《Aliens.exe》Chapter 26 - A Hole Lotta Luck


Dave the Simeon was regretting not bringing his SignaPhone to the beach. He’d left it turned off at the hotel for the whole break because on last year’s holiday he’d been continually pestered by work. It had meant that he’d been able to relax more, but just one phone call to work would have given them the co-ordinates needed for Dave and Chanelle to be teleported straight out of danger. As it was, Dave and Chanelle were skulking on the beach, trying to stay out of the gaze of a Crawkling lazer. The skinny creature with its bulging green head was fast approaching.

Just as Dave was sure they’d be discovered, they heard a loud crackling noise.

“Hello,” spat the alien into the radio he held close to his head. “It’s Agent Splarg here.”

Dave was unable to hear the reply.

“I crash-landed,” he continued. “Ship’s a write off, I’m going to have to teleport back. Fortunately, I’ve arrived at my destination. So are you going to tell me what I am supposed to do now?”

Splarg stopped, a shocked look on his face.

“Really? Here?!” he exclaimed, a large amount of slobber landing on the beach close to the hole Chanelle was concealed in.

“I’ll be there right away!” The alien laughed, turned around and scuttled away more quickly that Dave could have imagined possible.

Dave and Chanelle breathed a huge sigh of relief, and as soon as he was out of sight climbed out of their hole and headed back to their hotel.

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