《The Devil's own sins》Chapter 30 - Barging a Barricade


Recently, Prisaela had gotten tired of being right all the time, and now that they were approaching the gate she had the feeling she was going to be right again

“Mama? Why can’t I just walk, why does the stinky new guy have to carry me?” Zildoxoxi asked through his new [Telepathy] Skill. The slime had been inundating his ‘mother’ with questions practically since the moment they left the inn.

“Because Zildy, We’re trying to sneak out of the city and meet up with your Daddy outside and we can’t have someone seeing either of you walking around right now. Humans are afraid of us remember?” Prisaela answered gently through her own telepathy. The slimy little fucker got on her nerves but all it took was one round of shouting at the little bastard to learn the quickest way to shut him up was to play nice. It had taken nearly forty minutes to get him to calm down, and she just didn’t have time for that.

Thankfully, Prisaela had been able to convince Thoz that they needed an agreed-upon meeting place in case something went wrong since it had gone wrong almost immediately. Just after her master and the lazy ghost had left, Prisaela used [Natural Illusionist] to make Kaggant and Zild invisible, attempting to sneak them out of the inn. This was their first mistake, or rather, the first thing they’d failed to consider fully. The floorboards of the inn could barely hold Kaggant's weight as is, and once he started moving about they creaked something fierce. So much so that it began to draw the attention of almost everyone in the building as they moved towards the exit.

They were nearly stopped at one point by another guest, but being in such a ramshackle inn meant that the other guests were either fellow adventurers staying for free like them or unsavory types that knew to keep their nose out of another person's business when it didn’t concern them. All Prisaela had to do was shoot them a firey look and insist via [Charming Voice] that “this doesn’t concern you”. The innkeeper herself was a bigger issue, she was a miserly old gnome that seemed insistent on getting every penny she was owed and then some. Priscila had to leave a significant tip to get out of there without too many questions being asked.


Once they were out and on the street the giant was at least smart enough to stay out of the way of the humans and avoid bumping into anything, though his massive footfalls seemed to be drawing attention from at least a few of the more perceptive mortals.

From there it was mostly smooth sailing as they kept a fairly active clip through the streets towards the nearest gate, avoiding lingering in any one spot for long enough to be noticed.

Once they arrived at the gate, Prisaela was relieved to see the line was practically nonexistent, as someone coming up behind them right now and trying to step into the space Kaggant needed to simply exist was a massive hazard.

“Stay close big guy” was the only instruction Prisaela managed to whisper, though she winced when the giant actually grumbled in response to her.

Their wait through the line was a relatively short one, and soon the succubus and her invisible companions were approaching the guard station, beckoned forward by a silent gesture.

“Name, Business, and Identification please” one of the guards, a half-orc man, commanded prisaela in a bored monotone. Prisaela complied, handed over her tag, and introduced herself with practiced ease as the newly registered adventurer “Alice”.

“I’ve been struggling to find an adventuring party here in Rovale and I’d really like to rank up, so I am heading south to a more major guild location” Alice explained. It was best to keep things short and to the point, even if she was lying through her teeth and saying the exact opposite of everything she actually planned on doing.

The guard merely nodded and handed her identification tag back to her.

“Well Ma’am, unfortunately, there has been a small disturbance in town recently and the guard has been placed on high alert. We’re going to have to search your belongings and ask you to submit to a mild pinprick, just enough to draw and test your blood”

Those words terrified Prisaela. She hadn’t heard anything about searches and tests, and at this point, she had no idea what they were testing. If she said no and turned back into the city, that would raise suspicion and they might force her to stay. Plus, with a paladin hanging around they needed to get out of the city as quickly as possible.


“Sure,” she replied, resigning herself to the outcome and handing over her overstuffed backpack, the only thing keeping her mirage in place being a cadre of various skills.

The guard that was questioning her handed the pack off and produced a small glittering pin from his pocket. He then held Prisaela’s hand firmly and drove the needle through one of her fingertips, drawing a small bead of crimson red blood. The guard seemed to be clearly waiting for something, and when nothing happened, he murmured under his breath.

In that tense moment, the succubus feared her heart would beat out of her chest.

“You’re free to go, miss” and a wave of relief washed over her. Prisaela took her pack back and began moving forward, stopping and turning suddenly when she heard a loud shout from behind her. One of the guards had been nearly bowled to the ground and was looking around wildly as if he couldn’t see his assailant.

Prisaela sighed. “Plan B Kaggant”

There was a sourceless roar that echoed through the gates almost immediately as the giant bellowed in a battle rage. Guards were thrown left and right as Kaggant used his immense size and strength to toss them like toy soldiers.

The path of destruction he wrought was clearly evident and noticeably pointed away from the city, so none of the guards seemed keen on getting in the way of the invisible horror. They did, however, begin ringing an incredibly large and annoying alarm bell, alerting the entire rest of the city of Rovale to the supposed emergency.

That was as good a signal as any for Prisaela to get the fuck out of that situation, and with a quick application of [shapeshift], she was able to do just that. Her human disguise faded away entirely and allowed her to take to the air with her new succubus wings. Unfortunately, Prisaela was a touch slower in the air than she would be on the ground, but the added verticality made her nearly impossible for humans to chase effectively. The only thing they could do while she fled was impotently firing arrows her way, only a single one finding its mark. The steel arrowhead stung so much as it tore through her wing it almost felt nice.

Shaking the haze of sudden confusion from her mind, she began steering her flight towards the tree line. She just had to assume Kaggant could manage on his own for now, if he couldn’t find the meeting point there was literally nothing she could do to help him at this point.

She just hoped they hadn’t made things too difficult for Thozronnath and Uzdaax to escape behind them.

Sardan Stats

Humanoids have insane stat totals compared to monsters at the same level. Humanoids lack the same skills and innate abilities, or the racial evolutions and class tie ins so their system compensates. They're literally the main characters.

General Stats Classes Level Name: Sardan Strength:


Paladin of Law - Light 74 Species:


Dexterity: 77 Sex: M Resilience: 160 Age:


Intelligence: 40 Affiliation(s): Church of Iuris Wisdom: 57 HP: 810/810 (+1.6/sec) Charisma: 100 MP: 210/210 (+0.4/sec) Paladin Skills Level Sense Presence 5 (Max) Blessing of Health 3 Armor of Law 1 (Max) Miracle Worker 3 (Max) Holy Weapon 5 (Max) Multiattack 2 (Max) Divine Countenance 1 (Max) Steadying Presence 4 Allegiance of Law 1 (Max)

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