dozen of the enemy martial artists.

For such a warrior, Indian warriors are very respectful.

Slit the enemy's throat, then cut off the scalp with a sharp dagger, and shouted a loud "woo-hoo", the excited Andalese warriors' faces were full of joy after the victory.

As a modern man, William even now is not very adaptable to the bloody killings on the American continent in this era. In his opinion, this kind of killing is really too bloody and cruel.

But he also, simply can not change.

Like this kind of killing, in this land has been carried out for a very long time, he such a small person can not and can not change, he also can not do.

And this kind of killing will exist in the future.

William knew very well that Britain, France, and the United States had never stopped killing Indians, either directly or indirectly. And Indian tribes have killed whites and other tribes of Indians.

The leader of the Andal tribe, Bison, came to William's side and sat down on the ground like him.

"So, you're not badly hurt? No fiction, no words"

The chief asked with concern.

Opening his eyes, William looked at the middle-aged leader of the Andal tribe.

"My injuries are fine, but this is the twelfth enemy attack in ninety sunrises. Your tribe can't afford to be passive, and you're outnumbered, so I say move.

William suggested.

After listening to William's words, "Bison" looked down at the black iron ax in his hand and did not make a sound.

After a long time, he said to William I was born here, we hunt in the forest and the river, and when I die my children will continue to live in this land, the Andal tribe is not afraid of death.


William sighed deeply in his heart, and for the sixth time, he persuaded the other side.


Unfortunately, for his proposal, the Indian tribe simply did not accept it.

For this Indian tribe, William is always an outsider, he is not a member of the Andal tribe ah.

Since it doesn't make sense, William also doesn't bother to spend more words.

To the Andal tribe, he is already benevolent and righteous, with no debt.

"I want to trade again, we still have a lot of beaver and sable in our hands, we need weapons.

The bison looked at William very seriously.

After a moment's thought, William understood the Indian leader's intentions.

He wanted to fight back against the enemy tribe.

"I need to go south, my tribe is still waiting for me. My tribe is waiting for me," William said with a mouth full of nonsense.

In fact, only he understood that he had no "tribe" in this era, he was a loner.

The reason why he said so, in addition to telling each other is also a tribe of people, is also to leave here in mind.

The Andal tribe only had a population of 600 people, while their opponents were a large tribe with a population of 2,000 people and the support of the French, so if the bison's tribe did not move, they would only be annihilated.

Unfortunately, they couldn't listen to him, so William didn't bother to say anything else.

Anyway, in the past three months, has helped them a lot, and has returned the favor they rescued.

Thinking about the dozen scars on his body, William was relieved.

"The first thing you can do is trade an ax for 30 beaver skins or 15 sable skins. William nodded back and agreed to the other side's request.

This was not a bad deal for him anyway.

A few hours later, at the hilltop a mile west of the Andal tribe, William and the bison finished their deal.

For William's departure, the bison is not sad.

And William also has not to stay, he does not want to accompany the Andal tribe buried, he just wants to live well.

In such an era of no relatives and no friends, live well.

After seeing the bison and other people's backs fade away and disappear into the dense jungle, William sat on the rocks at the top of the hill and looked at the hundreds of furs around him, and laughed bitterly.

Why I encountered such a thing, crossing ......

William, male thirty-six years old, the world's top 500 enterprises, like outdoor sports as well as adventure, highly educated high wealthy handsome. But this halo for him has no use.

Because now he is in the American continent in 1620.

He was originally in the United States just completed a contract and boarded a plane to depart for home.

But 20 minutes into the flight, when a bearded man shouted "Allah is great", a flash of fire broke out and William was unable to escape.

When he woke up, he was in a triangular tent, surrounded by Indians wearing animal skins and feathers on their heads.


At the same time, his age has changed from thirty-six to fifteen or sixteen, which can be said to be much younger.

When he first came to this world, facing the unfamiliar environment and those dirty Indians, William was very fearful and confused.

Because of the language barrier, he did not dare to take the risk.

Perhaps every traveler will have a little advantage, and William is no exception.

God gave him the "skill" of knowing the world's languages, and also brought him a magical plug-in.

Sitting on a small hilltop rock, William raised his hand to look at the ruby ring on his left middle finger.

When it comes to this plug-in, it's really something.

Because of this ring as long as the use function is turned on, you can buy all the products of the 21st century. At the same time, the items of this era can also be sold to the 21st century through the ring.

That is to say, as long as you have money, even nuclear bombs can be bought ......

For example, just now, William used thirty pig iron axes in exchange for hundreds of beaver and mink skins. And the price of the 30 iron axes is only a mere 1,000 RMB.

However, the price of these hundreds of furs, but definitely more than this price.

According to the 21st-century price conversion, a beaver skin is 280 dollars, and a mink skin is 650 dollars apiece.

The thousands of fur traders, it can be said that the profit is absolutely dozens of times.

Such a sale, such profits, in the 21st century has become increasingly rare.

Unfortunately, William was in the year 1620, and he was not happy about it.

With his thoughts back, William opened the plug-in that he called the "Time Trader" with a thought.

The two options appeared in William's mind.

Two options appeared in William's mind, and William confirmed the "yes" option with a thought.

A glow invisible to others flashed out from the pile of furs, and in just a second the pile of furs disappeared into the same place as the mountain.

When the furs disappeared, a cold metallic synthesized voice echoed in William's mind.

This time, we received 600 beaver skins, and the price has increased to $290 apiece due to price fluctuations. For one hundred and fifty mink skins, the price fluctuations rose to 650 dollars apiece.

Ask if you want to trade?


Two more options appeared in William's mind.

The price has gone up, William is still not satisfied with it, thirty inferior pig iron ax for so many furs for him, is already very satisfied.


Dingdong, 600 beaver pelts received, $290 acquisition fee of $174,000!

Dingdong received 150 mink pelts, the $650 acquisition fee is $97,500!

Total: 271,500 dollars!

According to William's deal with Bison, the leader of the Andal tribe, one inferior pig iron ax was traded for thirty beaver skins or fifteen sable skins.

Therefore, William traded twenty axes for six hundred beaver skins and ten axes for one hundred and fifty sable skins.

This was William's largest transaction since he came to this world.

With this transaction of furs sold, in William's mind appeared a modern savings book, the savings book clearly and obviously listed the wealth he now has.

William has come to this world for three months, in these three months he is no less than the Andal tribe people trading.

Although the northern part of the Andal tribe has been established by the French colonial fortress, they are still under very strict control of the circulation of weapons.

In addition, the Andal tribesmen were unable to exchange iron weapons, so there was a huge backlog of furs in their tribes.

Therefore, in these three months, William but a good amount of money.

But William also, to be able to capture such a sum, several factors exist.

With time, the Andal tribe no longer has so much fur.

Basically, the Andal tribe's furs, almost all by William and traded.

William's savings book showed that he had accumulated a fortune of one million three hundred and sixty-seven thousand dollars.

"Damn Frenchman!"

William cursed in a low voice.

Just now, the leader of the Andal tribe, Bison, told him that William had nothing to do with the Moclai tribe's attack in the past three months.

The French were very angry after William monopolized the fur trade of the Andal tribe.

Although the Andal tribe did not trade with the French, though other tribes, the Andal tribe's furs would still pass into their hands.

Although the Andal tribe will suffer, the natives suffer, it is their business.

But because of the presence of William, he interfered with the French, which was almost unbearable.

Therefore, they provoked the Mokrai tribe to attack the Andal tribe.

Of course, the Moclai tribe also coveted the territory of the Andal tribe because of the rich beaver resources in the territory of the Andal tribe.

Interest is the trigger of war, of which William was convinced.

And now there are no conditions to fight with the French, and even with other Indian tribes to fight.

Bison also told him that he had killed the brother of the chief of the Moclai tribe in the battle earlier, so the Moclai tribe would never let him and the Andal tribe go.

This is also the reason why Bison wanted to buy weapons from William and prepare for a sneak attack.

William listened to Bison and decided to leave the area, and rightly so!

With over a million dollars in his account, William decided to buy help from a trader, and he needed to have men to increase his safety factor and fight against malicious people.

Obviously, he alone, even if more powerful, there is no way to fight against a tribe.

So, William turned on the trader and chose the option to have his face on the egg.

Gene buy ......

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