《The Problematic Kids of Elite High School》2-5



The people at the garden were only me and the girl from this morning, at least in this particular area. I had no idea whoever could be beyond the bridges. The breezy air somewhat calmed the girl’s tension, aforetime she was acting confusingly averse. Now, not as much.

“Why do you call me here? I don’t have time for this!” she asked the same question like she did not while ago. This time, if not nervously reluctant, she behaved tsun-tsun happily.

You see Kina, this what you call tsun-tsun.

“Why are you asking me again? I’ve told you in Line that we gonna have lunch together right?”

She didn’t put up any words but only her eyes were kind of moving in interest. I took out the lunch boxes and opened the lids. The bento were already cold so there’s no significant aroma tingling our nose. However, its appeal hadn’t lost, it still looked delicious.

Promptly after putting the lid aside, I offered her the bento. As usual, she didn’t immediately took the offer as her eyes were full with suspicion. Nonetheless, after I made some force by slightly pushing the bento into her, she finally gave in.

She took the provided pair of chopstick and quickly picked up a little tako (octopus) into her mouth. After munching and gulping her piece of food, she asked,

“So, is it about this morning?”

“That’s one thing too… but—“

Getting straight to the point wasn’t really my way of doing things, that’s what Alice’s should be doing. Well, I’d lie if I say I don’t want an immediate answer to whatever happened this morning. Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet! Right now, I’m aiming for the sweetest fruit… no, the sweetest revenge.

Therefore, I diverted the topic,

“—How are you since then?”

Her expression showed a glimmer of happiness.

“Did you meet me because you’re worried about me? I’m so happy!”

“That’s right.”

She noticed my smile which she didn’t know it was far from genuine. Thus, her joy became more sparkly as she took another bite of the fried tako and munched it in bliss. So far, she wasn’t eating the rice yet.

“Well… since we broke up, it was kind of hard for to move on. But then I was like, meh it happened. Right after that, I went out with my sister and we had a lot of fun. Before I knew it, I already forgot about it. But then…”


Her lips suddenly closed tight.

“What’s wrong, did you bite your tongue?”

She remained in the same state but her eyebrows knitted quizzically. I didn’t see any reason that she should stop talking. Therefore, I picked up my squid and poked it near her tight lips. There was a moment of annoyance before she finally opened her mouth big and tried to catch my tako.

Little did she know that I wouldn’t allow her to take mine so easily.

So she took the bait, I mean missed the bait?

“You’re really like teasing people! When you’re gonna fix that rotten attitude?! That’s why we broke up!”

“I will give it to you after you explain the things from this morning.”

“H-huh? Aren’t we talking about me? Then, I don’t need the tako.”

“That’s what I thought.”

I put the squid’s head into my mouth and held it half with the tentacles sticking out. Realizing what I was gonna do, the girl tried to back off but I responsively blocked her way out with my arms. Now she had no way to escape, she had two options. One was to push me over and scream the hell out of her mind or two, just accept the impending seduction. As of now, she hadn’t make any countermove.

To be honest, if she insisted on staying quiet, I would have no choice but to retreat myself. However, as my lips getting closer, she finally accepted the tako ‘gift’ and thanks to that, we had a brief smooch with each other. Her face turned scarlet and her eyes averted to the side, having munched the food then finally a gulp.

What is this creature?

“I already gave you my precious fried tako, now speak up.” I demanded while taking my own next bite.

Her head turned away as to avoid eye contact with me.

“Y-you’re the one forcing it into my mouth…”

Ugh… I feel like, this girl is troublesome.

Why did I even date this girl? Well, did I even date this girl before? She’s definitely not my type. If you dare to ask me, I’d say Kina or probably Alice are my choices. Nevertheless, my conscious circle might be too small to make a judgment just yet, there could be many more wonderful girls out there.

Maybe I should try one of the few… huh?

“Say, do you want to stay close to me?”


That proposal certainly piqued her interest as she immediately turned to me. Surely she was also accompanied with shock and confusion.

“You mean it…?”

“Deep in my heart, but…--“

To be clear, I wasn’t reinstating my love interest, I was just allowing her stay besides me most of the time. She might have different ideas which somehow better favored my plan.

I pushed my face further closer to her and my eyes as if I was caressing her throbbing heart, ours met in intimation. After purposely trying to shape the mood, I then continued,

“—Only if you do what I say from now on.”

She gritted her teeth and her eyebrows frowned in disgust. Perhaps, the best word to describe her reactions is she was nonplussed. I wouldn’t disagree it’s the most accurate description. Anybody in the same situation as her would probably act similarly.

“You’re the worst,” she mumbled, “Fine, what do you want me to do?”

“I like that face of yours.”

Blushing even more, she averted away and insisted.

“J-just tell me what do you want?!”

Feeling defeated, submitted, and succumbed to her own desire… I’d say girls are very easy to manipulate and not to mention, love is a scary thing.

“Regarding all the mess from this morning, do you know the mastermind? Or should I ask, are you the mastermind?”

While her head remained averted, her eyes rolled to have a peek at me.

“What if I told that I am? What’re you gonna do…?”

I was baffled. There was a mix between lie and truth, though I couldn’t tell which one exactly. I couldn’t be so sure but I needed all the resources at my disposal. Sorry to say, she’s one of my resources. That spiky guy had no idea that he’s just playing a losing game when he decided to use this girl for his mindless rebellion.

“Not really anything. You see, I don’t like the guts of the guy from this morning.”

“Are you talking about Ginji-senpai?”

Oh, that guy’s name Ginji eh?

“Yeah, yes… that Durian guy, if that’s what people call him. Why did you come to my class anyway?”

“I was merely called over, the next thing I knew I met you guys. Well, before I even came, I already knew about the rumors, it’s been spread like wildfire. Honestly thinking, it’d be no surprise if you actually do those kind of horrible stuff.”

When she was explaining, her eyes was sort of in the state of uneasiness. My instinct said she definitely be making things up. Even she was aware of the rumors, her reasoning to attack me was quite frivolous because she was in no spot in joking with me. I was her ex, you know, according to her.

“If you lie again, the deal is off.”

Her whole muscle abruptly stiffened with her eyes slightly widened in shock, getting all worried out of sudden. It just meant that I hit the bullseye. It’s hard to hide a spontaneous reaction to something you weren’t expecting.

“I-I’m sorry…” her voice dropped low. “I was mad at you for breaking up with me so I thought I’m just gonna take my revenge by ruining your life using the rumors.”

Gosh, girls are scumbag.

“If you’re sorry, you’d better fix that.”

“How…? I mean, you really don’t do those kind of things?”

As if I’d lost interest on her, I distanced myself back and due to that, we had some room in between us. We both then managed to take some breather before I decided to give any sort of reactions.

“You ask too much, I don’t like girls who’re asking too much questions.”

I don’t know whether she did it on purpose or what, but somehow her hand tightly grabbed the right sleeve of my blazer. Biting her lips, she started mumbling,

“D-don’t... l-leave me…”

I stayed silent to let her finish her repentance.

“—I’m sorry again… I’ll listen to you, what should I do?”

With her now being completely open to me, I can now make the invitation and complete my plan to settle score with that Durian guy. Don’t underestimate your president of student council, you piece of shit.

“Be part of the student council, Ichika.”


“Well… let me make things clear. I’m currently recruiting candidates to fill in the position in student council. I can never work alone. If you want to stay close with me, you’d appreciate my offer. Plus, we’re in different class, no… different year in fact.”

Utterly confused but at the same time rejoiced, she without hesitation, immediately nodded and cheered the word,


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